EIGHT PAGES MMBOBBBB Thousands of dollars worth of the seasons newest merchandise awaits your inspection here in Pendleton s Greatest Store where you are s jre of getting the best for the price, no matter what the price you'll receive the most courteous treatment hen Special for Saturday Only W.Crt, J7.00 AND 57 SO SWEATER COATS 4-86 Grey green. sse. red. etc Janta aad Sfcv 4-S5 J4.0C MEN S DRESS SHOLS tZ.96 SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY. I Aidr&ciaJ Social utd Per-1 ' :: aamal Nesrs m Pag k I V J 1 iff All W omens Plain Tailored Suits Greatly Reduced All plata tailored suits awt go even if w lose MHMjr tbm. We postfreljr flj rM carry them wr. Ererjr gannem is thk sale t il this sawvo' style. No old "oats" are iselsded. How materials, p...- ?t'A-:.r a.vd rr.tr.'. sbowB in Mack, nsrjr, Afrieaa brown aad Rowan 1 a: fctdaced to f 14.75 Suite are Bed need to 22.50 k ..i, art Kducd V, 825.00 Softs sre Bed All Diain L.ilr-i iit an fa. .00 fll.11 17..Vj fis.oo We are icvo-wing complete aad mott attractive Mk of Knitted Headwear for Children, Boy and Women. Hockey Cap. Toque, Tam-O-Shanter, Auto Hood and Knitted Throw Scarf d'. Satardaj $5.00 Boys Suite 5.00 MTf are h . , e e lr varied sssortment of colon, from lff I 82..' WOMEN'S OUTING FLANNEL NIGHT GOWNS Com: in white and colon!. Heavy. jrvj jfrade full cut, all ize. Special at JrHr Envelope Chemise fr8- to 124)8 ar.'j patent styles, perfect fi. SPECIAL NOTICE All good- p.r r.a.-j iv '.r.rsth i. ."a: jrdav will go on your November bill. sHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai I S5 if BOYS' MACKINAWS OSI V MM The genuinf Pendleton Mackinaw for or.lv 84.85. ,v.J r'.f that cheap before did you? u ' "If t0 -ean; Get tne hoy one now ''" ' " --"- wjr.ter cold, "A stitch ir. time saves nine. Only 34.5 $2.00 WOMEN'S UNION SUITS ii Women part wool union nuibf, Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, ankle length, abv high neck, long -', c, ar.kle length. Regular 2.00 quality. Hat. spec, fl.39 75c WOMEN'S NECKWEAR 39c Organdie, batiste and cretonne Collan and collar and cuff net). K-guiar 71. Bat tpodal Bargain Basement Bargains Every article in this department a money caver. Mn'i i i .oo fkrroi 40e Men's. 50c iSpender-: 7c Hon' l!k handkerchief" 5 Men')-: $3.00 hat-: 81.0ft Men'. 11.50 irbftf shirts 25 Men'H 50c tiws lfte Heavy outing flannel night gowns, the kind you buy for $1.00. 03. And thi.-: il a regular bargain. Women's. $1.50 eoTSetl ?r7f Women's $5.00 shoes . 82.2.' Women's $5.00 sweaters 91.9H Women's $1.25 corsets 09 Women's $1.50 gloves Iftr Women's $1.00 jMier'ear ... 0c Silk Petticoats, full flare, paten; waist band, late colors and ' 82.20 Every one absolutely new. Boys' $3.00 shoes 81.0i Boys' 6,00 uitH 83.40 Boy-' $1.50 pants 7iC B' -' 50c spenders . lftc Boys' 15c itoeUap Or Boys' 50c underA-ar 17c $100, $1.25, $1.50. $2.00. $2.25 Wool Dress Goods, all excellent quality 47c All colon and evcrv nxre -a gain. Here is ti piece seoaon 6ar- ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST From Our Dry Good Section 1 lot dress goods, yard 50c 1 lot fine silks, yard 50c Colored and white damask, yard 50c 25c Kiddie Cloth, yard . 20c Dress Ginghams, yard . 10c 32-in. percale, yard 10c Kimona flannel, yard 12' tt Boat quality outing, yard 10c Best grade calico, yard 5c Linen crash toweling, yard 10c 10c hand towels, dozen . 81.00 25c Turkiah towels 5 for 81.00 T. P. W. Pure Food Shop 3 MAIN LINE PHONES 15. CLEAN STORE T. P. W. APPLE CARNIVAL HOOD RIVER SPITZENBURG5 THE BOX 81.25 THE BOX. Our Sals ha been far ahead of our expectation. The firt day' ale wa over 200 boze to put it plain they are oing ;i,e not ca,M .iuraay u going to oe anotneT Dig aay nere, pian to ao your tnopping nere, in peraon or the phone. You'll get T. P. W. SERVICE together CLEAN METHODS with OUALI I Y. DRESSED CHICKENS Fin. fat frying chickens, each 00 M4 05C. CtLfcKY We an- now trig regular shipments far Mood Kn PICNIC HAMS w 1 1 trimmed, mild pound BANANAS A big line ripe fruit for trade, the pound Av- 0m doson '.Wc PENDLETON'S '.Id.AI EST DEPARTMENT STORE r-:-jv-of our r Celery, tender, 2 hould'-r ) eared, the ir.c shipment, Saturday's ftc in -I 35 SWEET POTATOES 10 crates bright, fresh spuds, 8 lbs. 25c HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE sliced. New pack, finest qual ity; No. 2 cans, H cans 05c NEW CROP ALMONDS and WALNUTS The pound 25c NEW PACK VEGETABLES Under our DIAMOND W. BRAND, now here. Sweet Gem Peat, .': cahl 50c Maine Sweet Corn, ."0c Aiparagus, the extra fancy white pesn, can 35c ; cam 81.05 T. P. W. COFFEES No better coffees and no coffees better. T. P. W. Special the best :i5c coffee on earth. T. P. W. Xtragrade, the best coffee Cno matter what price you pay) in Pendleton, lb. 10 T. P. W. BATH TABLETS Tomes 12 tablets in box, per oxide or glycerine, box 81.00 RIPE OLIVES at radical reduc tion: -V- n now 20c 'M)r an ;. now 20c 35c cans, now 25c 50c cans, now 35 NEW PACK KRAUT, quality extra good, the quart 15c OUR CANDY DEPARTMENT is brimful of good, wholesome candies. CROCKERY DEPT in Pure Food Basement. IN OUR DELICATESSEN DEPT. Cooked Meat, Olives, Pickle. Nut Butter, Ham and Bacon and Fancy Cheee. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE. my onBhat n al - . x. :n : . . n : . E --Sti ml lae Piilfte rrh wfU gtre la oaaaaag la aaS MB be fCWa Vr a a4 TSatairr 1 iut 14 ay :6 T.i Jiit ; W nO fjk -a ta HHSSV M tri Rt Sej4r Bl :t ' -. t... i rt. .. . ". ;. i. r . . : v- -r i-4 V E.ir . Margam Pacta anil pUj Amusements he vts:tir.f La a Slider will leave Mod ; - 1- ,--r !. .l J" aaaaai aadrea before tn H r.- s. n' 'h tl Later ia the week It Nma pjwdtr nd Biktr 0 :b t i '-w fr r. ! - . , ,- ... . r wrt f',',v , h-- 1 .-- - . 1 ! M K'l- v. v.- - f - Jf A"ir.ir irrired horn 'r MTalag from Pc.rtlan4. to which M ttaM ;c'3 hi wsf taS ia-Uw. Hn p:teron. who r wtc to the Panama. Parifi ex- IWhat the press agents say about Pendleton s pres ent and coming attractions. IN STERLING LIVES A GIRL Who Suffei d As Many Girls Do Tells How She Found Relief. TMKIt 1 IV. BOMB 1: w I i thi- nano rui A:.fti' mho Ilka to be thnlM !- ' a i&ectu-uiar hone rac wll get ' plnty at aolld tnyomem out of ih fiular Roae Cogolan .n the titla it. The fact that Roae OagMaa ri'5 Kihel "ylon r in the caM laM nzny It a a matrfui pro uetloa. bat nothing Is MA undonr in iak TT- aaoftbag ru. he ' n of )e moat rmaxkatl motion-pl.ture h - .mnta yet undertaken. The rtat horae rsce ia hhly on of a cor of thrilling Incident that (huh with 11 fascination that crip rum he Instant the picture appears. fh Sporting Du hs teenti w:th Knglish army life, with the a . buttling ! k and f'rth liw-n ihe British Isi- and India There's In trigue, of course, and a fw Miff fights that add piquano to the ptar. But. above all. there's a HUtlful lve story unfolded, so that while the Spurting Dnc-hesa" has an appeal ;o th red-blooded, it is human-;. . fga pathetic and refreshing It is truly S antfe a remarkable film. By the V L S. y. I! : tured'm Adv 4 I'l'l -IIU NT II I, MM. Il V apntrrs m ippearaxi i his I oL the IXOTOM, 'kX, ; The as Ot President Wilson note asure his improved appear 1 areater heer'ulness in' e gement Mrs OaM IL' 'eral ears ounger than he re the beginning of his P with her. He sm le. mst ime now. and one VOttM know him for the rareworn man who had the welsjht of the Ljs. tania situation on Ms shoulders. President Wilson attended chur. h Sunday with his fiancee for the firs time since his engagement was an nounced. They were accompanied hv Miss Margaret Wilson Word of their coming brought oue such a crowd that manv had to be tiirned anat from the hurch. Ctlr.jr.g'. Conn. "I am a prl of 22 yean aad 1 used to faint away every month and wa very weak. I was alia bothered lot with female v. sines. I read your little book ' Wisdom for Wo men, ' and I taw how othe n had been helped by Lydia L Pinkharr.'s Vegeta ble Compound, and decided to try it. and It hi made me feel like a new girl and I am now relieved of ail these trouble. I hope all young girl will get relief as I have . : never felt better in my life."-Mr. John Tetreailt, Box 115, Sterling, Conn. Misses. R Y. "I have taken Ly di E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I highly recommend it If anyone went to write to me I will gladly tell her about my case. I was certainly in a lad condition as my blood was all turn ing to water. I had pimple on my f see :.- 1 a bad color, and for five years 1 had leen troubled with suppression. Th. doctor called it 'Anemia and Exhaus tion,' and said I was all ran (town, but Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Com jound brought me out all right "- Miss Layisa Myres, Box 71, Massena, N.Y. YonnffClrK Herd This Advice, G'rl who tie troubled with painful or irregular period, backache, headache, draggicg.down sensations, fainting spell or indigeation.shnuld immeditely seek Testation to health by taking Ly di E. Pinkhan'ii Vegetable rompound. GOTHIC THE NEW ARROW a tor uc COLLAR IT FITS THE CRAVAT KINIil V faRCK.'KR WAS SOURCt OF TROUBLE orrrt wb' le 'boighi w a inl CASTORIA Fur Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years AJaa'l i""" 1. It R till II I IIIIMis Nanogram Stationery 1 v nt st Is Olfl W. 6. SMITH 1 CO. WKDtMNfl AKD viHITlN'i I'AKI I 'IKAVKKi'. Ir. Iiniba RSBtlM lenna. LONDON, Oct. 27.--A dlspat. h lieuters Telegram rail gag J fro Amsterdam, says a message receive there from Vienna sal that Ur ' s'antln Dumba. ex-Austro HunKai ambassador to the fnlted State", k arrived In the Austrian capital. I CLmrrr. eisaooT a co. . ic ...... an sMistal g'o.er of o-wego .0 .1 '.-b-grain entrusted b-i hl to !.e aas-stt to Healtle -han-ol 'the word "I'ortlsnd" to "Osweo ' Ills well mean! action i-aunad It I. Mlanle Montgomery street, to be.oine almost frantic with on as It UmpWSfBr separated him from his wife and family, got the police bsn aaa rsMStta in from t.enapnper story Mr Htariley, who had len woik big in Oswego, sent a 'elegram to bis wile and family In Kealtle to paSM pj o,(tilt,,t and eipeeled to in" thu'i it the gwot esterday sfnr i.oor, lie was onal-le to b-sle thetfl Tearing thai that had not recelv sd Isli orislt' -l ''lesram Htariley s' of laOthaf to the f'eattif address 'I he n-i" was In the form of a note ffafa !the lelearaph lolllpunv thai Die Wl'e and ' hlldtcii bad left for I'olllaml in I train leaving Seattle at a f 01 m k eHerd.. InotMliK Ite, elvlng tll j hole he began a aear h of the S not loerite them llrlgbt arid M and the poll' March UMMtsh early hour lb s but be BOwhf hl morning I V appaarad in the office of Tiie fatir , nal to enlist Us aid In finding hi I family. Hardly had he left the of- tit and was walking down Morrnoi street when he met his famllv look ing for him. i.kpianatlons followed and Ite 111 sterv was 1 leated up MAMMOTH BYPLANE FOR NAVAL USES WfASHIK)Ti.V (id 2; Secre. tar lianlels signed an order al the( niivv lard of a giant lindane for the first aircraft to l,e hunt at an gov- srgsaegl sataMasSastai Ptaoa for ibe saaehraa were prci.aied aai ylnecis pa-lty of 22l i.ouuls and will make from S to Dai log an boor foi a period of net-en hours without stop If will be driven be two IM-hoTM power motors. When t omplete,j it will almost equal In area th great Kren' h battle airt-hlps recently ct.n strutted and it in .mdeistood thi Va vy ordn.ne hureau is at work on tba SasSSS of a Ihree-in. h gun with whjf I It can b eiilppe,i if desired In a statement describing ihe aero, plane Hecretars lianlels said Its ut rlng cgaaeRy -ould be used f,(r fransportlng fuel weapons or hiKh saplaalysa, and it would be of graai value for longianga arotitlnx has tieen Miggsated, too, that at ro- pllllie of Ih s ihalai ter might be M4el to jarry a torpedo and swoop 'b.eo over Ibe barriers of a land-locked agrHoe to gftarg a fleet sheltered there lielilnd the 111 lies and shore i'e fensen Italnlsiw sii at Meht. HARRISBUBO, Or., Oct. 2! br.ght rainbow In fhe darkness an unusual phenomenon obai here Friday night about 7 o'c The full moon broke through rloaSl in the eastern sky wh shower of rain fell Just west M bservers The ralnlxiw was perfect In line and several al the colors distinguishable. IJIIIIHIIttHllimi KHIIIIIHHIIHI(IV I Mrs. Edith Ray f lock. the Terribla Croup Attack Quickly Repulsed By Old Reliable Remedy WaS tsrad cnaas ssal raids lr Us Imrnitt ml tern wab FW rtssarr saJ Tu '. I ngtioli I mkr -bon- IjiSIhiS. Oct. 2. The I'ritlsh irulaer Argyle Is stranded on the east DOfasI of Scofland because of bad wea ther It la feared she will be a total wreck The crew was saved. W mi I : ... I Moial vVASMlXOTQX, o-t 2 Hovernor Krrgunori of Tggaa, has wired the ires Ident asking him to urge f'arranu to do evervfhlna poNslbte fo stop the loid't laid- I. Magtflgg andlls The minute that hoarse terrifying eroupy cough la beard in the borne of T. J. Barber, of Jefferson, Oa . out comes f-'oley' Honejr and Tar Com pound there's always a bottle reads. Here's what he aays: "Two of my children, one box and a girl, aged eight and six year respectively, had terrible attack of rroup laat winter and I completely cured them with Foley Honey and Tar Compound I have ten In family and for years I re wJed Foley'. l.ey an-l Tar omi-aul and It never fall.'' Banish worry and save doctor bills keep Foley's Honey and Tar Com. pound always on band. In your home, bos hottls last, a lone time It rebabls and safe and the last dose I as govt as the flrst. Urt th genulna. Sold Eveywhera. Teachers and Beginners Course in Harmony I French Accompanying Studio 905 Main Street Near bridge. iiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir