DAILY EVENING EDITION I irwt for ni Oregon by the United Sum ttraiinT Observer at Portland. DAILY EVENING ECsTlON TO ADVERTISCRS. The Kat Oregonlan has the HrfMt paid circulation of any paper In Oregon, cut o( 1'ortland aad over twice the circulation In Pendleton of any other newspaper. Flr tonight and Saturday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 27. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1915. NO. 8627 BULGARIA FOUND BETTER BARGAIN Treatment Success But Patient Died BRITISH HOLD WITH TIE KAISER Ferdinand in Proclamation to People Explains Need of Acquiring the Macedonian Territory. ATHHAX VHTIM 01 RED IIV SE BUM DIES FROM "HEART F.ULl HI NEW YORK, Oct. 15. George i Stackpole. whose fight again', the dread anthrux aroused the atendtion of the medical world last week, died early today at the Hellevuj hospital of heart dlaeoae. The serum from the department of agriculture cured the anthrax hut with his ystem weakened the heart yielded. TO GROUNDTAKEN STRUGGLE FOR THE RAIIf ,'S AUSTRIANS CLAIM SUCCESS; Wheat Up Two Cts in Chicago Market IN LOOS REGION Captured Places Held Despite Counter Attach; Slavs Met Some Reverses on Strypa. nCHE TEUTONS MAF mvMKO SERBIA. TO SEIZ.E I1RE.CT RMLROM) TO CONSTANTINOPLE. i EUTON IC FORCE. 5 ON SERBIAN BOH PER BXPOPrt ir Vienna Report says Slav Attacks on Austria all Repulsed Heavy U.-l U1.H.,MiMn DMilM To Stop Armenian Massacre. CHICAGO, Oct At the clone today -8. 16. (Special.) i Dec. J1.08; May- y SOFIA, Oct. 16. Calling upon his: people to 'd efend their natlonul soil Portland. PORTLAND, Or.. Oct CAMPAIGN 13 QUESTIONED Iml M i In. i In House or Lords Yea tenlay Urged Dardanelles Cam paign lie Given Up Bombard ment SMU1 On More fiercely Than Ever Before. II (Spe-I LONDON, Oct. 16. British -rain from violation by a neighbor (Ser- cial.i l'ortland wheat prices today, 'n tne Loos region Wednesday are bla) and to deliver our brothers! bluestem. 98 1-2 bid, $1.00 1-2 asked; I maintained despite counter-attacks. from the Serbian yoke," Czar Ferdl-club, 95 1-2 bid, 97 1-2 asked. dispatches stated. No Important nand of Bulgaria issued a manifesto, In whlih he explained and defended Uvcrpool (Yesterday.) hie course in aligning Bulgaria with tivmnnnr. m ii vvi, ,i the tentral allies. He and hla advls- Snn, x, , Mi,ha n. i.m. Vn'i Hopenxollern redoubt. After sweep ors had done the utmost for peace,', 12h ld. No a U,R Nl, ' , Ing across the Strypa river In Gall- to make both sides understand that . northern Duiuth n, 9d. v0 1 hard "" me "UB8,an mel 80m reverses changes are reported In the Franco- German front. The British Wednes day captured the main trench of the the Bulgarians suffered the greatest Injustice by a division of Macedonia. The realisation of national ideas, however, proved Impossible without joining the Teutons In arms. "We will attack the Serbians almultan-; eously with the gallant allies of the, central powers," he concluded. (fetm Slave Repulsed. V1SNNA, Oct II. It 1 officially claimed that all Slav attacks against i the Auetrlans have been repulsed. A severe engagement along the Mon tenegrin and Herxegovlan frontier Is reported. Weat of Tarnopll, It Is claimed the Russians have been driv en with heavy loss. capture llelgrade Heights. Berlin, Oct. 15. The Auitro-Ger-, mans have taken all the heights dom inating llelgrade and various Danube river crossings, It Is officially an-'i nounced. They are reported head lag southward from Scmrndrla. Serbia Declares war. LONDON, Oct 15. 8erbla has de-i dared war on Bulgaria. Actual hos-, tllltleF began several dayH ago. A French dispatch said Bulgaria had not notiflcal Greece that she had de- j dared war on Serbia. Will Mop Massacre. AMSTERDAM. Oct. 15- 111 Cologne Gazette has stated positively what was previously unconfirmed, I that the sultan has replied favorably! to a popular request lo stop the mas-l sacre of Armenians. winter. 12s 2d. price is 11.77 3-5 per buxhel. Aero Tactics Outwit Germans WANT ALL COUNTRIES TO RECOGNIZE MEXICO IN SIMULTANEOUS MOVE Petrograd admitted. The Russians have assumed the offensive at certain ! points. Many positions taken by the I Slavs are still In their possession. ! Desperate fighting continues In the Dvlnsk region. Suggestion Resented. i LONDON, Oct. 15. Despite a sug ! gestlon in the house of lords yester I day .that the alege of the Dardanelles' may be abandoned, the allies are re ported to Be bombarding the defenses mor fiercely than ever. Whether i this is merely a final effort to crum ble the seemingly Impregnable pro tections, the public has no means ol knowing. Unquestionably Lord Mil ne rs Insistence on the transfer of operations from the Qalllpoll peln sult to elsewhere caused great dis couragement In England. INTERNED GERMANS TO BE HELD UNDER GUARD V)p. STRCL-oi Jh -' -R u WAW,A WWjiQt J.HOSTtNOtL-1 BULGARIAN 5Vk'' ( y TtlV---"- rvRMltS MASSED O- IV Xc H- WK' THE ONLY FK:'.' aT ROUTE FOR X" ' -rtNCM FORCES iCc ; LANDING MERE - SOME FRENCH i o & TROOPS ALRE-trT RUSHED SEA ' ACROSS SERBIAN , FRONTIER HAVE 1.1 IN OVERWHELMING OF USE IN : NISH STRUGGLE IS ON Serbian Army Vastly Smaller Than Combined German-Bulgarian Forces-French, English, Italian and Russians Will Rush Troops to the Aid of Ally. PARIS. Oct. 15. The Austro German invaders and Serbian defend- ers are locked In desperate battles south of Semendrta. Simultaneously ; the Serbians and Bulgarians are ! struggling for Nlsh, the capital of Serbia With the Bulgarian's aid the Teutonic drive for Constantinople is developing formidably. Reliable j reports said Von Mackensen, la I charge of the campaign, has 360,000 men, while the Bulgarians have up : wards of three hundred thousand. I All reports from the allied capital indicate these forces will soon be op- posed by huge bodies of British, I French, Italian and Russian soldier. Serbia is admittedly hard pressed. The Serbian army 1 vastly small er than the force of the Invaders, i In the face of the northern bound ary invasion, the Serbian retired to the Alava mountains prepared to battle to the last ditch. Meantime the struggle along the front In Prance and Flanders, goes on. Heavy bombardment and grenade attack marked the fighting around Loos, Souchez and through the Champagno regions The British force main tained gain along the northern tine and are making desperate effort to oust the Germans from their posi tion to which they tenaciously cling. Along the eastern front the Rus sians are admittedly somewhat checked In recent fighting. . Bombardment Last Night A shattering bombard no-nt markel last night's fighting oefoie Loo and North of Souchez an oflcial state ment reported. Heavy grenade at tacks were made south of Bolaen Hache. German gunner delivered a cannodane between the Otane and Aline, throughout Champagne, while the French replied sharply. A- B rKMJNTAIN PA.SSES FROM BULGARIA TO SERBIA -scALt o hill. The railway from Salonika to Us-1 well as those of the allies Is the dl kub and Nlsh Is the most Important rect road to Constantinople, which Utlng in the new struggle in Serbia. J runs through Bulgaria. If the allies With the Germans and Austrian can keep the Salonlka-Nish line open crossing tne Dairtiba. this line is the '.her may be able to rush through only one by which aid can be rush-! enough reinforcements to check the UNDER NEW PLAN OE DEFENSE NATION TO MAKE OWN AIRSHIPS ed by the allies to the Serbians. The Germans coming down on the objective of. the Teutonic forces as grade-Constantinople line. Bel- I x l EOF M.V WARRANT OFFI CERS OF Kltoxz PBINZ II. Ill l.M THE CAUSE WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. All! ves of absence to, members of the ws aboard the interned German dera Ki onprinz Wilhelm and i Ince Kitel FTIedrich at Newport! revoked by the navy department action resulted from the belief warrant Officer of the Kron- President to Have New Jersey Home for Summer; Insists on Paying for "Shadow Branch CHARLESTON HAS RIOT FOLLOWING PRIMARY BATTLE WASHINGTON, Oct. IS. Presi-i dent Wilson gare an ofUcial Oi K. to I CHARLESTON", s. C Oct. 15. Secretary' Daniels' preparedness pro- Rioting in connection with the muni gram. This Includes greater pro-lclPal primaries resulted in the death slons for construction and activity at of Sidney Cohen' a reporter, and the government shipyards the coming ! lnJur of wveral other persons. At year. Every government yard will tracted b' tne eound ot 8hote Cohen be made a manufacturing plant aj ' r,us"'d into thp crowd and wos ""tan well as a repair shop. For the first tly kllled by flvln bu'M- The can time the government will go Into the va;sin board had Just met to deter business of making its own aero-1 m'ne h" wa-' nominated for mayor, planes. The naval research iabora-! Thr"niJS K:lth'r,'l outbade. An argu torv. desired bv the civilian advisory 1 ment 8"rted and fighting began. In board, will be built if congress agrees but the appropriation asked will !e a lew moments somebody fired a sh'it. This was followed bv a hundred oth. PITT8BUR: bin father. )ct. II. In I'enjamin Thaw William Thaw, who fx now an aviator WASHINGTON'. Oct. II. I'resi- to return to New Torsov M,h hls reported missing, escaped in , dent Wilson has accepted New Jer- given the countrv the greatest presi acht Eclipse and are perhaps ; My Invitation to make "ShaJ-.w dent in hlstorv " nM suliv Tk. trying to damage British commerce ; Lawn." John McCall. Insurance mag-1 Jerseyites offered the use of the ..,- .ton 4.uu ciews wm nate s magnif cent D ace at on: maenif cent estnto fr or.-ont fnr held prisoners aboard the ships .Branch on Jersey shore, his summer the maintenance of th nr.l,int' until It Is postlvely determined residence The decision followed a household. The nresldent tn Pa- visit from Congressman Scully andlaa) allowed to pay rent, suggesting it a scare of Jerseyite. "We want you might be devoted to charity. less than the five million heretofore, "V"""-" cmwu scattering. suggested. uuinuur Planning nas nouuea every company oi s;ate militia to be ready for instant service, while he ordered out four companies of guardsmen and thre divisions of naval militia to , Prevent a recurrence of the riot. Inter1 whether the six violated their Uemt. role. .jwlth the French foreign legion t the GWBBCB WOXT (JO TO ironi. tells of a thrilling SXperienOS THE All) OF SERBIA with fly German annum the i WASHINGTON, Oct. 16. Ameri- fore the lieglnnlng of the allied of- j UONDON, 06t 15. Because Greece ! Can plena to recognise Carraiua have . fenslve two weeks ago, j does not consider the treaty with ar-l encountered a temporary obstMCle.j "The other day I ran across flvu W fits present conditions, she will Guatemala Is reported to be balking j German machines lay lux for me at 'not go to Serbia's aid, the Athens! at the program. Still another MUM. MOO metres over where I ..,ss every i government has repeated in a note to of delay was an effort to have air morning. I tried to otttellmh them i England, ihe Pan-American nations act slm- but one sun-nf a-gun In a tinv hi-I ultaneouslv. Despite hitches th of- plane, the fastest machine I have ever' llclals will he able to announce the seen n the air. was catching me from CCDUiliC QICI IVC TCDUC establishment of a New Mexican behind, so i turned on him and dove OCnHlrlliO UIOLInC iLnRIO government not later than next: so steeply that the idling system of week. : my left hand motor went on the hum nd flooded the motor. The Hoche k SUBMARINES HAVE was either scared to death or badh RICHARDSON GIVEN LIFE TERM FOR I.T. S3 a a a miii-i SCHOOL NOTES ! GERMANS MADE DARIN6 VENTURE IN "ECLIPSE" CONFESSED MURDER OF t- Norfolk. Va.. Oct. 13. if the six A meeting was held this morning missing warrant officers of the in terned German raider Kronprinz Wilhelm attempted to esca r in th. OWINGS OF SETTLEMENT WITH U, S. by the girls in which great enthusi asm was shown on their part in in terest of the athletics carried on at , little yacht Eclipse, the feat was as the high school. daring as the ventures of :he cruiser A committee of three was elected ; Embden. naval men sa. The Kollpsx and these with the aid of the senior; is little more than a tub. It was built girls are going to form an entnustas-; ot wood twenty tour ears ago. It Is 1 tic club of which they will be charter about to crumble to pieces. If It was act In i members, any others being admired! not wrecked inside the bay. she has prisoner by initiation if they wish to Join. gone to sea where with good weather Tne masculine sex, imnaing mat mey may reach Haiti while with bad pepless" t-id, weather they stand a good cham-n of REACHED HONOLULU hit for he heat It straight down. ' 'But there was little Willie all HONOLULU, T. H Oct 15. Th j alone against four Germans with only submarines K-3, K-4, K-7 and KrlilOM motor, and twenty kilometers which left San Francisco. October for Pearl Harbor, escorted I ' t , I I'l. - . Mil II... .... tl ... I. I . . I'liueu rui.-o o unci waijmim, ihv sviiMi) escorieu me. two On eacn collier Nanshan, the tug Iroouols side, but well QUI of range, back to ( KITH IsMS GREET PUBLICATION OF TERMS OF ADJUSTMENT. Accepting his plea of guilty, John penitentiary officials could Richardson who confessed to he the matter and have the murder of J. T. Owing of Twin confined in the asylum Falls. Idaho, was this morning sen- Richardson Is in poor health audi the feminine were tenced by Llrcult Judge Phelps to was barely able to walk up the them so and now thev are a-oinz to goinar tn the hott. life Imprisonment In the Oregon stairs this morning to the circuit show the boys that fhey can do some- state penitentiary- court. He was composed while sen- thing. After this they will have ,,n WOMAN IDENTIFIED swiMKvauu inao um uHii-awii hhi was oeing passed ana accepted , individual part in the rallies before I s to Sheriff Taylor shortly after his1 his fate with resignation. , 1 the ames and also at the field where i '. arrest on septemDer s. ine court, i tticnardson killed Owlngs and hid thev will she their veils. AN EX CON It r i nd Ihe torpedo bo,-,t detrorr Law- rent IMlUM he- :cd',y nil well, SEATTT.E Wnh re ii .... ober J, from our lines. But the Poches were BERLIN Oct. 15. Antl-Amerlcan ' however, was unwilling to accept his; the body in an abandoned well about! Thelma Thompson and Jean Reber Jean Thomas, who ' wai danger-. ,ry by t he kind of leary by this time, and very j crlticlum has greeted the German! plea of ullty unt" an investigation 20 miles northwest of Pendleton. The were elected yell leaders at the stabbed last night bv man Who naa Deen mane 10 ueieinnni tmrn uouy was aiscoverea on septemier II meeting and then a good practice tacked her ut Eighth avenue ml man s sanity. Judge Lowell was ap- and the arrest of Richardson tram-1 was taken on for the game thia aft-1 King street, was Identified bv the pointed by the court to Investigate. ! dlntely followed. He admitted, after ernoon. Although the girls cannot Police todav us Mrs Mvrtle Maml In his report to the court this, being questioned thoroughly by SCO-I atey football they can do a great Johnson, who served left) H -morning, Judge Lowell said he was cials of the sheriff's office, that he deal toward w inning a game when I Washington penitentiary for m once they get started, and thi l'le accidental claims against DUb- our lines. (ne. however, tried to cut off my retreat, but I was able to give Tne sale arrival or ine suomarimsi ntm a couple dozen millets from our after ft voynge of 2100 miles under trusty gun (made In U. S. A.) and he their own power is said to establish fell en Masse' Just behind the Ger- new long distance record for Unit- man lines. I reached our lines safe ed Stats submarines. ly," CONCRETE WORK AT HOSPITAL DONE: LIBRARY BUILDING NEXT ON LIST ail concrete, work on the new wing l,h'd- according to Superintendent at the Eastern Oregon State Hospital N"l and workmen are now setting settlement of the Arabic controversy since parts of the settlement came to knowledge of the public through the newspapers. The settlement certainly does not meet with the pub lic approval in Germany that Am erica bus given It. One high official said the criticism Is the price Ger many is willing to pay for Amrlean frindshlp. NEWS SUMMARY has been completed and Olson A Johnson are moving their concrete mixer to the site ot the public li brary building at th end of th Main street bridge. Th mixer will be placed In use there Just as toon as the excavating work I finished, which will probably be the latter part of next week. the partition tile. The roof will be finished next week. The Interior plastering work has not yet been started. Under the contract with the slate the wing la to be all completed by January l and Mr. Nelll believes the Job cVi be completed on time Olson & Johnson have already started operation at the library alt At the state hoipltal the plastering by er,.,n. gmRll hulldlna to house work on the exterior Is now hair tin- t00, nm, gu,ipM. General. Bulgaria cvxn territorial favors through Germany. English, hold front near Uhm dc spite attacks. Great armies invade Serbia. Primary returns cause r lot at Charleston. lTesldent will hate home in New Jersey. fiftTXal John Richardson Is sentenced to life Imprisonment for killing J. T. Owens. Pleads guilty. More than 400 teachers will attend the Institute to be held here next month. satisfied that Richardson Is sane kllled ciwings. shooting him throueh and that the court would be Just!-! the neck as he was riding la a seat, fled in accepting the plea of guilty I beside him He drove to an aban-' and passing sentence. Judge Lowell doned well and there dumped the1 aid that if it should develop later body In. covering It partially with ' that Richardson was not sane, ihe some earth. BEN TRUMBULL HAD ed to the Good Samaritan hospital BAD AUTO ACCIDENT "'h"' 11 was found he suffered a se-itlons with Germany looking to set- v'r aca'P wound. He was too stun- tlement of the , ,...., of th. I ...it-ni , highly appreciated by the boys whoil'c service corporations. Mrs Juhn. do play the gridiron game. n. who admitted her identity, ha a record of more than Sfl accident settijc i i Miami j claims against corpcratloswj satend ag CASE SOON IS HOPE frn Kansas City to the c -. coast, according to the police. Thei-i WASHINGTON. Oct. 15. Neg-it:t-1 ' much mystery ati ut the stabolruj of the woman. ned to give his home address. " Cushlng. Gulflight and Nebi.nk.ui CASHIER MtHfVTED ON will b eresumed next week by Secre- Ponnivn nm net is . aa ' u.... ' 1 yr old . . . ... . . . . Mr TVllirihllll 1 rnrm.ir aHs.. I ;rwt kMt control of his automobile n; ' cB"f Iron te' storf. the Uerm.n ambawwdnr Lrd. former y ca-hirr v i-iiv i -ir t in uiiani . nm h i ra ' Millie R. Trumbull, secretary of thej ,t.1 nl"d SU'e' mad 11 . 2 state child lalmr commi-ion u. ...... ! f,r " Arabic was torpedoed with Just turned east on Alder street from fifth when the accident occurred. He CHARGE Ml PEIMUIlV at Fifth and Alder streets this noon. and crashed Into a show window of a clothing company In the Yeon building, carrying G. W. Hume, pedestrian, before him Ben and Max I.lchtgarn. sign painters, working on a scaffold In front of the window, escaped seri ous Injury only by reason of their agility In getting out of the way. SAY ( HHN7.A WILL UPHOLD RELK.IOI s LIBERTY WASHINGTON. Oct 1 a. Secretary ! tn een Secret arv I.insina in, I the former by dodging and Ihe latter Lansing gave Monslgnor Russell, a 'German ambassador, the uuu by Jumping astride of the machine s local prelate, assurance of his confl hood dence In Carranxa's pledge to permit religious freedom in Mexico and re ft It How- and X-lierl cle.v manager of the i-hrlstophr. Knlck. erbocker and Howard Bank of Au- out warnl- g that there would be n ; burn, Washington, which auspended further discussion of the Lusitania buslaeaa In March, 114, with llablll- other cases ourn today on a country warrant led Now that Germany ha-; a. - charging him with perjury in th ceded to all of these demands . second degree. The warrant allege result af personal negotiation b-- that Howard before the failure ,ra thgt to false statements con ending the pr"-. condition of the bank Howard was was taken to the police station mil on1 ,"H"N' lln'" n- H0.00, wm arretd : AU- I was disavowed snd reparation pr on Hume was knocked to the sidewalk IB a shower of glass and was hollc itw oi negotiator is 10 we conwnuen psssasjaj in tne county jail nern, helng n the hone of similarly advancing unable to furnish 13500 ball l r..ln the status ot the remaining Mfef to-jors of the bank have recarved ,u. .krd s ,i ; , dent of 20 per cent. i