EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1915. PAGE SEVEN Be Prepared. to take advantage of opportunities as they are pre sented. ThiB can best be done by accumulating funds in our Savings Department. A liberal rate of interest paid and your deposit is ab solutely safe. The American National Bank OF PENDLETON CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $400,000. FOR SALE NORTH SIDE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. Seven room dwelling, with modern built in conveni ences, first class condition, seven blocks from Main street. Can be bought for $1800 if taken at once. MATLOCK-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. INSURANCE The I- J 1 first National Bank f I PENDLETON, OREGON I ESTABLISHED 1882 j Known For It's Strength KtAL tSIAlt LUAlNl) I Hunting Season This is the "hunting season in more ways than those marked by the bag of the gun. It is the season when we are on the hunt for new attire, for new things for the home, and for many necessities for personal comfort. It is a sort of prelude to what might be called the "dress-up" season of the year. It is a season when the stores are at there best and when the advertising col umns of a live newspaper like The Eaet Oregonian are bursting with human interest. CAB OVER HANK, XOXE II CRT. Auto li lt'iiiidllit-l in Ai-rldont on Slemlx-r Grade. POHBROY, Wash., on. :!. While Tom Rowne was driving four passen. Iters to I hi- I.ewiston races yesterday hi Imt control of hi far on the stcmber grade and It went over tlie emha nk mem and rolled 199 feet. The car struck bottom right side up and continued traveling for 300 feet til! It ran Into a ditch and wan demolish ed. The passengers wrT(' l,llleu out when the car went over and were un hurt. Mr. Howne stayed in the ma chin" till It had turned over twice, when It left him on the ground like wise uninjured A car from Iwls ton came after the party. flood Judgment has often lieen termed . owardlce. How'. Thi.? We offer One Hundred Dol lars Reward for any case ol Catarrh that cannot be cured J by Hall's Catarrh Cure. I K J. CI1KNEY CO., Toledo. O. f We. the undersigned, have known K. J Cbeney for the la-t II years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all bualneaa transai tloua and financially able to carr) out any olalgatlun made bv bin firm. NATIONAL HANK 0T COMMBBCE Toledo. O Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and mn rout surfaces of the ayaiem Testimonial sent free. Price 75 cenys per bottle. Hold by all Urngflsts. Take Hall a h am 1 1 v 11 1 In for constipation HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG J DAltKKN GRAY, FADED HAIIC WITH SAGE TEA. Grandmother kept her iiair beau- I ilfully darkened, glossy and abund-, ' nt with a brew of Sage Tea and Sul-j phur. Whenever her hair fell out or; tor k i 0 that dull, faded or streaked 1 appearance, thia simple mixture was; applied w'lh wonderful effect, fiyi asking a' any drug store for " Vy eth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," .ou will t.et a large bottle of this old-; time recipe, ready to use, for about' j 10 cents. Thia simple mixture can tie depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and la, splendid for dandruff. dry, Itchy tcalp and falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist ssys everybody pses Wveth's Sags and Pulphur, becaUM It darkens so ,iat uiailv and cvcnlv that noboOy '.ani tell It has been applied It's so easy to use, too. Tou (Imply dampen o comb or toft truah and draw :t' thri ugh oiur lei"-, taking one stnna! at a time f nurnlng the grtc ha'rl disappears; after another application or two. it is restored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abundant. COUNTESS KALMAN DE CZAKY HOG MARKET SHOWSWEAKNESS i From Thursday s Journal.) There was a soft spot In the hog market at North Portland todav. With the bulk of the arrivals coming di rect to a local meat company on con tract from Its country buyers at 16.90 for tops, this price was considered about the extreme for offerings to day, although a handful of small stuff went over the scales at 7, the recent high mark. Market for hogs again showed weakness in the eastern trade this morning with values general 'Uoted fractionally off. General hog market: Pest Hunt '-"n Medium light 9.T84J 6-v " Good to heavy 8.1afB9.8 Rough to heavy " T:' i mile ;o to Interior. Tkr., loads ,.f cattle and calves from Warrenton. passed thrmigh the North Portland yards today en rout to the interior. The shipment was made by George Warren of Warren ton and was going to George Dixon at Prineville. The only other arrivals aside from a small shipment from the Willamette valley, were from the very section 10 which these cuttle and calves are going. General conditions In the cattle market are iiuiet around former quo tations, General cattle market range: Select steers I 6-' ' Pest hav fed steers (.!. Good to choice .'' 6.J" Ordinary to fair MM I "r' . Pest cows I.T904.T9, Good to prime !.SM4.0 Select bulls Fancy hulls I.7J0I.M Ordinary bulls - -"' - "" Best calves MM T.M Goats Co to Tai-onta. A carload of goals from a Willam ette valley point w ent through today j to Tacoma. The stock was first re potted in by some wag as mutton but the mistake was Uickly discovered and the shipment will continue to Pug.-t sound under its real name as j gouts. Mutton market Is safely strong at full prices with few arrivals report-, ed in overnight. General mutton and lamb prices: Select interior Iambs , . . .$7. SIC MS Ordinary interior lambs. . 1.5007.99 Willamette valley lambs.. 1.4)80 7.00 , Select yearlings I.S6, Select ewes, light .1 Old wethers S.90l.99 livestock Shippers. n,,::s George Kofeier, Hillsdale, l load. K B. Contoure, Condon. 1 bad: C. A. I'tickley. Grass Valley. 1 b ad: 0. W. Stcrnevels. The Dalles. 1 load; J. M Misher. Hubbard 1 load; C. YV. Edwards. Corvallis. 1 load. Monroe. 1 load; A. S. Kii"V Grants Tass. 1 load; F B. Docker, Ccrvais. 1 load; M B Wheeler. Lebanon, ' load; E. C. Gore, Medford. i load; Q D, Bardlck, Salem. 1 load. Cattle 0. M. Hanson. Redmond, I b ads; YV ft, Wing. Eugene. 1 load. Cattle and calves- P R Sexton. Independence. 1 load. George W. Warren. Warrenton, 3 loads going through in Prineville. Mixed stuff O. C. Steelier Glen dale. 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep Goats Smith Bros.. Broadacfe, i load going through to Tacoma. GET KID OP THOSE POISONS l YOUR SYSTEM. Tou will find Dr King's New Ufa Pills a mst satisfactory laxative In releasing tlie poisons from your sys- tern Accumulated waste and poisons j cause manifold aliments unless releas-, ed. Dirilness. spots before the eyes. blackness and a miserable feeling gen erally are Indications that you need Dr King's New Life Pills Take a dose tonight and you will experience grateful relief by morning. S5c Adv. Seattle lawyer Vum-d. OLYMPIA Wash . Oct. :'9 Fred erick Hausman. an nttornv of Seat tle, was appointed bo ItM Washington I ftate supreme court by Governor SrnOM bister to succeed Judge Htr nan I1 '"row. who died. ?Ir. Hausman is jj years old ami ,-;.me to the state In liS7. For :'l yiMI he has practiced lav in Seattle H served as secret", to Eugene Htmplc, governor of Washimrtou in U-tntorUI days. He ,fM horn in Pennsylvania and educ-ted at the Weulein I'niverslty ot Pennsylvania an,i at Harvard. ( Al (.1IT SEA OTTER WOKTII AT I l -l S7..0 SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 29. A lit tle dead sea otter, whose pelt gives him the distinction of being Worth anywhere from 1750 to J2000, has led the Fish and Game commission to order a special investigation into the conduct of John Rowley, t ixi dtrmlrt of the California Academy of Science and one of the leading fur experts of the Pacific coast. The sea otter was found in the net of a fisherman tending to his calch of sardines off Monterey. A heavy penalty Is exacted by tiie state for anyone who kills sea otter. Knowing this, the fisherman ml advised by friends to send the dead otter to the California Academy of Science. This was done. The otter was skinned. Then whispers reached the flan and game commission that Rowley did not intend to mount the otter He, was reported to be inquiring the ocst market price for sea otter fur. Ernest Schaeffle. executive secre tary of the fish and game commis sion, detailed P. H Oyer, deputy to the commission, to go to Monterey IBS investigate the clrcumstaio vs. Oyer is still investigating. The pelt of the otter is in possession of the fish and game commission. Discussing the charges against 1dm Rowley said they were ridiculous "I was away from the Academy oi Science when this otter was sent from Monterey. ' said Rowley, "and knew noihing about It until a month Ol so later." ' Si. me of these army recruiting st.i Uon handbills have the real estate promoters beat a mile. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. jTdlNS. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op- j posite pot Office. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 7T. J T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE; Funeral director and licensed em balmer Most modern funeral par lor morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 6.1 INSURANCE Al LAXB PI SIXESS HAltTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKKS reliable abstraets of title to all . lan.ls In Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. general brokerage business, taxes and makes investments for residents. Writes fire, alt asMJ dent insurance References, bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pr C 11 MARSH Sc. BENTI EY A I.EFK1NGWK1.I.. REAL est.ite. fire, life and iculent in surance agents. SI 5 Mun street Phone 4 04 VETERINARY SI KUl "N- r w i.AfMEN. II. D. v. COUNTY veterinarian Residence telephone JT: office telephone. 19, af i in II M M M 1 KS v. ITBOBLE, and second paid for ill bought Che;i ton to buy ho honeymoon halt am i.l-.ix ' CiOEK TO ''HK'ago. Oct ;::.-George ober lon was arrested today while on 'lis honeymoon here and returned to th) state penitentiary la scrw out I sentence for murder, oherton es caped three months ago after serving 14 years of his sentence for ktl I : iK i Chicago policeman in HOT. He ffai married here four day ago. but con cealed his prison record from hi wife. Oberton declares he Is If re cent of the crime for which he was Germans lalni BERLIN, Oct. Si statement claims the varied on all fronts. Villain New-Way Wonder for Corns, "Gets-It tl Tlie Big Surprise for Corn Owners. It s Sure. Simple. Safe. Quick. Listen to the wee atory of "Ceta It," the worlds greatest corn remedy It's a short story, only about two feet. - Mary had a little 'Get It.' and cms asraa ber toe; and every time she pit on Gets It.' the corn Stop Misery and Embarrassment I ik Tht With Simple. Kasy "CeU-It. was sure In go." Mary, like thouaands ot others, naed to be a heroine. Buffering martyrdom, using painful bandages. Irri tating aalves, sticky tape, toeharnesjes. Mood bringing raiora and scissors n i.ays now there's no sense In it. Use ' Gets It." applied In 2 seconds. Easy, simple, new way- just painless common sense : Millions 'are doing It. Never falls. You ran wear smaller shoes now You don't have to limp around any more, or walk on the side of your shoes to try to get away from your corns I Y'ou know for sore before you use "Geta It" that the corn or i-allua Is going sway. For corns, calluses, warts and bunions. Gets-It" Is aold by all druggists. SM a bottle, or sent direct by K. Lawrence Co.. ; Chicago. Hold in Pendleton and recom mended as the world's best com remedy by Pendleton Drug Co , and F. J Donaldson. SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS i; EAT TOO MUCH MEAT WHICH CLOGti KlDXt'VS, THEN' THE BACK HURTS. Most folks forget that the kidneys like the bowels, get sluggish and clog ged. and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull mis ery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stmach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an I che or pain in the kidney re gion, gel about four ounces of Jad Salts irotii any good drug store here, take u tablespoonful in a glass of wa-' ler before breakfast for a few days und youl kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to Hush clogged kidneys and stimu late them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no lunger irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts Is harmless; inexpensive, makes a delightful effervescent lith-ia-water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding se rious complications. A well known local druggist say.'.' he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks Wto i-elieve in overcoming kidney trouble wiille it Is only trouble. and get our prices. 219 E. street Phone 271W. ATTORN I S. UAl.EY & RAI.EY. ATTORNEYS Al law. Office In American National Bank Building. FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS Al law Of:ice in Despain building BARTER .v SMYTH E. ATTORNEY at law. office in rear of Amerl an National Bank building. JAMBS B PERRY. ATTORN I law. Office over Taylor Ral company. PETERSON BISHOP. neya at law; rooms 3 and Crawford bu Idlng. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORN at law Will practice In all star and feder il courts Rooms 9 Despain building. 8 am! GEORGE W COU III, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled. ; deeds. mortgages and contra ti drawn. Collections made Room 1 T Schmidt block FREDERICK 9TB1WBR ney at law. Office in Sn ford building. ATTi A. LOWELL. ATTORNB1 ounsellor at law. Office i in building. W..-..,IC -i IV J wv "rrv s i nwkitt i-r i i Ike DMrri flwn M Mm t n.tc,i staff for the- District or iH-rsnii i the Matter of L P Fraker. a To the Creditors of I. p. Fr.iker of Pendleton. In the COD . ,,f Cm tilla iind District af"r.'s I liankriipi Notice Is hereby glvo, tint .n HM Ith dny of October A ij-,, the said I. P. Frsker Ilrli iJnty olmli cnted a bankrupt, and that the llrst meeting of his creditors will be bcld at the office of Ihe nndtratfwM r. -eree In H.inkruptcy. a Pendleton, i matllla County, Oregon, on Novem ber the 13th. A D , 111",, at li) o'clock A. M. of said In. it which time and place the creditors mav a' tend, prove their claims, appoint trustee, examine the hiinkrupf. snl lated at Tendlelnn Ore h day of October, A l PHOft VT7. GKItM li Referee In Hankrui i IV BAlfKRtTPTCT. In the Ilstrlrt court of the ITaMcd Staler, frr the DMrlrt of Ori-gon. In the Matter of James F. Drew, a Bankrupt. To the Creditors of James F. Drew, of Pilot Rock, in the County of Umatilla, and District tfertfstkJ, Pankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that on the 2th day of October. A. D It II, the first meeting of his creditor.! will he held at the office of the undersigned Referee in Bankruptcy, at Pendleton. Umatilla County. Oregon, on No vember the 10th. A. D. 1915. at 1" o'clock A. M. of said day at which time and place the creditors mny it tend, prove and file their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bank rupt, and transact such other busi ness as may properly come before the said meeting Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore gon, this 27th day of October. A. D. 1915. THOS. FITZ GERALD Referee In Bankruptcy IX BANKRUPTCY. In the District Ooort of tbe United state for the District of Orewon. In the matter of Orien Acton a Bankrupt. To the Creditors of Orien Acton, of Pilot Rock, in the County of Uma tilla, and District aforesaid. Bank rupt. Notice is hereby given, that on the 21th day of October, A. D 1915. tho said Orien Acton was duly adjudicat ed a Bankrupt, and that the 'irst meeting of his creditors will be hefj at the office of the undersigned ref eree In Bankruptcy, at Pendleton. Umatilla County. Oregon, on Novem ber the 10th. A D. 1915. at 10 ' clock, A. M. of said day. at wiilafi time and place the creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as nia. properly come before the said melt ing. Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore gon, this 27th day of October, A. D. 1915. THOS. FITZ GERALD. Referee in Bankrupt-y. PHONE 666 PHONE For INDEPENDENT MESSEN GER SERVICE Open Day and Night Commencing September 10. Rates 15 centa and up. RAY KELSO, Prop. AUtTIONEEKS. COL W. F. YnHNKV Al'' TI"N eer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. ' Th man that gets you the monev " Iave orders at East oregonian ..rflce. MI 84 El I AM t . TRESSPASS NOTICES STALL! N Mason cards and sale bills of ev ery description print-- 1 ' r i ' prices at the East oregonian We have a tin lot of ita k SUtl thtVi out patrons are allow, i the free use AUCTION SALES THE EAST ORB Ionian makes a specialty of iw tlon sals bills, cards and advertising W can furnish au-lioneer, clerk m-i 'sdvertlslng complete that will ssur you of having t successful sals. 1C.AL BI.VNKS OF EVERT rcrtptlon for county court, til iM court. Justice court, rest estate, etc., for sale at Eas; oregonian office