EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1915. PAGE THREE 7. Temple Theatre Saturday and Sunday Opportunity of a Lifetime I HSHm' jfr jo 1 IN MOTION PICTURES With Descriptive Lecture The Old British Convict Ship "SUCCESS" wa The Oldest, Most Remarkable and Most Historical Ship in the World. THESE Motion Pictures SHOW The ship leaving dry dock in England. In full sail crossing the North Atlantic. The various forms of punishment and tortures The ship arriving in Boston Harbor after her epoch-making voyage. Also anchored at San Francisco during the Exposition showing the distin guished visitors and large crowds aboard. and The most notorious of Australia's criminals and bushrangers with Descriptive Lecture By Prof. J. C. Heerey (Late Lecturer from the "Success") This Wonderful Vessel Has Made History throush three renturie. She marked the begin ning ami the end of England's monstrous penal system. She is the oldest ihtp In the world and the only convict ship left afloat ortt of that dread ful Fleet of Hells which sailed the Seven Seas In 1790 A. D. She is unchnnKcd after all these years, noth ing being ommitted but her human freight and their sufferings from the cruelties and barbari ties practiced upon them. Aboard her are shown, In their original state, the airless dungeons, death chambers and condemned whipping posts, the manacles, the branding irons, the punishment balls, the leaden-tipped cat-o'-nlne tails, the coffin bath and the other fiendish Inventions of mans brutality to his fellow man. She has held lurid horror and dreadful Ini quities beside which even the terrible stories of the lllack Hole of Calcutta and the Spanis'i Inquisition pale Into Insignificance. From keel to topmast she cries aloud the greatest lesson the world has ever known In the hlston of human progress. The "Success" was built In 1790 A. D., at Mou'r.aln Burmah o! solid lonkwo.1 logs 10 Inches thick and uaeJ tor so.t.' years as an armed East Indian merchantman. In 1802 she was chartered and used by the British govern ment for transporting convicts to the colonies. From 1861 she was used by the government as a floating prison anchored in Hobson's Bay. Australia. She was subsequently sunk in Sydney Har bor and after being under water about five years was raised and has been used for exhibition purposes. In 1912 Shi sailed unnccompanle 1 by convoy from England to America, taking 96 days to do the Journey. Prices 10 and 20 cents. Come early. This feature will pack the theatre. Bring the Children TEMPLE THEATRE Saturday and Sunday Doors Open at 12 O'clock Noon Each Day. Events in the War One Year Ago Today The French war office reported The French war office report- ed that there were no new de- velopmenta on the western front but that the general situ- at Ion was favorable. The German war office an- nounced that repeated attempts to outflank Its armies bad been repulsed. It was declared that the cruiser Karlsruhe had sunk seven British steamers In the Atlantic. The Belgians admitted that the forces defending Antwerp had fallen back to the River Nettie. Petrograd news dispatches said that the Germans hail evacuated Russian Poland and that whole regiments had been drowned In the itiver Nleman. The czar had left for the front. A news dlspan h from Nish declared that the Serbians had made a raid on emlln and had recrossed the Save river to Belgrade. EASTERN BUYERS SEEK 1 WHEAT IN NORTHWEST PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 2 Export interests were greatly excited when it was learned on good authority that eastern buyers are purchasing large quantities of wheat In the northwest. Exporters have a large number of high priced ship charters on hand and fear if a distinct rise should occur In the price of wheat the vessel owners would absorb most of the profit. Although the wheat crop In the east Is the greatest In history. It was said to be lacking In quality. This Is reported to have ne cessitated the presence of eastern buyers In northwestern markets, where the quality is of the finest. I National Shoot Is Opened Today. JACKSONVILLE. Fla., Oct. 2 The great National Shooting tourna i ment opened on the state range here. ! Teams were present from all states I but six. and shooters from Cuba and i Canada are entered in the individual ! shoots. A feature is the number of civilian shooters this year, owing to j the recent organization of civilian j rifle clubs. Several Improvements ! have been made in the method of j scoring and unusual marksmanship Is expected. The meet will last I three weeks. IMPORTANT CORSET DEMONSTRATION Beginning Monday October 4th and Continuing Throughout the Week A BLESSING TO WOMANKIND SELF-HELP NEMO WONDERLIFT It lifts and supports the abdomen and the import ant vital organs. It gives relief from aches and pains, and greater comfort than any other corset. It pre vents and helps to cure the ills peculiar to women. It reduces the size and weight of the body. It creates and maintains an up-to-date Fashionable Figure. ALEXANDERS mi The different new corset that lifts and supports the vital organs with no compression, no drag on the kidneys and spine. An ultra stylish corset that also banishes the ills of womankind. "Self.Help Exposibon-NOWl OUR SELF-HELP EXPOSITION will teach women how to banish backaches, weariness, bearing-down pains, con stipation and kindred ills; how to preserve health, good looks and a youthful fig ure by wearing this New and Ultra-Stylish Corset Self-Help Exposition Begins Monday October 4th The purpose of this Exposition is to teach women how to help themselves to prevent and overcome the ills peculiar to womankind. It provides self-help to avoid that weary, dragging-down feeling, and the perils of surgical operations. It gives self-help to the physici an who is bothered or balked by the inability or un willingness of his patient to wear a separate support ing bandage. This new corset the Nemo "Self-Help Wonderlift," is a godsend to womankind and to the medical fraternity. Too many women sacrifice health for style. This new corset creates and preserves kolh. Unlike any other corset a NEW IDEA. "Self-Help' Exposition NOW. IMPORTANT CORSET DEMONSTRATION r Services at Local j ! Churches ! RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS Christian SHem". E. Webb and Johnson streets. Ser vices Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Wednesday 8 p. m. Subject of lesson sermon, "Unreality." The reading room at the church Is open daily, except Sun day, from '1 until 4 p. m. rro-hyterlan. Tomorrow will be rally day at the Presbyterian church. It will be a great day and everybody is welcome . to participate. At 10 o'clock the Sunday school will hold a rally day service. New teachers will he in stalled and new classes formed. At 11 o'clock Mr. Snyder will preach up on the Peace and Prosperity of the Church. A larpe class of new mem bers will be received and the ordi nance of baptism will be adminis tered. At 6 30 the younB people will hold a great meeting In the church parlor. Dr. Pest and Raymond Hatch will be the leaders. Special music will be a feature of the meet ing. At 7:30 the pastor will deliver the first of a series of lectures to young people, subject. "The Young Man and His Enemies." The Cow boy Mate Quartet of Portland will sing. Everybody cordially invited. Chattel Mortgage. Joe D. Klmery to A. A. Cole. 1, 448.82; 35 cows, bulls, steers, heifers and calves! 2 horses. 1 set harness sad all increase In Uve stock. C. L. . L. and Oscar Beck to John Etter $150; 2 mules. Joe Bottlani to Catherine Locati and Joseph Faustl; 1330.40; all the crops grown on lots 11 and 14 of Op portunity Irrigation Co., also 3 horses. 2 w agons, 2 sets harness and all tools and farm machinery. T. M. and Dick Bush to R. Alex ander J1.000; 5 horses and mules. 3 cows, S calves. Wm. Kinney to Sarah Hoon $612; 2 mares, 1 colt, 3 hogs. 1 cow, 1 set harness. S7 sacks of barley, 1 wagon, 1 auto, 1 plow. Rebecca and W, T. Shaw to Lamb Fruit Co., $650; the crop of prunes and alfalfa to be grown during the season of 1916 on a tract of land, ti tle descriptive. satisfaction of Mortgage. A mortgage executed by A. W. War ner to J. H. Rascal! Feb. 6, 1913 is satisfied. A mortgage executed by R. C. Mi chael to First National Bank of Mil ton, January 14, 1915. for $7500 Is satisfied. A mortgage executed by John Cline to Chas. H. Alcott Oct. 2, 1911. for $2,150 Is satisfied. Mortgage. Archie S. Warner to Chas. H. Ol cott, $1,000; 161.51 acres in Sec. 33 T. 2 S.. R. 32 E.. W. M and the E. 1-2 of SE. 1.4 of Sec. 31 and SW. 1-4 of Sec. 32. T. 2 S., R. SI E.. W. M. John C. Cllne to Chas. H. Olcott, $865; a tract of land, title descrip tive. Deed. Geo. R. O Daniel to Lee D. Drake $10; lot 1. block 11. Livermore's ad dition to Pendleton. John C. Cllne to Archie S. Warner $1,500; E. 1-2 of SE. 1-4 of Sec. 31. and SW. 1-4 of Sec. 32. T. 2 S.. R 32 E.. W. M. Mm Minto Takes Charge. SALEM, Ore.. Oct. 2 John Minto took charge of the penl:enlar- as warden, succeeding his brother Harry Minto, who was killed by Otto Hooker Monday right. Hooker's body has liee'.i cr mated. VttE iixtn BAKIXG POWDER Baptist. Bible school 10 a. m. Preaching 1 1 a. m.. subject. Gifts Differing. B. Y. P. I". 6:30. leader Ruth Edwards. Subject: What will make our society a greater success. Preaching 7:30, subject: The Sword of '.he Spirit Miss t?ayneil Baldwin, recently returned from Germany where she spent four years in su'dy on the violin, will ren der a violin solo at the niornins ser vice. E. R. Clevenger. pastor. Methodist. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep worth ljeague at 6:30 p. m. Preach ing at 1 1 a. m, and 7:30 p. m Morn ing subject. "The Call to Separation." Text 2 Cor. 6:17. 17. Evening text. Mark 5:22 "And when he saw him. he fell at his feet." Everybody Is cordially Invited to all of these ser vices. Chas A. Hodshire pastor. The East Oregonian takes pleasure in advising its readers that, begin ning with Monday's issue, the adver tising of another national advertiser will appear in Its columns, viz: K. C. Baking Powder. It is the policy of the East Orego nian to accept advertisements of food products of merit only Inves tigations show that K. C. Baking Powder has been sold throughout the 1'nited States for over i0 years. and the steady increase in its con sumption is due to its quality. The manufacturers of K C. Bak ing Powder have always worked in harmony with the pure food offi cials and have made an article which compiles with all pure food laws. They claim it is made from the very best of materials obtainable, guarantee It to please you. or full purchase price refunded. To satisfy ourselves, we purchased a can. tried it in our home and the results were beyond our expectations. To lovers of good, wholesome biscuits and fine pastry we heartily recom mend It An elaborate Cook's Book, con taining many recipes to roar Hklns is given free with every 23 cent cun See your grocer for full particulars New Yellow peril Found. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. J The "yellow peril" has hit the west coast In a new form Chinese eggs. Near ly one and a half million of these came here last year. The last leg islature regulated their Importation and sale, but in & test case these laws were held unconstitutional. State authorities have asked the state supreme court for a judgment. California produces all the borax mined in the United States, which, with Chile, leads the world In the ir-dustrv. Smokers of Turkish Trophies Cigarettes fifteen yean ago are asnokereof Turkish Trophies Cigarettes today 1 milfptm Qprntn fcrtr HM A Notre Dame Lady's Appeal To all knowing ufferers of rheumatism j farther muscular or of the Joints. aclatka j lumbagos. backache, pain in the kldaeji oi j iMinHttU pains, to write to her fur a horn, treatment which baa repeatedly cored al' af these torturea. She feels It her duty t end it to all aufferera FREK. You cur rourself at borne as thousands will testify no change of climate being neceasar; Tbla simple dlacovery banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened Jolota. purifies the blood, and brlghtena the eyea. tiring elasticity and ton to the whole sis tern. If the aboe Interests you, for proof address S. RUGO & CO. Concrete, Stone and Brick contractor. Estimates fur nished on application. Phone 536, Pendleton, Ore. L. CONSTANCE LADD, Trained Nurse. Obstetrical cases; reason able. 513 Railroad St. Against Substitutes Ask For ciinrcli of the Redeemer, Sunday school at 10 a. at The Lituny will he said and the Holy c ommunion celebrated at the 11 o' clock service Divine service and sermon at 7:30 p. m. Holy baptism at 3 p. m. Ail are cordially Invited. Charles tjuinney, rector. ProKhyterlan. Rally Day in the Sunday school to morrow at the Christian churh President Wilson says- The 8. 8. to one of the greatest factors In our lives In the building of character and the development of moral fiber. Too much attention can not he given las work which the Sunday school Is do ing. Come and bring your children Pastor Hubbell will speak from the following topics Sunday, October 3: 11 a. m . "Why We Should Study the Bible:" 7:30 p m., "Temptation: Whence Does It Come" For What Purpose" How We May Overcome." You are Invited. Get the Well-Known Round Package fS. Caution 7a Stold Subitltuttjfe HORLICKS THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made In the largest, beat equipped and sanitary Malted Milk plant In the world Wo do not make "mitt: piquets" Skim Milk Condensed Milk, etc. A$k For HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Mado from clean, full-cream milk and the extract of select malted grain, reduced to powder form, soluble in water. Best Food-Drink for Alt Ages. Used for over a Quarter Century Unlamm you say "HORUOITS" yarn may gat a Substitute. Take a Paokage Home PHOTO SUPPLIES Ansco Cameras and Films The court decreed original film and Cyko the prute win ning paper. Take &n Ansco on your vacation Tallman & Co. Leedkaf Drufjtrti