DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EC. HON FomM for Eastern Oregon by the TO ADVERTISERS. . Tb? F1' "refanlan bu the largest Mia circulation of inj piper In Oregon, eut of I ortlind, srd ever twice tbe circulation In lendletuu 01 any other newspaper. United State Weather Oil Fair tonight and Friday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 27. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 19J NO. 8614 STATEMENT SAYS BRITISH FLANKS BADLY DEFEATED Berlin Claims Victory for the Ger man Troops in the Region From Loos to Ypres Yesterday. FRENCH GAINS ARE ADMITTED Advance Are Made on Vlmy Height 'MM in Champagne Berlin Papers Warn People Not to Minimis' I m l"orltuii or Uic Allied Offensive llmil Ifcx-lskin in Doubt, BERLIN, Sept. 30. German troops defeated tioth wings of the British army In a great battle yesterday and laM night In the region from Loos to Ypri an official statement an nounced. Frcneh gains on Vlmy Heights ond temporary French sue ces In Champagne were admitted. BERLIN, via Sayvllle, Sept. 30. Merlin pupers warned the public to day not to minimize the In n irtame of the Anglo Eremh offensive In the west, admitting the final decisi n Is Mill In doubt PARIS, Sept. SO. Several new Point on the German second lln west of Tahureln and Id the Cham I i.gne region have been occupied by the French, on official communique a'd. Other gains were noted wet of the Nnvarlan farm. The Ger mans bombarded the ground gained by the French east of Bouchei and southwest of Lena. South of Rlpont. In the region of Hill 185. the Frenc'i have Improved their positions by cap turlng the German support trench The i ommunliue ndmltted the French 1 vrt relinquished part of the gains In 'hampgne. Squadrons of French eeroplnnes have Joined In the Mt.-ics and are bombarding the railways, supply stations and reserve columns. The most Intense fighting of th combat on the western front Is ra ging along a line six miles from Loos to mil HO. The Anglo-French for ces have penetrated the enemy's de fense In some sectors and have been hailed In others The objectives are Lens. Vlmy Heights and Douaal. Be tween Souchex, and Vlmy tho French positions have been maintained, It was officially claimed The heaviest battling continues In the Champagne but there Is no cessation of the strug gle at any point. Meantime the Ger man forces nre making strong at tacks at several points In a desper ate effort to draw off the allies from the Artols nnd Champagne regions Thousands have been slain In the battle nest of Lens. SEPTEMBER WHEAT IS UP ELEVEN CENTS IN THE CHICAGO MARKET SHORT. ARE CAVORT THROVOn DELAYED SHIPMKNTS AND ill v HEAVILY. i'lllCAUO, Sept. JO September win at Jumped 11 points In the Pit today before closing, hitting 1.16 l--Because of delayed shipments, due to bad weather, the shorts were caught and had to buy heavily to meet tbi lr contracts on the settlement day. Portland. PORT-AND, Ore., Sept. 30 (Spe lal.) Bid prices today, club bUMetnm, ii". I.hcrpool (YCHlcrday.) LIVERPOOL, Sept. 29. Spot, No. 1, Manitoba, lis lid; No. 2, Us 9d: No. 3. lis 8 l-Id; No 1 Northern Hu luth. lis 4 l-2d; No. 2 red Western winter. 10s 3d; No. 2 hard winter, lis 10 l-2d. In American terms the Liverpool price Is 11.73 2-10 per bushel. Zeppelins are Sighted Going Toward London BIG CRAFT ARE HEADED rXll WEST SAYS AMSTER DAM REPORT. AMSTERDAM, Sept. HO Six Zep pelins were sighted today heading westward over Acruchot, Belgium. In u course destined to take them to Eng land if maintained. Greece and Bulgaria Ready for War t QAMvoe . rB LACK 0 ftsarta &'Zwgas SEA wnucaft) BULGARI A Twenty-four hours after the order for the mobilisation of the Bulgarian army the army of the Greeks received orders to mobilise. Dispatches from Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, say Human Voice Carried 3000 Miles Without Aid of Wires WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. Wire, less transcontinental telephony ceas ed to be a dream and became a real ity at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. At that lnir Theodore N. Vail, pres ident of the American Telephone and Telegraph company spoke a few sen tences to John J. Carty. chief engi neer. Veil was In New York. Carty was at Mare Island. The words traveled 3, com miles through air wlthont a wire to carry them, pro pelled through ether at the rate of 56. nan miles a second. The human voice had been hurled Into space at the naval radio station at Arlington. Va., and conducted by ether to the Mure Island towers. The achievement marked the solution of nesrly every problem Involved with the future development of telephony. Again Vail had ordered Carty to ac complish the impossible" and again his orders had been carried out. The achievement Is fraught with meaning. It mentis that the problem of talking acrosH the Atlantic ocean has been solved. Ii means that cl man In New Y'ork can talk to Hono lulu and Toklo as soon as the con LEAVES NO DECISIVE GAINS FOR GERMANS STRUGGLE is REFT I P To co TROL STRATEGIC POINT IN TIII1E EAST. PETROGRAD, Sept. 30. The thunder of German and Russian can non about Dvlnsk, murklng the strug gle for that strategic point, continues unabated. The war office admitted that some German gains have been made along the eastern line but re ported progress for the Slavs at other points. Northwest of Frledrlctutadt, tht Germans made Ineffectual at tempts to take the two towns. The Dvlnsk battle progresses as furiously as It has for days past. Only one modern sawmill Is oper nted In the tttritory of Hawaii. Crown Prince Boris, who Is a very young man, will lead her urmies in the field, and it is understood that King Constantln will lead his. Greece has been compelled to mo- struction work has been completed The voice can be carried by wires to San Francisco over the new trans continental wire of the American Tel ephone nnd Telegraph Company and from here hurled through air over the ocean to Toklo. It can be carried In relays around the world. NEW TORE. Sept. 30 Wireless telephony from the Atlantic seaboard to Hawaii. 4 " "l 0 miles. Is an establish ed fact, the American Telephone and Telegraph company announced. A speech sent from Washington last night was received by the wireless antenna established by Lloyd Espen shlelcl, a company engineer sent espe cially to Honolulu for the test. Tho message went 2000 miles over land and the rest of the way over water. Officials said wireless telephony between America and Europe was as sured as soon as conditions abroad are settled. Talking to Europe will be easier than to San Francisco ns sound carries better over water than over land The HawKan conversation followed .i few hours after President Vail talked with Chief Engineer Car ty at Mare Tsland, Cel. BROTHER OF SLAIN MINTO IS APPOINTED AS WARDEN SALEM Ore . Sept 30 . John W. Mlnln of Portland, brother of Harry Mlnto. who wns killed by Otto Hook er, was unanimously elected Ills suc cessor as warden of the state peni tentiary by the state board of con trol. Mlnto was formerly chief of police nnd postmaster of Portland. Duniba Will DC Safe. WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. - The Hrltlsh ambassador delivered person ally to the state department the guar antee of Dumbn's safe conduct as requested by the United States In connection with Vienna's recall of him. British Miners Strike. CARDIFF, Sept. 30. Five thous and ronl miners struck as a protest agnlnst the employment of nonunion. Ists. Crown Prince Boris of ituluaria. Kini: Oonsfanf In of Greece, nlliae following thst of Bulgaria, for she fear the latter Is aiming to take Macedonia, the land In dispute be tween Bulgaria and all the Balkan nation. TO BE TO UNLESS MEN RESPOND BETTER GAPS IN BATTLE LINES IV FLAN DERS MVST BE FILLED 1!Y I M.I AND LONDON. Sept. Sk Coecriplion in England draws nearer with each freeh charge alcnu the western bat tle line. Something Is necessary to fill the gaps made by eokliers killed and wounded in prhaps the greatest battle i .f the war. Lord Kitchener put the situation frankly before union officials at a conference on Tuesday. He told them the army Is now of the required si7.e. but the greatest prob lem Is to supply trained men to re. place the wastage in France and at the Dardanelles. He preferred that the situation be met by volunteer en listments, but warned them, as things now are. that recruiting Is inadequate to fill the gaps. Kitchener said he ! did not want to press conscription except as a last resort. Personally, he said, he planned to divide the country Into districts and ask each to furnish a specified num ber of men. If these are not forth- j coming Voluntarily, the government I will then draft among the eliglhles. as the 1'nitei! States did during the i civil war. This statement deeply Im : Pressed the labor men. and the result was an announcement of a vigorous ! campaign to recruit Workers. If con scription becomes necessary It is I probable the government will start I drafts with the unmarried men be j tween certain ages. Ilnncer Is Missing. Hood RIVER, Ore.. Sept. 30. J H. Gill, a pioneer, went fishing yes i terdny and has not been seen since. A posse is searching for him. Marshal jt's-.-son believes he was drowned or the victim of foul play Lumberman Ioft (700.000. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept 10. An es tate of 1700.000 was left bv Samuel H. Bowman. Minneapolis lumberman who died September 9 at his home nt Wnyiatn. according to his will, fil ed In probate court Minneapolis. The property will be divided equal ly between his widow and his son. Samuel II. BoWtttaa, Jr. Ampriran Shi. -w m m s Y'' . . -. is victim or Russian Mine o ( OMI'l.K ATIOV LIKELY VII. DEVELOP BIT REPARATION To BE ASKED WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 il. linTi i sador Marye at Petrograd. reported' to the state department that the Am erican vessel Vincent had been mine and destroyed Monday off Cape Or loff. The crew was saved, three be ing injured Officials said the loss would not provoke a dispute with Russia, but reparation will be asked. Banquet Will be Tendered Men Who Staged Round-Up BLSINEsSMEN Of PlIXDI-KTOS TO EXTEND RECOGNITION TO workers The men who made the Round-up and Happy Canyon so successful this year will be given recognition to morrow night or Saturday night by the business men of Pendleton. The. recognition will take the form of an elaborate banquet in the dining room of the Pendleton Hotel. The men who will be guests at the banquet will number about sixty. In cluded will be the directors of the Hound-up. the "city council" of Hap py Canyon and the others who, with out compensation, gave liberally of their time and services In the work necessary to put on the two shows' successfully. A. J. McAllister and Ben F. Trom bley have been around today signing up the business men who want to ! join in tendering the banquet, and they have met with a generous re sponse right down the line. So great was the success of Pendleton's an nual entertainment this year, and in the face of discouragement, that there Is a general sentiment that some mark of appreciation should be shown the men upon whom the burden of the work rested. latlics- prays. Girl Flees. SCOTTDALE. Pa., Sept. 30. While David Kennedy was on his knees' saying the evening prayer Miss Jo sephine Kennedy, hs daughter, aged 16, aided by her mother, eloped with Frank Stelltano of Waynesburg, to Cumberland. Md.. where they were married. Closely watched by her father, who objected to the marriage, the youngl couple were frustrated In every at tempt they made to leave the city. I The night previous the mother sue-! c ceded In getting her daughter's lug- gna-e to the railroad station and told! her to slip away at 10 o'clock th! following evening when her father Was saying the family praper prepsr- atory to going te bed. 8 Tnires Later One (la. VANCOUVER Wash.. Sept. 30. j When school opened on Salmon Creek September II, it was found that It j boys and 13 girls had enrolled in the j primary department. Of the L'6 children, there were four i sets of twins Alva and Eva McKen. tie. Theodore and Mary Hertel. Car-, roll and Cart Brown, and Clarence . and Clarice Adams. Modern Apartment House Plans Under Way in This City NEGOTIATIONS BEING MADE To SECU RE UrTS ON ACADEMY PROPERTY. There seems a strong probability that in the near future a modern apartment house will be built in Pen dleton and that It will be the means of bringing a number of new families to Pendleton. It Is definitely known that several prominent cltlxens arc negotiating for the purchase of the three lots known as the old academy property on Riverside Drive and that plans have been discussed for the erection of an apartment house upon them. At the meeting of the city council last evening, J. E. Mullinix. in the ourse of his discussion of the value U) the city of making Improvements mentioned the fact that there is an extreme llklihood of an apartment house being built. Already five traveling men have agreed to take apartments, he said, and he believes there are 15 or 20 other travelinf men who would move their families here if suitable apartments could be had. Dr. M. S. Kern. In renewing his ap peal for notion looking to the pave ment of Riverside Drive, corroborat ed Mr. Mulllnix's statement and men tioned the location being contem plated. However, he .said, the men behind tho move would take no steps until they were assured that the drive would be paved so that there Won Id be eas access to the apartments. r , Kuronritkin Mav ; Htad Rusiian Army mam V ZH. KUROPATK.lt LONDON. Sept 10 According- Ig dispatches from Petrograd, General Kuropatkln. who saw muJt aarvlaa in the Japanese war and Genera' Polivlnoff. minister of war, hav been placetl in charge of the Ransian army In the field. The renjore adda that Emperor N'ichotas is oomntand-er-in-chlef in name only- A radical shake-up In tin (. nel of the highest military offiaes is expected within a week. RIVERSIDE DRIVE IS NOW IV LINE TO BE IMPROVED BY FUG MATTER I XIrF.R DISCI SSION PO YEAR MAT SOON BE CARRIED OCT. Street improvement was agaio. the order of the veaina; when the aoon cil met in regular session i ' atrThS. -Not only were the plans ami sseeffv- cations for tile grading and llll ment o- the Monroe street district ac-j cepted and resolutions orderly the work adopted but the mattor of frar ing Riverside drrre, under dlstjissben. for over a year now. was taken up again and there seen' reason so he-liev.- thLs anproevmer.t will be erdWe ed in the not distant futura Tbe lans for Improving Jacftson stre t from Main to Monroe and Monroe street from Jackson to VBon were in oonformance with the ex pressed saeires of property cwnscs in the district J. E. Mulltntx. oae of those chiefly interested, addfcwsseil the lotmeil sist evening, astting that the lrc i railing itiong the riU retain - inc wall neit to the norary arte, ne of a design thnt would be rh keeping ln lamp with her from the ca with the beautiful surroundings. TheWn- declared night was very dark smalt additional expense writ he glad-iand denied cross examination that ly defrayed by the property owner, he said. The council acceded to hi request. Dr M. S. Kern and R. T. Krowa. who own property on Riverside frie. appeared before the eouneft again to. ask thst the paving of that drlvo be ordered. Dr Kern stated that they had secured a deed to the one parcel of land necessary to make this a pub lic street. He also stated that the propertv owners along the drive from! . . .w.... I street to the southeast corner of the old cemetery would pay the entire cost of the pavement that far I and had secured the consent of Fred j i Walters, owner of the mlllrace. to. pay one-half of the cost of paving along the south end of the cemetery, and also the consent of property own ers to pay half the cost of paving (Continued on page four.) NEWS SUMMARY General. England maj have to report to inn- , CrtpHoa to till the gap In the ranks' BUCHAREST, Sept. Jn Lad by in llandcrs. Take Jonesco. f.cronir Btiniater f th- (.ernions claim to have defeated Interior, 80 statesmen demanded thai lu-ltlsh flanks ill Loos region. ! the Hi Inn premier luhe Immedl- Riinianlu may mohtUtr army Int-jate steps fur enel Ion td mediately. meet Bulgaria. Local. Out for 21 hours, Hughes Jury ap pears bopeieast hung. Now .i ii in" nt house Is projected for IVndleton. Directors of Roinid-up anil llappl Canyon to 1m- feted at hano,iiot. All-star twM-linll team from hig leagio-s mat lie liere. (Vuimil takes further action low. aril street Invorovenient. Charles Itlneliart suffers fir,. ( on l in mi count) ranch. JURY HUGHES CASE STILL OUT AFTER 20 HOURS No Report Made up Until 3 O'clock and Indications are That Twelve are Hopelessly Divided. JUDGE REFUSES DISMISSAL M ord Sent la This Morning at t O'clock That Jurors Could Not Reach Yen lit But Court Refused to Consider Matter Stciwer Km u late Lincoln at Trial Yesterday. Having been out for more than j twenty hours, the Jury in the Edith HaghM -r .a trial at o'clock this i afternoon had not reported and there ! is - r, indication of a Jury' hope lessly divided. At o'clock this mor. ning tbe Jurors sent In word that the" i co u ill not n upon a verdict but Judge Phelps refuntd to dismiss j them The- argumena I of the attorney j and instructtsns of the csurt were ! yentenday evening thewt : " e"" tnn UJ'V r-itred. Tha attorneys for the- defeaa talk- d les t-n an koar to J"-- CaL J. H. Oaley dwelt particularly uoon the principle o( lam that says that no persont shall be convlctad upost sue plcion. His colleague, W. M Peter son, made an eloquent appeal far his client. )E that Affected the Jury and caused Mrs. Hughes to sob convul sively. He did the Jerry that the case against the defendant wau a part ef a plan of her foe mer hisband to get ber auc of the way so that he might i enjoy the company of another worn i an. Ha dwelt at sum length upon j this it-are of Jm caea and diagnosed. j the -.tings of his client wits, he said had baaa cast aside and spurned hile itiii lovlag. "Ilea hath no fur woman scornsd." he quoted ciramaatrally. Prosecuting Attorney Staisrer both, in his epening and closing argument paid pnrticnlar attention to that part of the evidence which tended to show malic on the part of Mxs. Hughes toward her fotmer husband. He re called! the Lkreats witnesses '.entitled she laid niajia and declared she had fire ,d the brain. Her whole con- duct- Be a,lJd- 13 shewn by ceanpetent testl1Kn-v- revealed her as a woman capable of going t any eiteitt to In jure wnat sr.- natsx. He rented out her defense and compared It with the itory she teid sooa after the fire. Mr. Steiwwr's preseatatian of the case to the jury t his whole proae- cutian of the case was. as the oppos ing attorneys declared afterward, as thorough and complete as any he has ever handled. A La Abe Li-oaU. During the closing moments uf the, trtal. district Attorney Stelwer had resort u the same evidence which Abraham Lins-eln once used in his early days s an attorney. Mrs. Hughes, to explain whv she had ta- the roo'in was shining. The prosecu ting attorney produced an slmanam showing that there was a moon n that night and asked the court to no instruct the Jury.- The lamp, which she said she throwed away, was not produced In evidence. The prosecut ing attorney declared she told thle stotj of taking the lamp aay so I that, when she returned to the ca bin, she would present an excuse foi- strikln 'he m,a'cn" b said the nre might have been sta sha 7 '' 1 D"n srarieo dMalbA RUMANIA MAY TAKE STEPS TO MOBILIZE ARMY IMMEDIATELY PREMIER is RBQVEbTKD PREPARE TO MEET (TIO 'i OF DI M.AIUV State of Siege Declared. ATHENS, Sept. 30 --The chamber of deputies passed a bill declaring Macedonia in a state of siege and au thorised a thirty million dollar loan for moblliiatlon purposes Another bill authorized the govn iiment to re Hove soldiers' fatuities In case of war. The bills were greeted with rher. Premier Venuelos explained, the pre cautions were necessitated be liul. Igarlas nioblllaatlon He character ized the lit Walton1 as grave.