PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1915. VICTOR wmiMiMiMiiiimmmig S 1 EIGHT PAGES Newsy Notes of Pendleton BRAND Seeded Raisins Recipe for Raisin Bread One qiiaH flour, one teaspoonful salt, one tablespoonful suar. OM tablespoonful lard melted in one pint milk, one-half eake compreesed yeast dissolved in one-half cup lukevarm water, one-half pound Seedless Raisins. Make up in a stiff dough. Knead well and let rise over night. Make into two loaves. Bake when light. Assorted and packed in sanitary packages. 3 Packages for 25c Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Marriage UOMM Issued. Late Saturday evening a marriage license was Issued to John t Mon tague ami Ethel M Johnson. exclusive possession of the propert.", The Hank is alleged to claim some In terest In the land. Carter & smyi'n are attorneys for the plaintiff. Man Arrests Mailt' . Pas; Hound-up police records wer broken this year In the number of ' i arrests and this was accomplished, I loo. at a less cost to the city. So far this month the police have made 2S4 arrests whereas the number during th? entire month of September last! -ear was :M6. This year the cost of! the Round-up police service was I t4St.l and last year it totaled! i$6S0.l5. Admits (iile to Marry. A marriage license was Issued yes terday to James c. Simpson and Eva Tlndal. both of Adams. (few nay polk-eiiian. Frank Nash is the new day police man to assist ("hlef of Folic Man ning, taking the place Manning had before he was appointed as chief. Nash began his duties last week. Saloonkeepers Vt-Mstcd. Warrants were MrVad this morning upon Martin Anderson and Frank J.I Qulttland, proprietors of- the How. man Far. charging them with sell ing intoxicating li-iuors in a room' Other than that for which a license I was issued The case grows out of the I tecent arrest of Anderson in a room! at the rear of the saloon with a wo-! man and another man. Hail in the amount of $100 was required of them Ma u street luiprou-mont Starts. The grading of South Main street up the hill, preliminary to paving It, was started yesterday afternoon. The street is almost Impassable ncrw. The Warren Construction Co. this morn ing started the laying of gravel bitulithic on Railroad street. 3 MORE ARE ARRESTED FOR O.-C. LAND FRAUD SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28. Three more persons have been arrested un der the blanket Indictment Issued by the federal grand Jury In connec tion with the Oregon land frauds case, They aie Elmer E. Patten, sales. man, arrested in Eureka, Cal., today h railed States niashal's deputies; Hyron Sanford and D. C. Connors. Two officers of the district attor ney, the postal inspectors and the I'nited States marshal were swamped with telephone calls and letters from alleged victims of the realty opera tor. It Is said iii federal curt circle that several experienced business men of San Francisco are atrloTt the vic tims. There are 25,000 apt'lk'ations for lund on file in the offices of the California & Oregon railroad, making a total of $3,750,000 collected fruu dently according to federal officers. Visit Our Men's Section Its a busy pUce, just because the men appreciate our val- I nM when lhey Pend a dollar with us they get a full dollar's worth in return. BETTER JOIN THE CROWD OF GOLDEN RULE CUSTOMERS Two Phones. 2S. "QUALITY" 823 Main St Ask for Strict Foreclosure. The Aladdin Land Co.. today filed suit against R. C Todd and wife and the First National Bank of Hermis. tea asking a strict foreclosure on a! contract for land alleged to have beta entered Into between the Todds! and the Maxwell Land & Irrigation Co. and later assigned by the Max-: well company to plaintiff. Plaintiff j alleges violation of the terms of the contract and aski for immediate and' Auditorium i;c pom-.l The high scl ol auditorium wftk'h lrt.l been deobl.dly wrecked by work men who hate been reflxlng the gal .er. is now open for use again. Santa thru after the building was put up the gallery settled, thereby letting the uku'er crack tff on the decoratior.J. BOoUrCK Baal to Jail. Ben Montell and Alfred Johnson, two bootleggers picked up during the Hound-up. were yesterday committed to the county Jail by Justice of the Peace Parkes upon their failure to pay the fines imposed upon them. Montell was fined tlOt and Johnson $?. New ( omiiiaiiilaiit Vi-'ts. ROSEBCRU. Ore., Sept. J8. Al though W". W. Elder, deposed com mandant of the Oregon Soldiers' Home, will not sever his connection with the Institution until October 1, 1!. C. Markee, successor of the retlr- I ing commandant, will arrive hee to i day from Portland. I He was Invited to come to Rose I burg by Mr. Elder that he might be I come conversant with his duties be fore assuming the management of the home October 1. Mrs. Markee, It Is understood, will act as matron of the home. R. B. Ooodin, secretary of the board of control, ha arrived here from Salem to Invoice the home prior to the change In commandants. Hanaeaaafl BvaaaaaWia lZtkKrfaiiiiaB.tiCS ,Vhm, tiaaB Today and Tomorrow Essanay Presents The Sensational Society Drama "The Whirlpool" With Nell Craig and Warda Howard "THE WHIRLPOOL" A woman's honor is jeopaniized mdan innocent; tried for murder because of a flirtation. Featuring Nell Craig and Wardla Howard. Today and tomorrow we are giting awa.r Tango Tvps to each clvilcf under 12 years old who attends our show. These tops wholesale at 6 cants apiwe. 50 tops will be given aw ay each day. Bring: or send your children and we will present them with a nice tor. ADULTS 10c. CHILDREN 5c Coming Thursday and Friday When Helen' husband came back rrom the g'ave and she was married to Sir Michael what should she have done? WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS THE ANSWER IN "Lady Audley's Secret" -With THEDA BARA The Vampire Woman A 6 ACT FOX PHOTOPLAY SUPREME. klc i- nultlcd. The jury that heard the testimony in the case of the State vs. ileorge Akley last evening returned a ver-1 diet of not guilty. Akley had been accused ot assaulting and robbing ! Kanine. an old Indian, but the evl-i donee showed that, if he was ifnpll cated. others were just as much or ! HIGH SCHOOL SQUAD HAS TENTATIVE GAME SCHEDULE Men's blue serge suits, you would have to pay a third more elsewhere for no better value 89.90. 812.50, 814.75 and 816.50. Men's .suits in plain greys, self stripes or plaids, why not save a few dol lars on ever suit 80.90, 89.90, 812.50, 814.75 Men's sweater coats in all the new colors at 98, 81.98, 82.98, 83.98. 85.90. Men's jersey sweaters 084, 81.49. 81.98. Men's extra pants the best values you ever saw at 98, 81.49, 81.88, 82.48. Men's pure worsted pants, $5 and $6 values 82.88, 83.88. Young men's suits in blue serge, plaids or fancy TOC CAN no KrrrER at mixed effects at 85.80, 87.80, 88.90, 89.90. Boys' knickerbocker suits in grey or brown mixed plaids or blue serge, at 81.98, 82.98, 83.98, Boys' odd pants for school wear, in knickerbocker style at 49 69S 98 81.23. Boys' sweater coats in grey, maroon or red at 98, 81.49, 81.98. Boys' jersey sweaters in plain colors or stripe at 98t, 81.49. Boys' blouse waists in light or dark patterns at 25, 49. Boys' hats in several new blocks at 49 98, 8149. Boys' caps, another lot just received 25, 49 WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW LOCAL roornw.i, TEAM Will. IT. AY 1. QR Mi: HERE ON OCTOBER 19. church Ha. itt--n nprOTed. Many improvements have been made to the interior and exterior of I the Christian Science church on Webhj street. Xew steps have been put In, and the main auditorium has been Tainted and repaper, d. The reading I room also has been painted and re-! papered. New cards have been print-' ed giving the address of the reading i room and these cards have been placed in the local hotels and in some ; of the store Windows. Manager Uolen of the hth school football team, announces that three of the games of the season have beet: arranged. A heavy schedule Is be ing worked out and more games will be secured In the near future which will be played away from home. There Is bright prospects for a game here on Thanksgiving, tne last day of the season. The games to bo I laved as now arranged are: La lirande, Oct. , at 1'eiidlcton, Haker Nov at I'endlcton and Walla Wall i Nov. 19, u Pendleton. Last night saw the first real prac tice of the season which was held at the Round-up park. About 25 hus kies were out in salts, more are ex pected to be present tonight. last night was spent In blocking, punting and signal practice. The boys were all given a trial being changed from one position to another. Coach Hln derman Impressed upon the, boys the necessity of being out every night and to leave all of their comedy at home for it was work from now until the end of the season. No definite lineup has been select ed as yet. Several new men can he seen on the field among who may ha hidden more than one dark horse. By the end of the week Conch Illn darman will be able to select his first team men ami put them to work on signals and trick plnys. Announcing System Was Fine, Through the courtesy of Manager Mabie of the telephone company, the best system of announcing which the Round-up has ever had kept the spectators informed last week. In a booth at the judges' stand It D. Drake was connected with each of the crows' nests and also with the stables. At any time he could sum mon performers or stock from the corrals and stables or could give to the announcers simultaneously a mes sage to repeat to the crowd. 'T'riskers'' Are Penalized. Billy and Fin ('lark, blond demi mondes, and Bert Perkins and Rob ert Ross, their chief allies, under took to "frisk" a visitor to the Round-up Saturday at a local hotel. The man. however, put up a fight and the police were called. The two men locked themselves in a room and went out throuirh a window. Per kins was caught at once and Ross was later picked no on the streets. Yesterday the two women were sen tenced to pay fines of $50 each and the men were given 175. So far Flo Clark is the only one who has paid her way out of jail. N'eta Carson and Hazel Sherwood were also arrested on charges of conducting a bawdy hotise and fined ISO each. BtUMflMCd a Motorcycle Chief of Police AIM Manning is not exactly a cowboy but he knows how to bulldog a speeding motorcycle, a sport just about as dangerous as balldogglM a long horned steer. On Friday night a motorcycle, with two men aboard, passed him on Cotton tinnrt street nf such a sneed that he couldn't even tell whether they were burning lights. He laid In wait for their return and. when half a block distant, signalled them to stop. They slowed down as if thev Intended to stop. hut. just before reaching him swerved suddenly and turned on more juice. The cycle jumped ahead hut the chief made a jump, grabbed the handlebars and the three men and fell in a heap to the pave ment. Luckily none were hurt but iv,o i wan rlnmngcd. The men proved to be Lester Harrington and Odler Demdauw of Pilot Rock and each paid a fine. TEMPLE THEATRE Formerly The Cosy Today and Wednesday Ghas. Chaplin and Fatty Arbuckle in "The KNOCKOUT" in 2 reels-A comedy that is a scream and a howl RICHARD STANTON -In "THE GOLDEN TRAIL" A beautiful Western drama in 2 reels. MUTUAL WEEKLY A Good One. . lor v Have You Heard Our Ladies' Orchestra? Watch for Our Grand Opening. TEMPLE THEATRE .ininiiiiiiiniiiiiiitiiimiiiiiitnii iiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitfiniiiiiniiinitiiniminini ,1. it. Dickson Makes Record. J. R, Dlckscn who for over ten -ears represented tne Aetna ine ai.u the .Aetna Accident and Liability com pany In Pendleton, and who Is now connected wltn the office of the gen eral agents of said companies In T ortland, will be one of nearly a Ultuaand "Ae..n Izers" to attenl IB itnpany's convention at San K-an- eeo October to 9. The to this convention have been selected solely on a basis of merit, as demon strated by a seven months' selling c mpalgn In the casualty and mis cellaneous Insurance lines and fldel it v rnd surety bond business, only new business fully paid for btlng counted. To f ive all a fair chance, the agents were divided Into four groups, according to the population of their territory, and a carefully graded scale of credits was arranged for the 27 lines of Insurance Includ ed In the convention campaign. Mr. Dickson will leave Portland on this trip, which will combine business and pleasure, on next Sunday evening, and expect to be away for two weeks. His address, while In fan Francisco, will be the Palace Hotel. 1 The Alta Theatre TODAY The Distinctive Dramatic Actress GAIL KANE In Clyde Fitch's Great Romantic Drama "Her Great Match" A great five act photoplay of touching sentiment and gripping situations. Special Added Attraction Tonight! KENWORTHY PLAYERS with HELEN DUFFY IN THE BIB COWBOY GOIEDY "BOSS OF THE RANCH" A Great Western Bill in 3 Acts Mimiiiin tiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiaiiiiii tiitiiiiitiiitiriittui in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMtii?