DAILY EVENING EDITION I " - , , DAILY EVENING EDITION ti aafaTT I 4BfM " C m if'J H fW m IV,rel for Eastern nrroa by the TO ADVERTISERS The Cast Oregoulan baa the largest paid lireulatloo of anj paper Id Oregon, eaat of l ortlaod and over twice the circulation In IVudleton of any other newapaper. VOL. 27. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1915. NO. 8642 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VILLA DEFLATED ATTEMPT TO GET BUT SAYS HE'LL Where More Than a Dozen Children Lost Their Lives DARDANELLES IS CONTINUE FIGHT TO BE GIVEN UP Shattered Army is Being Reorganiz- Premier Asquith Hints Troops May ed tor Another Attack on Agua be Withdrawn and Thrown Against 400 of His Men Lost. Enemy in the East. REPEATED ASSAULTS FAIL WILL TRY TO STOP DRIVE Dcwc tntmntnifnff ifc'forr i in- ottf Ircvent Attackers from Braking TTirotich Tims Fur, Nine Amorl raw, in. 1 1 iI I ii Four SoMlora, Have Roon Wounded. England gayi Serbia Must Be Bavedi aad Apparently is wining that, Serbia I Her own Saving - iiiitli Thinks otitlM)k BDOoaraclnii Becanei Neither Bide Has i,. .i HEREIN', v. 2. Greeks nave fired n 1 "rom-li troops ro- mating from the Bulgarians m Serbia, i.liir to the Barita Tagehlau, LONDON, Nov, 2. The firs; offi cial hint that the allies may abandon I the attempt to fcrce the Dardt.n'llcs came from Premier Asquith today in! a speech In the house of commons. While defending the campaign. As quith suggested that "anxious con-' have ''deration" la being- given the cam- j palgn in connection with the requlsl-: P' I'GLAS, Ariz.. Nov. 2. Defeat ed hut defiant, Villa at noon declar ed ho would reorganize hla shattered army and again attack Agua Prlota. The VHHMaa retreated to a position several miles east or Agua Prleta this morning, having 400 dead and wounded on the battlefield. HUi starving troop." were relieved some what by the confiscation of rB9 cat tle Repeated VUlittat issajl s fail ed The dense entanglements were Impenetrable Thua far. nine Amer leans. Including four soldiers been wounded While the Carranzlatas were llon r,,r further rren In the eastern ; cheer" g and celebrating- their vie- 'heater. Ry this statement Akoulth ton, a small Infantry column of VII- practically admitted the withdrawal llstrut returned to the deserted bat- rrom Ualllpoll to halt the Austro-j tlefl.ld and took up positions bfnre Germans in the proposed path! the city, Ry this time most of the through Rulgarla to Constantinople, Wounded were brought In. some be- wa" Mn seriously considered. Ev Ing carried and others hobllng atom rywhere the announcement was In-i as best they could If Villa general- 'erpreted as meaning the govern ly assaults the city, Carranzlstos dt- nu'nt " dlaeufslng the matter of con-1 dared his armv will he annihilated eentratlng men In the eastern the-: or driven away decisively. inters In an effort to eheci the ecn- tral allies and deliver a decisive, stroke The premier's announcement I that the allies do not Intend to de-i 1 sert Serbia was atormlly cheered. He; said General Jnffres visit to Eng-, land was for the purpose of perfect-! ing the allies' new campaign in the; Italknna. The premier called the outlook nnl all fronts encouraging, declaring th Oermans have not gained a foot In! territory In France or Flanders since April. Itegnnllng Serbia Asquith said: "We ennnot allow Serbia to become a prey to a sinister and nefarious. koN Is combination between Austria, Ger-I leaaaftll many and Rulgarla. There Is a com- MANY SEASON TICKETS ARE SOLD FOR LYCEUM COURSE IIM.M SCHOOL AITI! AtTTON THIS RaaANON WILL BR BfGBT BVEH SEEN HERE. The local lyceum committee hav ing selected the four highest grade attractl Otia Ot the 23 offered thh winter by the Ellison-White bureau the campaign for season now being drawn to a close thus Insuring the entertain- Plata agreement amond the allies as ment courae. , to the ends to be pursued In the Ral- Tho first of the attractions to visit That Serbia may be assured Pendleton will be the Oxford Com- her Independence Is regarded as pany which will present a varied ,hp essential object by the larger al program on the evening of Nov IS. N"'- The. second number, the Rlheldaffer-' "The German fleet ts locked In the Swlblnsky Company, a lyric soprano Baltic Germany dare not ihon her and a renowned violinist, will be taet anywhere, where she can be hern on the evening of Dec. 2 This '''alt with " Is the biggest attraction the bureau While admitting the Rrltlsh cas- is presenting this season. The third "allies have been 375.0(10 along the attraction will be Rlshop Edwin Holt fr"nt '" Flanders, the premelr offset j Hughes of San Francisco, the noted 'his with the news that two German I Methods! pulpit orator, who will or Turkish battleships, five gunboats,; speak here on January IB. The elos- ne torpedo boat, eight transport.;, ing number will be the Metropolitan nd 137 supply ships have been sunk; the best male quartet In America. r damaged by Rrltlsh submarines inj the best male quarteet In America. I 'he Sea of Mnrmora. This attraction will be here on Feb- ruary 10. I LONDON. Nov. 2 English and The ticket campaign is la the French troops have arrived at Kav- hands of James White, northwest "'a. tlreece. on the Aegean sea, 20 manager of the Elllson-Whlte eom-j Wllee from Rulgarla. according to the IT pany. and C. E. Roosevelt Mr. ' Hcrllner Tageblatt. This lends! White, since beltjg given charge of strength to the supposed plan of thei the Inland empire territory. has 'Mies to halt the Teutons In their. made his home and headquarters la l,rlvp across Rulgarla to Constanti nople. Feats are expressed that the Rul garlans have captured Monastic Ser bia. Munich advises stated Herman submarines In the Mediterranean have been ordered to blockade Greece, supposedly as a result of al- 1 lied troops crossing Grecian territory. f Ar MKStKtBSitt' isb iJpBMiBSjraB mffifflm. f.. .,,r . Wmm ----l -; , aa--ri '"-9 HfF-' fii i-ill fejt ; Kf -B-Bj " wEr fsp MjBBeaijBBW Wtf.'nt-' ' i9aaTsaaKaLHaa " . .. ... ... . . , wfrv -rw. ' - . Protest Will Be Made to Britain in Ship Seizures ENGLAND SHOWING Ml t II AO TIVITY TAKING NETTHAL ESBELfi to POBT. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2 Taxinf ' the first step toward a protest to England over the Rritlsh seizure j of the American ships Llama and 1 Hocking. Secretary Lansing f-n'. a j note to Ambassador Page at London. ' 'Mrectlng him to 1 et a British -iplan-' atlon of the seizure of the Hockins ! at Halifax, it the same time, it was j officially stated the Called States i will protest against England'.; ship j seizure policy. A report from Con i sul Young at Halifax caused the de ; mand for an explanation. He .tated ! the authorities there gave KO offl i cial reason for the seizure, bu: ap 1 parently questioned the good faltb I of the transfer of the Hocking from Danish to American registry. Authorities held that the losi of the Llama on the coast of Scotland I was due to the prize crew which : boarded her. At the same tlm? they i regarded as particularly aggravated the Hocking seizure, for she was nev r German owned and was seized while plying in the coastwise trade, j and then taken to Halifax. Officials ; Intimated the seizure launched a 1 new diplomatic controversy with England over the later's refusal to recognize the transfers of foreign vessels to American registry. SERBS MAY FALL BACK TO REFORM SHATTERED ARMY Retreat Now Regarded as Certain Before Advancing Germans-May go Into Mountains of Montenegro SITUATION VERY CRITICAL lliilgars arc Still Snianliing Against Mh ami Serbian Capital Is Expect ed to I all i.i no. in May Join Sooa in At k IttUKiaiLH are Reported to II. u' I anitnl at Vi Hunters May Get Chance to Shoot Does Next Season ATHENS, Nov. 2. The Serbian sit uation is regarded as so critical that it ia expected the Serb army will re treat to Montenegro and Albania to concentrate with . view of getting munitions via the Adriatic. Rulgar forces are still smashing against NIsh. The Teutons, who captured the arsenal town of Kragu pevatz are expected to Join the at. tack, unless the defenses "of the Ser bian's war capital. M.-h are battered down before the Germans can coma up. Russian troops are reported landed at Varna on the Bulgarian black sea coast. Allied strategy apparently seeks to place a check In the path of the Teutons eastward, rather thaa It ke an effecthe blow while the Teutons are still pressing on in Serbia. MM.LS ARE VERY PIJKNTIITL WARDEN IS Bl'SY GATH ERING DATA IN COCNTY. The t. picture shows firemen j children lost their lives when the Playing hose on the St. John's paro-1 "uilding was swept by fire on Thurs chlal school at Peabody. Mass.. where The fire broke out just as the at least a dozen and probably fifty M PUP had assembled for their classes. The lower picture shows the body of one of the little victims in I wooden box, being carried out of the burning building to the , waiting un dertaker's wagon. There Is a possibility that hunters may soon be allowed to shoot doea again, because of the fact thev are becoming plentiful, whereas it Is growing more and more difficult to shcot the bucks. Deputy Game War den George Tonkin is now engaged in gathering data for a report to the state commission on the success ot hunters In Umatilla county during the season Just closed. So far he has learned of but three hunters, Al bert Gilliam of Pilot Rock, Forest Ranger Walter Allison and AmoJ i'ond, a Cabbage Hill Indian who secured the limit of three during the season. A number bagged a couple, a good many secured singles and i-any others never got any. Mr Tonkin is also questioning hunters f.s to the number of bucks and docs 'hey saw during the season. HOT LAKE CREDITORS TAKE STEPS TO FORECLOSE ISSUE $-50,000 BONDS ON SAMTAKI I M WILL HOURS IN PRO POSED SI IT. CITY SHOULD GET BENEFITS OF NEW TERMINAL OF 0-W Young Man Finds Life is Impossible Without Friends INDEMNITY CLAIMS TO PENDLETON TO ACCOM MODATK EXTRA FAMIL IES COMING ska. Spokane, BRITISH TORPEDO BOAT IS SUNK; 11 OF CREW LOST LONDON, N'ov. 2 - The Rrltlsh torpedo boat No. 96 was sunk In a collision In the straits of Gibraltar, the admiralty announced. Two offi cers and nine men are believed drowned. Investigation In Germany has ihown that the partridge eats the seends of many noxious weeds and lnseca de structive to plant life, therefore de serves protection. Oregon Sheepmen to Meet in Pendleton December 9 What provision Is Pendleton mak ing to secure the benefits of the es tablishment of the freight yardl at: Pilot Kock Junction? This question is being asked by a great many people, more particular ly by railroad people. The complc-i tlon "I the yardl Will bring at least I 1,5 families to this vicinity. If they! are to make their homes In Pendle- ton, there must be houses for them! to rent and. If they live at the Junc tion, there must be a good roaii be tween the terminal yards and PB" dleton if they are to do their busi ness In Pendleton. JEAVEfi NOTE SWING HE CAN -Ntvr LIVE REIATTVES ROiLED IN WAR, Life without friends isimposslble.-' Shiva Maxa. the young Serbian who committed suicide yesterday at the C. P Rowman ranch on Butter l Creek, according to Coroner J T. Hrown who brought the body here last evening The coroner states that the man, already In ill health, had become despondent over news of the death of relatives In the war In I w hich his native land Is engaged. The above message was written In Eng lis and he left another In his own language which has not yet been translated. Shiva was about 27 I years old and has been on his home stead for about three years. He shot himself with a revolver of large cal iber through the left breast. A bank book found on his person showed NOT YET PREPARED Frontier Shows at Walla Walla Reported Ended No MORE IN FCTCBJE DECLARES RUMOR REACHING PEN DLETON TODAY. SECRETARY LANMNG AND GBR. MN AMBASSADOR HOLD i OXFEREX E TODAY". WASHINGTON. Nov. I. Calling OB Secretary 1-insing for :he first time j since the Arabic case w as settled b I a German disavowal and an offer ot indemnity Ambassador Von Perns torff said in advanct1 no important developments of the German-Ameri-j can submarine question were to b taken up. After a minute session. It was learned that while the Arabic and Lusitania cases were discussed, i formal negotiations will not begin for I several days Lansing informed the German envoy the Arabic Indemnity j claims are not ready for formal presentation. That Walla W alla will hold no mor.' frontier shows is a report reaching Pendleton from seemingly authentic sources. The report states that Sec ri tary R. N. Johnson, who has been the chief man behind the Walla Wal la show, will not be In Walla Walla next year and that, for this reason and because the show has never been financially profitable, it has been de- i ided to abandon the attempt to stag,.1 any more wild west attractions. Daughter Is Horn. A baby girl was born to Mr. ami Mrs. George Teraey Of Despain Gulch on Sunday. The call lor the 18th annual con vention of the Oregon Wool Grow ers' association has been mad a by President F W. Falconer of Enter prise and Secretary John G. Hoke of Medical Springs, to meet at Pendle ton on December 9 and 10. The wool growers of Oregon nave experienced the best year In the his tory of the organization, and at this met ting subjects will be discussed as follows: Sheep breeding and wool trowing; sheep feeding; preparation tracted lor at IS. II more than a year ago, the sheepmen appreciate the fact that losses from carnivorous wild animals will be more Mriont than ever In the future Congress has not provided adequate legislation bgninst wild animals, and It Is up to the sheepmen to exert pressure for the ennctment of protection laws, the tall says. Along with protection I'n rd predatory annnais. sheepmen nr.- now enger to enlarge their flocks. no are desirous of obialulng areata and marketing of wool; the remaln-l"' 'traurance of adequate graning r,i Ing public lands; grazing In national ! 'lilies on federal holding Thin forests; destruction of predatory wild, have witnessed Ihe migration of set HAlvaah; railroad rates and service; I Hers to traces which should never livestock nnance and neeiicu leglsl.v nave neen removed rrom U grazing ilOP. ""Ih ewes selling at $7 a held on ranges and with lamns being enn-i anas allotted to flocks, with some ( Continued from page 2 ) i thnt 1 1 , ' . i otuim til In lha EVhrt The present road Is not In a good bank condition There has been MUM ' talk of a Jitney service between Pen dleton and the yards when the latter are opened, but with the present roads, It is doubtful whether any one can be Interested in establishing such a service. According to beat reports obtain able, the railroad company has not yet worked out any plan for hous ing the families ot tbe trainmen who will be brought to the new yards. Whether houses will be built at the Junction or whether the train men will be expected to find homes In this city baa not yet been decided Though Ihe company planned or iginally to have the yards completed by the middle of November. It I now considered iloubtful Whether they will be done before the middle of December or the first of Juuuan A double crew has been put on so that the work Is now being pushed both day and night. Until the yard are completed, no regular train ser vice will be established over the Echo-Coyote cutoff, it is satil. Elmer Searcy is Called by Death Elmer Searcy, well known local resident and property owner on Oo' tonwood street, died at 3 o'clock this afternoon He had been ailing for several months but it was not known his citndltlon was so critical. NEWS SUMMARY 1 Wheat Up Two Cts in Chicago Today CHICAGO, Nov. 2. tSpoiiall Al the close today. Dec. tl.04 1-2 bid: May ll.M - asked. ri anil PORTIANO. Ore.. Nov. (Spe clall At the Merchant's Exchange toda. club 91 bid. 93 1-: asked; bluestem 94 bid. 97 asked. suit to Collevt. Suit to collect on an account ol ltti.41 was filed toda against U Napulean Johnson and wife by th Peoples Warehouse. D. W. Pailey be Inj attorney fur the plaintiff. LA GRANDE. Ore.. Nov, J La gal steps to foreclose the I2S9.8M bond issue upon Hot Lake Sanitari um, with the view of placing the title to the famous institution In the hands of the bondholders, will prob ably be inaugurated at once. In the natural course of events, this step will begin In u or 90 days. 'p. L. Meyers who Saturday attended the bondholders- meeting in Portland, has been empowered to proceed wita the foreclosure action. He said to day it will soon be Inaugurated. When this has lieen done, a com mittee consisting of Walter M. Pierce of this county. Judge Stevens of Spokane and Attorney Steele of Portland will confer, in accordance with Instructions given them at the bondholders' meeting, with Mr. Mey ers with a view to determine the fu ture policy of the institution, 'his may be a continuation under direc tion of the bondholders, or a lease or some system at present not m-nle public The future of the InetRuttOal Is therefore in the hands of the oonanoiders. The O.-W. will tinue to operate the place until a time, It Is understood. Litigation I -.!.. en. It is understood that a flouting debt of about 110,004), distributed among creditors over an area bound ed by Chicago on the east and the Pacific coast on the west, has oeea hanging over the place since Us her day several years ago. Some fnreeil in the pending action a signal for va rious suits and actions against the place from these creditors wtw m- not affiliated with the bondholders It follows, ln view or the action taken at Portland at which pra Ileal, ly a full representation of re nd holders waa a fact, that before u other year la well .-gun, the future and permanent financial ladder will have been attached to the health resort. unit HENRY W. COLLINS SECURES STOCK IN HOTEL PENDLETON ll'HT llitter Oiso t p. The case of T. F. Herr vs. John Hitter and Nehmlah McDannald B being tried before Judge Phelps to day. Judge S. A. Lowell and James H P. Scott appearing Tor the plain tiff and Peterson A Rlshop for th.' drfendanta, The case Involve aoma irt party in the eaat end of the coun ty. Herr first filed a law caae and It Waa thrown out on a demurrer. A esse In equity wae thfn filed Kl s PF MONAIIAN INTERESTS RIAMTI. s IIEKl.loMn.i WILL HE MAN GEIt. 'IT- tient I'la is defeated at Anna lricta. ilHe ma withdraw from Danlan- iicv campaign. Local. W onlg rowers will hold In re In Dnvmhcr. contention I Jvorpool. UVBRPOOI Nov. 1. Wheat Sjnt No. Manitoba Ms 5d: No. 3. lis 4.1. No. 2 hard winter, old. 12s .1 l-M; No. 2 Chicago, new, lis 2d. Corn - Spot Ui Plata, 7s 7d Flour Winter patents, 41a In American terms the lushest price for wheat in Liverpool is 11.7s 4-r. per bushel. The first ironclad was the BtUteh Warrior. Constructed In ls.'A, she We in 1S87. still on she active ,1st. O ranger Cotoaalal is Read. John Mulloly. the founder of the Irish sertlement on Rutter Creek, died this morning at his home In this city of ailments incident to old age Hi was M years old and was a natl. of County Donegal. Ireland He cam' to the west In an early da and k cited on Putter Creek. It was through the reports. sent back to Ire land b him that many other Colon Ists came out and located there De ceased for n good many years hud been living retired life in this cit H( - lUrVtved by a widow. Through a deal completed day. Henr W Colli, pr young grain buyer unit m reJMHat man of this city, baa secured the stock In the Pendleton Hotel Co. which has been owned by the g OA, han interests since the organUiljon of the company on the COCapkttl m of the hotel. Mr '"oliin pur ha I the stock outright of T J Monahnn, administrator of the estate he late J. C. Uonahan .and will hr as sociated with Fred T. Illoch here after In the company. Mr. HI n will retain the active man tgi-im at f the hotel The deal has been pending for leav er 1 1 weeks and the flntl tlrpa for ihe transfer of the stork Wefa taken e.-rerda Messrs Illoch and i 'o. tins left for Portland on the night train la purc hase some new furnish