PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1916. EIGHT PAGES YOU'RE BILIOUS! LEI "CASCARETS" LIVEN LIVER AND BOWELS DON'T BTA1 HEADACHY, OONSTI FATED, H1v WITH BREATH RAb Vttt STOMA II SOI "11. lti a 10-tent box now. Toa men and women ho can't ge: feeling light who have headache, coste.l t' nguf. bad taste anj foul Snath, dtaatnesa, oao't sleep, are bil lon.1 rvous und upset, bothered with S iMi-k. gassy, disordered stom- h nr have a bad cold. Are ;ou Keeping your bowtU clean wltli Cap ilU H MMrel) forcing a minwi; r r:- few days with asll, o thai lie I' lls or castor oil? j r..' . utelf work while you sleep; I otM bm ihe stoma ah. remove the' four uudlgetUd, fermenting food and toul gases, ttike the excess bile from (he live and cnrry out of the system all ihe i .unrated waste matter and: poison In the bowels. A Cascarat tonight will straighten' oat b morning a 10-cent box; from any i.rug store will keep your, tomtit h ".vim ! I v r and bowels reg-' ulir. and bead dear for LEFT $90,000 TO CHARITABLE PURPOSES -The PORTLAND ore. Oct. of IM.tM is Involved In pro reeding before Circuit Judge Batt le! of Hillsboro. sitting In the ap pel In the estate of nichiird Wilson. Wilson and Walter McKay ownei the Idaho Investment company which the "Cleveland group" of The mines were sold (or 1 and without formality the n divided the proceeds of the u net W ITER COMMISSIONER sAll TO BE PRACTICING "RIGHT ALONG" ILLEGALLY. Wilson will provided that thei PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 29. Ever stock in the company should be hel l since February 17, Attorney E. W. in trust for a dozen charitable and Eastman of La Grande has been en religious organizations. The residue ' delivering to find somebody w ho will f the Mate was left to the Society see to it that George Cochran, water Jeans The will was dated March superintendent for the eastern Ore. y ltll, and the sale was made the1 Ron district and also a resident of following fall. Mr Wilson died May' In ilrande. will not engage In the M. 1913. praceice of law while he Is holding County Judge Cleeton construed the office of water superintendent, the will to provide that the stock' He bases his efforts on section 6613 without the proceeds of the ale ft Lord's Oregon laws, which, after should tie held, thus giving the $90 -'fixing the salary of water superln OrtO received to the residuary legitec. 1 tendent at $2100 a year, provides that The charitable organizations appeal- "such division superintendent shall ed. The executors take the position ' not engage In any other busless." of stakeholders, declining to construe Eastman savs he thinks the laws the will without judicial procedure. should be enforced. He has appeal- ed to the governor, the supreme .Scottish RHa Oevts V. W. BajIi'W. Cl1l'rt, the attorney general and the N'E WYORK, Oct. 27 M. W. Ray- Stats Bar association, but his com liss of "Washington. D. C. was elected Plaints and requests have been po- months. sovereign eranil rnmmanor n th. litelv kicked frombillar to post, until Don t forfel the children CtjfSTSlI because they tt DfVer grli or silken. They Jcve ite good 3 lf'th session of the supreme council, in almost hopeless thirty-third degree of the Ancient and Eastman exclaims: discouragement Accepted Rite of Free Masonry, here. hell Struck ( able ship. Peru. Oct. 2S. The j Munahip Parhita sank off Chala In I collision wRfa a cable ship. The fif passenpers are believed saved. lVlitlos Given Blanie. "This little matter shows how poli tics enter the fabric of our govern ment, and as a result Justice Is thrown was In C narke: ock Ionegal. Ireland the pries for knitting used to be a penny. entered in Philadelphia I against the Reading railroad, divorc-1 pair oflng it from Its coal and iron holdings as well as its navigation line. mm " mmrnmr mmmm DINING cm CHEFS PRE Baking Powder Those who have had cakes ruined by jarring the stove, slamming the oven door or a heavy footstep, may have wondered how the dining car chef can turn out such marvelous biscuits, hot breads and pastry when his oven is being incessantly jarred and jolted and shaken by the motion of the train. j. . T Set pastry to raise and stay raised under these con ditions, a baking powder must be used that continues to give off its leavening gas that sustains the raise until the dough is baked through. Dining Car Chefs have found a baking powder exactly suited to their needs in K C and you will find it just as well suited to your requirements. K C is really a blend of two baking powders, one active as soon as moistened, the other requiring both mois ture and heat to start the generation of leavening gas. No matter how moist and rich you make your cake, K C Baking Powder will sustain the raise until a crust is formed and all danger of falling is past K C Baking Powder is pure and healthful. It is guaranteed under all pure food laws, and is guaranteed to please you. And it is sold at a reasonable price no baking powder should sell for more. u Try a can at our risk and be convinced. JMililllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllirIIIIW)., chop suey, china dishes I I GOEY'S KWONG HONG LOW f i IttWeit Alt St.. Upitairi, Phone 433 -ntilllilllNIIMHIIilinillllHIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlii iTFlmnimTniniiiiiiiiimiMi 9i!lilUIII!lii!nlillliyUlllllUIHilllllliI HEADING ROAD Ml ST GIVE I P COAX IU SIXKSS W the wind. 1 Last February Eastman wrote to WASHINGTON, Oct 2s. The da-J Governor WHhyeoinbe about the mat. partment of justice announced a de- ,pr. advising the chief executive that Cochran was regularly engaged In the practice of law. He cited the governor to section 6613. i "Kindly acknowledge receipt and let me know what you do in the mat ter," requested Eastman. "I note what you say concerning Mr. George Cochran and shall inves tigate the matter at an early date," replied Governor Withy Com ba, writ ing on February 19. Eastman heard no more about the matter, so on April 9 he addressed a letter to the Oregon Bar association, enclosing a complaint against Coch ran. The matter was referred to tho grievance committee and on May 1. Elton Watklns, attorney for the Bar association, advised Eastman that the committee had decided that it did not have jurisdiction and could not pro ceed for the disbarment of Cochran. "Therefore, you will have to seek your remedy through another chan nel." advised Attorney Watkins. Court Appealed To. Acting on this suggestion, Eastman sought to obtain an order from the circuit court of Union county re straining Cochran from engaging in the law business or any other busi ness while he held the office of wa ter superintendent, thus enforcing the provisions of section 6613. He forwarded the complaint on Au. gust 1 h to the attorney general, with the explanation that it would be use less to give it to the district attorney of La Grande "for he is a member of the firm of Cochran & Eberhard." "I took this matter up with the governor last February," wrote East man to the attorney general, "and under date of February 19 he advised 'I shall investigate the matter at an early date.' I infer sufficient time has elapsed for the investigation, so I think the complaint should be filed at once." A day or two later. Eastman re ceived from the attorney general's of fice a reply, stating: "I do not know of any action which could be initiat ed by the attorney general to rem edy the trouble you seak of. The usual course is a complaint to the governor." Pack to the governor again East man went. He asked the attorney general to turn the complaint over to the governor. Then he wrote the gov ernor. Withycombe Makes Reply. "I wish you would investigate thin matter, or rather file the complaint, and bring the case to issue." wrote Eastman. "I took up the matter with Mr. N'ochran and asked him to give me a statement in the premises." advised Governor Withycombe in his reply to man. "Mr. Vx'hran gave rue a ! atlsfa'tir.v reply, explaining fully inai nis practice in law hi inai nine was simply incidental and that ho was not really engaged in other busl- 1 ness." The governor said the matter had ' been referred to the attorney general. On the second of this month. East- nan wrote once more to the gover nor. "Kindly let me know what action Make your food more tempting with Cottolene For making cakes, pies and pastry-for all shortening and frying-Cottolene is supreme. Cottolene is an exact combination of the purest, richest, most carefully refined cottonseed oil and the choicest beef stearine obtained from selected, high grade leaf beef suet. Cottolene is itself one of the purest of pure foods. Cottojene makes foods more digestible more wholesome makes them taste better. Use it for every kind of shortening and frying and for making cakes and pastries. Cottolene For a quarter of a century Cottolene has been growing steadily in favor. It is not offered as a substitute or as being "just as good" as other shortening and frying fats. It is an original product and better than anything else that you can use for shortening or frying. Insist on getting real Cottolene. Cottolene is ready for use as you take it from the paiL It creams up beautifully and blends readily with the flour. Use a third less of Cottolene than of any other shortening or frying fat You can use it over and over for frying. Cotto lene does not absorb tastes or odors. Always heat Cottolene slowly. Pails of various sizes, to serve your convenience. Arrange with your gro cer for a regular supply. Write our General Offices, Chicago, for a free copy of our real cook book "HOME HELPS." LTHE&KFAIRBANKifiE&fiiJ "Cottolene makes good cooking better 9 RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS Satisfaction of Mortgage. A niortgage executed by Anna '. Shea to John Temple March 16, 1909, is satisfied. A mortgage executed by Anna C, Shea to Peoples Warehouse May 19. 1915, for $244.60 is satisfied. A mortgage executed by Anna C. Shea to O. W. Iingram July 1. 1910 (or $96.50 is satisfied. Chattel Mortgage. W. B. Gillette to Joseph Cunha, $150: 19 hogs. F. O. Walman to American Nat. Hank. $6.63S.:I2; all the crops grown and harvested in 1916 on 1(0 acres land leased from John Vert, also all summorfalloiv plowing and crops to be grown and harvested In 1917 on 420 acres land leased from John Vert. Deed, J. E. Leonard to W. O. Coleman. $20M; lot 25 except 25 feet for a road off the north side. With 5 feet of lot 24. block 7. Wright's addition to Milton. French academy Is dead. M. Her vieu was the author of many suc cessful plays, several of which were presented In America. Two years ago he fought a duel with I.eon Daudet, editor of a Paris newspaper, who had offended him by a critical paragraph. Neither was Injured. linker Man's Parole Revoked. SALEM, Ore., Oct. 27 Governor Withycombe revoked the parole of Drew E. Elmer, committed to the penlntentlary from Daker county for forgery and paroled October 17, 1914. Elmer violated the term of his parol by getting drunk. Hint to Mothers of Growing Children IIOATs WILL UVKI! RATES. in to 2o lo Just Opened has been taken." he asked, and continued "Now 1 believe in letting i plain matters, but when ht la man ex does so If it, it pure. Hot Chocolates Chicken Tamaliei Oyster Bouillon Tomato Bouillon Beef Bouillon Clam Bouillon CpRJKS VV'fl will furnish Tamali- lJUVX'l M wMmBmmwmmmmmmwmmwmm lor parties if vnmo. Wind Wednesday ftU up at court with I the rest of us when the docket was read and he reported the standing of at least five rases he was in. I tell yon I know what I am talking about and this matter should come to a head." Letter Is li-knouli'dgcd. I'll October 7. the governor made acknowledgement of the letter and said he would make further investl- ' gallon. Iist Saturday "lovernor combe sent a further reply i man. "While I am not thoroughly ac- j quainted with all the facts In the I case." wrote the governor, "yet it Is possible that there may have been some technical violation of the law although I do not think, its spirit has been violated." He Kiid he had taken the matter up lth Mr. Cochran and "I believe he n arrange his affairs that there lr Out Itctluction Walla Walla. WALLA WALA. Wash.. Oct. 29 W. D. Church of Wallula In a letter written here states that the new boat rates of The Dalles-Columbia line. Portland to uprlver points, will lay goods Into polBtl around Walla Walla at 10 to 20 per cent below the rail rates. This Includes the boat rales to Wallula and rail rates to Pomeroy, Dayton, Wallsburg, Starbuck, Walla Walla, Prescott, Weston. Athena and other points. The company will ibsorb the trans portation charges, boat to rail, on less than carload lots anil two and a half cents a hundred on carload lots. At Wallula the man to do the trans ferring is now on the ground. Mr Church states The new tariff effective October 10 places Wallula In the sixth Instead of the seventh zone, and the consequent reduction in rates is noticeable. line commodity canned goods costs 46 cents to haul from Portland to Walla Walla by rail, t'nder the BW boat rates the haul to Wallula Is 20 cents and the railrate from Wal lula to Walla Walla is 16 cents, mak IBI a total of 36 cents. CALLS 111 hi II I li s WHISKERS I IIAHIIi:i) Willi: ENTANGLEMENTS WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. A "mind reader." with eyes blindfolded on thej stage of a thealer here several nights ago nameil objects to which her :is Blatant pointed as he passed down the aisle. Sooreta rv the Interior Ijine was A MILD LAXATIVE AT REGULAR INTER VAIjS WILL PREVENT CONSTIPAION. A vital point upon which all schools seem to agree Is that normal regular ity of the bowels Is an essential to good health The Importance of this Is impressed particularly on mothers of growing children. A very valahle remedy that should be kept in every home for use as oc in an aisle seat The assistant to the caslon arises Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup woman on the stage pointed to thej Pepsin, a compound of simple laxa cabinet member's head and (ailed to tlve herbs that has been prescr'bed her: "What Is that?" "A billiard ball," came the reply. Next the assistant pointed at Ihe chine of Secretary of Commerce fted fleld and called: "What Is that " "A barbed wire entanglement," he stage woman sang out. and everyone by Dr. W. B Caldwell of Montlcello. II.. for more than twenty-five, and which can now be obtained In any well stocked drug store for fifty cents a bottle In a recent letter to Dr. Caldwell. Mrs. H. C. Turner. 844 Main St. Buf falo. N. Y.. says, ' bought a bottle in tne tneater laugned. including of Dr. Caldwell's Cyrup Pepsin lor President Wilson and Mrs. Norman my baby. Roland Lee Turner iimi f.n.i Gait, who sat In one of the boxes Just overhead. As a rule Interesting talkers are rather chary in the matter of conversation. It works lint like you said It would It Is fine for the stomach and bowels." ItOLANI) USE TI'RNKH. A bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin should be In every home. A trial bottle, free of charge, can he obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 454 Washington CI , Mon tlcello, 111. Duelist Aullio- PA HIS, Oct. 2. dramatic author and I- Head. Paul Hervleu member of 3h( Get Rid of Scrofula How? Take S.S.S. Withy to East- Fifty Years' Use Proves S. S. S. W31 Relieve Stubborn Cases Tou hare noticed the little fester ing pimples on the face snd body iwelllDg of the glands soreness In the legs and arm muscles. These are the symptoms of Scrofula. You may hare some of these symp toms, possibly the taint of Scrofula Infection. Hut In either case, It Is a dangerous condition. Tour blood Is Infected, Impure, and you can never hope to gain perfect health until th Impurities are washed from the syg. tern. If you feel badly nil the time, you most crave health. If you want to feel renewed spirits, the glow of perfect health, bright eyes, clear skin, the knowledge that you are well, you can do so. Cleanse your blood by taking S. S. S. For fifty years it has been the standard blood purifier. It relieves the trouble by renourlshlng the blood, renewing Its strength, and stimulating the flow so that the blood regains Its lost vitality, and throws off the poison. Even long-standing canes respond. But you must use S. S. S. Take It for all blood Infections. I Get it at your druggist's today. If yon need special advice, write the S. S. S. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Prevents roughness during the summer NYAL'S FACE CREAM A superior vanishing skin tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price 50 cent Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES CZ: NOT TAUALES CHILLI CON CARNE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to data; FIRST CLASS SERVICS TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor Wsbh snd Cottonwood .' Phon 7 Pendleton Or.