DAILY EVENING Eft DON to amvehtiseus. The East Oregonlaa. hu the largest paid circulation of any paper In Oregon, aait of i'ortland and over twice the circulation In I'eudleton of any other newapaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 27. BOSTON , . , . RUSSIAN. TAKE KAISER IS BUSY Allies in the East and West Plan to Keep the Germans too Oc cupied. NEW DRIVE ANTICIPATED I Supplied HI Munition. Forces of (tor (Tom MOV- RHor, Driving Enemy Heforc Them--Hard tit tng In lvink Region PETKOQR.' D. Oct. 13 With fush suppllts and munitions the Kava have aga'n fken li of'-nelve anil made imp irttnt ftitl 'n 'ialicia Having crosso! the Slryp.i nvcr Ihey B--C ;ilvlng t) M! before, Ibcin lr. great disorder. UnvrtMBtwl tVOr thousand and cuptui'm,' cunr.cn und ammunition Desperate lighting ion tlnucs In the Dvlnak region. The oc cupation of "part" of tho It'isslan trenches near Illuxt by the ilernians Is admitted In the latest w.ir office MatHiimt. New lrli . in cl AMSTERDAM, Oct. It, A new drive by the ulllea In the ArtoW und Champagne regions and pjrhupi else where, l I .omcntarlly er.j--.l. It Is planned by the ullles to keep the kaiser loo busy on the western line to push Into the Bul kaiiH Meanwhile the Serbians are being reinforced KAISER IN PERSON AT FRONT IN SERBIA LONDON, Oct. 13. That the kai ser la already at the Serbian front lupenr bring the Invasion by his fore Is repeatedly rumored, though a verl- ALL CREWS SAVED LONDON, Oct. H. Giving the crew lime to take to their boats, a British submarne dynamited the Oat-tan stenmer Walter Leonard In the Baltic Tuesday, according to a CopenhaceS rtlspnteh. British aub mar, iks In the Baltic recently Bank lour or five German steamships. It is beli.ved all the crews were sav ed. RUSSIA TO LAND ARMY ON BULGARIAN COAST PARIS, Oct. 13. Bulgaria declared war against Serbia Tuesday, accord ing to a Bucharest dispatch. Russia is preparing to land a vast army on Ihe Bulgarian coast, according to the Rumanian Journal Universal. lake Serbian Village. BERLIN Oct. 13. Teuton Invaders have captured the village of Zeleanll; and Topchldsr heights, south of Bel gradf, it is officially announced. The Serbian resistance only slightly Im peded Ihe advance, the Germans claim. ILLINOIS COI RT IM'LKS FAVORABLE TO sliiltXGI Sl'IIINGFlELD, ill., Oct. 13 The slate supreme court has denied the moton of Chicago liquor attor noyi t,. lile briefs In certain contest . il election cases. Involving Ihe rlghls of 'woman suffrage. The Chicago niin sought to attack the constitu llonallfy of the suffrage law. NEWS SUMMARY rjaaerat. Boston wins final gninc. 5 lo 4. Mllct. renew offensive lo cheek Gertnan itnlknn move. Von Jagow sas (Jrecf worse trem ed Hum Belgium. McAdoo announces plan for mer chant marine hill. LOOftli Valuable Je telry is stolen from Sl ntoftda home Inst night. Mini nccused of assault with dint getOUi weapon Is given hearing. Night clasaee In domestic science mul manual training will be started soon. OFFENSIVE WHEN DAILY RED SOX M'ADOO STARTS T Official Announcement Made cn Administration's Plan for Relnf of Commerce. GOVERNMENT, ONLY HOPE hii Purchase Neoeaary for avai Iteaaona and for liellef of Trade l'rlate C apital t annot be Helled i pan iii This Emergency, vasiiin;TuN. Oct., first official unnouncement administration's merchant bill was made by Secretary 13. -The of the iiiurlne of the I Treasury McAdno today In Press interview In which he i full detailed I plana for building up a naval reserve j to be operated through a corporation In which the government Is sole I Stockholder. The statement was made on ihe eve of his departure for a Western trip In which he will speak OS behalf of the measure. The chief (actors are the necessity for an aux illary fleet for the navy. The neces slt for immediate relief of American commerce. The lt-pi'li'.Nsne:s of pri vate capital to Dome promptly to Ihe relief of American foreign trade. The fact that the government ,- the only fancy of sufficient strength t give the iuick assistance necessary. Mc Adoo suld he hoped und believed the president will recommend Ihe pass age of this legislation at the coming session of congress. VARSITY FRESHMEN ARE DUCKED IN MILL RACE EL'GENE. Ore.. Oct 13-Th" freshman class numerals in green paint appeared upon Ihe student scared senior bench upon the univer sity campus this morning. This noon virtually every freshman, particular those In the fraternity houses. WU ducked In lieu of tne actual offend ers Some were dropped In the mill race; others went In the fralernlt bathtubs, The painting was the first offense of its kind for several rears, follow !ng an effort to eliminate an ynde slrable practice of daubing class nu merals each year nn every surface about Ihe campus. This morning the green figures ap peared, not only on ine senior bench, but on the campus walks The freshmen were gathered dur ing the noon hour, marched to campus, nrmed with turpentine, fori ed o use their green caps the In clsanlni off the figures. Consider able turpentine was scattered upon the upper classmen during the clean ing process, und ducking followed. The downtown merchants had many calls for caps following Ihe ep isode. The senior bench Is pari of tradi tion No one is allowed to sit on I "it II he becomes a senior. II is made of concrete. ALLIES DON'T WANT TO USE JAPS IN BALKANS l'AHIS. Oct. 13 A report that Japanese troops as an aid In the Bal kan struggle are being considered. Is discredited. High officials snld It Is felt such a step would have a bad effect upon neutral public opinion Exciting Play in TRIP IN SUPPOR OF SHIP MEASUR ir - . . ; I ' sBHE iHm! ' HPya I if Hl TrM 1 1 "' 11 JKK.W -,..'. V.jUillHlVnH EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, TAKE FINAL GAME OF WRLD SERIES; 5 TO 4 . v . aj A M m Acnon nctures r ar il sfcSff iiS'''KSSl Von Jagow Says Greece Treated Worse Than Was Belgium by the Kaiser BY CARL ACKKRMAN. (Copyright llj by I'nited Press.' Copyrighted in tlreut Britain.) BBRLIN, Oct. 13. The world's storm of in lignation against Ger many for Invading Belgium Is "cant" or "schwindel." declared Foreign Minister Von Jagow In an interview liven Ihe Catted Press concerning the action Dl the allies In landing troops at Salonika. 1 asked If the final decision in the Balkans brought abngt another psychological peace moment Vim Jagow replied: "You must ask Germany's ene- j mies " I inferred liermany continues willing to consider peace If the allies make first overtures. It Is my lm P reason further that the people be lieve not only has Ihe cause for Kng-! land's entrance into the war been re-' moved by the landing In irece. but the reasons for the allies' prolonging Ihe war is also removed Von Ja-1 gow's statement regarding the Salon ika landing In part was: "Certainly the violation of the lieu-' 2nd Inning of First Game of Series mmmm W t rrom nrst uame trality of Belgium by Germany and of Greece by England and France, cannot be compared. Tor In the first instance the ijuestion revolved itself about tile threatened French advance through Belgium, threatening the ex. istence of the Herman empire. The landing of the entente troops at Sa lonika was not founded upon any such distressing emergency. It was based entirely upon the ground of political and military opportunity" Ha j Greece Acquiesced. (By Ed Keen Copyright 1915 by Cnlted Press, copyrighted Great Britain. I LONDON. Oct 13. Answering the United Press interview with Von Ja gow in which the German foreign minister denounced the allies for landing troops on Greek soil a state ment from a British official source hus been given me asserting that "at no time have the allies taken action In Greek territory that will be unwel. come to Greece." OCTORER 13, 1915. - a , r 'a5 ot World les TOP Tris Speaker, Boston's great out fielder, scoring the only run the Red Sox made In the first game of the , world's series in Philadelphia, October LOWER. Paskert, Phlles' outfelder, shooting back to third, with Gardner on the ground with the ball. Just before he started home w:ith thesj second and winning run of the first game in the ! world's series between the Phllies and Red Sox. Paskert made a sensation al catch In the outfield, which saved the game for his club. Wheat Up Almost Four Cents Today UIHAi.o PRIOEG 11 MP TOBT rjUVD Bids OX CLTJB RAISED TO 95 l-i. CHICAGO, Oct. 13. (Special.) At the close today, Dec. 11. 08 1-4: May, 11.09 5-8. Portland PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 13 (Spe cial.! Bid prices today, club 95 1-2; btuaitllll, 97 bid. $1 asked. Uvcrponl (Yesterday.) LIVERPOOL. Oct. 12 Cash wheat firm. l-2d to 2d higher. Wheat Spot No. 1 Manitoba. 12s l-2d; No. 2. lis lid; No. 3, lis 10 j 1 -2d ; No. i Northern Duluth. lis 9d: No. ' hard winter. lis. In American terms the Liverpool price is now II. 75 1-0 per bushel. ' ndergoes operation, Archie Anderson, a well known resident of Helix, was operated up on today at St Anthonys hospital for an infection of one of the bones in Ills leg. He Is reported to be doing well. Jnrj i- Out INDIANAPOLIS. Oct. 13. The Jury in the case of Mayor Bell, charg ed with conspiring to corrupt Marlon Count) elections retired about 11 o'clock. Officer ls i 17.1171. 1 INI ION. Oct. 13. Total casualt ies of officers of the British army btm the beginning of the war up to September 27 have reached a total of 17.071. "f this number 5176 were killed or had died, while 1 ' . 4 6 H were wounded and 1411 weije listed as missing. at Philadelphia AUSTRO-GERMANS HOOPER GETS SEEK JUNCTION Teutons Wage Attach Along Danube Save and Drina, Drive Serbinns Before Them. SERRS WILL LOSE NISH Monastir Said to Be Chosen for Xew capital, a Being Expected NUli Will Fall Before Bulgarian Invad ers in Near Future. VIENNA, Oct. 1J. Pushing their way into the near east, the Austro "ermans seeking Junctlrn with the Bulgarians, are attacking all alonx the Danube and h;.ve rivers and on the Drlna east bark. It Is officially minted. Tile hills about Bsgrjde are in the invaders' hands. The enemy ad VI need in the face, of an idmitted ly heavy resistance. The Austrians captured Mount Lipa. east of Bel grade, while the. Germans are driv ing the Serbians before them from Belgrade In the direction of Possaro- witz. seek New capital. PARIS, Oct. 13. After one trans fer already, still another shift of : Serbian capitals is In prospect. This time, it is reported. It will be remov ed to Monastir, in the southwestern corner of the country. NIsh, the war time capital. Is expected to fall it)to Bulgarian hands befere the Germans reach it. Bulgarians Repulsed. ATHENS, Oct. 13. The Serbians repulsed a Bulgarian attempt to take positions south of Saltchar. on the railroad between NIsh and Prochovo. FRANCE WILL HAVE NEW FOREIGN MINISTER PARIS, Oct. 13. The resignation of foreign Minister Delcasse Is an nounced officially by Premier Vivi an!. Delcasse is 111. Vivian! had been acting for him several days. Prying open the bathroom window j sometime between 7 and 8 o'clock last night, a burglar or burglars, en-! tered the home of Mrs. Lydia Sp monds. 95 Raley street, and escaped I with jewelry, a revolver and a foun-1 tain pen. Among the jewelry were ! seven rings and a lady's watch. The ' whole loot Is estimated to be valued! at about $50 or 180. WITH BULGARIA HOME IS HEN INTO AND VALUABLE JEWELRY SEEN PEAN 10 DOUBL NAVY INJECT FIVE WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. Fifteen to twenty fighting ships ot the dreadnaught and battle cruiser type, with a proportio nate number of seafiroino- snhi cruisers, destroyers and auxiliaries enough to make a new American tleet is contemplated by Secretary Daniels nr recommendation as a five- vear hnililinc nmkisram ttvm a T'; -........ K. sui ted States navv. President Wilson and Secretary Daniels have discussed in tormally the needs of m - - to be adequately prepared for u urci must oe almost aOttDied in the next tive years, with the addition of many of the latest type f fast and powerful fighting craft. Details as to number have not yet been finally worked out. but the idea Of fixinir the ratio for eontinnino- nn.vnmi ,., e a period of five years is the basic era! board of the navy and Secretarvlianiels now are planning their recommendations. Another conference between the pre ident and the secretary will be held Kridav at which the total I 1-1.. i i nuiuuer prouaoiy w in ne Ile(l. The five-year naval program addition to dreHilnniio-ht.: .'tllil ti ,IlaBI.,, v vmici s, i a v U t t J K IIUIIUIM1 submarines, about seventy destroyers and several scout cruis ers aim a proportionate number DAILY EVENING EDITION forecast for KK-rn Oregon hr Ihe Vailed Sum Wcther Obeertrr at Portland. Tonight and Thursday cloudy, probably rain. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 82r Phillies Find Their Batting Eyes To day But Three Home Runs for Red Sox Take Series for Boston Boston. AB R H PO A B Hooper, rf 4 2 3 2 0 Scott, as S 0 0 1 2 0 Speaker, cf 5 0 1 3 0 i Hoblitzel. lb 1 0 0 1 0 0 Gainor, lb 3 1 1 9 0 0 Lewis. If 4 1 1 0 0 Gardner. 3b 3 1 1 2 J 0 Barry, 2b 4 0 1 2 0 0 Thomas, c 2 0 1 4 3 Cady, c 1 I 0 2 1 0 Foster, p 4 I 1 3 0 Totals it 5 10 27 12 I Willa delphia. AB R H PO A E Stock. 3b 3 0 0 0 1 0 Bancroft, ss 4 1'2 2 1 Paskert. cf 4 1 2 3 0 0 Cravath, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Becker, rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luderus. lb 2 1 2 13 2 0 Whilted. If 4 0 0 2 0 0 Neihoff, lb 4 1 1 2 3 0 Burns, c 4 0 1 1 2 0 Mayer, p 1 0 0 1 0 0 Rixey, p 2 0 1 0 1 0 Killifer 1 0 0 0 0 0 Dugey 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 4 9 27 16 1 Killifer batted for Rixey in ninth. Dugey ran for Cravath in eighth. Score by Innings. Boston . ..R01 100902 15 Poston . ..H1S20100I2 1 10 Phila . ...R2OO2OO0O0 4 Phila . ... H 3 0 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 Summary: Two base hits. Luderus; three base hits, Gardner; home runs. Hooper 2. Lewis, Luderus; first on balls, off Rixey I. off Foster 2; struck out. by Rixey 2. by Foster 5; innings pitched by Mayer 2 1-3. Rixey 2.3, by Foster 9; hits off Mayer S; Rixey 4 ; runs responsible for. by Mayer 2, Rixey 3: defeat charged to Rixey; left n bases. Boston 7, Philadelphia 5; double plays. Foster to Thomas to Hoblitzel; Bancroft to Neihoff to Lu derus. (Continued on page five.) Mrs. Stmonds and her daughter were away at the time, having gone to a friend's home to spend the ev ening. The loss of the valuables was not discovered until this morning when a report was made to the po. lice. Whoever was responsible for the theft took care that his track;; were well covered as there was not a clew left behind upon which the police might work. E .' 'v a-aj,,-. U 111 J I V I V l defense the present rtrenith at principle a Don which the iron. when completed would add in itTl, , r, tlAtiflt' n hnnilo.,,1 ot fuel and hospital ships. HOMER IN 9TH ENDING GAME AMERICAN