PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN. PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1915. EIGHT PAGES Apples Apples Winter Bananas and Jonathan from our own Orchard .' .' We want you to see our stock before you buy Raisin Bread Friday and Saturday Gray Bros. Grocery Co. "QUALITY" Two Phones, 28. 823 Main St. Newsy Notes of Pendleton No roiimil Meeting. Owing to the lack of a quorum, there was M meeting of the city council last evening. SON l M-lllixl The suit of Kmll Balke against Carl Xewqulst was settled yesterday out of court and the suit which was filed Monday waa dismissed. The matter was over a suit to collect or a note alleged to have been due. Mm Dance Emporium. Word cornea from Hermlaton thai Tom Marsen haa completed his new big dance emporium and will have - grand opening Saturday night It is i v,vi ted that the west end of the county will be well represent d at thl function and several are con v:i plating going from Pendliim. for a three days" session on the Klh, IS and Uth. County Superintendent I. E. Young Is now making pinna foi the meetings. In order that as many delegates as. possible will be able lo attend, the O.-W. Is going to o"er rates of a fare and a third on the certificate plan, and all teachers may avail themselves of these rates to at tend the institute. number, he report, but more myste rious is the fact that the sheep stray Into the hills and. escaping preying nnlmals, no trace of them Is ever found. Mr. Blssett and some friends are planning a hunting party soon Into the country around Meacham ; creek where he reports bear and ; deer are plentiful. Avfrlil (iets Dew. Friends of Edgar F. Averill hav. received word here that he has suc ceeded In bringing down two deer in the Bear Wallow country. Mr. Av erill has been away several days on. a hunting trip. Give nook to iJbrary. A copy of the Catholic Encyclo pedia has been presented to the Umatilla county public library by Pendleton Council No. 1(73, Knights of Columbus, to be used In the, library. Tost Examination Given. The first tests of the season are 1 being held today In the high and in the grant schools. As soon as the." papers have been corrected, the standing of the pupils will be marked and the tarda sent to their parents It Is expected that the cards will be i mailed out the first of next week. inner., at Horse Sliow, Dr. 0. W. Lassen, who had charge of the recent horse and mule show here, announced this morntng.that a ImSxtaJu had been made In first anl j second places In th ladles and gen i l U-men's saddle-horse class. First i r rize in this class was taken by the : horse owned by Mrs O. B. Sparks, and second place by M. R. Yates' I hcrse. S'iuoiu ihI to 15 Days. Alfred Gibson, arrested last night on a charge of vagrancy, was ar raigned in police court this mornlni and sentenced by Judge KHz Gerald to spend the next 15 days In the oltj jail. He entered a plea of guilty to the charge. On Rear Hunting Trip. Ed (Smokeyi Xolt. popular em ! ploye in the grocery department of ! Alexander's department store .left on his vacation today and will go Into j Malheur country for a near hunt. He j expects to be gone two weeks. To Have Hearing. Sam Rivers, who claims to be a brother of Joe Rivers, the prizefight, or will be given a hearing tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock before Justice of the Feace Joe Parkes on a charge of selling. liquor to Dick Johnson, an Indian. Back from I'kiull. Sheriff Til Taylor and Deputy, Sheriff Jim Estes returned last eve.1 ning from I'klnh where they were on j a business trip. They made the jour-1 nay In the sheriffs automobile. Tlx rain at Camas Prairie, they report, ' was a heavy one and has put the roads in excellent condition. On Hunting Trip. Wesley Matlock and John L. Vau Khan expect to leave tomorrow fur an extensive hunting trip In the vicinity of Stein's Mountuin in the southern part ofthe state. They will make the j trip by automobile. l.ormao- Claim i.ain- Jaiicia have again driven I An official statt .ptured the defenses , south of Belgrade, ment claimed the lore the Russians back across the Strypa, English attack on the whole front of rive. it is officlallv announced. The Lc has completely failed. Today and Tomorrow EMPHATICALLY THE PHOTOPLAY EVENT OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. THE MOST AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS AND ELABORATE SCREEN PLAY EVER FILMED WILLIAM FOX Presents The Two Orphans :rceii version unique of the Drama that has thrill- miiliors. Written and produced by Herbert Br: ion with THEDA BAP. A, JEAN SOTHEP.N & WM. E. SHAY 0 h O X a. H to O ffi El I T5 50 H Z 0 t0t EE THEDA BARA IN THE ROLE OF A GOOD WOMAN. ADULTS 15c - - CHILDREN 5c i COMING SUNDAY AND MONDAY ANITA STEWART AND EARLE WILLIAMS In Vitagraph 5 Part Masterpiece, "THE SINS OF THE MOTHERS" 1 HIS PICTURE IS EQUAL TO THE "JUGGER NAUT" AND "THE ISLAND OF REGENERATION" Baiter High at Walla Walla. The members of the Baker high school football team were here today on the way to Walla Walla where they meet the Walla Walla high school tomorrow. The Baker team lJ confident of winning this game ac cording to Cate Johns, well known former residents of Herntlston. who is a member of the Raker squad. A man can be very serious and still' look like a Joke. Great Opportunity for the Ladies To save about HALF on their ready to wear needs. That's what this busy store offers you and it's your loss if you don't take advantage of our immense buying power Those new coats just received win noi last long because we priced them at about half their real worth. They come in fancy plaids, Scotch mix ed, seal plush, with fur trimming and many new novelties at $7.90, $8.90, $9.90, 12.50. f 16.50, $18.50, $22.50, $25.00. The selection jf suits is splendid while the selling has been beyond our ex pectations we have kept them com ing; better come in, the one you are looking for is surely here, $9.90, $12.50, $14.75, $16.50. $18.50, $25.00. Tailored skirts come in men's wear, serge, gaberdine, hairline stripe. !..;.! ..l.l... .,,,.1 tnffntii S I I I pultun, v in v rv. iuki luovMi, v , M $3.9M. -)8' ?5-90- ?690- j I 1 Silk and lingerie waists, you will not wLJ a.. ! cot hotter values elsewhere at double the price, 98, $1.98, $2.98. Party dresses of plain or figured taf feta, also embroidered chiffon, $15 and $20 values. $9.90 J12.50 you CAN DO HETTER AT WI LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW Institute Here 3 rn. One of the largest teachers' 'nstl j tute ever held n Pendleton will oc- j cur next month when teachers from Umatilla, Gilliam. Morrow and Wheeler counties will gather lere I 'rifs 10 1.00s nas comiieiei laueu. , w neeler counties will gamer rero I IsHHnS SHfeHHHHHHsHsliHtBi Sues on u Note, Alleging that a note for H 01.82 is now overdue. M. L Kline filed suit today in the circuit court here against J. T. Hlnkle of Hermiston to collect i that amount, together with attorney's ' fee of $15. Heach, Simon and Nel-j son, of Portland, are attorneys for the plaintiff. III Held fur Grand Jury. Justice of the Peace Joe Parkes. yesterday afternoon hel.l Gub Espl nosa In 1500 bonds for the next grand jury on a charge of attempted assault with a dangerous weapon The as- I aault is alleged to have been made on J F. Beck, proprietor of a feed stable in Cottonwood street. lilting Is Good. According to reports brougftt In from the upper Umatilla, the fishing at this season of the year is among the best to be had. Along Meacham creek also the fishing is reported good. O. T. La Dow reported this morning that several fishermen returning from trips declare they have made good catches. Hunters Await Storm. Duck hunters of the citv are await I ing a good storm before venturing i out after birds. Ducks are plentiful. ; according to reports received by G. I La Dow here, and many local sportsmen are all prepared to go ns soon as the birds flock to their fa vorite watering places. Among the hunters now out in the deer country are Roy and Earl Klrkpatrlck. S-tlrur a Location Ell D. Miller of Portland has writ ten the local Commercial association saying he is looking for a site to start a furnture factory and seeks to ob tain information of what Pendleton offers In advantages. He writes. "If there are no sawmills in Pendleton there Is no need of answering this letter." As this city has no saw mills, the opportunity of getting Mr Miller's furniture factory Is nil. 10c Today and Tomorrow 15c TEMPLE THEATRE LUCKY Broke and Then Marry a Million See Clara Kimball Young in "Marrying Money" oi!IJ FILM CORP. PRESENTS THIS ft REEL SOIUHERT FEATIHE DIRECT FROM THE MAJESTIC THEATRE IN PORTLAND. t LARA KIMBALL YOUNG IS WITHOUT A DOUBT THE REST EMOTIONAL ACTRESS ON THE SCREEN TODAY. SUNDAY GOLD ROOSTER PLAY "THE GAL LOPER IV S REELS. TUESDA1 M WEDNESDAY i HIG VAUDE VILLE ts DIRECT PROM THE s. C CIRCUIT. TEMPLE THEATRE Big House and Big Shows JUiliuiiiUiii iMiMiiiniMiHiiiiniiiiiimjjjmjimi!""'"1 u""""" ""''''''"'''"""''''j's Ni'.'ht CMwn lo Meet, All those of either sejt who are planning to attend the night classes, at the high school this winter are re-1 quested to meet toiaOTFOW evening at the council chamber lr the city hall The classes will be formed and work started just as soon as suffi cient members ar? secured to assure th success of the plan. The an nouncement of the meetng tomorrow In the hills of that county this sum tendant Hampton. U. f O- Wants Literature. The University of Oregon library lias written the Pendleton Commer cial association for more literature i regarding Umatilla county, Pendle ton and the Round-tip. The library ! alrr-ady has considerable literature of ' this section on hand but Is anxlouj to obtain every' new publication that is Issued , Theso pamphlets are kept on file for general information of those who seek to learn facts re garding different sections of tho Mda'l Got a Deer. W. C. E. Prultt and Col. James H. Haley returned this morning from a n '-k's hunting trip at Rear Wallow and Old Itadley Springs but all the time they were gone never got slsht of a deer. They bagged plenty of grouse, however Mr. Prultt reports the country around that section full of deer hunters, about IS or 20 being j already camped at various polnH ! There have been plenty of deer In I that section but the hunters heve ! them well thinned out. Mr. Prultt ! and Col. Raley saw many algns of bear but having no dogs with them made no efforts to bring home a brulm w i Many. Sheep Lost Jack lllssett. formerly connected with the Bowman hotel. I here today from Union county. He has been In the sheep business for the last several months, buying and selling on commission, and reports that he has cleared up several thousand dol lars In the business. He has done most of his buying In Union county. In th hills of that eounty this sum mer, he says, many hundred head of sheep have been lot and sheepmen have been unable to account for It Predatory animals hove killed u large The Aita Theatre Last Time Today George Klein presents the magnificent photo-drama "Antony and Cleopatra" 8 parts, 4000 People, One Year in Pro ducing, at a cost of $200,000.00 The Greatest Love Story History has Ever Known. THE MOST MAGNIFICENT PICTURE WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. 7:00 AND 8:45 P. M. ADMISSION 10 and 20 cento TOMORROW THE BIGGEST SHOW OF THE SEASON, FANNIE WARD IN 'The Marriage of Kitty' AND Culligan's Minstrels THE NASHVILLE STUDENTS 10 PEOPLE 10 ic iiiriTmriTriinnririTriiTiitiiiiiiiitiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii!? i