PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGOX1AX. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 5, 1915. EIGHT FAGES it THE RIGHT OF WAY FEATURING William Faversham Steel Learns that Kathleen's Brother is a Gambler. One of the most Powerful Personalities of the Silent Drama, latlnO firPV and a11" Supported by J OIIC J1 star cast The Play is Adapted from the Famous Classic by SIR GILBERT PARKER, of which over two million copies were sold. We'personally recommend the "Right of Way" as one of the best productions of the year. Today i Tomorrow OCTOBER 5 and 6 I Need Money I Tell You Money. THE ALTA THEATRE No Raise in Admission ' . EMM At MMMniW HRWWAfM Ml iibtd Datlj ana Semi Weekly at Peo dletoo. Oregon, by tte asv OlWniHll HUBLWHINa CO Official ConDt Paper Mentor United Press Assu-latloa. aatered tt the postofflce at Pendleton Jntw, as second-clsss mail matter. SlselOM 1 ON BALK IN OTHKB CITIES, laperlai Hotel Newi Stand. Portland. "eft1?! Newa Co.. Portland. Oregon. OS r ILK AT Chicago Bureau. IKM Security Building Waaalagton. V C, Bnrean 501, Four street, s. w. CB8CBIPTIOS BATES (IN ADVANCE Mil;, oat ;er. by mall 13.00 Mil, all months, by null 2 50 UaJly. three montha. by mall I Wells, one month, by mall 50 one year, by carrier 7 50 uaiiy. alt montha, by carrier Daily, three montha. by carrier 1. i-al.y one Booth, by carrier (-Weekly, one year by mall 1. Mai Weekly, all montha. by mall aal Weekly, four montha. by mall ... I BACH IN Hl OW N TOXGl'E "A fire-mist and a planet, A crystal and a cell, A Jellyfish and a saurian. And caves where the cave- men dwell, eVTh'-n a sense of law an- reautv. A And me f -And rrx-d far h'irlzfj t -r j '1 -r sk hlgl ill o 'Jpland and low- The 7.1 t: bea h, Wl.en the thin n a rresceii Int. Come 'd is new and md surging In. Come from th- myatlr ocean. Whose rlnt ii" f"n has trod Some of os call It longlnn And others call it fjod. "A picket frnr-en on duty A mother starved for hrood I her Iterates drinking the hemlock. And Jeaux on the rood. And million who humble and nsmelee Tlie straight hard pathway trod Home Bill tt -onsecratlon. And uthere call It Ood." William Herbert Carrutt. WHERE THE STAR STILL SHINES eUROPE knows no law but the law of the sword. Their boasted civiliza tion is a shattered dream. One ' after another the little nations have to join forces with their powerful neighbors. It is a wild, insane scramble for ex istence. Men have been killed by the very millions and the work of destruction is only fairly started. No one knows ; when it will end but when it does victor and vanquished will both be victims. Sorrow, ruin and debt will encumber i the whole continent. There is but one country over i which the star of civilization I really shines undimmed. We 1 have peace and plenty while Europe has death and dismay. The situation will not be changed because the man in the white house has the fore ; sight, the ability and the cour i age to keep the nation out of war. In the great duty he has to meet he is entitled to the , prayers of all who have hearts of humans. Petty, partisan criticisms of : President Wilson are out of : place. It is a time to lay such stuff aside. Politics is gener ally only skin deep at the most; war reaches the very founda tion of social and national life. BRING OUT CLEAN MEN four or five times that many Insurance costs are contin- names upon the books. gent upon insurance risks. A The next step is to bring out town that takes effective pre desirable candidates for of-'cautions against fires reaps a fice. It is a line of work in reward in lower rates. This which the good citizenship of was shown when local insur- ; Pendleton should cooperate, ance rates were substantially The right sort of men seldom reduced following the estab- seek office for themselves, lishment of the gravity water j Generally they will not go in- system and the paid fire de- ! to the game unless their friends partment. strongly urge it upon them.; But we can go farther than Get busy and see that men of that. Rigid anti-fire regula- proper calibre enter the race, tions may be urged upon the ! There was never a time people and right minded men when local politics deserved . will cheerfully fall in line with attention more than at present, such a program. Those who forced to PROMINENT CHURCH WORKER ,ii,ii,ii,ii,iiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiii'i''ii''''''"'''ihiiin iiiMtmiiiimiiiie CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL IIEETZ ANNOUNCES BE Wll.t. Ill S TOR OFFICE FROM THE I'OI RTH WARD. do not should be take precautions. If Pendleton will follow a m. HE Pendleton fire chief consistent licv of fire XI "..working to lower the u and , , scrutj. nize fires of possible incendi- nrv Al1! rri n f V o noiror 1 1 f Vi o f against carelessness on the part:lip;e ()f effort wiU'be , further of local People lowering of insurance prem- It is work in the right direc- jurns tion. From a cold blooded A SANE LINE OF EFFORT HE Pendleton fire chief is working to lower the city's record for fires and to that end cautions SI Reeta, proprietor of the Alt?, street barber shop and prominent In church work in the city and county, today announced his candidacy fur councilman from the fourth ward "Justice, economy and equality" I lila platform reduced to a few ord.. Mr tteetz stated that he will make a clean race for the office In response to repeated tilings from friends. "Those who know me at all know for what I stand." he said this afternoon, "and I do not see anv need of making a long worded plat form." .Mr. lieetz Is the second candidate to announce himself from the fourth ward, Lee McAtee having previously declared himself. There is some talk of other candidates from this ward. business standpoint Pendleton could do nothing better than cooperate in an anti-fire movement. 875,000,000 PEOPLE Z and dum were ber, WO years ago the local registration was for both the city election the special state referen election. A total of 1600 registered. In that num- however. were included those of Asylum precinct who! vote Here at state elections but not at municipal elections. Appearances today indicate there will be a city registration of 1500 or more. It is corres pondingly greater . than the 1913 registration because as mentioned above the registra tion. at that time was for both state and city. The registration this year is not as heavy as it should be yet amazing progress has been made in the last week. One week ago only .'150 voters had enrolled. When the books close this evening there will be STATE I N I T Of the Ownership. Management ( Imitation. Etc. of EAST OREGONIAN I'-a-tcrn OfCgjOll'fl i News, lur. IMaldl-hod IS7.Y published daily, except Sundav, at Pendleton, Oregon, required by the ac; of August 24. 1913. Publisher. Bast Oregon Ian Pub Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Editor, B, H. Aid rich, Pendleton ( legon. Business M.maijer, l W. Iamp- kin. Pendleton. Oregon. Advertising Manager, L. D. I'rake, Pendleton, Oregon. owners: (a corporation with the following parties owning one per cent or more of total amount of stock i, V. W. I.ainpkin, Pendleton, Oregon; K R. Aldrich, Pendleton, Oregon. L. . Drake, Pendleton. Oregon. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders, holding one per cent or more of total am ount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities, C. S. Jackson. Portland, Oregon. Werage number of copies of each Iseue of this publication sold or distributed through the malls or otherwise to paid subscribers dur ing the six months preceding the date of this statement JIH7. Hlgned: V W. LAWPElN. Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of October. U10. (Seal i u D, rjKAKK, .Votary Public for Oregon. My commission expires February , 1911. NE fourth of the people of the united States, or 25,000,000, live in the j lour states of New York, Penn sylvania, New Jersey and Mas sachusetts, according to the government estimate just com piled. These states, however, are but one-thirty-fifth of the ar ea of the entire country. If all our territory should be as densely populated as the fourj named, Uncle Sam would have a family of 875,000,000 per- sons. What is more to the point i the best part of the nation is the most sparsely settled. The! west is richer in natural re-1 sources and has a better cli-, mate than the east or the mid-1 die states. It is wholly logical to expect that in time the west will be more populous than the east. After the war has closed and the world equilibrium is restored the northwest will witness great gains in popula tion. It is not safe to antici pate this change will come about with a rush. The de velopment will be gradual but it will be as certain as the law of gravity. tlusslans claim siu-i'i it, LONDON, Oct. 5. Cerman troop.' j are pouring a hot fire upon the Itusslan forces In the Dvlnsk region. I according to an official Petrograd report, but have failed to get more than a temporary advantage liu.s slan shellfire compelled them in abandon the positions occupied. Klsewhere the Uussians c'aimed success. Dodge Brothers ROADSTER A roadater designed to be all that a roadster should be. A car capable of carrying two peo ple In contlnuoua comfort Ton can see better than we can tell, how beautiful It lg. Modeled In clay, when It was first conceived. It was re-modeled, again and again, till the last harsh line was eliminated. The body Is built of steel, with the usual useless framework entirely eliminated. As a result there la extraordinary storage space at the rear more than aufflclent for all the luggage two might take on a long tour. A light car. with all the advantages which, that lightness adda to the powerful motor but a atout. staunch, strong car, and a steady one as well. It has been found that the .ish of the seaweed found on the shores of Manila Hay yields 1 r, per cent potash Black Si.k Stove I'oli- idiffrrent. ltd AMU t dry on ; gui ten ox I to i I Jut drof; 1,1 a pat I on ' i it ; Jjwlntny no I wMtt , i.oc rtrrdirt. You I get your money worth. Black Silk 1 Stove Polish U not only most economictl. b-'t It tire I MM ant. loatra tlutt euTinut MfclM -ed with any th.T po i fh Birk Bilk 8iov rmft dwt not rub off tl laaM our tt-nr M tonff HI WiV.i.Wf polish m it lave oit t .a, work and monc . Don I forfaf whrsj n W it "tfrv rxilrah. ha mnrv I . f rltlarkMlk. Ifitfan't tli? Jjf. rt tovopoliiti you aver ttci rdeuJcrwUlrtfu'ld your money. Clack Silk Stova Poli.h Vork, Illlaoi. Um r.ltrk Ri'.k AlrDrylnii Iron Lna. tcl i i rijr utera,' .i-.t..-iwonli i lira IfJTl 1'rtvtnta ruotir.T. Tf It. Uo r.'artt k Metal Pol. Iih fir i, nickel, I iri. wnra or wr, n. it worka Mniy. tBaCy aVwa lenv a brjlliunt lurlcrNo. I' bnn no ftM I foruaoon nutot-nobflr-u. Pendleton Auto Company f iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,,im,,l,,,t,,l,,,l,ll,l,,,t,,,(ttH Buy Soda in Bottles BECAUSE IT is MORE mv ITVRV THAN THI IODA AT We bottle sell Bnrt ,telv,r , any part of the city. h, pur" "'l ? 'r"m P're and filtered water. Try an order from the foiow. W of delicious beverage,- Hlree Root liocr "rape, Kmnck r., Tn..ft Mneappl. So aU FUrori "N,'Y "0 A OASB. (.onslatlng of two dnaen- bntHw ni ri. II. ....... . ' ... . . . ,-i w and PENDLETON AND OLD COLONIAL BEER PIONEER BOTTLING WORKS Telephone 177. Paul llemnir-lgarn, Prop. 222 B. Court St.