EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1915, PAGE THREE This is National Dress-Up Week get mmm OF 1 Busy Men fine movie films! Are Our Best Friends THIS is the time of year when the weather makes a marked change. We change clothes with the weather, as also do the styles. EVANGELINE" SHOWN l(V NTT DENTS I Mhll SUPERVISION OF PROFESSOR. oh Bond Clothes" Suits and Overcoats HERMISTON SCHOOLS pM"" enable you to make the change with pleasure because of their style, com fort and becomingness. MOTHER! DON'T TAKE CHANCES IF CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED IF CROSS, FEVKKISII, sll'K, BTIv IOCS, CLEAN LITTLE LIVER M iiowij.k. A laxative today naves a sick clillit tomorrow, children imply will nof take tlie time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour. Look at the tongue. Mother: If coated or your child Is listless, cross, feverish lirealh had, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold Of has sore throat or any other children's ail ments give a teaapoonful of "Cali fornia Syiup of Figs," then don't wori. because It Is perfectly harm less, and In I few hours all this con Otipated poison, sour bile and fer bcntlng waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, Playful child again A (thorough "Inside cleansing" Is oftlmes all that Is necessary. It should be the firs! trtuUntnl given In any sickness Beware of counterfeit fig syrup Ask your druggist for a SO-ccnt bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown ups palnly printed on the bottle Look carefully and see that It Is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." i; MLROAD8 MORE TIME l SELL SHIPS wa-hington, Oat ll.-The In terstate commerce commission has postponed from December first to the fifteenth the order separating twelve big eastern railroads from the steam ship lines they own. The separation is necessitated by the Panama canal act. PURE, RICH BLOOD MADE BY HOOD'S Vwrc blood enables the stomach, livi r and oilier digestive organs lo do their work properly. Without it they nic llugavh) there U loss of appetite, aometiriioa faininess, a de ranged siaic of the intestines, ami. in gem ml, all the symptoms of dytpepsUi II I'i Sarsapaiilla makes pure liloml, ami this is why it is so very luoeensfu in the treatment of so many ailments. (Jet it today. BOXING Main Event 20 Rounds iCU Billie Farrell vs. Tommy Clark of Pendleton of Portland, Ore. at the OREGON . THEATRE Thurs. Right, Oct. 14 TWO 8800 PRELIMINARIES TICKETS NOW ON SALE Gallery 50c Reserved 5100 Parquet $1.50 Ringside $2.00 $15 TO $30 BOND BROTHERS Pendleton's Leading Clothier. RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS --l.ninent of Mortgage. A mortgage executed by Win. It. Meiners to F. P. Watts, April 1 1, 1915, for 11,000 is assigned to Sophie Byers A mortgage executed by Clarence licpew to Julian Twitehell truslei assign- fib. 13. 1915. for I,000, Is to James A. Fee, trustee. satisfaction of Mortgage A mortgage executed by Anton 1915, for Kraft to Wm. Mills Jan. Is, $(0110. in satisfied. A mortgage executed b; Kraft to Wm. Mills Jan. 18, $6aii0 Is satisfied. mortgage executed b; Sample to T. ('. Klllott Oct. ntoii i. tor , Henry 1, 1905, for 500 Is satisfied. A mortgage executed by Samuel If, Porter to Julia I. Luhrs Nov, 25, 1912 and assigni'd t U'0. D. Wood Is sat isfied. ('battle Mortgage. Alonao Knotts to Elizabeth Horn, 1306; 4 horses and mares and an in create, i wagon. It C. and Ci. It. Brannln to Pen dleton Auto Co.. 1.1,000; 1 Federal - ni ainl one-half ton truck No. lit, V. C. Carson to Oscar Duchee HO; L' horses. I'.lincr Thompson to R H Horne. 1100.10! on horses. ECHO LADIES AID HAD SUCCESSFUL CHICKEN PIE SUPPER FRIDAY (Special Correspondence.) ECHO. Ore., Oct. 12. The Ladies' Aid of this place gave & chicken pie supper lust Friday evening at the I. 0. O F. hall. It was a success In every way. there was a good attend ance and the net proceeds were about thirty dollars. A. (). Carden left yesterday even ing on a short business trip to Arllng. ton. Dr. W. H. Davis returned FridaJ from lone w here he was looking after i his farm Interests. Mrs. A. E. (Miner spent yesterday in Pendleton. Bert Wilson, claim agent for the O.-W. It. & N. Co. was here yesterday from Portland. Mrs H. L Hedrlek of Weston ls here this week visiting with friends. Mrs. Ethel Iehmen and little son I of Pendleton returned home Sunday after a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. i L B. Wells. T D. Matthews of Pendleton Is a business visitor here. Miss Neva Forest of Pendleton is here visiting with friends. CONTEST faffefci I ka - fL, v-wf F. Z. Sams to First Nut. Hank of Milton Cl.iniii; jo head heifers, 15 head cows, ao head steers, 10 head yearling steers, 10 head yearling hei fers, 7 head calves, also all wheat and barley to be grown during 1916 on 130 acres In Sec. 31. T 3G E., W. M. Mortgage. Roy Gallaher to Mlnervn 2.3.".o. on 35 acres in See X. B. Bowman 24, T. e V. It. 34 K.. W. M. Clarence o. obert to Gunder Bass mussen 1(00; 161.44 acres land II Sec. 19, T, i N. It. 37 B., W. If. Deed. .It A. .201) T. T. ! Porter to Samuel M. Por tracts of land in Sec. 30 ter. Ji 31, 32 Sec. 6. s., it. 33 E.. w. m. and It 13 B., W. It. Wiley L. VanSlvke et al to Chas. Cerko 11 W; a parcel of land in Mil ton, title descriptive. D. W. Bowman to Ttne Gallaher. J4000; 35 acres In Sec. 24, T. 6 N., R. 3 4 E W. M. T. E. Qotlld to a parcel of land. Nelson Manila Stella O, Morris 1 . title descriptive, to J. K. Ceorge. k 5 In the City of $1000; lot 7, block Milton. Samuel M. Porter trr 15,500: a tract c 30, T. 1 8., B. 33 E. to Jessie A. Por f land In Sec. 10, W, M, W. L Merrit of Hennistoii visited in Echo on Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Short of Centralis Wash., arrived here Tuesday on a visit w ith her sister Mrs. W. W. Whlt w orth W. H. Boyd of Portland was a bus iness visitor here last week. A MF.D1CINK OF MERIT. A proprietary medicine, like every thing else that comes before the pub lic, has to prove Its merits. The law Of the survival of the fittest applies ' In this field as in others. The rea- son for the tremendous success of i I.ydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com-; pound is because it has been fulfill ln( a real human need for forty years, so that today thousands Of American women owe their healtn anil happiness to the marvelous pow er of this famous medicine, made j from roots and herbs nature's rem-1 edy for woman's Ills. Adv. PETR06RAD SAYS RIGA CAMPAIGN DEADLOCKED RUSSIAN TORPEDO BOATS DE STROY MANY Tl RKISH slllPs Willi MUNITION'S. FETHOURAD, Oct 11 Opera tions in the Riga region from DYinek to Prlpet are deadlocked, It is offi cially reported. About Riga the Hermans displayed no activity. South of Prlpet the enemy captured the village of Berejnaia Vlolla. The war office claimed the .Slavs put to flight the enemy's cavalry at Buko vlnu. Von Hiiidenburg continue, to wrest scattering positions from the Slavs around Dvlnsk. Two Russian torpe do boats destroyed 19 Turkish sallli g essels off the Anatolian coast since Thursday The wrecked ships were laden with munitions. The flag of the I'nlted Kingdom, commonly known as the British flag. Is the official flag of the whole em pire, though, of course, the various provinces have their flags, Just as some states of the American union have theirs, while Old Glory flies over all. HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Saja Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. .of Instant relief no waiting Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing. head ache, dryness. No struggling for breath at nulght; your cold or catarrh disappears. tlet a small bottle of Ely's Crean. Halm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, nntiaepttc. healing renm in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air paasa ge of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and re lief comes Instantly. It's Just tine Don't stay stuffed op with a cold or nasty catarrh Duck season Bring- dlisl Lite to Project Danoea ami (lard Parties s Make Up Social IJfc at flonrlah- ing Weal Fuel Town. (Special Correspondence. ) HEItMISTON. Ore., Oi't. II. Un der the supervision of Prof. A. T. I Park several of the high school boys are endeavoring to show motion pic tures of a higher class than are ordi narily -brought to towns of this size. The pictures will ue by the leading stars or else of a type that will be of an educational benefit. I Last evening was their first exper ience but to two crowded houses the films of Longfellow's poem, "Evan geline" were shown Three of the high school girls furnished music during both reels Alfred Groom, an other high school student sang sever al numbers. Interest by the public assures the young managers a crowded house each week. Mary Plckfnrd will be the star next week and is being an ticipated with great pleasure. By starting at seven o'clock it enables the dancers to attend show before going to Saturday night dan :e. Since the opening of son. duck dinners hi important part In the Ings Mr. and Mr.- .! were among those las the the picture regular the dUCk sea- ivi- played an social gather-1 F. Mi Naught t week, enter-1 Friday evening, 'ing an outing' alley, hunting nyhill was the hil game and! week was en-1 tv Saturday at tainlrig a few friemb at dinner. Henry Hitt Is nj In the Willamette ! pheasants. (leorge recipient of some ol the latter part of th I love. I ill illnner Dl XI ,.,,, ,,, I. W. Campbell was host at three tables of bridge Friil ay evening at; the home of his parents, south of town. Mrs O. W. Bona and daughter, I Charlotte are the guests of Mrs. Bohn'f parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Morrow in Walla Walla Mr. and Mrs. M. I). Scroggi and two sons were the Sunday guests of Mr. Scruggs' sister, Mrs. Thomas Hawthorne fn irrlgon. Mr. and Mrs. H. R Newport andi son, Marshall, are expected to return this week from Portland w here they have been for seveia! weks. C. W. Kellogg returned Friday from a week's visit in Portland in connection with the reclamation ser-! vice. VTO DDHIVF.lt SERIOUSLY INJURED IV SPEED TRIALS. 0 a e HARM GRANT. N'KW YORK. net. S. Little hope Is held out fur the recovery of Harry "rant. the racing auto driver, who was severely burned when his ma- chine caught fire during u trial at the new Sheepshend Speedwav, whet.- the oUmlttatl for the Aator Challenge Can speed Motor m fatti ! were being held 4 Id and ; cup ra- ilrant. who is f..rt years the winner of the Vanderbili ces In lsl and Islfl. was tuning up , ! his Maxwell rarer for the big race Saturday when the machine took fire, i ih.i.1 v......... ii., aiM.iii ins irns, as he was running about ion miles j an hour. III., . ...... I, .... .... al, kl.. To have ihui "ft the power at once would have caused the machine to loll over and crush himself and his . "lechanlcan. Reuben probably would have Stafford, and wrecked some of the racing ni around the trs this and held 0 before he slow bines following him tirant realised traveling 110 yards! 1 down the chine. Grant was lifted from his machine end the fire extinguished Karl Cooper rushed him to the Conev Is land hospital IB his automobile. Stafford was not touched by the flames. LfKllMnf wfe. mm! J i j IIII a aaL a, vi?Ja1a-iBHBHBlhtaaBfc KKKKr W evaennnlHnaunE aa r .BBaaBHila BfV iHanHBaaBVtbani Lw Jaflaa HOTj( JH a Jj a4BHMGaK2rtaHrdltSr tlvaV I MrmBBW Scene from Harold Bell Wright's fireat Play. Matthews.'' PERSONAL NEWS FROM ADAMS AND VICINITY (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS. Ore., Oct. 11 Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison and children motored to Pendleton .Sunday. Miss Briedly. one of the teachers of Athena. Is visiting at the home of Mrs. Charles Schatx. Miss Jessie Chesnut returned to her school in Pendleton after spending Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. James Chesnut. Bert Kirby and wife motored to Pendleton Saturday Cecil t'hrlston was visiting at the home of his brother, Carl Chrlston Sunday. Young people's meeting was led Sunday night by Beulah Spencer. The lesson was on leaders and follow ers. Mrs Bectel and sons. Omar and Theodore, are visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Charles Schatx. Delbert Wilson and Miss Ethel ringer spent Sunday fishing on e river. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. I.ieuallen and n Otis, motored to Pendleton Sun- Mr. Charles Owens, Jim Shuey anri Peter Melntyre returned home Fri day from their trip to Harney coun ty Mi Otis Lleuallen returned to his school at Walla Walla after spending Sunda at his parents' home. Mr. and Mrs T. A I.ieuallen. Frank Martin of Pendleton, was !n town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schatx mo tored to Athena Saturday. .mss r.ieanor siocKion. me inter-! no ii leacner ( r ernuaie. return- e,l to her school Sunday evening after Spending Sunday at the horn- her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Stockton. Peter Melntyre and mother Mrs Melntyre motored to Athena Satur day. Mr William Blakely was In town this week looking after his place at Blakely station. Will Horn was a visitor at Pendlf-I this week looking after his place at ton this week Frank Krebs and wife motored to Pendleton Saturday. II'. ll. ti irinu- vtirrii w Pendleton Saturday, Jerry Stone was tn visitor at town this week Mrs. Ella Slmonton was in Pendle ton Saturday. Bert Klrby. John Perlnger and: ; James chesnut motored to Walla i Walla Friday. l-awrence Lieuallen motored to Athena this week Evert McCullum wa. a visitor at the county seat this week C. o. Blchardson was an Athena visitor this week i Miss Jessie Chesnut came home Saturday to spend Sunday at home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C I Chesnut p iju im imt m mi iu m iw am im m M THEY COME TO US WANTING STYLE. FIT AND FABRIC IN THEIR CLOTHES, AND THEY WANT THEM QUICK. OUR MIRRORS SHOW THEM ALL THREE PU S STYLE IN A STEIN-BLOCH SUIT, AND THEY GO OUT AS WELL DRESSED AS THE BEST DRESSED MAN YOU CAN THINK OF. WHAT A BLESS ING STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES ARE TO THE MODERN MAN. ,',..y v a 'j vji i 7 t .i r xji vi iwt ALEXANDERS The Calling of Dan The Adams band met Thursday for their usual practice. Bert Klrby was a Pendleton visit or the first part of the week. Mrs. Mary Johnson, mother of Mr6. Bessie Marquis, left Mils week for Pomeroy, Wash . where she will visit for a while. Mr. and Mrs. T A. Llueallen were called to Hood River on account of the death of Mrs. Lieuallen's brother. Mr. and Mrs Alfred Marquis were in town this week. Mrs. James Chesnut was a visitor it Athena Tuedlay. Rex Payne was a Pendleton visitor Thursday Mrs. Holcomb was also a vlsitoi at the county seat. Delbert Wilson. Miss Ethel Perin ger. Miss Pearl Wilson and Forrest Perlnger motored to Ferndale Thurs day. Jerry stone and son Cliff were In town this week. The Stall family have moved Into the Carpenter house this week. Mr. Bert Kirby made a business trip to Portland Monday. The dance held Friday evening at the Adams city hall was a good suc cess. Mr and Mrs. Wood gave the supper. The Adams Rebekah lodge Thursday night Mrs. Lizzie Dot Voigne vlsii the home of her sisters. Mrs. Boa. berry Thursday. Mrs. Clara Whitley was a vis till- couat) seat this week mf -d at Vanillin is hich makes the active principle vanilla ice cream so do- pular. It occurs In the roots of opts and the leaves and roots of a number of plants. It has 10 found be , poisonous to clov and other plants. W, wheat. Ponce de Leon Failed: His Prize is Found ronce de Leon, the darln i.i..r.r 1 searched among the swamps of Florl-I da for the Fountain of Youth, which, the Indians said would restore poweri , and make people young. He did not ' I find It. Thousand, of chronic Intestinal j bowel and stomach sufferers have written to Geo. H. Hayr. 154 Whiting! I St.. Chicago. In queat of health. Thev I have found It. Hta remedy, compos ed of healing vegetable oils from France, has Indeed given them back the health of youth j Why suffer from Indigestion, gases, oa the stomach, fainting spells, tor-! , pld liver, constipation and .11 the evil.1 i of a disordered stomach when there lis permanent relief here? Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is sold by leading druggists everywhere with the PO.I- j quibble If ONE bottle falls to give you absolute satisfaction, live understanding that your money will be refunded without question er m mi MR h'X mmJamn iwa Ufa ira ml ut i ji iw EASTERN PURCHASES OF NORTHWEST WHEAT HAS BEEN RESUMED, REPORTED (From the Journal.) Eastern purchases of wheat have been resumed In the interior with an other sharp advance In the Chicago price While the eaatern interests were still in the nortnwett they have been doing little buying here recently owing to the' sharply lower prices In Chicago. Now the market there Is swinging upward again the buying has been resumed. Both bluestem and fortyfold have been purchased. There was a firmer trend for wheat in practically all world's centers to day. Cargoes at Liverpool were not only firmer, but sharply higher and the cash market was advanced. Locally the situation Is quiet. Fur ther chartering of ships at high rates Is reported, a recent transaction be- I ing a sailer. Steamers are almost out of the question according to export ers, the rates being so high that even the big plungers are not very keen to take hold. '""VI Nevertheless there is more or less buying of small lots of wheat in the Interior, both for milling and export demand. Millers are again figuring upon an advance in the price of patent flour. but no action was taken this morning The market is firmer. For sale. On account of leaving the city. I wish to sell my modern home. IK ' Jane street Reasonable terms. En quire at E. 0. Office. (Adv.) SCOTT BUTLER. Coffee It would be a shame to pack Schilling's Best in a paper bag or an ordinary coffee can ! We don't. The airtight tin seals-in all its fine flavor and keeps-out odors. You get full strength coffee, evenly ground, with the objec- j tionable chaff removed. It goes further ii you follow directions. Schill inr s Best PHOTO SUPPLIES Ansco Cameras and Films The court decreed original film and Cyko the prize win ning paper. Take s.n Ansco on your vacation Tallman & Go. Leading DrufgUti