East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 02, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The Quality Sausage
"Pemeco" Pork Sausage
"Pemeco" Link Sausage
"Pemeco" Minced Ham
"Pemeco" Bologna
'Pemeco" Weiner Sausage
iince Meat, lb 15?
Sauer Kraut, quart .... 10
Jelly, qt. jnr 45
Sweet Midgets, quart 35
India Relish, pint 20?
The Central Market
Phone 455. 108 E. Alta St
Pur Sale.
First claa-i confectionery doing
good business. Stock and fixtures,
Including fountain will Invoice about
$1100. Must sell. Write or MS W
A. Doherty. Kreewater. Ore. Adv.
Many men think they
have insurance when
they merely have a
makes every man
think: "What company
carries my risk?" The
answer may determine
the property owner's
whole future. A clean
record through one
hundred and four years
backs the statement
that a Hartford Fire In
surance Policy means a
prompt, cheerful pay
ment of an honest
Write or Telephone
iM Temple Building.
gt (Incorporated)
"See Me Before the Fire."
If not convenient to see me,
call me up and I will see you.
Telephone 477.
For Your t
I 5
Consideration j
Why not buy Sample Shoes and put the rest
of your money in the bank? S
you can do it, and you can buy better shoes at
the Hub for less money. Sample shoes are far
better than regular stock shoes, they are fin- S
fhed better, they are made of better leather,
because when a drummer sells shoes to a mer- 5
chant he shows the very best samples his fac
tory can make for the money, and no regular
stock shoe will come up to the standard of the
samples he carries. Sample shoes will give you
better service and you save one third of the reg
ular price on your purchase. Then too we
guarantee every pair to give you absolute sat
isfaction. To those trading with us we can say no more ;
to others we say give us a trial ; once you buy
you will always buy sample shoes.
Why not start saving today?
23 Sample Stores.
You Can Depend
The Best
"Pemeco" Meats
Is always fresh and wholesome.
Fancy Fresh Stock
Columbia River Salmon
Fancy Halibut
' Deep Sea Crabs
Eastern Oysters
Columbia Oysters.
Celery, 3 stalks 25
Head Lettuce, head.... 10?
Cauliflower 15s. 20?
Cranberries, quart 15
Heinz Mustart, pint.. 20
111 liulUI (.aragc.
Jake Marin this morning took out
i ., permit to build a garage at his
' place, Its Alta street The building
will COM about 1250
Woodmen start Campaign.
The local lodge. Woodmen of the'
World, last night started another j
membership campaign. Two fa ma'
1 were Belected to compete for mein
I bars, Oeorge Phelps being the cap
ltain of one team and Arthur Flu
Herald of the other.
Hunter-- rn-oUil at lli-rinlsloii.
c.ame Warden 'leorge Tonkin has
I ri ceived word from lep'ity Wardeti
Whltxctt o Hermlston that he ar
.rested tWfl hunters there last Krida
ion a charge of shoo;lng more than I
half hour after sundown. Mr. Ton
I kin will go down tomurr.-w to investi.
gate the case.
.h. fu-r oat TtuW.
Deputy Sheriff J. H. Kales left
this morning for Walla Walla to
I bring hack H Vogel. arrested there
Oil i charge of stealing a mackinaw
fl on lienrge ileanaqopulos of this
! city last Thursday. The mackinav;
was In an auto In front of Bond
Bros, store when the theft was mad
FlniMltetl Season successfully.
Col, J H. Haley arrived home lastl
'evening from the head of Olcctt
I i reek where he camped and hunted j
for several days with Roland Mc
Broom and Oeorge fames of Pilot I
, Rock. They succeeded in bagging ai
I couple of bucks Friday and thus'
I ended the deer season with venison I
In their possession
Rnlklnggera iv.ni forty Xiners.
The llulliloggers. captained by
Omar Stephens, won the first match
of the city howling tournament last
evening when they defeated the For
ty Nlners. captained by Harve liana
van by a score of 2059 to Hi. The
following were the individual sores
made: Ilulldoggers. Stephens 5S0.
Ouyll 4S5. Hays 444 and Hoover 50;
Forty Nlners. Hanavan 62S. Hurley
421. Randolph 451 and Rook
745 MAIN ST. i
The Bulldogf era won in three
1 straight games. The tournament will
I be contested by four teams, the Map-
I py Canyons, captained by Fred 3fT' -JfsaieJ,
and the Hue karoos, .apt air
l ed by Jake Myers, lielng the OtiSM
two teams. The tournament WW
end Kihruarjr 21.
Wife Ha In,., i. i
James P. Navln. formerly a farmer
of tola eouii who about a ear ago
win arf Ssffsjd OB charge of highwa
robbery, was today made the defend
ant of a divorce unit by his wife. Olive
M. Navln. At the time of his arrest
Navln deposited JTjU cash bonds and
then decamped, forfeiting the ball.
Mr. Navln In her complaint charges
him with desertion. Xavin's confed
erate in the holding up of a farm hand
near Helix made a clean breast of the
affair and was sentenced to the peni
tentiary. Hla friends immediately ap
pealed t.. the state officials for clem-
8b Advertising in Brief
Per line first Insertion lUc
Per line, addltlunsl lasertloa 5c
j'er line, per month fi ""
No hirsts tsken for leas thsn 25c
Count tl ordinary words to line,
lyuf-als will not be tsken orer the
telephone exrept from has- Qregon
Isu paid up subscribers.
Kor fuel fone five.
For chimney sweep, phone 1 C
Ford touring car for sale at .nde
pendent Garage
For sale Saddle horse and riding
outfit Inquire at thla office.
Furnished steam heated rooms and
board. The Kenmore, 617 Willow St.
For rent Furnished housekeep
ing rooms. 803 E. Railroad street
John Rosenberg, Court street i
watchmaker and Jeweler. All work
For rent, in Despaln block, three I
office rooms, two connected. Apply
to Judge Fea.
Wanted Good, competent girl for
General housework Apply 111 N.
Wanted Work in hotel or ISStM
rant or In family home, or as eleva
tor boy. Addre-'s X th's offlc.
Wanted Girl 14 years or over to .
work for board and piano ei
Phone 4F2.
Lost Ladles' watch, on Frtdav
, evening Finder please notify P. O
' Box 2, Pendleton.
Old papers for sale: tied in bun
' dies Good for starting firea, etc.
i 10c a bundle. This office.
For rent or sale Eight room niod
J ern brick house with garage. In good
location. Inquire this office.
Prompt automobile taxi service,
j day or night. Phone 110. Quells
Restaurant. Car for country trips,
; phone 70. Carney A Huey Taxi Co
For sale Or will trade for Urns
I tllla county grain landi, good valley
I ranch near Salem. Oregon. Inquire
at Colejrworthy"s Chop Mill, It F.
Alta street
I For rent Furnished housekeeping
rooms in private home Inquire alo
j Post or phone 2S5 R.
Very many people desire to ouy
lands in eastern Oregon What nave
you to offer, and price? N. Berkeley.
Lost- Old gold breast pin. on mo
tor or Main street. Saturday Up
ward for return to S. L. thla office.
Wanted Position as bookkeeper
or clerk, experience in furniture and
hardware stores. Address "C this
Mutf takes the big loads and
"Jeff shows the speed. Penland
Bros, haul anything and reasonable.
Furniture .van and storage warehouse
Office S47 Main street. Phone 33s.
Wanted Party with capital of
1100 as half Interest In new Invctv
tion of clothes dryer Reference.
Richard Bowen. patent attorney
Washington. D. C. Write J A. Pol'.ey,
Gateway, Oregon.
Farm Wanted Stock or diversi
fied farm from $25,000 to $;.00n
value. Will trade one or more sfl
my Portland Income houses for
same. No inflated value Address. I
(iwner. K V D. Paul. 54S Ret
Rev Avenue. Portland.
Violeta. 25c S bunch delivered
China Illy bulbs, house planta, fern' ,
cut flowers. Hookers' Flower Store,
next to Happy Canyon on Main
treet. Phone 522. Open eveninssj
and Sunday. Agent Portland Jour
Served daily, except Sunday
from 11 to I.
We make a specially af
Oavnata n snicid,
First clasa grill servie.
Dr. Edmund B. Haslop
Suite IS. Judd Rldg. Telephone 7!
Res. 3SS B. Main. Telephone 2U-R.
Additional Social and Per
sonal News on Page 2. .
s Ethel Kennedy has left for
and and Seattle in both of which
she has brothers.
s. William Bs.-i ..f Jjale. form-1
of this city, left today for her
after visiting f-r several weeks '
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs (Je..rge H. K.shop of
ireewater were I'-i rtlet.,ti visitors
i J. S. Norvell. Helix merchant, camel
last evening.
. , in on the N. P. tram this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Evan, of Pilot!, ''"um I ft Young!
Rack arrived home this morning from I tH cn""1 at
the San Francisco exposition. The I '' Hemphill of Pilot Rock was
were in a party with Mr. and Mrs. T 'registered at the Row man yesterday 1
J. Tweedy and daughters and Mr. and! Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brown of Con-!
Mrs. Douglas Pelts
rived home last we,
d)' and the Kelts v
another week or Bo
Mr. Tweedy
k but Mrs Twee
ill not arrive for
The Parent-Tea, hers' SSSSM iation
of the Hawthorne school will meet
at the school building Thursda aft
ernoon at 3 o'clock.
Mrs Belle Freeman left this after
noon for Seattle to visit with rela
tives. Thomas G. Smith of Echo has
been a business visitor in Pendleton
Yesterday at the Episcopal rectory
a well known young Pendleton couple
Clarence R. Edmunds and Miss Grace
lns Itiixirt Vital statistics.
A new law, passed by the las' leg -
.sl.iture and which went into -fleet
m this district e-terday. has to do
with vital statistics. The law pro-
I -.lilti that all pnsiclans and mld-
I wle shall report births to the city , mission indicate that the annually
: oh.suian by the fifth day of the sub-, recurring failure of transportation fa.
aeoiKnt month ai.d that, when tho cllities known as "car shortage" Is
Ich.ld has not been named by the again appearing. The commission
! ilme the first report hj made cut. urges on all shippers and all carriers
that a second report giving the name that close attention to methods of
shall be filed in order to make the ' loading. unloading, moving and
record complete. The law also re- promptly returning to use the cara
c,u:res all who pracUce the healing now available will go far toward mak
art by license from the state shall inK the pesent supply of cars suffi
regirter with the city physiciai A 1 , lent for all purposes.
heavy penalty Is provided ror a'l vl- "In order that the business ,,f the
olations Dr. I. V. Temple Is Pen- 1 country may go forward without in
ilieton's city physician. terruption. the oommisaion urges
shippers, both Individually an I
Good Coal and Wood. through their associations, to oo-op-
Our Rock Springs coal burns clean prate to secure the prompt and full
fivlng you more heat and leas dirt; loading of earn and their prompt re
for your money Qood. dry wool lease. One of the chief causes if
that doesn't boil, but burns. Also
slabs and kindling. Protect yourself
from colds and coat order from B
L. Burroughs Phone 5. Adv.
Railroad (News
of Interest Here
HrriuLston Interested iu New
Schedule Hermiston people are very
! much interested in the changes
j which the Coyote cutoff will mike in
' the train servfee for their town They
I recognize the fact that some of the
: trains now running through their
I town will ie routed over the cutoff
They are tiling to arrange for a
stop of No. at Hermiston Junction
I In order that they may get an early
thus have a full day
Hermiston Junction is
in this city.
about a mile
' . half fr.im th- town If ihn
. ..a. ,h- '..-.,.,J'
, k, , between high prices for sto, k rattle
will probaM) le inaugurated to ac, . . , . . ,
" , , . land a beef buying monopolv in Port-
omnio.iate the people. In the event,,. , ... . ., ZZ, . ,
that NO. 6 will not stop. the vant; . " "
., . . , i accounts. This year they can buy
the motor car to make an earl morn- . ... , , .
, . , .. ,. . .stock cattle for a trifle less than last
ing .-tali from I matilla so thai they , . . . . . ' '
. I ear but not much and thev refuse
ran have more lime in Pen-Leton ; , ,. , ., ,
II 1 II H Til f (IBS .if t Vl ., WUCt .ilill ASS1
lresm motor !the!u!' per-
2." CVFn Out of I i (.raudc The
freight hiislneas of the t-W T m V I
I Co., is better right now than for -ev-,
i er;tl y ears, according la Agent T. F-1
n'Brien At the present time there i
are tl crews working out of U'
(Irande. some crews which have leen
1 laid off for two years, having hen
put hack "n. The company is kept
' busy night and ,1s- .
Xew Ttino card in Making It Is I
UadeSrtuul thtt the 0 -W If & N 00.
will soon announce a new time cud
1 No changes in time are expected nn
' the Oregon division but it is .inli, i
' patel that there will b several
, hinges on the Washington dtvWoS)
A ;rrat Pieee of RoaA Trainmen
, declare the new road along the COT"
i ote rsjtoff is . great pie, e of constfae-
Uaa nork. There is an eight ni:!e
' Cingent stretch, not a band or curve
, t slow up the train It is anticl
: pited that the rutoff will make a .-iv-I
ing oi nearly three-quartars er an
, htoir in the running time between
Pen Ueton and Portland
MB 1-ake Sleeper Takes Of Tlx
Salt i . . n- sleeper, which has basa on
, No 1 7 and No if, all summer v.is
vesterdav discontinued This sleeper
I ts put on for summer traffic onl
I', . i:c,i e-.-oiei ' , Mt-rt-
If. B, Chamberlain, the personal
reprejtenia e 01 Te.ieni raireil i
the Ol.-W I! N . . ame in Saj o t
this morning and left on No ( for
Help Prevent car
Interstate Commerce
)or1fr The
Commissi 11 s
I Hahrh
were u r
trice, Hev.
ng the cer-
Ova Kish,
Qt orgs yew
at the Pendleton la
Jack Vincent and
at(. Ji)Wn .,
ar-idon w-re visitor in the city yester
It, msi Howard
field and spent
was up from Stan,
the night here yes-
Rev. H. U Shangle of Milton was
among the out-of.town people In the
city yesterday.
Judge James A. Fee has returned
from his I'kiah ranch where he had
been for a week or more.
Mr and Mrs. T B. Swearingen and
Mrs. James Thompson left on No. 17
today for Portland for a visit.
Dan P. Smythe returned on No. 17
from the mountains where he had
been looking after his sheep.
T. F. Herr is down from the east
end of the countv today to appear in
a suit on trial in the circuit court.
and carriers to cooperate to prevent
: a car shortage. A copy of the appeal
was received this morning by Agent
; T. F. O'Brien and reads in part as
"Informal complaints to the com-l
failure of car supply in past seasons
has been the unnecessary detention of
cars by careless shippers and by
shippers should endeavor to release
poses. In the general public Interest,
shippers shoul dendeavor to release
cars at the earliest possible moment
without regard to the free time giv
en by the tariffs."
Live Gossip From
Local Cattlemen
l ew little Being Fed Ther,-
not more than S00 head of cattle be
i ing fed in the west end of I'rra'illaj
'county this year, whereas last year
and the year previous from 7000 to
8000 head were fed. The chief rea
I son for this is the fact that feeders
1 lost money during the list two years'
and are unwilling to go against the!
again. The were SJOjuetssd '
. ... ' J . . .
MUently they are n
t in
even If stock prices wen
Haj Well
At prices I
from 16 to t; per ton t
ha of the west end
has been sold to beef
sheepmen or baled fat
other points. The I'm
; any of Portland took
ie bulk of the
f the rountyl
feeders anij
shipment to
n Meat com
trom 10SS to!
county hay j
IIM tons of I'matilla
this year lor feeding I
Portland The hay l-
Mows into the ,..rs
end ,,f the line the hav
of the cara. The packs
sa innovation in the wi
down there this year a
reports to the ef fe, t th(
not been entirely satisf
urposes near .
choppe-l and ;
At the other
is blown out I
rs are ;rying
ly of feeding'
nd there are'
results have
lleef for Maxka T.-n car:, -a,!.- ,f
cattle. 250 head, recently arrive. 1 at
Stanfield to be fed on the Furnish :
project for Alaska. The cattle be-!
long to tha Pacific Cold Storage Co j
and wer owned by that company In
Alberta They were .brought south'
I lit IPH I I I
to be fed and will be ship
I ka when in condition.
nought John Day '
v.'estgate and Thomas Gl
lot Rock, were recently
I Iay country where they
' head of catle each. Tl
I two year old steers.
hson of Pl
n the John
bough: 51)
shipping Out tattle French
i Carter have bora shipping consider-
'..,.!.. ,,.., 1,. ,,, fall fp..m fir,t If, .eh
and Heppner. The stuff came from
the John Day country.
Feeding I in Head Dickson
of Prineville are feeding 4 40 head of
beef on the Pete Sheridan ranch this
It. N". Adann' Near stanfield R
ft, Adams la now feeding four car-
i loads of beef. He recently sold some
high class beef that went to the
I Omaha market.
Julius fiuderian Two hundred
and sixty head of beef are bein fed
this year by Julius Guderlan at his
ranch on Birch creek.
Frank Saling County Clerk Frank
Saling is feeding two carloads of
beef on his ranch near Stanfield.
Jo ( unha Forty head of beef
are being fed this winter by Joseph
Cunha of Echo.
IVeil Arulrfwa A carload of year
ling steers is being fed this winter by
Fred Andrews of the Meadows,
a s s
KmUng at Toppenksli Six thou
sand head of cattle are being fed In
! the Toppenish country by Frye ft
Co., of Seattle.
Dale Rothwetl
Glasses ground and fitted. , Lenses
duplicated. All work guaranteed
mer loan National Bank Building,
Pendleton, Phone (03.
We grind our own lenses.
D. N. Reber, M. D.
Kye. Ear, Nose and Throat
11 Schmidt Building.
To obtain glasses that will not
quire changing, the eye strain
must first be cured, otherwise you
will be disappointed.
Lights Go Out
Panama-Pacific Exposition
Are you
The latest developments in all industries can
be seen here. You cannot afford to miss it.
for exposition travel are in effect until
November 30 via the
Shasta Route
Write for our booklet "Wayside Notes"
or secure information from local kfCBt.
Southern Pacific
John M
Watch Club
A High Grade
Watch 50c to
$1.00 per week
The Hallmark
The Jewelers'
Carry one of these
high grade watches.
Make a small cash pay
ment and the balance
in weekly payments of
50 cents to $1.00.
Let us explain the plan
in detail to you.
Established 1887
at the
December 4
interested in
ott, General I'asseiiKer Ajjtnt
Portland. Oregon
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