PAGE THREE EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1915 IHHHI Bond Clothes 115 to 130 TO GROUND BEFORE I For the benefit of our customers D. W. Duro, a celebrated Chicago Foot Spec ialist, will give a two day Free Demonstration of SchoiTs Foot Comfort Service at our store SKKHIW Willi COMMITTED M l CIDK HAD OH RELATIVES IN THE WAR. Much Interesting News of Ecbo unci tin- ICutio Country; Hallowe'en wad ' AnjiropriaU'l)' observed; Echo High school Trie PocAball. IlllllllllllllillUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl ANNOUNCEMENT! Bond Bros.? Pendleton's Lending Clolhieri LOOK AT A CHILD'S Events in the War One Year Ago Today (Special Correspondence.) ECHO, Ore., Nov. 2. Quite a blaze I occurred here .Saturday evening at 6:30 when the barn of Mrs. C. A. KOOntl on Dupont street burned to the ground; The fire wan well un der way before being discovered but the firemen prevented It spreading to adjacent buildings. Therr were about !!5 tons of hay In the barn which was entirely consumed, together with a buggy and harness. The loss was about ITuO. The origin of the fire Is unknown. Supposed to be set by tramps. The Echo high school boys had their first try-out at football on Sat urday afternoon when they played here with the lone high school team. The score was decidedly In favor of the visitors, but the Echo boys did exceedingly well considering this be ing their first experience at a public game. The Echo team will play the return game at lone on Thanksgiving. The body of Shiva Maxa. who sul. elded at ('. F'. How man's place yes terday morning was taken to Pen dleton lust evening by Coroner Brown who considered It unnecessary to hold an imiuest. The young man appar ently was very despondent as he left a note In English saying: "What if life without friends" besides he left a letter written in his own languuge SCHOUS FOOHAIER FOR TIRED ACHING FEfT. WEAK ANKLES AND TO REST f FEVERISH OR SICK : A llritlsh-Uerman naval bat- He off the Chilean coast cost I!.. I. ; . i), ,t Mr Muva u;ih un m Nov. 3rd and 4th If you have anv foot troubles, if your feet ache or pain, if you tire easily, if you have any foot deformitv, consult him. There will be No Charge for his services nor win von be obliged to pvrchase your shoes here. This New Departure is For YOUR Benefit For months we have been preparing for this new feature of added service to our customers and to people who have experienced difficulty in being fitted, or whose feet have been tortured, in order to bring relief to all foot sufferers. Our salesmen have been under special training not only in fitting foot gear but also in the proper methods of correction of foot troubles by Dr. Sertoli's methods and with his appliances which are recognized as the greatest scientific discovery in the history of foot ailments. We aim to have this store known as the store of this city where perfect foot comfort service can be had. HENCEFORTH THIS STORE WILL GIVE SCHOLL'S FOOT COMFORT SERVICE. THERE'S A SCHOLL APPLIANCE FOR EVERY FOOT AILMENT OR DEFORMITY. Nn mar.tpr what vrmr foot, tronhlp mav he. no matter what remedies you may have tried, no matter how' hard you may have" sought to get relief you can now come to this store knowing that your foot troubles are at an end. hven it you Have Deen wearing arctt supports come in and show your feet to the specialist. , Here are some foot troubles and the proper Scholl device and preparations, ior tneir correction : TAKK NO OHAHCWI MOVE POI SONS PROM MVEH AND liOWF.LS AT ONCE. Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs" because In a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child ag.iln. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels and they become tightly packed, liv er gets sluggish and stomach disor dered When cross, teverlsh. restless, see if tongue la coated, then give this witness atand before the public ser love it. and It can not cause Injury. No difference what alls your little one If full of cold, or a ore throat diarrhoea, stomach-ache, bad breath,, remember a gentle "Inside cleans- tngg" should always be first treat-' ment given. Full directions for ba bies, children of all ages and grown ups .ire printed on each botle Heware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 60 cent l)ot-1 tie ol "California Syrup of Figs," thent look carefully and see that It Is made bv the 'California Fig Syrup Com-: puy." We make no smaller slse Hand hack with contempt any .tlur, fig lyrop. the Knglish one cruiser .sunk and two damaged. None of the 5 German battleships was reported sunk though two were missing The British sub- marine f- was sunk by a mine In the North Sea. c.erman gains east of Vallly 4) and at Ypies and allied gains on the Yser and In1 the Ar- gonAe; and severe fighting at Koye and Solsaona, were ad- mltted by both sides. A Turk- Ish victory over Kuasians at Trebizond and a Turkish loss to the llrltlah at Akabah and the Turkish ambassador's depart- ure from Kuasia, were reported. The ctar went to the front. Austrian advances In Poland were reported. Big Fellows Can't Hand it to Little Ones on Gridiron lllls 1'EAR VIRGINIA HUSKIES 1 1 RN THE TRICK ON THE V VLE ELEVEN. Industrious young man and well thought of by his neighbors among whom he had lived three years. He had within the last few days received news of the death of relatives who were fighting in F.urope. Hallowe'en parties were the rule here rth Saturday evening. In the afternoon Mrs. F. T. Ceorge enter tained a number of the lltltle ones In honor of her daughter Marlon and In the evening she entertained the ladles of needle craft and their husbands. A very enjoyable time was had at both parties. The Junior Kpworth Leaguers held a party Saturday evening at the ep worth league room. Mrs. HeiBtand Moore returned yes terday from The Dalles where she has been visiting her mother Mrs. ("has. Frledley. Roy Ward who is now living at Ar lington, spent Sunday here visiting with his young son who resides with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Raragar. Mrs. W. B. Hlnkle returned home Monday morning from Pendleton where she had spent the week end with friends. E. p. Van Home spent Monday in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. c. K. Wells of Nolin "ere here yesterday trading. BT QBOROK R. HH.Mi:s, 1 1 ' tilted Press Staff Correspondent. I nkw YORK, Nov. i. -The halcyon lays when the "Hlg Three" in the eastern collegiate world Harvard. Vale Peace Mine I- Drilled. PKKl.l.N. Nov. 2. Hy wireless to I Tudkertsa, n. 1. "Raporta that PlinCf von Huelow has been entrust-! id Princeton used to pick on lair smaller brethren during the foot nil season, seem fast slipping away, he well known "woim" has com leted a somersault. Hardly season passes now that tunc little college with a hamltui of from roots and BETTER BABIES. The crusade for better babies has spread from coast to coast and taken firm hold of American Mothers. Few women realize how much the ill- health of the mother influences the unborn child, both physically and mentally. Women Who suffer from myaterloUJ pains, backache, nercous nes1. mental depression, headaches, etc.. Bhould rely on Lydla E Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made herbs, which for ,o nn tne preparation ... t "jyludfn,s lllui a mUUon dollars worth nearly forty years has been the .tuitions are absolutely Incorrect." i f grt ttna pep doesn't hand either ' standard remedy for these ailments amyi the overseas News Agency. Yale. Harvard or Princeton a swift ' Adv. "Prince von Huelow, who now is in'kck n tne slats on the gridiron. I Sw itzerland has taken no steps tow-j This year, eleven huskies from down I .limey Hurts IN-dostrlan. urti peace negotiations, nor has he" j irglnla way turned the trick on Tale. I PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 2. A bun charged with that task. Laat year, little Washington and Jef-' quatcrmaas. lions East stark street. "As the appointment of a i Ionium i f(TBOn pj the year before that I was knocked dow n and injured se- ambassador with aa paclal mission U. Colgate (mothered the Blue. And ; rely by a jitney bus driven by onstantlnoplc is contemplated, Count going still further back, It Is found Charles Smith at Broadway and Pnulf Wolf-Metternlch. ex-umbnssa-1 that the Army, Hrown and Lafayette I Hoy t street. The man was taken to dor to England. Is expected to receive n naVe taken a whack at the Big the Hood Samaritan hospital. Ones in the last half dozen years. W. C. McArthur. a witness of the This tends to revive that somewhat 1 nccldent. said that yuatenuaas step- ! moss-covered question of whether the 1 ped In front of the machine in dodg- Uend of the times Isn't toward the . Ing a street car. the assignment." Coffee Let's be cheerful! An inexpensive help is a fine cup of coffee at the right time; above all, for break fast, when the day is young. Schilling's Best in air tight tins is fine coffee, evenly ground, ready for use Moneyback, of course. Schilling's Best smaller schools. Athletically, it seems to be. In schools such as Harvard. Prin ceton or Yale there are far more fel lows of athletic ability in the student body "f four or five thousand than there are places on the team. So the budding young prep school athlete with a lot of ambition to "make the team" would rather go to the smaller school where his chances are greater. Ml ST PAY TWO FAHI IE TOD ARE EXCLUSIVE III ItltANK WILL TRY TO RAISE IT HE WHITE M.W SANTA ROSA. Cal., Nov. I. Luth er Hurhark. the plant wizard, today announced the completion of t ex periment which Is expected to revo lutionize Ihe manufacture of linseed oil. Kin-hank has produced I new while flax, the seeds of which alt twice as large as In other flax and which produce twice as much linseed oil. Ilurlmnk's new flax produces a white linseed oil said to be much purer than the common variety WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 The in terstate commerce commission today approved the rules of the Southern Pacific and other western railroads requiring payment of at least two fares in addition to the Pullman charges for exclusive occupation ill drawing rooms and payment of one and one half fares besides the Pull man rates for sections A fixed rate on motorcycles of one and one-half first class rates from points east of the Rocky mountain! to the state of Washington also was approved. SHIPPING LIVE CRABS TO ATLANTIC COAST (JIVE YOUR FRIENDS M urogram Stationery FOR XMAS GIFT. W. 6. SMITH & CO. WEDDING AND VISITING CARD BNORAVDRA MMKGAN Bl. IG.. PORTLAND, OR. CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND AVOID DISEASE Wlten yonr blood is impure, weak, tliin ami debilitated, your system becomes, susceptible to any or all diseases. Pat your blood" in pood condition. Hood's Snrsapnrilla acts directly and peculiarly on the blodd it puri fies, enriches and revitalizes it and builds up the whole system. Hood's Snrsnpnrilla has stood the lest of forty years. Oct it today. It is sure to help you. COUTH MENU Wash.. Nov. l. Ki picsontatives of the bureau at fisheries. I'nited states department of commerce ami labor, are here ar ranging with Hay Center and I'oke land crab fishermen for 500 mnl and SOO female Wlllapa Harbor crabs to be transplanted as an exper iment In Nnrragansett Hay The will also ship 7. 0011, 000 hnmpbacV salmon eggs to Maine waters to be hatched In the Green Lake and 'lux port hatcheries. The eggs will .-onie from Paget Sound stations. Henry n'Mnlley. Seattle chief nl the I'nited States fisheries bureau on ihe Pacific coast, win be bare with fisheries cur No. 6 Monday ami leave out Taesday. R. R. Berthau "f Ba Center, and H. W. Gardner Tok. land, are arranging to luppl) t'i government with the crabs. The South Band Commercial tTIUjl is cooperating with the government J m SCHOUS BUNION RIGHT STRAIGHTENS CROOKED OVERLAPPING TOES, THE CAUSE OF BUNIONS SCHOLL'S . ANTERIOR METATARSAL FOR CRAMPS AND PAINS IN TOES AND BALI OF FOOT FOR MORTENS TOE ..Rmkcn Down Arches Bcholl'a Tri-Sprlng Arch Supports correct this trouble and even the most se vere cases of flat-foot. Cramped Toes and Hammer Tk" Scholl'l Koot Easer. properly fitted, hold up foot arch, prevents crowding forward and cramping of toes. Seholl'B Hammer Toe Spring for hammer toes. Corns Seholl's Absorbo Pads a shape and slas for each toe. Seholl's Fixo Corn Plasters remove corns in 48 hours. Over and nnderinppiag Toes Seholl's Toe-Flex prevents this trouble by holding toes straight Weak Ankles Seholl's Foot-Eaier firmly, holds up the weakened ankle by supporting the arch cor rectly. For children or adults. Extreme High Instep- Seholl's Trl-Sprlng Arch Supports are fitted to equalize and distribute the weight. Take pressure off the bait and make shoes fit better. " ' Severe Bunions Seholl's Bunion Right stiaiht ens the toes during the daytime while you wear Seholl's Bunion Spring at night which acts as a lever to bring them back into place. Scholi a Bun ion Reducer Is a shield of antiseptic rubber which takes the pressure off the enlarged Joint and re duces the Inflammation. CaBousea on Soles of Feet Seholl's Anterior Metatarsal Arch Support holds up the transverse arch of the foot, relieves callouses, metatarsologia and Morton's Toe. Absorbo Callous Pads relieve pressure and stop the pain SCHOUS fIXO CORN PIASTER A DIFFERENT KIND OF CORN RErKOV SCHOLL'S TOE-RIGHT FOR. OVERLAPPING TOES fND SOFT CORNS BETWEEN TOES Take Advantage of This Spec'alist's Free Advice Don't hesitate ta take advantage of this Foot Specialist's visit and FREE demonstra tion whether you are one of our customers or not. He is here to help all foot sufferers and his services and advice are free with no obligation on your part in any way. "ALEXANDER" (SHOE DEPARTMENT) SCHOLL'S BUNION REDUCER JlfDUCES ENtAR CEMENT RELIEVES PRESSURE THE PAIN n SCHOLL'S ABSORBO PADS SIZE FOR EVERYTOE- CDRN ANO FOR EVERY CALLOUS ON BOTTOM Off 001 SCHOLL'S BUNION SPRING ACTS AS A LEVER FOR DRAWING CROOKED BUNION TOES STRAIGHT I V P';:i : miiMiiiimiiih; iM;i:i i'!!!., hnh 'i,!!::,;! :l;:;.;:,n;;i;;:;il:ii;;:j;ii;::i liih. ii:n':;!:i;;ii;; iiiiHiiMKii ii;inM::; .-.wiKii.' officials and crab fishermen It Willi take seven days to convey era Ba and fish eggs east. Kaoh crab will be kept in its own compartment, bathed In salt water and wrapped in salted straw and sea grass Six hundred gallons of salt water will be taken in the car. PERSONAL NEWS FROM GIBBON NEIGHBORHOOD ( Special Correspondence Q1BBON, Ore.. Nov. lieorge Brace and Will Humphrey have re turned from a weeks hunting trip They succeeded in getting one buck. Mr and Mrs John Thompson and Mr. and Mrs Iiolfay Thompson mo tored to Athena Friday, Mr. a. I l.a Dow and Wesley Mat lock of Pendleton, spent Saturday and Sunday here hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson re turned Thursday from a week s vi-it near Weston. Mrs. ileorge Brace returned Thurs day from a week's visit In Pendl ton. She was accompanied home bj Mrs Will Humphrey lsuing on the river Albert Baker was in Pendleton Monday. S. Q, Prict from Weston Last evening at the Gibbon .school house a basket social and Hallowe'en program was held, given by MUs Bvalyn Meagor. taiher. Many beau tiful baskets sold by B. F Kieth as auctioneer. It was enjoyed b a crowded house. It is the first bas ket social at the fiihbon schin and hope there will be more this winter Mi-s Meakor gave it for the benefit of the school and Christmas tree. Mr. and Mrs. D. Kirk from n-.r Athena, were here a few days this week visiting their daughter. Mrs. Dave Bonifer. Mra. Robie was up from Thorn Hollow to attend the basket social VENICE BOMBARDED BY AUSTRIAN AERIAL RAIDERS An Everyday Cake Here Is a simple and inexpensive cake that can be varied In many ways with different rrostings and kings. It looks a little nicer baked in a tube pan, but will be equally at guou Daitea m a square loal. K C Gold Cake By Mrs. Janet McKeniie Hill, Editor ol the Boston Cooking School Maguine. i cup butter- cup tugar- yolkt of i egg; beaUn light; 1 cup flour, Us t level tabUtpoonfuls; t level UatvoonfuU KC Baking Powder; cup milk; ,j-t rind of 1 orangt. Sdt Hour and baking powder together three times; cream butter and lu-ar, beat yolks of eggs, add these to creamed mut'.re, and lastly add the moisture and flour alter nately, belting batter until aaaai uV ( Id Cake can only be made successfully by beat ing yolks, of eegi, very, very creamy and liRht lemon colored, using a rotary beater. 1 ne ruury beater is the only beater that will do j-i-tice to j the yolks of eggs. The bejt- .ng kills a mgra 1 egg ta - ' i fM WW vcw or W'c Cocoanut Frosting Beat the whiles of I egui dry; eradWry aeat in half a cup of lilted confectemer's upu and continue the beaiinj until the In t tig is smooth, thick and glossy; thru beat in cnted eocoanut, freih or prepared, and r.presd upon the Ika. ThL frosting is made 'hick by beating rather than by sugar. Save this rvcipc. You Mill want to use it trequei If Or better, send us the colored "cninrntr packed in each 2S-cent ran ef K C BaU 1 FVwdel anj v. fU you "The Coak'i Hinvk" eontalaini thii and w other uking ret e pair) I all by Mrs. HtlL