EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT) EMBER 30, 1915. PAGE SEVEN "Tim TIZ" GLADDENS GERMAN PRISONERS IN ENGLAND ALLOWED TO WALK IN FIELDS SORE, TIRFO FEET KO rCFFBD-PF, BURNING, TEN DKB SWEATY FEET NO OORHH oil CALLOUSES, ZOuy Great r canny Drgetin THE S. W. EAST OREGONIAN $1.50 (Published every Tuesday and Friday, for one year) McCALL'S MAGAZINE 80 BSBBBBBSBBBBSBBBBBBB 'iaBSie4B Hwfl Ufa BssfslWrgffssMnrm" ? JB& aaa flj aPSswasif Sm ssJbsssBA 1 MBbJeI sirsssJHBnVsa. ts ABsbbsB. I BW WM aSSBSBSSr'aT jaatWyjrjBaBSSBS' flTaaasBBBnaaBUBsT SBBrBaBBBBBK'WSBMaVSBBBBBBBBS ' ' !2L CsTbSI SBSBBBBsTnif VBBSBBa?!! V 'BRBBBl Bg 9Hh irBBTSBBBSSSMh- BBSa 1 'JE 5sbbbsmP? tP SSF .. nSHflBaw'''.: 'Vaaaakii." ' ' ALL FOR ONLY $1.50 HZ make tore, burning, tired (Ht fairly dance with delight Away go the aches and palna, the corn, censuses, blisters, bunions and chll Mm TIZ draws out the adds and eieoni that puff up your feet. No nutter how hard you work, how long yon dance, how far you walk, or how loot you remain on your feet, "TIZ" nags restful foot comfort. "TIZ" la magical, grand, wonderful for tired, thing, swollen, amartlng feet. Ah! hoar comfortable, how happy you feel. Your feet Just tingle for Joy; ahoes ever hurt or seem tight. Oet a IS cent box of "TIZ" now from any druggist or department lore. End foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, keep your feet fresb, sweet and happy. Just think! a whole year's foot comfort for only II cents. L. CONSTANCE LADD, Trained Nun. Obstetrical cases ; reason able. 513 Railroad St A group of lierman prisoners re turning; to their camp near Dorches ter after u walk in the fields. Note that they have gathered flowers on the way. LONDON, Sept. 30. Herman prls- by oners in the British detention camps are, of course, accompanied are given the privilege of dally walks guard and are not permitted to speaK in the fields. They appear to enjoy to passers-by. Attempts to ecaie are these outings, talking among them-J extremely rare and the guards sel selves and singing as they walk. Theydom have trouble with them. HOG MARKET IN WEAKER TREND i Courtesy Wednesday's Journal I PORTLAND. Ore. Aalde from contract stuff from the Willamette valley which went direct to killers at 16 50, there waa little available In the swine division Of the North Portland market. The payment of I. 10 for Willamette valley hoga on contract does not mean that the market Is up araln to that sum. but that killers are merely carrying out their con tracts made last week. SAN FRANCISCO the New Way 'PsasjsaPi Palatial 6 -Deck Steamships "Great Necthern" and "Northern Pacific" HTHKY TUESDAY, THURSDAY. SATURDAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Jhrou aokete to other California Points, and via California East Kara Hum so Kail and INCLUDE ME AMI AND BERTH. Low Bxeerstcm Rates from Pendleton and all other Northwest ern Pohrta. Only 2s hours at Sea. Delightful Ride Along the lower Columbia River on THE NORTH RANK ROAD. Steamer Train leaves Portland :J0 A. II., Str. arrives H F. J:10 P. M. Next Day. SERVICE PUTS Free mid-meat refreshments, tea and buffet lunch eons. Orchestra. Dancing, Deck ttamea and other unusual features of entertainment. T. V. O'BRIEN, Agf.. O.-W. R. N. It II. CHOZIEK, A. O. P. A. Portland Pan Francisco S5 Market 8t- Agmv n. P. RY. i.ii!'f 1 wm w The general swine situation here Is guards the entrance to the nation's capital and the Chesapeake. Conditions on the fleet today were those of real war. Grim, earnest and determined, as if a real battle, the opening maneuvers of the big "game" wrought the bluejackets to a high pitch of excitement. Ralls and su perstructure of battleships, cruisers and torpedo boats have been hauled down. The shis are stripped to bat tle condition. The present war game is of pecu liar importance and Interest among naval officials. lessons of the Euro- weaker with some forecasting still lower prices. Swine market took a turn for the worse today In the eastern trade and price losses were general. General hog market range: Peat light I6.40W .4.r. Medium light 6.30r.S5 Good to heavy 6 lOff 6.2 Rough to heavy 5.00 8 6.00 Cattle Market Nominal. With the cow market badly de I ressed, affecting in turn the entire rattle trade, the market at North Portland lust now is in a bad w.ij with no hope for Improvement In the i P'an W are to be tested. Subma lmmedlate future. Poor stuff contln- i rin cruisers, scout ships and ues to glut the trade. ' mlne layers are to take an Important Eastern cattle market war generally j and larger part in the maneuvers, depressed and at lower prices for the Some of the battleships have been ,lay "designated" as leviathan battle crul- (leneral cattle market range: "" F'u'1 and tender vessels have Select steers S.50fc6."5 "r designated as submarine craft. Best hay fed steers 6.2566.35 1 Stratagem of the war game was Good to choice 6. 00ft6. 26 1 planned at the Washington War Col ordinary to fair S.00S 5.75 lege. Several problems tested out in Best cows 5.005.25 the college this year are to be tried Good to prime t iOtft.Ij out under actual fighting conditions Fancy bulls 4. ". Ability of submarines, without other Ordinary bulls 2.504J 3.50 ; sup ort to successfully defend harbor Best calves 7.50 '.i 8.00 entrances slmllc.r to that of Hampton Mutton .Market Ouict Roads will be tested While strung In spats, Uie market for mutton Is quiet. There are few buyers in sight even for the limited offerings. Th bulk of the stuff con tinues to come direct to a local killer on contract. Mutton marks! Was steady to strong In. the east today. General mutto.i market: Choice spring Iambi . . t 7.03 Common spring lambs ... 6. 50 fi 6.75 Choice yearling wethers... 5.75 Good yearlings 5.50 ff? 5.75 Old wethers 4 75 5. 00 Choice light ewes 5. 2505.50 Good ewes 4 505.0C Rough heavy ewes 3-75(84 25 livestock Shippers. Hogs J. H. Samuelfon, Browns ville, one load- William Block, Inde pendence, one lead; J. D. Dinemore, West Solo, one load direct to Cilon Mtat Co.; C. E. Nichclson. Plymouth, Wash., by boat, 110 Dead; J. W stfl" Kenney. Lyle Was'i , one load; E. J. Pierce, Maryhlll. Wasii., iff head Ly Lost Sheep Rugg Brothers. Heppner. two loads; W M. Burrow. Lyle, Wash., five loads direct to Union Meat Co. Mixed stuff Pa'! : ft Overton, Halee, one load c.ittl- and hogs; Jones A Snods'ass. Lebapon, one luauj cattle, oogs and vh"p. Navy hydroplanes will also take part In the war game as scouts Rough weat'ier practice, with the air craft is hoped for to test their abil ity to return to th' ir stations in heavy seas. Signal practice and torpedo tube drills will also be given. 1'prtn the war game depends to a great extent the policy of naval de fense to be adopted by the coming congress. The success of the subma rlnes will be a factor in determining how extensive the submarine buildine program will be. Manufacturers' Day at Exposition. DENVER, Colo., Sept. 30. Manu facturers, jobbers and salesmen had their day at the International Soil Products exposition being held here. There are many valuable exhibits at the exposition in the line of manufac tured articles produced from soil pro ducts and many used in field and farm house. Burn Coke THE CHEAPEST FUEL FOR HEATING. ORDER YOUR WINTER'S SUPPLY 'NOW AT THE SPECIAL PRICE OF $5,00 PER TON IN FIVE TON LOTS FOR CASH AT GAS PLANT. THIS OFFER FOR 30 DAYS. Pacific Power & Light Company AMERICAN FLEET IS READY FOR ACTION III THE GAME OF WAR ADMIRAL FLETCHES PREPARES TO MEET "IMAGINARY FOl IN MANEUVERS Catarrh Cannot Be Cured wife I.ot'.M. APPLICATIONS, ss tnej caniwt reach the teat of the disease Ca tsrra is a blond or constitutional disease, and le order to core It jou must take In ternal ri-medles. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken '.nteraallj. and acts direct! upon the bll aod mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Core Is not a quack medicine. It vras presc ritie.i ay ooe or the best phy sicians Id this country for years and la a regular preacrlptlon. It Is composed of rse tunics tnown. coojttlnetf with thf best blood purifiers, acting directly on thf mneoiis snrfacrs. The perfect combine tlon of the two Ingredients Ic what pro duces such wonderful results In carina catarrh Setd for testimonials, free. C J CHENS! ft CO . Prop.., Toledo, 0 Sold by Dracgleta, price T5fc Tak- Hsu Psmllv Pills for eoostlnatloa (Monthly for one year) ANY ONE McCALL PATTERN 15 Regular Price, $2.15 We are cnibled to give our readers, old and new, tl:c benefit of this money-saving club offer, only lecause of a very spe cial arrangement with the publishers of McCALL'S MAGAZINE. WOMEN Love This Magazine Come in or write to sec a Bamplm copy McCALL'S is the Fashion Authority and Housekeeping Helper of more women than any other magazine in the world. All the latest styles every month; also delightful stories that entertain, and special depart ments in cooking, home dressmaking, fancy work, etc.. that lighten housework and save money. McCALL'S has been a family favorite for fofry-fiTe j-ears. It is the magazine that satisfies. Mrs. J. T. D., i subscriber of Temrle, Gj., wriw: "You may put my name on the list with thoe who think McCAtL'S MAtZIXE is worth twice as much as 50 cents a year lor every one m the family. So many pretty fashions And so mnch good reading 1 can hardly wait to sec It," J Don't Miss This Offer ITnsi sr caff at sW saw sfsVit swser FREE McCALL PATTERN Each Mtbscribrr for m Gmt "Fami'y Bargain" maychoosf from hrr fim copy of McCALL'S rr f ceitd, mt of tSt- cf Irbratfd Mesrt Drrw PmttM FREk, fralo ' J bymnimt a poaral card rruri dmci 10 I be McCail I o nor, New York, t numb aid 3u am ed. The East Oregonian continues to be the leading paper published in Oregon east of the Cascades and if you are not already a subscriber you should take advantage of this big offer. Also good for renewals. If you desire McCall's Magazine in connection with the Daily East Oregonian, cither by carrier or mail, write or phone us for special clubbing rates. CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Enclosed find $1.50 for which please send me the S.-W. East Oregonian and McCall's Magazine for one year as per your special offer. Name Address Please state if new or renewal. Steel Reaches Alaska. SEWARD, Alaska, Sept. 30 The steamer Wilmington, four weeks from Panama, arrived here with 1500 tons of railroad equipment 600 tons for eward. the remainder for Anchor- BfSj Engineering Commission, is not at Anchorage conferring with Commis sioner Mears concerning details of winter railroad work. A force of men is rebuilding the first 13 miles of the Alaska Northern track from steward, and another force is repair- Commissioner Edes, of the Alaska ling trestles farther out. CHICHESTER S PILL flits Is B4 M U.M .TV Ns. stslAl tth him RUn.V Ts m kxr. Bay afror v jc m -aua M bet. SJttst SSWafsR .MiftUa SCL3:,D2Lf.GI5TStramiIil PUT STOMACH IN FINE CONDITION I'nr the ct Ten- Days tlt scnil- Vnniiul "War ;ain''' Will Oocupj the Entire Atlantic Fleet Battle (.round a tiff the south Atlantic t a.t inulititiu oviir hi says indiokstiox isr.snTs PROM N EXCESS OF I1YD ROC III Oltlt ACID. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ATTORNEYS. MALE HELP WANTED. sen ii f play- AdmtnU eiKhty ves actlon but foe. Ac- NORFOLK, Va.. Sept naval forces of Europe I grips, the 1'. S. navy toda Ing at war. The gray fleet Fletcher, comprising over sels. was stripped for against only an imaidnnry tual Waf conditions prevailed annum the thousands of liluejackets and ma rines, but their sham battle was In marked contrast to the real conflict abroad. For the next few days the semian nual "war game'' will occupy the en tire Atlantic fleet. The battle ground this fall is off the southern Atlantic coast. Ist spring the war game was helil off the northern const. Hampton Itonds Is the present base of opera tions. The "fighting" will occur at sea however. The fleet is divided into two divis ionsthe lted and Mlue fleets. The actual strategic maneuvers to be worked OBt nre being kept n profound serret. None but the 'highest offi cers of the fleet are advised. The two fleets are practically sailing to sea under sealed orders. According to the beat Information today the lted and Illne fleets will engage In a strttgsle for the defense of Charleston, S. C. navy yard, the Portsmouth navy yard ind test the defenses of fortress Monroe, which Undigested food delayed In the mini'h decays, or rather, ferments Whilei ",e sa,lu' :ls f''d left in the open air, death JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL DI- j RALET RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT STTTCTr 27 ' rector and licensed embalmer Op- ,nw Office In American National a-TBL) PARTY WILL PAY Cat posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, twsBank Bolldlng. or 'T for Umatilla county funeral cars. Calls responded to day . If Pr acra Addrsa or night. Phone 75. FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 1 Athena, Ora. , Office In Despain building. . t T immVX'S FI RNITI'F.H STORE r : ..n.-r.i.ui.ir.ui. Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner, JAMES B PErrt. ATORNET Main anu waier streets, leiepuoue uc jaw says a noted authority. He also tells us that hid r-stlon is caused by hyper-acidity, n caning, there Is an ex cess of liyJroi hlorlc acid In the stom ach which prevents complete dlgea tlon and staits food ferme Thus everything eaten sours stomach much like garbage a can. forming acid fluids and gases i residents. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS CARTETl & SMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law Office in rear of American TRESSPASS NOTICES, STALLION National Bank building. season cards and sals bills of every description printed at reasonable AT prices at the East nncnnl tar. Office over Tavlor Rsritwnrs 1 fcav - - - - - .. . , - - m uiip iui u . viuck cuts mat oul ' eomnnnv ., . ' , iinra are aiiowea tne free us ol PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTOR- rtrrrfw ttrjru woMnw. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES; neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith-' .-, mk . . " , ,f 1 reliable abstracu of title to Crawford bu LeT ttf lands In Umatilla county. Buys and wr , !L. .. . ! . entation. -ells all kind, of real estate. Does DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY ; tiLirZMr'SZSZ in thei. general brokerage buslnes. Pay. at law. Will practice In all tat. "n0, " JZT sours inl taxes and makes Investments for non-and federal courts. Rooms 7. I and: .uiiftui ,. Writes fire, life and accl-! Despain bulldlnr which inflate the stomach like a toy balloon. Then we feel a heavy, lumpy Bllaery in the chest, we belch up gas, we eructate sour food or have heart burn, flatulence, water brash or nau sea. He tells us to lay alde all digestive aids and instead, get from any phar macy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tableapoonftll in a glass of wa ter before breakfast and drink while It Is effervescing and furthermore, to continue this for a week. While re lief follows the first dose. It la Im portant to neutralise the acidity, re move the gas-making ..lass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive juices. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and is made from the acid of grapes and "lemon Juice, combined with Hlhia and so dium phosphate. This harmless salts Is used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent re suits ' (tpnt Insnrnni'A. Rsferpnces. an'.' bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. ENGRAVED CAR Del, INVITATIONS, wedding announcements, embo GEORGE C. COUTTS. ATTORNEY - v.7"" T.h . at law Fstste. wMM -m. ' ortTU n(5 buJ,n tatlonery. sto. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made Room 17. Schmidt block. Very latest str lea. Call at East Ore Ionian office and see sample. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. SECOND HAND DEALERS. U LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND V. STROHLE. DEALER IN NEW ! . vunsel!or at law. Office In Despain LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY Dl acrlptlon for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc, for sale at East Oregonian office. building. IN and second-hand geods. Cash paid tor nil second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendaleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street Phone DRS S71W. 'ING i PHYSICIANS. REAVER ENGRAVING UUNrANY ' ecwTisso os3. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. TOHNKA. Al'CTIONEEH makes a specialty of faimers' stock and machinery sale. "The man that gets vou the money " Tave order, at Bast Oregonian office. WHITARF.R A WOOD, DEN tuts, ornce hours 9 a. m to I p m. Mllarkey building. Pendletor I Oregon VETKHINAHY SURGEONS. C. W I.ASSEN. M. D. V. COUNT1 veterinarian Residence telephone IT; office telephone, I.