East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 30, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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mklng the srtirduk No guarantr
Ls naked nrnl the local fans have
promise.! thtr diamond ire ef charge
to the stars .
If the big taiguers play here It will
probably be itariag the uttnail week
in November, about November 13 or
14. A big uUlaiu-e woult tx ccr
tain. Among the men expected to
make the tri ire Chealey. Math.w
on, Alexumlnr. Coomlw. v.nmhn,
icn.uer, pwaj juiih, Km unrfi
Kurry. Sihraruw Strunk ami Kllllfer.
Cka.ia ttoutfeert' ot Wilkes-Harrr
i.. rompleleil fhe year at majo.
KtMi '.il rMtitmai.viing the Pennsylvn
Mii DhMon "f the National Guard
inu: sent upon ihi retired llt. The
tlit i ma) not appoint a success
or until the division is up to the
Ml Uti i- ... !.! by the war depart
MMl JPhta tW I btfott th 'nd of
snkli r Xru to Ik- QMS.
LONDON (By Mail.) Over :00
dotnwll .. onomy instructors ur.der
i hi. tntplfM of the London county
Council are today enrolled for the
task of teaching 3000 British soldier
the an of cooking.
Bread iiakin, the concoction of
.Irish tuews and the correct way to
boil potatoes are the chief features
of the campaign to make army cook
ing iHtier. ores of cooking schools
for tha soidu-: tav been ettab'.toh
d I BtUd part of London.
xt-t t Itampaii-iliip RflSl clot
NEW YORK. Sept. JO. The en
tries for this year's national soccer
championship com;etition will be
ckMCd ,t midnight tonight. Draw
ing for rounds will he held here Oct
t. according to I1WI oi me iuum
SUtee Football association.
MKM T so Alls in srilKlHI.Kn
S Tl lii
, N KY YORK. Sept SO. The great-!
- (ataxy of speed kints ever gather-,
led about one track will face tluv
M.irt.r's guns here Saturday In thel
. first ISA-mil race for the Astor Oupj
on the new Sheepshead Hay course 1
About thirty cars are scheduled to;
make the start, but it is probable'
there will be some eleventh hour!
Hopes of an American made car
.arrving off the honors rested large
ly on the Suit and Maxwell entries
here are four Stuti cars, two of
them piloted by Earl Cooper and Oil
Anderson, who finished first and sec
ond respectively In the recent Minne
apolis race, and at Elgin they dirti
ed Ikt two btg road races between
them. Eddie Rickenbacker In his
Maxwell also is expected to make a
bid for honors.
The Peugeot entries are considered
the most dangerous both the cars
and their drivers There are five of
them, each wtth a driver of interna
tional fame Dario Resta. Bob Bur
man. Howdy Wilcox. Jchny Aitken
and Ralph Mulford.
Barney oldfield and his well known
cigar will be seen at the wheel of a
Delage. and Ralph DePalma. who
won the five hundred mile race at
Indianapolis last May. will pilot a
Besides the custody of the Attor
Cup. prises aggregating $50. 00 will
go to the winners.
The big oval has been pronjetmeed
by the drivers working practlcr spins
I as almost perfect. The motordrome
I is constructed of wood, steel and con
j crete. and will accommodate nearly
111,111 persons. The course Is two
j miles, with stralghtways ami two
Following is a list of the entries
and their cars:
Ralph PePalma. Mercedes: Barney
Oldfield, Pelage; Harry S. Harkness.
Delase: Earl Cooper, Stilts; Ear!
Cooper. Stutz: Oil Anderson. Suits;
Da tin Resta. Peugeot: Boh Burman.
Peugeot: Johnny Aitken. Peugeot;
Ralph Mulford. Peugeot; Howdy Wil
cox. Peugeot: Bob Moore. Sunbeam.
Eddie Pullen. Mercer; Olover Ruck-
stell. Mercer; Eddie Rickenbacker.
Maxwell; Jean Porpornto. R R. P.:
lauls Chevrolet, Gddie CVDonnell.
Duesenberg; Pete Henderson. Puesen
berg; Ira Vail, Mulford Special: Tom
Alley. Ogren: Ora Halbe. Sebrtng:
Orover Bergdoll, Erwln Special.
Big Leaguers May
Be Scheduled to
Play in Pendleton
Pendleton will in all probability see
the stars of the National and Ameri-!
can leagues play an exhibition game j
Negotiations are now under way for.
the scheduling of such a game on the
tour of the all-stars through the west j
and there seems every indication thatj
a stop will be made here.
Local baseball fans are enthusias
tic over such a game and have given
every encouragement to the men
Ptiikulclphin Wins luuiiftaip In
Nnttoaal i.emriic.
BOSTON. St. 30 The Phlladd
phlans yesterday won tne National
League championship for t:l'.. with
Alexander pitching a one-hit game
against the present title-helding
Braves. Th score was to Ik The
defeat of th Braves makes it possi
ble for the league leaders to lese all
the remaining games and still have
tear title to first place.
The new chumpions clinched their
honors in the first inning. Bancroft's
single to right, and Rudolph's pass,
to Paskert was followed by i.ravath,
home run. which brofeght the latter's
home rub record to iJ. A triple kv
Paskert sent another home In the
fourth, and Cravath cracked a double
to left and I.uderus a suujtc to right
for a fifth run In the seventh inning.
Among the speclaors of the game
were some of the Bosten American
players, the probuble players of Phil
adelphia in the world's series. Man
ager Carrlgan of the Ited Sox watch
ed the play carefully.
"It seems to be a well-rounded
combination, tint I'm sure we can beat
them." he remarked.
It was "Patsy Mornn day'' at
Braves' Field and several thousand
persons turned out especially to hon
or the visiting manager Most
them came from Fitchburg. Mass.,
his home town. Among them was
David I. Walsh, governor of the state,
who presented Moran with a floral
horseshoe. Score:
Philadelphia 5 16 1
Boston 0 1
At New York
Brooklyn t 7 1
New York 1 4 0
At Chicago
Chicago 5 a 4
Cincinnati 4 9 2
At Detroit
Detroit j 3 3
St. Louis 2 5 5
At Washington
Washington 10 11 0
Philadelphia j 9 4
Second game:
Washington 20 21 4
Philadelphia 5 s 10
At Cleveland
Chicago 1117 2
Cleveland 6 13 3
At St. Louis
Kansas City 1
St. Louis 0
At Pittsburg
Chicago I
Pittsburg 3
At Brooklyn
Buffalo 7
Brooklyn I
lUmsuatxm from
How Is Your Appetite
and Digestion?
Keep up a close acquaintance with
Wriyley's, before and after meals. See
how it makes you ready and keen for
your three squares. See how it relieves
that stuffy feeling after eating.
It quenches thirst refreshes mouth and throat
brightens your smile keeps you calm and
contented. A constant friend. Costs but a mite.
At Portland
Oakland 3 10
Portland 1 6
At Los Angeles
I Vernon 7 12
Los Angeles 4 8
At San Francisco
Salt Lake 8 15
San Francisco 3 9
Utile Spent Horner" a bright boy
Write Wm. Wrigley Jr.
Co., 1228 Kesner Bldg.,
Chicago, for "WRIGLEY'S
Mother Goose" us acted by
the Sprightly Spearmen.
The book is free.
With each package
Wtswsmmmm i
National League.
W. L.
Philadelphia 87
Boston 78
Brooklyn 7
Chicago 71
Pittsburg 71
St. Louis 70 79
Cincinnati 9 81
New York t
American League.
BoBton 99
Detroit 98
Chicago 89
Washington 82
89 79
New York 81
St. Louis t 87
Cleveland 57 93
Philadelphia 40 108
Federal Ianie.
Pittsburg 3i 84
Chicago 8f 84
St. Louis 35 tf
Kansas City 80 70
Newark 76 71
Buffalo 73 78
Brooklvn 70 SI
Baltimore 48 1 "2
l.lvetMM'k Show at Exposition.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 30. What
Is said to be the greatest live stock
and horse show In the history of the
United States opened here today at
the Panama Pacific exposition and
will continue until December 3. One
hundred ninety thousand dollars are
offered In cash prizes for live stock
and 1250,557 In prizes for horses.
The first competitive show will be
that for horses, mujes end asses which
opened today ;ind will last until tc
tober 13. The competition for beef
and dairy cattle will follow the hors
show, and will last from October 1
to November 1 .
I mi:., fold and McVov FIkIH.
DCNVBIt, Colo., Sept. 30. After
two weeks' conditioning In the local
altitude, hoth Sam Langford, "the
Boston Tar Haby," and Sam McVey,
nejrro heavyweight, declared them
selves ready for tonight's 20 round
mill at the stockyard's stadium.
Langford said there would be action
from the very start. Langford Is the
favorite In the light betting on ac
count of his last showing In Denver
when he knocked out blj Jack
Thompson, a local colored 200 poun
der, with one blow.
Denver Has New Station.
DFNVER. Sept. 30. Denver's
Kreat new union station will he open
ed to the public tomorrow. The new
station Is strictly up to the minute,
and Is one of the finest In the west.
NdtictTh & sTov.s in t.
Tha Outsid fsowacjul RndUTtho
Body . Trie ) n.vde durable
Cast-iron heater.
AWTA ft A i
Two Stoves for the Price of One
We offer you only reliable goods made by reliable manufacturers.
Honest prices and honest values is our motto. If there is one place where
quality counts it is here. '
Cole'S Original Hot Blast
is a double stove a heavy durable heating stove slipped inside of
the powerful radiating body which radiates all the heat. This re
markable construction makes an absolutely air-tight stay "tight heater
which holds fire from Saturday night until Monday morning. This
guaranteed stay-tight construction in connection with our Hot Blast
fuel saving draft makes our guaranteed great fuel economy possible.
The Many Feet of
Leaking Joints
made temporarily tight with stove putty
explains why imitation hot blast heaters
and stoves with other fuel saving devices
are not guaranteed to remain air-tight
always, as is Cole's Hot Blast.
Col' Hot Btatt burns any fuel
soft coal, hard coal, or wood.
It is a powerful radiator of heat.
It gives a sizzling hot base.
It gives a guaranteed fuel economy.
You can't afford to be without this
remarkable heater.. Come in and see
it today.
" Cole' Hot Blast make your coal pile lout. "
To avoid imitation look for Colt',
Taylor Hardware Co.
Agents and Distributors
741 Main Street Pendleton. Oregon
Manufacturers should be inter
ested in the experience of one of
the great corset manufacturers.
He says:
'The obvious purpose of na
tional corset advertising is to bring
trade to the local retailor. Make a
canvass of the retailors in New
York or Knoxville, in Chicago, or
Kankakee, and it's a safe bet that
1 00 per cent will urge the use of
the local daily news-paper in pre
ference to all other mediums.
"And that's a conclusive test.
The local dealer knows what brings
results to him."
Does not the same principle apply to
any other good product?