PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONI AN, PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OPTORFp 20. 1915. EIGHT PAGES What the TEMPLE THEATRE Has to Tell I TONIGHT is your last chance to see the acts now showing in VAUDEVILLE Several changes from the show you saw last night Barnesand Stock Wakeman and Wood Comedy singing, dancing and talking. Presenting the Mechanical Doll and the Jewish gentleman. Ted White The lestors Also the WALUNGFORD PICTURES Thursday and Friday That great social hygiene sermon on the screen "Damaged Goods" A graphic portrayal of the physical ruin that follows ly pleasurW the flowery path of world- 'For the sin which ye do by two and two Ye must answer for one by one." IN SEVEN POWERFUL ACTS. COMING SUNDAY The next of our series of PATHE OLD ROOSTER PLAYS Via Wireless' IN 5 PARTS Featuring Gail Kane and Bruce McRae. A great ocean play, wonderful in its scenic effects, A sinking ship, the wireless at work and U. S. battleships to the rescue. At the TEMPLE, Sunday and Monday. anything on record. It has now leaked out that this order may be increased to 80,000,- ouu reet. Power company, which says it IS "DSUedo socialism" in .loir.. -- IM V4MUI) that the "waterpower is a nat- uiai resource ana belongs to tAST Tl . , , ., . , , Uliw resource ana belongs t ,p . J- for thought in)the public," argues that a wa le tact this recnrH KnioL-mn U la AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. I ' . I ... I i9m.I ,1. ...I . - t I ... .. buu .-.TTOij V w M.vm i ti c uu r Hrpnuc that- n dleton. Oregon, by the the fact this rernrA Kr0tiBnU VI Oregon ian publishing co. , , atc inis recora breaking; ter right is Drooertv " that it ,, : -.1 1 lumber order went to United is Drivate nrnnArt,, A ,t,,.l,ll but the report was denied States mills, not to Canadian !,, " ir ."A u " - j v uii, dLr ill nf v m.iai i. UUil ,J I kyci. Member United l"ress Aasoclatloa. Entered at the postofflce t Pendleton, Oregon, at sesond-class mill nutter. Telephone i ON SALE IN OTHER CITIES. Imperii! Hotel Newt Stnd. Portland. I 'regon Bowman Newa Co., Portland, Oregon. ON FILE, AT Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Bnlld'.ng. Waahiogton, D. C, Bureau Ml. Four teenth Street N. W. mill men who, according to standpat journals are flooding this country with their pro duct. If Canada has cheap lumber in such abundance why do not the Italians patronize colonies of their ally in arms? SUBSCRIPTION RATES (IN ADVANCE) Willy, one year, by mall Dally, all months, by mall Daily, three months, by mail.. . Daily, one month, by mall Dally, one year, by carrier Dally, six months, by carrier.. . Dally, three months, by carrier Dally, one month, by carrier.... Semi Weekly, one year, by mail Semi Weekly, six months, by maii Semi Weekly, four months, by mall POOR WORK and in the "same eateomrv no a land right." No wonder the power mag nates ana their "kent" mem came in droves to the "confer ence" and turned their big guns on the Ferris bill. Ore gon Journal. i.OO I 1.50 LHl .50 r.M 1.50 Trip PnilanH n iu icguiiian ic Ht story of the train fuses tn ho Vi0-fi - - , " "'vmui OI1U MJS hold-up near Haver- our prosperity-is only tempor- o n c UUUiaVCIl I 1 1 H HH V nam ava cirrne -U Ui- i.5 : as something perpetrated in land Orpo-nn.n .0 f - j vgv.nuu jo nut CIIJU- wild west fashion. Indeed it ing even temporary DrosDeritv s I was and the method proved but that is complimentary to - .iivw.c won ljic uass ui me siate rainer tnan other- : r:::hr - '"neTee ooun, wa. report- Popular in socleiv .m . . . ! f." "S "e "Poured as w vviimii. Utl IS. i-owi-on ine log of a timber crui ser. "The author pleasantly tells his six months 'experiences as a cruiser for the U. S. forest service in the mountains of southern New Mexico The detailed description of the for ester's real work will tend to inter est uo,g i tne service, which is ap parently the purpose of the hook domains many good illuustratinns the region." ruwen i.entlemen Hovers. "This hook Is written as a tribute to some men who have been overlooked by history and forgotten by fame Though they won for us more thnn Profes- CURRENT THINKING SNAKE ATE CHINA NEST EGG. The - v-iivv-wrc uiou mc nass UI ' me SI jwork usually followed in thelwjse. least Thf nuclnniortr ,n nt I THE PEACEFIX AKMIES t In the fields of plenty Autumn armies led. , Armies of the peaceful Battle fur earth's bread The toil that made the triumph The blessedness of toll, Now march the victor-armies "Neath banners of the soil. II Their song is of Thanksgiving For toil-rewarding days; For all the joys or living Where happy hearthsides blaze; And earth to tell the story The old, but ever new Of Love that makes Life's glory Where all its dreams come true Frank L. Stanton. (Winated, Conn., Dispatch to New York Herald. 1 Blacksnakes down Gales Ferry way cannot tell china nest eggs, ac cording to a story related by Mr. and airs. n. a. ue uussy. of Mount vp. non, N. Y., who are guests of Colonel!, "" lhey wor and Mrs F. M. Chanin in Pin W...1 6a" territory dow. Recently Mr. and Mrs U Bussy stopped with Miss Caroline Freeman at the Bouwerie, Gales Fer ry. Miss Freeman's guests at that time Included Professor Heuser, in structor in German at Columbia uni versity, and his family. Professor Heuser's daughter t returning from the poultrv ROM South of Panama. sor moss Is a first . lass writer, one of those who make whatever Ihey touch readable. Small wonder that the result It book which for scholarly "tUd.V and literary charm ha.l 1. val for a long time except JameH Bryce's excellent work. Professor ISoss as a sociologist ami trained ob server has seen many things that other travelers and writers have miss ed and his book presents phases of South American society and charac ter not before touched upon " Street Abroad al li,,m, "ti,. ,. of -thor, with Mr. Wallace Morgan the .wnni urn nis companion, set out from New York to visit the 4'nite.l statsa Mr. Street has written about It ftnd Mr. Morgan has added pictures that illuminate Mr. Street s text. Ther,-' is an extraordinary amount of solid I anil valuable information in tha book, which, taka It all In all, la the most engaging, (he most American, the most amusing and satisfactory ad interesting record of a Joyful pil grimage Imaginable ' Dickinson Chief drt lleam pan Hunt dred yea Horer-sick. ts contemporary) at unfamiliar Ja in America one hur. Ml compressed within New Rental i vukm. Bacon -Open Market. Galsworthy- Freelands. Lincoln Thnnkfuls Inheritance. McCutcheon Mr Blnfle. Montgomcrv Anne of the island Portat Michael O'Halloran. lioland The uood ahenhard east. The pustnm (robbing trains in that region is I It will be well for the game 'years old ii v.ii.iun, nut. troin wimoui. "Mu " n.eep ins eye on Kev. "UU!il ( me ouyric. reported no the New Haven people gave -ornelison; he is almost on the ! e sgs- ut sald a bi" bllul' ',"akt, w a splendid illustration of the! Point of slipping. " h,s "ehl' - T7n'T' "sing Correct wav to make rr,nov K I a.i 1 "J tb . robbery in the railroad busi-1 t About time for the British to thTt" e dST ne .TrZiZ iicss. VvOmparea Wltn that line! j H "langiing aiiu get "om tne nest. of artinn the oimiotno mi,n down to business. J of action the simpletons who neia up tne Haverstraw train V . ll a . down to business. ..ciu up uie naverstraw train Tt, . Jj bungled the business badlv. vil, ,se M gangsters iFrom a strictly professional wel1 0 ,e,ave American standpoint thev should be ai"S SeVerely alone- asnamed of themselves. CREt'SOT, KRIPPS OF FRANCE, WHAT POWER BARONS WANT We need those auto tourists. COUNT I.Ol DON Rnvt th UJl.i " CACSBD uic mgiicst suuice, a) ve are at last given re liable information a in' . . . , i V A ' .' J i UaJ VV what the power interests want. AMERICA THECUSTODIAN S Tt the ?rief oil OF FRFFnnM the Portland Railway, Light &! ut tKttUQM Power company, in the physi- -VVlHEN President Wilson i1 vaIuation case before the fhf cast his vote for equal: .e?on "ubllc Service com- mission is the followino-- - ft av i. IJULCLUii SAYS GEH-ARREST. O v - nnvviiVlJ, . J. yesterday it was the first time in history that the execu tive head of a great world na tion took a stand for the exten sion to women of the political ngnis enjoyed by men. mission is the following: "A water right is property. A water right devoted to pub lic service by a untility is in the same category as a land right. The utility is entitled TO A FAIR RETURN ON ITS FULL FAIR VALUE. Conservation There is somethinir anhiimo FAIR VALUE. Conservation in this official recognition bviheories are abroad, and there jnuvii (jscuuu socialistic tne ory in agitation, the maxim of which is that water power is a natural resource, and as such, belongs to the public." Now we have a perfect un derstanding. We now know authoritatively why so many power barons, their lawyers ,and their satellites attended the waterpower "conference"; so-called. Now we know defi nitely why the "conference" voted down the Walsh motion for a leasing system. Now we know exactly why the "confer-" ence" was called to denounce; the Ferris bill. I (From the London Chronicle ) The celebrated works at the Creu sot, similar to Krupps, Germany, were originally organized for engi neering purposes by William Wilkin son, an Englishman, in the year 1TS6. The works then belonged to a company, In which Louis XVI. had an Interest, and were Wnnu-n .v. j Royal Foundry. During the revolu- eji"" me ureusot works were nation ! alizeil by the government, and during I -" "1H..c -upuieun Kept tnem run- ning tor guns and ammunition for I the army After 1815 armaments no longer paid at the Creusot and it be came bankrupt. A new company, as sisted partly by English capital, wasi formed, and maintained the works : until the present proprlteors ! have a name more Teutonic than I i French Schneider acquired them in 1836. It is now the third genera-1 tion of the Schneiders who control I j me reusot. and, like Krupps. the ! have establled several allied under ! takings In connection with the pro duction of armaments and engineer ing machinery. our present day borders, not only! have no monuments been erected to perpetuate their exploits, Iuk they lie! for the most part In forgotten and neglected graves. Boyd. Truxtun I Eaton, Reed, Laatte, Smith Ide Ward, Walker even their names1 hold no significance for their coun-j trymen of the present generation, yet I they played great parts In our na- I tional drama." j Powell Last Frontier. "in a book which is as fascinating as hovel Mr Powell stintua l-tl.l ! mate knowledge of some of the coun-l ines winch go to make up the "Dark continent," particularly In its north-' ern and eastern parts. All In hit, this is the most satisfying book upon Africa which has appeared for a! number of years." the president of the United States of the rights of woman hood. It is inspiring to know that the country which gave the world the first spectacle ol successful democracy is also leading the world in this new departure in the way of po litical freedom. It shows that we still hold true to the good American traditions of liberty nd equality before the law. This even though New Jersey refused at this time to enfran-; chise women. A GREAT LUMBER ORDER Ji i -UHtK is not particu war bean Tlw. D..l i aa i rly useful for war pur- Light & Power company tells' is4i AIWI t tw a. VL. it.. ... U mm I A . . i'v mvv-vic nieiua wn in its argument before rl j: iU-. r.w r i . w 1 Hk u mm Waaaaaaaa - 'A 1 Library News WOMAN GOULD HARDLY STANO Because of Terrible Back ache. Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeta ble Compound. Philadelphia, Pa. - " I suffered frnm . who : msplacement and inflammation, anil harl sides, and terrible backache so that I could hardly viand. I took fix bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound, and now can do any amount of , work, sleenB-ood. est good, and don't havo 1 a bit of trouble. I recommend Lrdia E -LI To Try for Our Chest of Silver Look in our window today. You will see a picture of two young ladies. To the one sending us the most clever answer m fifty words or less as to what these 'two AiVnJ? We offer a chest o' beautiful ALVIN SILVER, The Long-Life Plate. Write your idea of the conversation on the blank we irivr v,, with name and address and hand it to us by Oct. 30. The Alvin Mfg Co. will act as judge for us and the pn will be awarded on Thanks giving Day. Act quickly. A. L. SCHAEFER Jeweler and Silversmith 726 Main Street. The following new books have been placed on the shelves at the II- brarv taaWv Burpee Amona the pn..iio ABttthei WomMi Cm. -A PS. -From the explorations ol .fg!P kr"t MMHt IBMfc Nivervllle In I75l to the conquest r 1 of yoat Vegetable Compound Mount Hobson, 11 few -ears aan Mr ! M 'f.nM e Wonders for me and I ..uu.u ut witnout it. p. , c-"""mena L,yuiar.. 1 ... I jer .1 Count MAr lvmar Loudoh l.liiar liudon. Arrest. irently has no direct' the Oregon Publ Ml immpnso r.rriy rr . na nn T i. .... ..... ,CJ mini n oays, - water (. , iust Dlaced in this r trht i w.0r,. t. . .1 country bv the Italian '". ., ' . .-sa's.a. ' ment T.;n;, i li , . "K,u ne voted to pub- Souther! l umber b'V a utility J ', " V"KK' uinern Lumber Journal says:, same category as a land riarhf'i Lyn,r '"'ud"n- "'" to be a ftj vJ vTh J- L PhilliP8 of and tMtMSL mbr wH,hlor' .New ork citv. and the South tn fair JL V h J . iUpt v"" f'i'"en' ,rtor and h. em Pine company ofOe Sln ntan on lts fuII Wr J " half m""on doMar the biggest luinbp- inl WlUve: JN,:ihu.r?.' SL.h -"-""'.ot-rin, . , - , . ; . ' , v"rl C4C' '"at is to sav, the wafpr' ,np"M ,nat Wa ? en and filled in the United , Dowers hn.ilrl "-' - efcarw "i blcany 1, ,h(. stales has un been marlo r..,K L a C "uueu ana the work of lie vharuL r.m,fdePUb- b.e Wned the Utility. and 'stand,, irnmant i.. , " g?v lhe ut,Ilt' houli have the and iV -So ion ff 'tbfards! increasing valuation., to keep 'IL' and 6.500 000 feet IJIJ CXact 80" I ' t 1 alled fair returns." i"i i this or 1 i i Stated hroadly, our own or nr surpasses 1 irtland Railway, Light & Burpee tell the story of mountain Climbing adventures, some of them personal, in the Canadian Rockies including the Selkirk, with much readable description aw rnanv illus trations," Hannay From Dublin to Ohleatso "A friendly book about America by a irenhil anil iHn,ik- m., " came ,- yiiuimn my name and I v.ait us and like us. He didn't I f your. Vegetable Compound to m nrwaiyBjrr mierviewerH, . J v "v mrs. abel Law- uian i nnd ui a nation .of " "PP'" ist., Providence, R no , can look with re-. tw, qi oikmi u women n.l center t ii,.r. , ?re wn?i one physician called backache. wander, in ; ' ""ess, and the bluea. ... ......y enses uiey are symptoms of Romn fnmobi A. m. , . i " aT t """"m u 1 naaadis- " "oiuiy nuinu ana was thor- Ptetei!fn Lydia E. ---------. - . t;tauie compound. It helped me and fam in the best of health w IV ? ork in a fa:tory all (lay long besides doing my housework so yoS can see whnf it bi. A v ------ vj.iiu iur me. i irive L 1 .Hint After reflections pect on Chicago's ambition ' ome the mu-- ana art a pleasant, wander -a. o.ten witty .nd someUmes mere-! some fern. "1 'imP trarrulous, series of lottin.. .. a ! .. "rl .! ""8'i or an innam- mronos ,.r , , , , J j ujcerative condition, which may 'iermsn spy rrest or result ol of hlKh weekH In1 be overcome U i ..Ji. ri!i America:" ' . - - -u ,-r.. i ham'.Yr. "V.Kfl '..u,c" ,. . ' ' i rrr : - j-b- uinjunu. inouaanoa K' intough lhe urand an i on ' j American women willingly testify to .Kirn Wyoming to Mexico. "This Is 1 " VlrtUa, a simple narrative of our recent ,... f: tographlr trip down the Oreen anil I Colorado rivers In rowboata our oh-J ervatlons and impressions," says the author as one might sneak of eniini Hudson or lhe Mississippi, j in In Thi i Mlnnl I WIimi ut. who has ihaiged wlih tose fi'Brlen 'everal other haMng mar f Albion. X. intrlhiite. different fare on say, else Wi down the Owen Wlster. wh. troductlon, puts l me matter. "Perhaps." he "this planet does Romewhere contain a thing like lhe river. The few who have through these canyons and a handrul of those who we were never Kfrn again." A er in the book lists five Journeys through the .-anyc one made by the Koll GOTHIC THI NEW ARROW a Mr sac COLLAR IT FITS THE CBAVAT laaM, 8 B Ride in a FRANKLIN arrange for your friends to gowith you Everybody 1 8 years old or older who rides in our Franklin helps us win a prize in the Show-the-Car Contest Phone 541 tell us when you want to go i i.vons. Thl Brothers In 1 Pendleton Auto Comoanv I 1911 Is the fifth. Aside f. he ad tt pmooYaco , i.e InmmiwiiiHHHHN ",l,''"iHiMiiHmiiiiiiiillIIIlll(lli