DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1915. PAGE SEVEN TO AID IN FRANCO BRITISH LOAN 1915 SEASON LAST CALL EIGHT PAGES Low Round-Trip Fares To Eastern Cities ENDS SEPTEMBER 30 GO NOW via Union Pacific System Our Great I- 51 TO N O W. R. & N, -O. S. L. -U. P. R. R. Standard Road of the West OMAHA, $60; CHICAGO. $72.50; NEW YORK, $110.70. Going and return limit, October 31st. One way via the Cali fornia Exposition at slightly higher cost. HflT I A lFI corresponding rates to other Eastern joints OREGON MTtUT.MOSinjUHIVf aewma m rut wuffio O Thru Trains Daily to Chicago Automatic Electric Block Signal Protection All the Way. Tickets, information and expert travel service upon application to T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent. Amusements What the press agents say about Pendleton's pres ent and coming attractions. rima program FOR CURRENT WEEK Austrian Han Strikes. WHEELING, W. Va., Sept. il. Movements to have all Austro-Hun-garlaiui quit the plant where they are employed In making munitions of War for the enemies of Austria will begin here A speaker representing a Cleveland society will address such Workmen at Bridgeport, O. Mill managers, fearing the men would walk out, arranged to huve their places taken by workmen of ether nationalities. Important con , traets for shells are being filled by factories In the Wheeling district. Tuexday Wcdnrsd jr. "Tha Whirlpool." with Nell Crait and Worda Howard. A sensational society drama ln 4 acta. T4iurda. Friday. Ihedu Barm, "Tha Vampire Wom an." In an entirely new role. She playa Idy Audley In "lady Audley's Secret." a l-act Fox production. Saturday VHagrsph presents, "From Out tha itig Snows." a picture of tha North land. Helen Holms In a sensational railroad story, "A Matter of Sec onds." Comic cartoons, "Joe Boko Saved by Gasoline." Sunday. V. L 9. E., the Big 4, presents Se llg's Red Seal play, "The Millionaire Baby." A 4-sct Masterpiece with Harry Mestayer and Grace Darmond -Adv. Old Malta l ind Market. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 27. Brit ish agents in the last months have bought more Than 1 5,000 pack mules here, according to statements by lo cal dealers. Some of the mules taken recentl were more than I i yeara old, the dealers said. In the last two weeks more than 1500 mules haw been shipped out of Kansas City routed by way of New Orleans to Egypt. It Is believed the Missouri mules will be used to supply transportation for a new Asiatic campaign against, the Turks. EMM 1 laaiflsl Ha. vjPBa Wfi iAflCS AND CHARi-K O, NOTOH ' Left to rlghi, the picture shows, dent at the conference oelwce-i Am- James H. Forgan, president of 'he First National Bank of Chicago and Charles D. Norton, f'rst vice presl- t : 1( a ( ' ankers and th? Anglo French loan commission regarding the proposed billion dollar credit loan. Berlin Hays Offensive Halted. II F. RUN. Sept. 27 Strong coun ti r attacks by the Germans hav brought the British offensive south of I.ounevllle to a complete standstill, an official statement declared. I First National Bank I I PENDLETON, OREGON I I ESTABLISHED 1882 1 Known For It's Strength i Electric Fans for your office or home $9j0 $3.00 down $3.00 a month Manufactured for and for sale by the Pacific Power & Light Company Easy payments make thero easy to own. ( CATTLE PRICES TAKE A SLUMP Mien A. St Wi A. (Courtesy Monday! Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore. Hogs and cat tle were weaker and lower today at North Portland with the total run of livestock 19 cars, or the greatest vol ume of arrivals for a very extended period. There fraal another increase in the marketing of hogs at North Portland. Totals over Sunday w-ere 2893 head compared with 2 B 90 last week and 16S0 head this same day a year ago. During the early part of the day's trading it was apparent that the sit uation was not as good as last week's closing and offers of buyers wtre ranging close to $6. So f top (uallty. Market for hogs ruled weak and bwer to strong and higher at various points In the east today. General hog market range; I'est light I tm Medium light I.II01M i direct Good to heavy 6. 25 ft 6.40 Rough to heavy 5.008.00 Cattle Situation Weaker. While the run of cattle showed a slight decrease from the opening of last week's trading the market at North Portland reflected a continu ation of the depressed feeling. Values In general were shaded fully a dim'1 1 load; J. Palmer, Eaton, Idaho, 1 load; L. L. Miller. Kuna. Idaho, 1 load; Nampa. 1 load: William Ken nedy. Hermlston. 1 load; Barter & Gibbons. Washtucna. Wash.. 1 load; F. A. Fergenson, Lamont. Wash., 1 load; C. E. Christ, Condon, 1 load; W, E. Smith. 1 load. Cattle O. Gotzelnger, Welser, Idaho. 3 loads; C. W. Slayton. Terre bonne, 1 load; J. W. Stanton. 1 load; C Marks. Joseph. 2 loads; J. Oden, Heppner. 1 load ; Dan French Jr., Baker, 1 load; H. P. David, Brown lee, 1 load; James Nixon. 2 loads; Chris Johnson, North Powder. 1 load; Porter. Pilot Rock. 2 loads; Gover, Roblnelte. 7 loads; O. ne, Volmer, Idaho, l load; C. mock. Joseph. 6 loads; Marks 2 loads; Fred Jensen. 1 load; Wilson. 1 load; Sam Marcus, v M W Pi j: Roblnette, 1 load; W. J. Dinsley, 1 load; Tim Lydstom, Cascades, 6 loads. Sheep R. D. Gillian. North Ya- xtreme Iklma. Wash., 12 loads direct to Uni on Meat Co., W. M. Burrows, Lyle, Wash.. 11 loads direct to I'nion Meat Co.; E. Wood, Sllverton. 1 load. Mixed Stuff J. A. Schasisen, Kem 1 load hogs and sheep; F. B. Deck- Sllverton, 1 load hogs and sheep to I'nion Meat Co.; J. W Veatch. Cottage 'Grove, 1 load cattle and calves; W. B. Wing, Eugene, 1 load cattle and hogs. r r amity Dargcin THE S. W. EAST OREGONIAN $1.50 (Published every Tuesday and Friday, for one year) McCALL'S MAGAZINE 50 (Monthly for one year) ANY ONE McCALL PATTERN 15 Regular Price, $2.15 ALL FOR ONLY $1.50 We are enabled to give our readers, old and new, the benefit of this money-saving club offer, only because of a very spe cial arrangement with the publishers of McCALL'S MAGAZINE. WOMEN Love This Magazine Come in or write to tee a sample copy McCALL'S is the Fashion Authority and Housekeeping Helper of more women than any other magazine in the world. AH the latest styles every month; alo delightful stories that entertain, and special depart ments in cooking-, home dressmaking, fancy work, etc.. that lighten housework and save money. McCALL'S has been a family favorite for forty-five years. It is the magazine that satisfies. Mrt. J. T. D., a subscriber of Temple, Ga., ritw: "You may put my name on the lit w lh thoe who think McCALL'S MAGAZINE it worth twice as much as 50 cent a year for every one in the family So many nrrtt fashions and so much good reading I can hardly wait 10 see it." Don't Miss This Offer Write er coif at tkt eta ef Ait paper FREE McCALL PATTERN Each subscriber for tb'n Great "Family Bartain" may choose from her first copy of McCALL'S - ' Cfiyfd. ear ot '.Xr celebraTra M ail Drew Patterns rKlr, name IX) tyttnci-j a postal can reqorsT direct to toe iwcv.su com pany. New York, giving Noabar and Stay desire: . The East Oregonian continues to be the leading paper published in Oregon east of the Cascades and if you are not already a subscriber you should take advantage of this big offer. Also good for renewals. If you desire McCall's Magazine in connection with the Daily East Oregonian, cither by carrier or mail, write or phone us for special clubbing rates. CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Enclosed find $1.50 for which please send me the S.-W. East Oregonian and McCall's Magazine for one year as per your special offer. Name Address Please state if new or renewal. ourlng the early trading, in lines the loss from last week being even greater. Total run of cattle in the local ards over Sunday was 1136 hes.d compared with 1192 last week and 1329 head this same day a year ago. Market for cattle was lower to high er In the east today. General cattle market range: Stlect steers ls.SO04.7B Rest hay fed steers . . Good to choice Ordinary to fair Rest cows Good to prime Women Will Study Uw. CAMRRIDGE, Mass.. Sept. 28. .Some 25 young women, graduates from Radcllffe. Rarnard. Hryn Mawr and Smith colleges have applied for lj to the instruction of women, which is to be opened this fall. Joseph Henry Beale Royall, pro fessor In the Harvard law school, is the head of the new Institution, which is called the j Cambridge Law- School for Women delivered in building belonging Radcllffe college. Admits Arson Charge. WATSONVILLE, Cal., Sept. 25 James McGill, who says he is an I. W. W. confessed here to burning a big Lectures will be hay barn at Lodl. Russian Ships Bombarded. BERLIN', SepL 27. German air craft bombarded Russian warships In the Gulf of Riga with excellent ef fect, it was officially stated. One shif was struck squarely whereupon tha others steamed northward. 6.2f Tf 6.35 I.OOOa-lB 5.00 iff S.7t ", 'Hi'-i ,26 4. r.uisf 4.75 4,B0? t.?B nils . . hulls i TOinar Rest calves 7.508.00 Mutton Direct to Killers, While there was a rather fair run of mutton and lomlis Into the North Portland yards over . very nominal supply Wi Rei local the soniel admission to the first graduate law- school In America, devoted exclusive- Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as the cannot reach the seat of the disease. Cs tsrrh la a blood or constitutional disease and In order to care It jou must take Id ternal remedies Hall's catarrh Cure Is taken InterDallr. and acts directly npoc tbe blood and mucous surfaces. Rail's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medlrloft It vrns prescribed or one of tbe tM-t phy slctans In this country fr years anil la i resntar prescription It la ei.mposed ot ln ocst tonlrs known, comblnon hh the Iwst blood purifier, acting directly on th( ! mucous surfaces. The p-crfect comhlna . tlon of the two Incredlents it what pro j duces such wnnderful results In rurlnf j catarrh Ser.d for testimonials, free F. J CHKSF.Y CO. Props.. Toledo. O Sold by Druggists, price TSe. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FUNERAL PniECTORS. ATTORNEYS. I 4. came i direct t on contract. General situation in market is naturally vcr these conditions. In the eastern trade higher to lower market and lambs this morninc. General mutton market Choice spring lambs Common srrlnjr lambs Choice yearling wethers. Good yearlings old wether Choice light ewes nday. nly ft available for lining stocks leat company IX POIND. The following described animals have been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One brown horse about i years old, branded N on left hip, star ln the mutton forehead, about 87 i pounds, strong under One brown horae, about 1 years old, I branded A on left hip, weight about there was ;;g pound for mutton I one bav mare with roan colt, tha mare Is bianded with a star on right shoulder ,md P on right Jaw, weight ai out SOn pounds. One bay horse, weight about JOO pounds, branded 7-H on right shoul der. Ore light bay M j weight about 80" pounds, branded nn H T on right shoulder; crippled In Rough 5.50f 6.7S 4.76 fi 5.nn .'..25 41 4. GOUTS ;; : 5 ft l bald faced horse-, JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Op posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or nlelit. -Phone 7(. J. T. BROWN'S FURN1TUER STORE j Funeral director knd licensed em-! balmer. Most modern funeral par-1 lor, morgue, and funeral cars. Calls re- sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone S3 INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS BARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES J reliable abstracts of title to all lands ln Umatilla county. Buys and' sells all kinds of real estate. Doeaj a general brokerage buslnes. Payi taxei and makes Investments for non- j residents. Writes fire, life and accl-j dent Insurance. References, any bank; In Pendleton. JAMES JOHN'S, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. , RALEY & RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. MuMi 11. k shippers. Younoa, Condba, I load; Citizens bank. Grass Valley. 1 load: J, 8. Turner. Heppner, i loads: t. Fritters, Fpne, 1 load: Charles How ill, Rolilnett. Tload; W. W. IJoyd. I load: W. W. Couper.-I'nion Jufnctlon-. 1 load; H. H. Hamilton. Montour, Idaho. 1 load; S. J. Knowles. Weiscr. tdahi load; 1 load; W. A Jasper I .-.l.iier. Wood. MattDl don, .Ontario. The Dalles. Dodg. Wash mlns. Romero Walla Mont ( Wllkeson. I 1 load; A. C d; John Plan W. B. Kurtz Rert Kimball ; W. J. Rum . 1 load: Walla i Walla, Wash . rJght hind leg. If said nnlmrls are not claimed by 'he owners or those entitled to the possession of them, costs and expenset against them paid and taken awa) within ten days from the date here of, then a 2 q'eljck p. m. of the 29th day of September, 1916. the said an Imals will be io'd to the highest bid der, at public' auction, for cash, at (he Cltv Pound. Depot Stables, ea Cottonwood strqet, In said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and experses of making sale. Dnted this 17th diy of September 1915. JOHN K BARNEY, City Marshal. BENTLEY & LEpFINOWELL. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents 815 Main street. Phone 404. PETERSON & BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 8 and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUQI.AS W BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice ln all state and federal courts. Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Despain building. GEORGE O. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made Room 17, Schmidt block. MALE HELP WANTED. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Caalft or give trade for Umatilla county farm. 120 to 140 per acra. Addreaa Box 12. Athena. Ore. MlsCF.l.!.ANFOrs TRESSPASS NOTICES. STALLION season cards and sale bills of ever description printed at reasonable prices at the East Oregonian We have a fine lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed the free u ot AUCTION SALES TUB EASTOrft gontan makes a specialty of alv -tlon sale bills, cards and adverttslbaV We can furnish auctioneer, clerk end advertising complete that will asaure you of having a succeeeful sale. FREDERICK STEIWEH. ATTOR ney at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, rnhoaaed private and business stationery, eta Ve7 latest styles. Call at East Ore gontan office and see sample. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY D ecrlptlon for county court, elrtult court. Justice court, real estate, ate., for sale at East Oregonian offJe SECOND HAND DEALERS. VSTllHE?TlE7fLEt IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendnleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street Phone K1W. AUCTIONEERS. 6. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law Office ln Despain building. PHYSICIANS. DRS. WHITAKER ft WOOD, DEN tints. Office hours I a. m to I p m. Milarkey building. Pendletm I Oregon t LEAVER ENGRAVINl UUcir ANY .'" f rreriAso csteoa and machinery sale. "Thi eets you the money" L at East Oregonian office. TIONEER iters' stock ' . . man that 1 1 Va orders! 1 I I 'KIN RY SI KGKONs . W LASSEN. M. D. V. OUINTI veterinarian Residence telephone :, office telephone. If. 1 " ' .'w-yV , If 1 l