PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1915. EIGHT PAGES r i r Services at Local Churches i TO "It's pretty hard to find anything bet- ' ' 4.,.. ., ...all Irnnt " Mister squeegee, AFTER WAR L RECORD OF QBEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS X" i Monet Ivan Carr to D. D. Phelps. JI42. W -2 of E 1- of lots 1 ana 2, block :2. Reservation addition to Pendle- runk of 2 heifers O. B Drumbel all i-roue on. Win. ruste E 1-4 nd N Quit Claim Deed. P. Crow to Geo. W. Bate The SW 1-4, the W 1-2 of " SE 1-4 of gE 1-4 of see. 1, 1-2 of sec. 12. T 5 N. R. 34 Sunday l-eague a 1 1 a. m. Methodist. school at 10 a. m. Koworth t:30 p. m. Preaching at U8WOH NOW M LISTED ind T;30 d. m. MornlnK T1IK PRKNCH PORCBN WITH TO subject "The New Hirth." Text. S 3: "Jesus answered and said him. 1 say unto three. Except a he born again, he can not see John unto j man the Kingdom of God." Evening sub ject: "I'toflt and Loss." Text, Matt I U::'6. 'Tor what will it profit a! man If he gain the whole world and kfe hla own (ul ' Mrs Dickson I will sing at the morning service. Special music also at the evening ser- , vice. A large class of people are to be . received into membership at the morning service. All members and, friends of the church are requested to be present. Chas. A. Hodshlre. pastor. I iima IX DEFENSE. Members With Fighting Nations In KtiruiH Wilt start I'roixinamia fir More Thorough American Aerial Defense llao iMayrit Important Part ln nattlra In Franc?. BY WILLIAM PHI LIP SIMMS United Press staff Correspondent.) PARIS, Sept. 13. (By Mail.) After tae war is over the American aerial legion now enlisted with French forces "for the period of the r IS the promote gh Am- W. M. strument building un to s Simmons, "ses and mares. to o T Carres, irniture now In the .iso all dental in- offlce In post office leed. E Gross to OHIe Key-Kirk, t (. block 3. Kirk's addition Mitry 400. L to Athena. Klizabeth Kehm to Marion N. Da vis t. A parceT of land in Heirs, re serving a lease therein for 5 years unto Adeline M. Davis. Indians to Guard Mine. r-HUEXIX. AH., pan F composed of ordered to 1 strike rone. com- National nn.TA , iri fun Mood Indians I, - " 2 HI 1 ,7 'HI presbTterian. Two splendid services are arrang ed for tomorrow at II o'clock. The church will observe the harvest home festival. The pastor will preach up on the voice of the seasons. Mrs. stone of Athena and Mrs. Bohen- camp of La Grande, will sing. Other good music Is arranged by the choir At 7 30 Mr. Snyder will deliver the second of the series of lectures to young men. Subject, "The Youmr Man and His Friends." The choir will sing. "The Radiant Morn Has Passed Away" and Mrs. Hatch will render the solo. Tou will need to come early to got n seat at the ev ening service. Sunday school, iff a m. Toons; people's meeting, 6:30 Amusements What the press ajfBfltts sajj aboat Pendleton's pres ent and coming attractions. Christian science E Webb and Johnson streets. Ser vices Ssnday, u a. m. and p. m. Sunday school, 10 a. nr.; Wednesday, 1 p. m. Subject of lesson sermon, "Are Sin. Disease ana Death Real?" The' reading room at tke chorch Is csen dally, except Sunday, from 2 irarll 4 p. M Viola Vllen Coming;. n Viola Allen la 'The S. RUGO & CO. Concrete, Stone and Brick contractor. Estimates fur nished on application. Phone 536, Pendleton, Ore. White SVter" This is what every one now is ask,ng hi neighbor. When a play makes such a, inweess that it is the first toptc of conversa on that enters the trrfnd wherr rwo friends meet, you' may knew It has I some genusse attv.-utloai tlrai ict Is rresistibie. Every ones jn a long time ttiere Is I play that sot onijr succeeds 4n tlte Tdlnary way. but has ome great sndamental human element! that sweeps the pnttllc eft Its feet. That is what "Tile White Jh ter." isanay's six set ptiotopihy. wr itten F. Marion Crawford has done. It the taflt of the hear Critics who w the piay Before its r.leasv pre- neu a woniBrnui run. it: ow joir- i ssd an exntatifB it In the CtftSN of the Redeomwr rage: it is the fad of the fev. -.rhe! The Holy Communfon will De ceie- WHite Sisrer" will be shown sa the orated at T: a. m..; Sunday school Pastime t neater on Sstndav and; Mnn-lat 10 a. nr.; divine service and sr if -u mon at 11 a. m. and'T;3( P m, All ( hrietian. Pastor H. II. Hiibbell will preach from the foISewing themes 11 a. ra. . "Dog Busirass on Borrowed Capi tal. '' T:30 p. m. "Dues God' Toleraie Sin?" Many people today criticise: tlie Christian doctrine-of Forgiveness of Sin. considering that it fosrs RM icVals and excuses sin. Hear Bie .lt-' Ctanlbii of this stibjecr. 9:45 a. m .1 the Bibte schoof. an iiKerestliw audit effective school for Bible stuofy. A place for the old and the young. ' war." will return to Ameri "Escadrille Americaine" an I propoganda for more thon Jerican aerial defense. American members of the French i foreign aerial legion alroiuh have ask ed the French government to Incor porate thehi into a single aerial Squadron under the leadership of t'. T. Weymann, dean of the American fliers and once winner of the Inter national Aviation cup. The squadron's Individual exploits would be recorded under the collec tive title of "Escadrille Aremioaine. ' These American boys have played and are playing an important part in making, through daring aerial raids, France's reputation for mastery of the skies. Weymann has shot down a German Taube he catight circling over Ithelms. Other darimr exploits are to his cred it. He is held in esteem by the French on an equality with the best French aviators. Eight other Americans, by enlist ing for "the period of the war" and Undergoing the required training have already received their licenses. ' Efeven more are just winding up their! probationary period. The licensed Americans include William Thaw, already an under-lieu- tenant! Norman Price. Elliot t'owden Frazier Curtii. James Mach. Hurt Hal H. G. Ouerin and Dldfer Masson. Aside from the regular training which they have undergone as pilots they have been given by the French Xovernment all of the specinl instruc tion necessary. Be. B!b1e Softool, 10 a. .mi; preacnlng, 11 ai tm Subjett "An Inherent Claira;" BV T. P. U, 6:30 m. Sub ject, "Be a Leader, Bo a Follower." Leader, Mr. Baldwin. Preachin?, 30. subject. "The Christian's Aim and M5tto" E. l Clevenger, pastor. von in thv German lfeete Btrtgar. ATHENS, Oct 8 General Sanders, German commander chief of the Turkish forces at Dardanelles. Is conferring with Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria at Philopho polis. midway between Sofia and Ad rianople, according to dispatches re ceived here from Sofia. 4 0DDIKB& i 4) are cordially invited. : ney. rector. CharSes Quin- L. CONSTANCE LADD, Trained Nurse. Obstetrical cases ; reason able. 513 Railroad St. J. E. MULLINIX, Lawyer Despain Block Pendleton, Oregon. DON DOW TSM Ki 'Sorse- Is rntman was strikingly Illustrated' bn Ms latest visit to the wounded ire a to.: yard, the raimj" ht like cattle;"' kin? 7 he I arW'Vr- they feed yuu iraedlace on PHONE 666 PHONE For INDEPENDENT MESSEN GER SERVICE Open Day and Night Commencing September 10 Rates 13 cents and up. RAY KELSO, Prop. PHOTO SUPPLIES Ansco Cameras and Films The court decreed original film and Cyko the prize win ning paper. Take n Ansco on your vacation Tallman & Co lesdinf DrultUU 'J Maury 1 recov ms waa gone. Kiren XOM members" to the faanry while 60 mwrnben 'd the Army Cyoltst Curps. Rf)AM. Austrla' coal i In 19141 was J,750,OO tors in 1913 a decrease of fth of Fyvle, lieutenant, has dents f Iryvie or th British RHEUMATISM GOES IF HOOD'S IS USED; The genuine old reliable Hood's TWanarilla corrects the acid condit l: ii of the blood and builds up tte rbota qrtteau It drives out rbeum tins U- it eleacites the blcod thuroushly. It has been success fully used for forty year. For rheumatism, stomach and kidney trouble, general dektlity and alt ills arising from impure bl"d, Hood's na-. no equal. Vet it ftom your nearest druggist todJiy. AsKs- Release s Good: WASHIHGTON', Oct. 9. Hhe Etat department instructed Am.bassadr Page :tt London to make Informal representatfons at the British foreign office to hwve American owned good? of derma origin contracted for be tween March 1 and March IS. 1915, released for shipment to America. Great Britain previously has re leased goods paid for before Marin 1. Importers who banght goods te fare March 15 claim that tiloy aUo are entitled to release, the British -rder in council not having- been rommunlcated to than country ur3l te latter iate. Events in the War One Year Ago Today ! Antwerp fell at 9 a. m. and was occupied by the Germans at 2:30 p. m. Albert and his army fled to safety. Three British naval brigades tried to save the city. French-German artillery bat- 4 tics at Lille and Arras contin- 4 4 ued. Germans 'attacked vici- 4) OUSly on Metise heights. The 4) 4 French progressed some at St. 4) Mihiel. yet Germany also re- ported progress there and in the 4) Argonne. German forces re- 4) treated before Russians at Lyck, and at Ivangorod and San- domir on the Vistula ihere are ' violent artillery dbeii?. I'etro- grad reported. Roma says Portugal will de- dare war on Germany and that German re-inforcements are being rushed to Earn. I'russia. Men's greatness is measured not by the things they promise to do, but by what they accomplish. So it is with all things in this world. The popularity of Diamond Squeeget Tread Tires is due to their merit in giT ing cheap mileage and fulfilling service requirements with unvarying regularity. Great promises are made for other time promises that in manv cases are neyer fulfilled. More than 99' , of all Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires exceed the service that is promised for them. That comes pretty near giving you abso lute certainty. BUILT-IN MILEAGE IS FAR BETTER THAN PATCHED-UP ADJUSTMENTS When you buy Diamond Tires you buy tires that are built to give you the maxi mum tire service tires that give you freedom from trouble and relieve you of the necessity of having adjustments made. EQUIP YOUR CAR WITH DIAMONDS AT THESE FAIR-LISTED" PRICES Size 30x3 30x31 2 32x3 y2 33x4 Diamond Squeegee $ 9.45 12.20 14.00 20.00 Size 34x4 36x4 V 37x5 38x5 Vi Diamond Squeegee $20.35 28.70 33.90 46.00 PAY NO MORE Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. Telephone 135. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 305 East Court Street Caught Friday's Game for Nationals J CHICHESTER S PILL "Jib. ri i. C iu4 S V-4 iwihAV Win ! "-m w k u i. v i ,tkj TcU o;W. f jr itttmr w M v'. A 'r.l W n.- i-TTB' .i.F..' TMK OLD RELIABLE' REMEDYFORMEN. AT YOUR DRUGGIST J Mm f 1 dm&r wm mm I I lIlllUfSIITrfltlltttlf llllltllIti tf lllf I ttfllllfff lllillllllllllllf lllltlllllltIlltllllllltl!lllllllllIi!lIIMMItlllltf aillslllltltlltfflftlM i I Is Your Store Ready I For Window Display Week? BEGINNING Monday, public interest will be centered on the store windows of this city. People will be looking for the goods they have seen advertised in this newspaper. Many will want to buy others perhaps will only want to make inquiries. Every eye that turns toward your windows next week will be a prospective customer for you. Will your windows tell the story that will bring you business. All the North American . continent is observing Win dow Display Week and every citizen will be observing your store. Are You Ready? Will Your Windows Bring You Business? I I iiiilttitillilliuiiiifiiiiJiiiiitiiiiif iiiiiiiiifiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiilliiiiiiiiiiiiitiltifiifiliiililllflf ltittiiiiiifiittiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiitfit?