EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1916. PAGE SEVEN DON'T SCOLD. MOTHER! THE CROSS CHILD IS LOOK AT TONGUE! ir COATED, LEW LITTLE NTOMAUI LIVER, BOWBA Don't aoold your fretful. peevlah child. See If tongue la coated; IhW li a sure algn Ha little stomach, liver and bowela are clogged with sour waate. When llatleaa. pale, feverish, full of cold, breath had, throat aore. doesn't eat, aleep or act naturally, haa atom achache, Indigestion, dlanhoe.i, give a teaapoonful of "Cailfornla Syrup of Figs," and In a few hour all the foul waate. the aour bile and fer menting food paaaea out of the bow ela and you have a well ami playful child again Children love this harm lean "fruit laxative," and mothere can rest eaay after giving It. hecauae It never fails to make their little "In aldee" rlean and aweet. Keep It handy, Mother! A little given today savea a alcc child to morrow, but get the genuine. uk your druggist for a BO-cent nottlo of "Cailfornla Syrup of Eiga," which lias dlrectlona for bable.t, children of all agea and for grown -u.-a plainly on the bottle, Remember there are counlerfelta aold here, o surely look and aee that yours I made by tha "California Fig S"rjp Company." Hand back with coit"inpt any other fig ayrup. Events in the War One Year Ago Today RICH YOUNG CHINAMAN AND BRIDE There waa desperate fighting all alonK the western front with feu changea In the altuation. The French war office reported 'light advancea on the helghta f the Meuse, and the (iermana reported the capture of a fort near St. Mlhlel. The ltuaalan general staff re ported that the Herman army which waa retreating before the Ituaaiun advance had been forced to evacuate fortified po sitions between Wlrbalen and Lyck. The Helgian uuthorltlea at Antwerp warned non-combat-antH that the city waa about to be bombarded. The French fleet waa laying ininea In the Adriatic to offset Mlmllar action by the Auatrlana. PRISONER PAROLED TO HARVEST "WHEAT CROP" LOCAL PEOPLE MAY WEI,!, WOW hi ll JUST WHAT KIND OP CHOP IT IS. BUCKAROO, 61 YEARS OLD, IS CHAMPION BAKER Ore, Oct county bellevea It haa champion broncho buater of the northweat In David E. Helmick, 61 1 yeare old. of Bear Valley, who won j the hlgheat prises for buckarooa at ; the county fair at John Day. He won ' over nine other contestants, some of j whom were considered the beat young horaemen In the vicinity. The aged man fought agalnat odda, he cauae he drew the worst bucker on nearly each of the five daya of the conteit. Mr. Helmick alao rode In the wild horse race each day. After reading the following Item from the Portland Telegram, local people may well wonder what kind of I a crop Joe Plcard Is ratalng in thla county: Joe Pieurd, white, left for hla home In Eastern Oregon thla morning to harvest hla wheat crop. November la he will come back to serve a two months' sentence In the county Jail. Plcard pleaded guilty before Fed eral Judge Wolverton tn!a morning to a charge of taking six dozen hot tlea of beer on the Umatilla reser vation. He waa given the minimum B. Grant sentence of 60 daya. 1100 and coats the oldest ! "Tour honor." said Aaalatant Uni ted Statea District Attorney Rankin, after sentence had been paaaed; "thla man aays that right now his wheat crop ought to be harvested. He Is willing to come back and serve hla sentence when he la through. Aa thla la his firat offense, the govern ment haa no objection." "All right." aald the Judge. Plcard Uvea on an Indian allot ment on the Umatilla reservation. I amai' 'aL jfr !"l B H Li jKf f. 'tM H i wmmmMwrnsEmammmmsgumagmammak Spain devotes 1,600,00 acres to oU tm. HKS nna chin runs Ml THE QUELLE RESTAURANT Meals 25c Gus LaFontaine, Prop. Open Day and Night Special Evening Lunchei and up Fine, Clean Furniihed Roomi In Connection Steam Heated BOSTON, Masa., Oct. Mrs. Feng Chin Tung have arrived here to study. They were recently married In China and came to this country by way of Ban Francisco ml I Feng chin Tung is a graduate of Princeton University and the son ot a millionaire ship builder. He will atudy political science at Harvard, while hla bride will enter the New England Conservatory ,,f Music. LIVESTOCK RUNS ARE NOT SO BIG First National Bank PENDLETON, OREGON 9 m BIMIillllliMIMMMMlal 1 (Coiirtesv Monduy'a Journul.) PORTLAND, Ore. Receivers were ! asking more money for hoga today M I North Portland because of the big decrease In offerings as compared with last Monday. Killers on the "ther hand were stubborn In their rrlce ideas and were mix-llling to of fer above IS. 35 during the early part of (he day and this was not accept able to receivers. There the matter rested all through the morning. With Chicago punting as high IS. 25 for hugs this in. u ning me iraue , ,,a(li. here was inclined to believe that II j ans; j w c handler. 1 loads: Choice light ewes 0.255.50 UOOd ewes . 4.5045.00 Rough heavy ewes 3.75 Ci 4.2 j I livestock Shippers. Hog J. E. Klnsey, Shaniko, 1 load; W. J. Humlns. Pomeroy, Wash., i 1 load; J, I). Walter. Prescott, Wash.. 1 load; W, H. Steen. Blue Mountain.; I load; F. B. Cwain, Hermiston, 1 load; Howard & Christensen. Haines. 1 load; Elgin Fiirwarding company, Uwtine, 1 load! Kent & Mears, Nyssa. I 1 load: (lenrge A. Hussell, 1 load; J. B. Mason, lone, 1 load; C. B. Spoor, I Shearer. 1 load: W. T. Norval. 1 load; I M. M Maris. Maupin. 1 luad; James! Stetson, Shaniko. 1 load. Cattle Q. I,. Hoffman. Raker si j loads; Kd Woodcock. 1 load; Jerry I Blackburn, 2 loads; J. B. Kelly. En-j tei prise. 1 load; D. E. Myers. Joseph. I 1.3 loads; E. L McNutt. Itobinet.e tl - Y. B. Hunter. Wallow ESTABLISHED 1882 nd to heavy Dillanl. 1 loud; Butter Creek Livestock company. Condon, Barnes & Parrish. Terrehon ads; Columbus Johnson. 1 M. Mattson. by bout; 319 j eoi ge Jackson. C.eorge's Spur A. Minor. Heppner. 2 loads f Our Great I s mm- . - THE S. W. EAST OREGONIAN $1.80 (Published every Tuesday and Friday, for one year) McCALL'S MAGAZINE 50 (Monthly for one year) ANY ONE McCALL PATTERN 15 Regular Price, $2.15 ...... ,r . ,!.,: -: ALL FOR ONLY $1.50 We are enabled to jive our readers, old and new. the licnefit of this money-saving club offer, only because of a very spe cial arrangement with the publishers of McCALL'S MAGAZINE. WOMEN Love This Magazine Come in or write to lee a tample copy McCALL'S is the Fashion Authority and Housekeeping Helper of more women than any other magazine in the world. All the latest styles every month; al-o delightful stories that entertain, and special depart ments in cooking, home dressmaking, fancy work. etc.. that lighten housework and save money. McCALL'S has been a family favorite for forty-five years. It is the magazine that satisfies. Mn. J. T. D., a luUtriber of Temple, Ca., wheal "You may put mv name on iht list w'th those who think McCALL'S MAGAZINE is worth twice as much as so Cents a yrar for every one in the family. So many pretty fa-hions and so good trading 1 can hardly sail to see it. Don't Miss This Offer Write or coif at the office of fail poptr rfCALC MAGAZINE I Hi iv; K0 bit ft" s"' FREE McCALL PATTERN Each fucritr for this Grt.it "Family Bargain" niaychooefrjm her tint copy ot McCALL'S rr f crivrd. tnt ot 7r cr khratf wc a i Drw Pintn FREE, (value ii bytndifij( a potl card rrqurtt dirrct to I he Mel," to' mv. New York, fivinf dNumber and Sia destrtd. A The East Oregonian continues to be the leading paper published in Oregon east of the Cascades and if you are not already a subscriber you should take advantage of this big offer. Also good for renewals. If you desire McCall's Magazine in connection with the Daily East Oregonian, cither by carrier or mail, write or phone us for special clubbing rates. CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Enclosed find $1.50 for which please send me the S.-W. East Oregonian and McCall's Magazine for one year as per your special offer. Name. Address Please state if new or renewal. Known For It's Strength anolllct lie geuinn uuue luunvr, " Heinent leciall as there was n very serious , !,,,, g. decreaae In total offering. i luad: Eastern hog nutrkela were stenerally j nf j j, limited at an advance thla morning. ioa( General hog market range: Sheep Beat light $6.35i 6.40 head: 0 Medium heht fi . 3 0 f I 6.3." , , A. Mixed stuff W. B. Hunter. Uwtine. suaded to leave the waler. 1 loud cattle and hogs: J. P, Hitter, j While Meiater was donning hia Itohinette. loads cattle and hogs: ! clothes behlng a curtain of eight at Zimmerman. Yamhill, t loads cat- men and Creamer he chattered his tie and hogs; Thompson & Gentry. I excuse. He explained the beach WSa Heppner, 1 load cattle and hogs: J. ' deserted when he arrived and h Kcklestnn. lime. 1 load cattle and (thought It was "perfectly all right" hogs: W. B. Kurtz. Maupin. i loads i to bathe mirus a bathing sul.. Burn Coke THE CHEAPEST FUEL FOR HEATING. ORDER YOUR WINTER'S SUPPLY NOW AT THE SPECIAL PRICE OF S5.00 PER TON IN FIVE TON LOTS FOR CASH AT GAS PLANT. THIS OFFER FOR 30 DAYS. Pacific Power & Light Company Hogs Victor Birsell. Central Point 1 load: F. L Benson. Medfurd. 1 load: H. O. Wurtman. 1 load :H. A. Rosof. Kiddle. 1 load; Tt. X Knight. 1 load. n;tle -M. Carter. Dillanl. 6. 10WS. 2 Rough to heavy K.lt.t6 t attle Run Itecieasetl. In the cattle market the showing of supplies at the opening of the week's trade or only fractionally more than half as much ns last Mon Huv P iv RniPS n the steer divi- aion were made In a limited way up i n" "heep. to 6.7 r,. indlcatlns a somewhat tet-l '"day the following tr trnd f.,r i he better class aUailtV I supplies came forward. although poor to ordinary stock con tinues neglected. Eastern cattle markets were gen erally iiioted steady this morning. General cuttle market range Select steers $6. SOW 6.75 Best hay fed steers S .?." 9 6.3." Good to choice I.9i.tl Ordinary to fair 5.00 0 M5 1 rest com ri.iinT :,.::, Good lofrlme 4.r.o4.;r. ' Select bulls 4.M 4i MS Fancy bulls 4.25 i Ordlnsrv bulls 2.r,ni :i.:.o Best calves "iO s.nn Mutton supplies Scant. Supplies of mutton and lambs WSfS scant tiMlity at North Portland. When the week's trade opened only UN head were shown, compared with the big run of T.vTl head last Monday. Most of the latter, however, came di rect to killers and did not enter the Calling Melster, he pointed fin", at him and then 'n the gener;.! direc tion of Eighth street where the sta-. i.niiiivuoc vm inn".' " i " was arraigned in the Coney Island discovered. The interior o; the build- court, day. was sent to jail for one QUAKE RIPS SCHOOL BASE AT BAKER CITY addition- Magistrate Geismar failed to en tertain the same idea when Melster BAKER, Ore., Oct. I. The most serious damage done by Saturday night's earthquake was found with the opening of the school when a large era -k In the east side of th Brooklyn school building foundation extenJins from torn to oottoin, was lng was not damaged ant efforts to repair it at once will be made. Reports from the outside districts show that the quake extended north and south of Baker In a narrow strip Huntington. La Grande. Haines and North Powder feeling the shake, but points 20 miles east or west felt n- tremors. New England Presbyter! n preach ers receive an average of 1157) a year In salary. sheep BtriHv l.vle 1 load. Wash.. 4 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Viiils NEW Y silence nn na It were coveting John M i Taaffee Surf Rather In .bi'l RK, Oct 5 Shock billing a crimsoned oney Island is slow nn the effect I I M i: l DIRl CTOKS vrioiiM Y - AUCTIONEERS. ni- later, Sa years Brooklyn, nude, nntl took pity ami laws seeinu old. of T 7 bathe In Policeman mutton change l nn - - market. General situation in the trade shows practically no from last week. Eastern mutton markets sic. id to lower this morning. General mutton market: Choice spring lambs s Common spring lambs .. 6.50 Choice vearllng wethers.. S.76 Good yearlings 5.50(frB.75 Old wethers 4.T5WB.00 flow's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any casa of Catarrh that annot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Oure r. J. i'IIKNKY CO., Toledo. O. W, the uiiileralgned. biTt known, r. J henT for the laat ill year, and bellefi dm perfei-lly honorable In alt bualnea raniactl'tiF and financially able to carrj in mn iiillenilnna made br hla firm. NATIONAL HANK OF COMMF.KCK. Toledo, O RkII'i I'atarrh I'nre la taken Internally irtliig dlrnily upon the blood and m its- "tirfaren r.f the ayitem Teatlroonlali nt free Price 75 cent per bottle 8ol t all Iirnaaistf like Halls Kmnlli I'tnt tor coDitlpatlen About five minutes after o'clock . in the morning Policeman Creamer who had been on duty since o' clock, was calculating Just how much loiiBer lie would have to work when ' cries warned him that something was In trouble on the beach at the foot of West Eleventh street. The tight of excited women hastening: from the bach as he approached COO timed his suspicions. "Officer. It's an awful sight." gasp- j ed one brenthleM woman. "He's out there on the beach. Right near the boardwalk Without without oh without! " Without what: asked t reamer. "Clothes'" i rled the Woman "Oh T wish my my husband Oh dear!" "Oldn't your husband bring his clothes With hiWk' Interrupted the policeman. "It's not mi husband. It's a man and" Just Inside the area where the peas were breaking Creamer Could see a large section of an UHCOVere-l mule back unadorned een by I coat of sunburn Creamer remembered that such I tlilni as bathing In the nude was one of the amusements a policeman must stop before It gi". I good start IOHN s. BAKER. FUNERAL rector and licensed emhalmer. Op posite postoffice. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day j or nigiit. Phone 75. J T BROWN'S FURNITURE 8TOB.B" Funeral director and licensed em-i halnier. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls' responded to day or night. Corner i Main and Water streets. Telephone INM II t I IXD 1 NI 111 SIN ESS .ALKY A LEY". A law. office In Aim Bank Building. TORN'EYS A1 rican. National CARTER (j SMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. i ifflce in rear of Amerl can National Bank building J." COL. W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTION eer, makes a specialty ot farmers.' stock and machinery sales. The man that gets you the money." Iave orders at East oregonian office. M1SCM.LANEOI N TRESSPASS NOTICES, STALLION season cards and sale bills of ev ery description printed it rea aa prices at the Eaat Oregonian We PETERSON A BI8R neya at law i rottnt Crawford building. HAKTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to ail lands In 1'iiiatilla county. Bya and sells all kinds ot ie;il estate. I " . . , ,.,,,..r,, broker-jra huslneas. Pays DOUOLA8 W. RA ILK Y taxes and makes Investmenta for non residents. YVrltes fire, life and acd dent Insurance. References. an bank In Pendleton. james Johns Prea C H MARSH. Sec. at law. Will practice In all state AUCTION SALES THE EAST ORB t ATTOR. Ionian makes a specialty of auy . ind 4. Smith- tion sale bills, carda and adveitlslna We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will aseu't ATTORNEY yen of having smcceaaful sale and leileral courts H. Dcspain building Rooma BENTLEY l.EFFINGWEI.I. REAL estate, fire, life and accident In surance agents. S15 Main street Rhone 404. CiKOROB w COUTT8, Am at law. Estates settled, deeds, mortgages and ct drawn. .Collections made Ri Schmidt block. LEO IL BLANKS OF EVERY Dal axrlptlon for county court, eln uli court. Justice court, real estate, etc.. for sale at East Oregonian offb-e wills atracti SECOND IIANO DEALERS FREpBRICK ney at law ford building. STEIWER ATT ifflce in Smlth-Cr REAVER ENGRAVING -- UOnrANi V. STISoBI.E. DEALER IN and second-hand goods paid for all second-hand bought. Cheapest place in P ton tit buy household goods, and get our prices. 1 1:1 E. street Phone IT1W. 8. A LOWELL. ATTORNEY counsellor at law. Office Spain building. NEW ; Cash goods 1 'ufie. 1 Osmb C. V LASSEN Court veterinai Ian I I I.RIN H -! IH.IOONS l. ga in i i-s-MHajBMwwBMMnaMMM pr'.