East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 30, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    VAf.y. pout
oftv at
u M"4'Ua as.! u!M
er did he may logically expect !
the verv end that came to this'.
convict; he will be taken at
hi own estimate.
If the allies get the Germans
out of France before winter
sets irt they will have to put
much steam behind their drive.
MTttl II At, M4.
hi r . lo.-r-i.t (.
.s VI.K 4T
Hnroa. ao Kcrsrlif H.lidlaa
i ri
tally all
ally tkrte
Uely aw yi
iMiir )
tail a et 7
Mai at.y.
-. : i.
at ea for neutrals the presi
dent has caused a precedent to
be established that is invalu
able to society. He has caus
ed it to be recognized as a
principle that non-combatants
! .have rights that warring pow-
1 ers must respect. The sea can
not be taken over entirely for
purposes of slaughter.
TKa ritr.ri' rrainoyl i a rtt
merely a triumph for Ameri- or" ; io '""JJtSL.
cat i ngnis. u is something n Not ,n charire the subject
.worldwide importance and is
COntrUC' f.nill K-Q; Konntifiil
111 lll'fl ' I U V 1 t 1 B, , IS1.UUVI1V1I
(Continued from ;...-
from the drive up leash street t Ita
ley. thua connecting with the Hush
and Relay street pavements. This
would leave the city lo pa only forj
an eight foot atrip along the soatn'
end of lb cemeter- and a six tees
foot atrip for a bl k on Buah street ,
The aectlment of the council seem-
aii to register ana ' "'
. ,. .. w.i Pr,'s'dlns were held up until the:
on set up a howl, l)M.d rooM u eurnln,d 4 ,.,plHl I
lt.V IS poorly govern- iThls done, plans nd specifications
ed ; you are one of the govern- j wni probably be drawn at once
ne bit of distinctly
tive work at a time
i asaa
fotir aaataa.
M most of the civilized world is
devoting all energies to de-
i as
si ruction.
i Flynn. the lecturer, says to
eat no meat; then let him per-
s,Tur PDirc
I la. a ii VL.
the hens to lay fresh
In every ward a vigorous ef-
HE price of gasoline var
i ? . ft- a A a I. . Ill . a I
ies greauy in timerem ion snouiu oe mane to get a,a month
x z
towns of the country and good man out for the council.
the situation is calling forth
loud complaint from places K is a dull day when a buila
where high figures prevail. !'" permit of some sort is not
Sare lb Tri-i-. 1) I rxe-.
Application wan made hy J. S. I
j Winter, contractor on the feder-l
building lo cue don the trees on tht
; Garden street aide of the lot and this
permlaalon waa granted over the pro-'
!tt of Acting Ma or Iner. He de-,
i lared he waa opi oaed to t utting ;
'down any ahade tree In the i Ity of!
' Pendleton but othi-r memlra ot the.
I round! declared th'- aa riflre of theae
treea to lie oeavar liwauw of the'
plana for the paving of the street and
for the construction of curia and .
larklnga The council voted to leap!
a city motor ro Mr Winters for f 25 j
HiKur eaa omea Ions.
Knaln at hi lonesome door
sn alngln' of a song
10 Vsri-d that door to open. In
summar-tlma or snow.
The i,rlghtet lights wars dark
ened and Wisdom aire-
And a-.
his feara they fools!
him till Happiness pass
ed by,
I' ' i.ow Ufa's doors and win
dows ara open to ths
And sll the world la welcome,
but Happiness- it aeema
To s far dim shadow, an
eho heard In dreams.
a a a a a a a
Get your name upon that
i Atlanta. Georgia, is one ot nieu nere.
the cities where a high price j
nrcvnilii and the ("rinatitutinn
recently carried an editorial t re"'ster
irom which the lollowing is an;
Kilkenny Lambs Go
iijune in neiiuiK ill in-,
(ago, retail price at BU cents
a srallon: the orice in Atlanta
jrose tO 16 CentS a day Or two Several ssJag of aheep have bees
ago. made a) different parties In the pat
(jawiline is selling in Kansas.'-" " numoer or smpmema
City at 9.8 cents a gallon; Ut v"r'"u" '"J",'u
J .. . . . j f i urii Hejipner. Among recent sales
iiiniiiu jjrn;e in in cauia. w, lul, ,h, following: Ed Farn--
"Gasoline is selling in St. , north sold iand or aged ewes to
Coffin Hroa . nf North Vaklma, al t
per head Theae have been aummer-
,, . r r m ISS ill rn mile, alio urn uii.,-
Here is a difference of any- ,,, Hsotmsr wedneaday. Wm
am IIK0U(;H publicity given
the subject a rush is now
on at the city registration
office. If the enrollment of
Louis at 9.9 cents a gallon; in
Atlanta it costs 16 cents.
where from 6.1 cents to 6'j
cents a gallon, at retail, and we
might continue the discrimina
tory comparison indefinitely.
"The inevitable conclusion
Will Hnlkl Utajajala-.
Having failed to secure the con
struction of a sidewalk up the Tustll
street hill to the high school, the
council last evening ordered the re
corder to advertise for bids The clt,
will build the walk and I harge the
iat as a lien on the property It
a also announced laat evening that
the street commissioner had a Hat
70ii people who will tie ordered to
I build new walks this fall.
The street committee waa inatruc-
di rer ncdo sUmi whirh abu M lh WiMm
I mill race to see whether a fence la
necessary for the protection of ve
hlrles. rhlef of Polkas. Manning re
I ported a drop of 14 feet there with
' nothing to Indicate to the stranger
j that the street ends there.
I Complaint of the dust and odors
I emanating from the carpet ' leaning
, establishment In the old K. of P.
building resulted in the referring o?
the matter to the 1 Ity physician, the
i fire rhlef. the city attorney and mayor
with in.Ht ructions to Investigate and
order It a nulaance and a menace to
public health and safety if they deem
ed proper
Dr. I. I'. Temple reported that the
illr. 11 uic ciiioiiiii' i.l v .
voters continues with the zeal " !not ony that t is wrong bu
shown during the last 36 hours
there is a chance of a fairly
representative r e g i stration.
Keep the good work going.
Everyone can help. After you
have registered, tell your nei
ghbors, friends and relatives.
See that they register. It is a
community duty and we owe it
to the town. From many
standpoints there is no finer
little city in the west than Pen
dleton. One way to serve the
town and make it better is to
take a live, intelligent interest
in the coming city election. Get
there is something rotten about
"We could conceive of a dif
ference, perhaps, of one cent a
gallon, or thereabouts, as being
due to the difference in freight
rates. It could not possibly be
But when other cities of this
country are getting gasoline at
6 to 6' cents less than Atlan
ta consumers are required to
pay for it there is no other
answer except that the com
panies dealing in gasoline, all
of them, are studying their
Stewart of I.one It oik sold 1104 (
year-old gaaj to Murphy Bros., at
I'ortland, at It per head. Murphy
Braa. also bought Jim W land's aged
- m 1 1 -n, ...... ai., itnn
h-ad in this lot. J A. Benson of! Hllr.r.a,l"" ,h floor of M"
lomniiiriilifiu in I rmrtinr t i t . , . i .
t .11 , ... III III U Hi (IIHI UUIVIHK ULf'il
out responsible, honorable and e
to be filled. Don't let the of-i;" f an
... v... .u r. mam.
I It en go IJ V uciuua. iuiiiik
corkscrew out of
the next administration there!
will be a splendid chance for
graft, misrule and chaos. If
the voters do not take an ac
tive, consistent interest in the
coming election those are the
rocks upon which we may
strike hard.
Pendleton is too good a town
to be thrown against such con
ditions. Pendleton people
have a duty to perform.
Get busy and keep busy.
"If there is any way to put
p stop to it, and to enforce the
trade rights of consumers, it
should be found."
Seemingly the differences in
price in the various places may
be accounted for by the fact
the Standard Oil Co. has com
petition at some points and not
at others. But if the oil trust
can sell gasoline at 9 'a cents
in Chicago and make a profit,
why cannot it do the same
elsewhere? Why should it be
allowed to discriminate in its
says that Germany's ac-i Whenever a man willfully
quieseene in the demands makes of himself an outlaw
made by I'reident Wilson con-1 and commences to shoot people
"titutes "the greatest diploma-1 right and left as young Hook-
miiftiiHittiiitiffHiHiiimiiiiittiiini inHiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiib
Dodge Brothers
I'roaser Wash., bought 1000 coarse'
lambs from Lawrence Swlck of Mon-j
ument at 14. Mr Benson also pnr-
chased from McNamee, Kader and
Dougherty MOO head of yearling
w ethers at pi li es ranging from 13.75
te 14 per head. He also bought
IH COafss lambs from L V. Gentry
at 14 per head Mr. Benson will traL j
this bunch from Heppner to Umatilla j
and ship across the Columbia, trail-j
Ing from there to his range near Efas j
ser. D, It. Nichols, who bought the
I I'otter rani-h nenr Spray, delivered a,
I band of 1 400 lambs here the first ol!
the week which were sold to It. N
I Hint, field at tt per head. Tills aunchj
I was billed to Stanfleld, Oregon.
t. A ulney of Wapato, Waah. j
I might TH", hear! of ewes and wethers
i from L V. (lentry at I6.7T. per head.
These were shipped Irom lleppnei
John Kilkenny's sale of 3 f 0 0 roarse
larnlis to Coffin Brothers was made
at the highest prli e heard of this
year. 14 f,0 per head Delivery will
be made si Kilkenny's ranch In Hand
Hollow Corrlgal & Mahoney are
next In line with their sale or 850
coarse lambs to Webb Bros., at $4.2Ti
ler head,
Corrlgal & Mahoney also sold 00
yearling wethers to Tom Boylen at
S4.50 per head and 12S0 ewes to
Howard N'ye of North Yakima at a
prl'-e around $6 per head.
.oe Haves received a shipment of
ISO head of high grade Lincoln bucks
from OOOdlnf, Mario, the first of th(
week which they will resell to local
sheepmen at $22 00 per head. These
come from the band of Frank H.
Hooding, ex-governor of Idaho -USPPRST
building had made It necessary, to h!s
mind, to put in an Iron post In the
basement beneath a sprung girder.
This the tenant of his basement room
Herman I'etera, refused to allow, he
said, and he asked that the bulldlnx
committee make an Inspection to as
certain whether the post was' neces
sary for the safeguarding of life and
The Van Petten LuHtbaf company's
bid of 17 14 per ton for coal furnish
ed to the city was accepted The bids
of B. Hugo A Co. for Tustln street Im
provement bonds were accepted Th
application of Ous I.a Fontaine for i
building permit for a change In the
Quelle restaurant was allowed
By Operating a Chain of 23 Stores and
Specializing in Sample Goods is the
Reason we Sell You High Grade
Merchandise for Less Money
Come in and get our prices on shoes.
Clothing, Mackinaws, Sweaters, and Fur
nishing goods. Compare our prices and qua
lity you pay one third to one half more.
Boys' Mackinaw Coats ?4.50
Men's Mackinaw Coato j3.45
Heavy Mackinaw Coats J5.85, f6.50
and 96.85.
Our line of Sweater Coats and Jersey
Sweaters is complete; you can save
one third or more on every sweater,
49 to f6.50.
Men's Prince Chap Suits S9.50 to
Men's Tailor Made Suits 914.75 to
Men's Overcoats and Balmacaans at
?3.95, 96.90, 912.50 and 914.50.
This is the place to buy your hat. Men's
hats 91.00 to 92.85
We have a fine line of Boys' Suits, all
sizes and many patterns to choose
from, priced 91.65 to 94.95
Boys' Jersey Sweaters, just the thing for
school wear 49 and 65
Ladies' union, part woo! ; why pay oth
ers $1.50 the garment; sizes 4 to 9,
our price 98c
Cotton Ribbed, garment 45?
Worsted Ribbed, garment 75f
Heavy Wool, garment 95
Heavy Cotton Ribbed 91-00
Fine Worsted 91-65
Heavy Wool 91-5 to 93.25
A good every day pants at 91-60,
91.45, 91-65 and 91.95.
Boys' Corduroy long pants, our
price 91-25
We carry the largest line in town. Come
in and see them ; every one is a bar
gain. Steel Frame Metal Bound Case 98
Matting Case Steel Frame 91-25
Large Matting, Steel Frame, 2 strap
case 91.45
Sheepskin Cases, others ask you $4 to
$4.50 for this case, our price.. 92.95
Heavy cowhide suit cases 94-95 to
We undersell everyday on Shoes because
we specialize in samples. Come in
and see them as you save one third or
better on every pair and we sell many
standard makes of shoes.
745 MAIN
i in
designed lo lie all
should be.
I hut
OSpabll ot Mirrylng two peo-
oi.tlriuous comforX
n see belter than we can tell,
1 In i
' oil' .-I .. ,-.!
and agatei
wan ellmll
iy. whin II wsa first
was r- modeled, again
ill the I.. at harsh line
The body Is built of steiil. with the
usual useless framework entirely
As a result there Is eitraordlnary
storage spaie ut the rear more
than sufficient for sll the luggage
two might tak. on a long tour.
A light car. with all th. udrantagee
which thai llshtaess adds to the
powerful motor but a stoat
Maamli. aTaasj css. as. a
n as weN
A special arranpement secured by the EAST 0REQ0NIAX, enables us to offer to our subscribers for a
limited time only the SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGON I AX f-,r one year with a full year's subscrip
tion to all four of the above high-grade publications, at the special price of 91-75.
Our Special Big Four Magazine Offer
Woman's World : Household : Peoples' Popular Magazine
1 arm Lile
S-W East Oregonian 0 1 JT
Pendleton Auto Company I
The Tigers seem to have given up
hope of winning the pennant, but Ty
the fleet outfielder can still
Iist Wednesday he won the'
title of champion base siealer of lh
twcrrlcth centur by stealing th.
elghl'-nllilh base thin season.
UUn, r s"w Est Crewman 0 1 7C HHH
Woman's World has more sub
scribers than any other magazine
published, over two million a
month. It's articles. Its stories, It.
Illustrations, ara the best that mon
ey can buy. It Is a magazine to be
compared with any home maga
zine In the country, regardless of
price, without fear of contradiction
of any claims we make for It. Its
stories ara by authors known the
world over
Tun Household a
favorite magazine in a
million homes. Every
issue Is full of new and
Interesting features, be
sides regular depart
ments of Fashions,
Home Cooking. Needle
work, Fancy Work,
P e o p I e's Popular
Monthly is one of the
greatest popular fiction
and home magazine,
published. C o d t alns
complete stories each
Issue, and Is full of
other entertaining feat
ures. You will enjoy
this magazine.
Farm Life is a publication adap
ted to the everyday Ufa of the
farm folk., brim full of things
that help to make the farm life
more cheerful and homelike.
Special articles by authorities on
all subjects of Interest to the up-to-date
This offer supplies you with Magazines of the Best quality, giving you a year's
supply of good literature at a saving of one-half the cost
This i the BEST und bifpest combination clubhinp offer ever
pre-.,!.',! to tin- public The FAST OREGONIAN is plad to an
nounce to its KiibrKTibers the com plot inn of thin splendid arrange
ment, whereby wn can offer nicb an excellent list of publications
in connection with a yearV lubecription to the Semi-Weekly East
fh"priirt hi the remarkable pric of $1.75 for all five, 1 hie
rrffer is, food for ft SHOUT time only and may be increased at any
time. Better fill out the application blank and eet your sub
scription., to tiH before) it is too late,
The rImivc magazine offer in also good in connectisn with snK
aoripliutis lo the DAILY Hast Orerrrmian, both now and ronewal.
BatM furnished on application.
Fill out this Wank and enclose with money or
check to the East Oregonlan.
Enclosed find 11.75 for which send me the Sen,l-Week-ly
East Oregonlan for oae year and a full year's
snbacrlptlon to the WOMAN'S WORLD, HOUflSHCrLD
'ARM LIFE to this address: