EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1915. PAGE THREE iilllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIHIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIU: OPENING 111 I Wood I I I T jean woo Studio Room 7, Schmidt Building Saturday, Oct. 16 Beginners and Advanced Lessons in Oil and Water Colors Brass and Copper Crafts China and Tapestry Leather Tooling TO PLANS FOR MAN AND WOMAN F OM.V ONE sKSATIIIi OHJWr- WILLIAM HRAN-ON TO IMPROVING AILMY AM) NAVAL OTHKNGTH. Full of Congress Shows Members Arc More Than 10 U One in Fit r of Supporting Preaklenl Xat) tilien preferrttrc Hy Many. M MRS. WILLIAM IMMKliI CHARGED WITH TERRIBLE RIME. Branson Had Itcen mi Had Trrm With Dead Man Wife seen in VI ciultj soon After Crime, iidii to Haw DCCn an lucompllce in Act. WILLAMINA, CHICAGO, Oct. 14. Following I" I summary of a newspaper poll of the Ham Branson, aged immbtri Of congress on the question murder, and Mrs of an Increase In the army and navy lu tin- How, Hep.Dem Prog.Total Yes 85 &s 2 14 No .... 2 10 0 IS Yes, with reser- S rations 3 9 0 12 S Navv hut not army 0 2 0 1 S Non-committal ..13 9 1 22 I I Punch Served Between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. There will be nothing offered sale during this opening. or b parties 103 89 In the Senate. Ore, Oct 14. Wil is, charged with William Booth. aged 30. accused as an accomplice, trday were hound over to await ac tion of the Yamhill county grand Jury after n all-day preliminary hearing before Justice N. L. Atkins, In the case of the killing of William llooth, ageil 39, near the Willamlna brick plant last Friday. Booth was shot to death. The stale put on 19 witnesses and, after their testimony bad been heard rested, the defense waiving further This is National Dress-Up Week GRACE A wonderful word with a reat deal of meaning when applied to the looks of the clothes you wear. You may be pleaatd with the pattern ami ftel comfy with the fit, yet on top of all this you can add that much sought grace and swing that marks the best dressed, by wearing "Bond Clothes" Suits and Overcoats 815 TO 830 Our own tailors see that you are fit perfectly. We guarantee you absolute satisfaction in every way. BOND BROTHERS Pendleton's Leading Clothier. Rep.Dem. Total, hearing at thin time. MANY NOTABLES ATTEND MRS. DUNIWAY'S FUNERAL Yes 10 IS No 0 1 Navy, but not army ... 0 2 Non-committal 1 U Total by Grand parties 20 18 total 34 The opera-house where the he.ir 1 ing was held, was packed, fully 60S 2 ' persons from the country roun 1. 1 ' where Mr Booth was w ell known, be- ing In attendance. 33 Young Branson was arrested Sat- 2s S urday, the day following the findii-g A poll of congressmen and senators 'of Mr. Booth's body up the road near the brick plant near here The mat- shows that President Wilson's pro gram for a bigger army and W vy will have the almost unanimous sup port of both houses during th cot Ing session. The question, "Do you favo.- an In crease In the army and navy lor de fense preparedness?" was put ll all aerators and congressmen. Ti'rty- fUe senators answered the question there next month, tat only one, Vardaman of Missit-I-I The fact that Mr ter was kept quiet until Branson was taken and evidence secured which might lead to a clearing up of the case, through the arrest of Mrs. Booth. Both Branson and Mrs. Booth were taken back to McMlnnville tonight be held until the grand Jury PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 13. Sena tors, congressmen and other men who have held or are holding Oregon's highest posts of honor paid their last tribute of respect to Ablgil Scott Dun iway yesterday afternoon. The funeral services, held at the First Unitarian church, were attend ed by a throng. From 1 o'clock until 2 the body re posed in the church for the view of the many who wished to look upon the features of her who was Oregon's most celebrated woman. The services were brief and simple. meets There was no sermon or eulogy. Rev. T. L Eliot, pastor emeritus of the Booth was seen ehurch. and an old friend of Mrs. SAILORS RETURN TO FAVOR BECAUSE OF ppl Is opposed to an Increase. John In the vicinity of the crime so soon Snarp Williams, the other Mississippi after it happened led the authorities senator, favored a bigger navy, but to believe she might have known nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlllllllllll'llllllimilllllllllllllllltillllllr: Mother Strikes at Will. marriage was not known to her until BT. LOUIS Oct. 14. Suit to break after his death. He was married in the will of Huy K. Fisher, a Jeweler who died last January, leaving an es state valued at 1100,000, has been fil ed In the circuit by Fisher's mother. Mrs. Jane M. Fisher. The suit names as defendants Fish er's widow, Mrs Millie Fisher, and her mother, Mrs. Mary L. Bronem kamp with whom the widow now lives. In his will. Fisher left his mother--In-law 11500 and 11 each to two sis ters. Mary L Fassett and Rosa M. Fisher, a brother James E. Fisher. and his mother. Fisher's wife formerly was his con fidential elerk In the Jewelry busi ness. After Fisher's death his mother filed a clnlm for about $4000 against her son's estnte, saying that amount was due her for board. Her son for some time before his death had been living with her. and she alleged he represented to her he was poor and unable to earn his own living. After his death she learned he left 1100,000 Mrs. Fisher alleges in the will con test suit that her son was suffering August. 1912. She also alleges her son was of unsound mind when he made the will, three dars before his death A suit for $25,000 damages filed by Fisher's widow against Fisher's moth er Is pending In the circuit court. She alleged Jane Fisher made untrue statements concerning her. Mary Garden Recovering. LONDON, Oct. 14 From her coun try place, Strlchen, In Scotland. Mary Garden, the American soprano, has telegraphed as follows: "Miss Garden broke down this summer from the strain of her am bulance work. No operation was ever performed. She Is now at her Scotch home getting back her strength t. enable her to return to her duties in France." t.ot a bigger army. Droocrau Favor Policy. One hundred and ninety-four con gressmen answered. One hundred something which would clear up the case. Her arrest followed shortly after that of young Branson, who had been on bad terms with Mr and forty-six voted "yes,'' 12 were Booth for some time Mr. Booth had against the program and two favor- accused Branson of being too Intl ed 'j bigger navy, but no Increase in mate with Mrs. Booth. Reports were recently published here that Miss Garden, who had been nursing in the hospitals near Paris from hallucinations that he was poorland elsewhere in France for several and believed himself unable to pay months, was gravely 111 in Paris fol board. Mrs. Fisher states her son's lowing an operation for appendicitis. the army. The poll was taken by mail and it Is tnly fair to those who response J to say that their votes were in tie mails before the i resident mad-; his ptll'ilc, announcement to the navv ad vlsrry board that he stood for pic I andness. The result of the poll is believed to foreshadow what will happen when state Ihe defense program Is brought be fort congress. Will support President. The ballots caot are more than ten to one In favor o: a larger army ami navy Indicating that whatever the president proposes will be passed. The senators frjin California fail ed to answer the query, but five Cal ifornia congressmen were heard from Only one. Randall, democrat, toted "No." The California con gressmen who favor the larger arm; 1 and navy are Kahn. republican; Kett ner, democrat; Stephens progressive, and Hayes, republican. charging Mrs. An- Ininlway, read from the . Scriptures and offered a prayer. "Lead, Kindly I-iKht." and "Nearer. My God, to Thee," were sung. There were more flowers than could be heaped on the casket. The active pallbearers were Leslie M. Scott, Ambrose B. Scott. John H Scott, Paul R. Kelty. James 8. He Cord and Kenneth S. Latourette. The honorary pallbearers were T. T. L Pittock and The complaint na Booth as an accomplice in tne George E. Chamberlain. Harry Lane, crime was filed todav. shortly before Jmes Withycombe. C. N. McArthur, the hearing opened. Neither Bran- Oswald West. C. W. Fulton son nor Mrs. Booth appeared ner- Geer, M. C. George. H mm u nearly a score of witnesses George H. Himes. testified for the state in the case of lira. Booth was one won cemetery ior members ni me n the part of the lamlly. , The body will be cremated. BRITISH BARK CHARTERED SO SHILIJNGS FOR TRIP AROt XD CAPE HORN. AT IN FIVE MINUTES! NO NDI6ESTI0N. GAS OR SOUR. ACID STOMACH THE MOMENT -P.VPE'S DIAPEP SJN REACHES TIIE STOM ACH ALL DISTKlXt, UOES. Some sailers on Way But Fleet ol P"i oaJ "nacn m Steamers wm Handle Most ot order ' really does - ovly..n;o Indi Hnslnea. to rcuroo Steamers fcestlon, dyspepsia, gas. heartburn W ere Ixuuied Recently for Long Voyage. Private services were held at Mount The arrest of the surprli DICKINSON OUT AS HOTEL OREGON MANAGER On Each Cole's Original Hot Blast Heater 1. We guarantee a saving of one-third in luel over sny lower draft stove of the sm size, with soft coal, lignite or slack. 2. We guarantee Cole's Hot Blast to use less hard coal for beating a given spice thsn any base burner made with same siie firepot. 3. We guarantee that the rooms can be heated from one to two horns esch morning with the luel put in the stove the evening before. Your Money Back! You get beck the original cost of your stove in the fuel money saved each winter. Could you ask for more? 4. We guarsntee that the stove will hold tire w ith soft coal or hard coal from Saturday eve ning to Monday morning. 5. We guarantee s uniform heat day and night with soft cos), hard coal or lignite. 6. We guarantee every stove to remain absolutely air-tight as long as used. 7. We guarantee the feed door to be smoke end dust proof. 8. We guarantee the ami puffing draft to prevent puffing. All we ask is that the stove be operated according to directions and connected with a good flue. (Signed) COLE MANUFACTURING CO. (Not Inc.) (Makers of theOriglnslPitcntedHot Blast Stovi) This guarantee cannot he made on any other heating store. If you want comfort and economy put one of these heelers in your home. "Cole's Hoi Blaet Main Your Coal Pile Lai f l.nnk for tht Ces 'i onfttJ door toavoiJ imitation! ! Taylor Hardware Go. Agents and Distributors, 741 Main St., Pendleton, Oregon I 'or Indigestion. PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 14. Direc tors of the Hotel Oregon Tuesday ac cepted the resignation of M. C. Dickinson as manager of that hos telry. N. K. (Patsy i ong the Wide! the Pacific Northwest and the change is one of the most Important in many months among Portlai.d hostelries. Although the directors of the Ore gon. E. E. Convert. Elliott It. Corbett and Joseph Simon, did not accept the y resianation until yesterday. J r. Dick- Memorial services for Mrs. Dunl way, at which speakers will give their tributes to the qualities of her char acter and the achievements of her life may be held next Sunday. Chronic Constipation. "About two years ago when I be- s his successor they setectea gan using chamberlain's Tablets I larke. Both are am- naj Deen suffering for some time with known hotel men of stomach trouble and chronic consti pation. My condition improved rap idly through the use of these tablets. Since taking four or five bottles of them my health has been fine, writes Mrs. John Newton, Irving. K Obtainable everywhere. Adv. Mmm tulto nensin and nrenaratlons inson said last night that it had been containing pepsin or other digestive before them since last July, and that fitY-nts for In ingestion, as the more he had reotiested several times to be you take the more you will have to , relieved of the hotel management from Peti take. What is needed Is a tonic llks'that he might devote his time to trav- ent ssys: Germans to mi poles. LONDON, Oct. 14, In a dispatch grad. Reuter s correspond- Chamberlain's Tablets that will en able the stomach to perform Its func tions naturally. Obtainable every where. Adv. el and to his private business interests. "Polish refugees arriving here say Mr Clarke to Take Ctwrge at Once, that German officials declare that Mr Clarke Will take active charge Poland will be surounded by a triple may take on a small additional lot of the administration of the Oregon line of trenches and barbed wire en-'today before getting under way for PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct 14. Sail ing vessels are coming to their own once more since the Panama canal has been blockaded hy slides and there Is a tendency toward stiffer rates for early loading, as was Indi cated In the engagement of two ves sels taken yesterday, the British bark Inveresk at 85 shillings for February March loading, and the British bark Holt Hill, at 85 shillings for Janu ary loading, with 2s $d extra if she arrives for December loading and 90 shillings if available In November. The British balk Invergarry was fixed Tuesday at shillings and will be a Mirch ship. M. H. Houser took the Holt Hill and the Invergarry. while the Inversel; was engaged by Hind, Rolph & Co Exporters have paid more attention to steam tonnage since a number of sailing vessels were taken the later part of the 1914-15 season for late fall and early winter loading, so the spurt of the past two days in squareriggers rath er lends new interest to the charter market. The Holt Hill is among the old traders In the North Pacific coast grain fleets and was reported arriv ing at Melbourne from New York October 3, so It Is regarded improb able that she will make it here for November loading. The Inveresk reached Queenstown September IT with a cargo of wheat loaded here, having sailed in April, and no doubt will be started on the return at once. The Invergarry left Mlddlesbro. England. August 4. for Pernambuec and was spoken off Lizard August 18- The British steamer Haigh Hall finished loading grain at Montgom ery dock yesterday, although shj at once, win be n Amusements What the press agents say about Pendleton's pres ent and coming attractions. It i- understood that there tanglements change in employes for the will be quite nd that the management tor If there i les no expenditures on the Hermann will efore the first of the year Vne populate them to figh tnd that the Russian3 sea. The British hark Dolbadarn inable to dislodge them Castle began working grain at Irving a shcrtage of men the! dock yesterday and is to be follow arm the entire mascu- ed there by the Russian bark Fahr n of Poland and force, wohl. the Russians." There are a few sailing vessels on :nd sourness in five minutes that just that makes Pap. Diapepsin the largest selling stomach leguiator in the world. If what you eat fer ments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undi gested food and acid; head s dzxy and aches, breath foul; tongue coat ed; your insides fillet. ith mile and indigestible waste, remember the moment "Pape's Oiapepsln comes In contact wth the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly aston ishing almost marvelous, and the Joy Is Its harmlessness. A large fifty-cent case of Papa's Diapepsln will give yo a hunred dred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your mon ey back. It's worth its weight In gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated, it belongs In your home should always be kept handy In case of a sick, sour, upset stom ach during the day or night. It's the quickest, surest and most harm leas stomach regulator In the world. the way that should put in an ap pearance before the ned of the month, but, save for steamers in the Pacific that have been taken for ce real transportation, there is little hope for a big fleet of them to be in the harbor until those detained on the east side of the Panama canal have time to make their way via the Straits of Magellan. The Joy of Motherhood. There need be no apprehension of distress to mar the complete joy of expectation, for many women who know, advise the use of Mother's 'riend, an external remedy of particu ir value designed to sooth the I'des and relieve the pressure re D on many nerves so that the on upon the cords, tendons and -ments is not accompanied by se e pains that sometimes cause .ea. morning sickness and other al distresses. Mount's Friend has been used sue fully for two generations and can ta had of any drugglsL Racers Escape in spill, NORTH BEND, ore.. Oct 14.--One car crashed against a telephone pole In the heart of the city, anoth er was Slightly damaged and the drivers of both were spilled, but un hurt. In the sr.-mile race at the Bridge Carnival here. Oscar lignum in "A Pair of Sixes." No less than four offers were made to Manager H. H. Frazee for the. English rights to "A Pair of Sixes'' di.rlng the first week of Its run at the Longacrt Theatre. New York. He de clined them all as he wished to make the production In London himself. lt was already arranged to produce last month, when the war Interfered Arrangements for Its production had i already been made In Paris Berlin and Ihe other European capitals, and Australia, but they, necessarily, have j been postponed for the present. There j Is no doubt, however, that in due , course of time, the farce that has I mad the theater goers of this coun try hold their sides with laughter. I will make Its laugh heard around the; world. It will be seen at the Opera House on Friday. Oct. 22. with Oscar Figman heading the New York com pany under the management of H II. Frazee. USD round What Initials Meant. BERLIN. Oct. 14. J. B. Jackson, who has charge of the Inspection of prison camps In Germany for the American embassy visited Doeberitx recently to attend an entertainment given by the thousand English ma rines Imprisoned there. These ma rines were captured by the Germans. Jackson asked what the Initials "C. I. V." after each performer's name meant. "It means." someone answered "Churchill's Innocent Victims " Express Shipment Just Arrived! OF NEW FUK TRIMMED BROADCLOTH, SERGE, GABERDINE AND WHIPCORD SUITS SHOWN IN THE NEW GREEN, BLUE, BROWN AND BLACK. P. C. S. PRICES S19.90. 921.45, $22. 15 $24.90, S26.90 to S29.90. I 'lochia Press Awor'latlons Meet. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Oct. 14. Florida East Coast Press Association, the I.ake Region Press Association. th& South Florida Press Association, the Middle Florida Press Association and the . West Florida Press Associ ation are in convention here. Save The Baby Use the reliable HORLICK'S ORIGINAL Malted Milk Upbuilds every part of the body efficiently. Endorsed by thousands of Physicians, Mothers end Nurses the world over for more than s quartet of s century. Convenient, no cooking nor additional milk required. Simply dissolve in wster. Agrees when other foods often faO. Sample free, HOiUJCKS, Raein; Wm. o Substitute If'lust as Good" as HORLICK'S, the Original a EXTRA SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Childrens COATS a ONE LOT SIZES 4 TO 6 YRS., LATE STYLES AND SHADES. POPULAR CASH STORE CLOSE-OUT PRICE 91.98 ANOTHER LOT MORE DE SIRABLE MODELS AND COL ORINGS AT P. C. S. CLOSE- OUT PRICE $2.98 POPULAR CASH STORE 21 EXTRA SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Ladies SUITS 21 COME IN THE NEW DARK SHADE AND VALUES UP TO $35.00; SIZES 36 TO 42. POPULAR CASH STORE CLOSE-OUT PRICE $3.95 POPULAR CASH STORE