DAILY EVENING EC-ION rorrrM for Eastern Oreejoa by Hat lulled sut Weather Observer M Portland. DULY EVENING EDITION TO ADVEKT1SKHS. The But Orefontta tiai the largest paid circulation of 107 piper In Oregon, east of rortlsnd, ard orr twice tht circulation la rendition 01' say oibtr ntwepaptr. Tonlaht fair with frost Wednes day, fair, warmer. COUNTY 0FFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 8612 VOL. 27. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER . i915. ALLIES HURLING FRESH ASSAULTS ON GERMAN LINE Greatest Battle of the Year is Being Waged Along the Western Front With Teutons Weakening. FRENCH GAINING STEADILY Massed llaynni-t Attacks Mow Down RMantancc in the champagne Re gion llrltlsh TrHiM arc Rattling StHitwufuIly 011 the Uofl Running IVimi Arras U Un Sea. I'AHIS. Sept. 28. The greatest buttle nf the yeiir along Ihe western front Is waging even more seriously than when the great conflict began three days ago. Staggering the tier munx with one mighty smash, the al- "lien withdrew ami reinforced their, lines for another blow The second Stroke was dealt last nlKht. heavy In fantry attacks following n hull of ar tillery The Germans ure yielding 1 yard b) sard In Uie Champagne reel-1 on. mowed down onder mossed French bayonet attacks. The 1 mans are battling bitterly to lave Ret uincoiirt -Argon ne railway To the north the British are trapping under dl f f leult les The 1 pilfl'l strongest defenses run (Tom Arras to the sea. Against these Ihe British have been remarkably auf cessf ill. PARIS, Sept 28. Despite violent resistance, Ihe French have mado further gains In the Champagne re gion and 11 round Arras, It was offi cially claimed. The fighting In the last 24 hours haa been nltended by heavy losses on both sides. Steady streams of fire are playing across the. Champagne and Artols front. The allies ure continuing their offensive. DIRECTORS GRATEFUL FOR THE HELP GIVEN HERE BY ED M'CARTY A PRINCE MOM. 0OWBOY8' RBWDKRBD Ills 8BRVICR8 PR BE OF CHARGE. "A prince among cowboys" is the way the Hound-up directors charac terize Kd McCarty of Cheyenne, who two years ago won the steer roping championship und who has been back l,i both succeeding Round-ups with other well known cowboys. Thi' Round -up owes a debt of grat itude to McCarty for his services last wick 111 making the 191 1 show such u splendid success. McCarty has had a great deal of experience putting on wild west shows, he being In charge of the Cheyenne Frontier Days, and offered his services to the Hound-up free .if charge. He not only offered ,..,...! hni his siring of horse mid never charged a cent. Mi 'arty, with several well known Cottboyi and a string of bucking burses, bad been over to Walla Walla Where be had a contract for his stuff. He returned to Pendleton for the Hound-up. and two of his men. Tom dlimea and Tom Klernann. were giv en amall contracts for trick riding Noli, inir that the Hound-up was short on bucking burros, he tendered the use of his free of charge. On the Inst day of the Round-up. ha told the director to use whatever of his bucking stock they might need. Several of his best horses. Including 'Yellow rem," "Two-step." "K. C. Rom" and "P. J- N'tt." the last named being the last horse that Champion le Caldwell rode In the flm.'" were used. 11 j f(,,. that the Round-up owes ItoCtfty '""rp ,han 1 rBn "ald reiia 'Director Collins yesterday. "Not only did he give us Ihe use of his horses and burros but he gave us the benefit of his experience. He Is ., nntlcrnM everywhere and a clean rporl If be falls to get In the prlr.e money be never makes a complaint and he never permits any of the men under him to complain. He accepts the decision of the judges as the best Ihev can mnke." .i.,'-iv while here paid the . - ,,,..!, mmnllments and Knunii-up some - ( likes to attend the local frontier show, and take his chances in me comma. Ho is one of the best riders and rop an in the business. His exhibition r roping a steer each diiy without using bridle or halter on his horse wns a remarkable one. He rode his We in'" ! seml-flnals of the buck ing contest and made one of the best ,ld.-s of the day Saturday. Spain has developed only about one flflh of Its coal lands, (he area of which Is nearrly double that of l'rance's and only one-third less than Kngland's. Lee Caldwell on the Famous "Long Tom" I r , j . . i j I I , " " " ',' ' -'. 4 I i Tfifty bodies found jrffe. 1 1 ejk in DiiiNQ Minim I K 111 lUI11U I ULLUIIIilU 40 r; OIL TANK EXPLOSION mtwkxlU Minn, win- 111: nui:x on rg '"V ff' $KttBF " ! THE ItEKUIS. mm wmrxki - r mm., r DppW photograph shows le Caldwell riding Long Tom. (he firsl of the bookers he rode In the final contest tf the Round-up on Saturday. Lower photograph shows the three winners in the burking contest ns tln poaed for their pictures, Reading (rem left to right they are: U Caldwell, champion broncho buster of the world; Yakima Canutt. who took second place, and Jackson Sundown, the N7. Perce Indian, who won third place. IS BY VIENNA AND WILL LEAVE U. S. AT E MSTitlAX AMBASSADOR WILL BE GIVEN GUARANTEE OF SAFE PASSAGE. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. Austri an Ambassador Dumbai has been re called by his home government as re quested by the United, States. Tho recall Is unconditional. The state department announced It had a tele gram from Dumba stating his gov ernment had recalled him and ask ing for safe conduct. He announced he will leave New York on Octobef 5. Acting Secretary of State Polk said a guarantee of safe conduct will be secured from the allied embassies and will be forwarded to Dumbo at his summer home at Lenox. Mass. Polk announced that Ambassador Pen field at Vienna, officially was ad vised Saturday by Foreign Minister Hurlnn thai Austria would recall EX-ASSISTANT SECRETARY UNDER TAFT IS KILLED FORMER HEAD OP COMMERCE AMD LABOR MEETS DEATH IN UTO ACCIDENT. IPSWICH, Mass.. Sept. 28. Hen- Jamil! Stlckney Cable of Win' Inglnn, asslstanl secretary of com merce and labor under President Tafl. was crushed to death In a col lision between two automobiles on the Xewburyport turnpike. His com panion, Richard T. Crane, Jr., of Chi cago, a summer student of this town, was cut and bruised, but escaped se rious Injury. In the other automobile, Mrs. ILi vld U Kdsall of Roston suffered broken leg. Her husband, Dr. Edeall a member of the public health coun ill of this state, and a professor on the staff of the Harvard medical school, was unhurt with the exception of a few cuts and bruises. The two cars came together nt a dangerous corner, five miles from here Neither Mr. Crane, who was driving his runabout, with Mr. Ca ble beside him, nor Dr. Kdsall who wus nt the wheel of the louring car. heard the Warning signals of thej Round-up has kliul words other machine. 'Vct'nrt. ARDMORE, Okla, Sept. 2S Bod ies ilragged out of the smouldering ruins of Ardmore's business section, ! plus the deatlis from injuries. brought the death toll in the oil tank I explosion and fire to 50 by noon. I Workers are frantically searching in the debris, believing that by night more dead will lie found. Witnesses aid the oil car explosion was fol lowed by an explosion of dynamite stnreil in a freight shed. The explo- sinus cama like an earthuuake. ' ! Wooden buildings and walls caved In and poles snapped. The shock lasted 4u seconds. The property loss is estimated at half a million. Many buildings were demolished. It Is known (hat more than 200 were injured. Chicago Wheat is up slightly Today CHICAGO At tho close Dec. yii ;-! ept 28. lay, Sept. ;ed; May I Portland. PORTLAND, Ore.. Seix clal) Bid prices today, bluestein IOC. 84, Uverpool (Yesterday.) LIVERPOOL, SdpL IT. Wheat pot, No. 1. lis 10 l-2d; No. 2. lis 8 l-2d; No I hard winter, lis 7 1.2d. No. 1 Northern Duluth, lis 4 l-2d. No. 3 red western winter. H's 3d; No. I hard winter lis 10 l-2d. In American terms the Liverpool price for Spot No. 1 Is 1 1.73 per bushel NEWS SUMMARY General, Superintendent Minto of the stsic Mnltcntlary Is killed by cscaiXHl 0MV riot Rumba h boon recalled to Vienna. tor. Mr. Hughes, on (rial Tor arson. dnilLs she might lime i-aused fire 1 bot denies any malice. for I'd ESCAPED CONVICT SHOOTS AND KILLS HARRY Ml INTO, HEAD OF STATE PRISON, NEAR ALBANY HOOKER SEN! TO STATE PEN FROM IRE HEAR AGO': Man Who Killed Superintendent Minto Was Sentenced for an At tempt to Commit Burglary. WELL ARMED WHEN ARRESTED 1:iihxI lrioiicT AlMiut 21 Years old VUiile in I'cndlcttin He Drajpeal A a DyifMO IaXHl Of ficlai, Say He Committed Scries of RobbcriH and OUkt Crimes. Hooker, the escaped convict ahu IilM Supoi l. Undent Minto last night, was sent to the peniten tiary from Umatilla county a year ago under a sentence of one to two and a half years after pleading guil ty to an attempt to commit burglary. Hooker will be remembered here us the man arrested Just after the Round-up of 1914 while asleep ano heavily armed in the deserted Kound-up ticket office on We1 , Court street near the park. He was first iiiked up here as a suspect onj .September 23, 1914, the day before, the Hound-up. by Deputy Estes and was released on the following day. ; I Before being arrested on September; l'9 by Officer Alex Manning, nowi thief of police, he committed a series! of burglaries and depredations. Early on the morning of the 29th, . liarvev Buchanan was passing the I j ticket office nMr Ruund-up park i end, looking In, saw a young man! asleep with a revolver in one hand and a blackjack in the other. He re-j jorted the matter to the police and Officer Manning hurried down Court street In a taxi. The man was si ill asleep and, before waking him, lne otflcar disarmed him. Not only he have the revolver and blac'i k lut he al(-o had a long-bladed ; rk at his side and was evidently prepared to offer a stout resistance. ago but will disavow any wuiui 1, He was sleeping on two blankets, o-ie! tendon or malice was indicated by of which later proved to have come Mrs. Edith Hughes, on trial for ar from the residence of N. V. Van . son. in the opening statement of her Petten and the other from the Pat-! attorneys this morning, on the oth n h.mis Cnder the bench upon er hand the state is attempting to whah he was lying was a fresto iignt lank stolen from an automoDiie ug aw h-whhwii uui c.,c in bis pocket were several knives, j injure him and Is producing witness fountain : ens ar.d some candy stolen , es In an attempt to show malice to- fruni R.itDDer Hi, 5 urug siore. no also had the keys of the John Lang' grocery store on West Webb stret:,: which had been burglarlbed a fewj nights before. Other keys were ol io found in his pisstssion. Officer Mann ng recognized him as; the thief he had pursued a night or; two before alter ne naa oeen ueieci ad in the act of trying to enter the residence of Councilman J. E. Mont-; ornery Mrs. Montgomery saw him trying to open a window and tele-j phi ned the police. Manning hurried, 0. . hut Hooker, seeing; him broke and ran. Manning pur-! ii. hiiv for several blocks, across, lols an(j over fences and once shot (Continued on page flvJ ) IA!.U T Z I !m!f Almnct I Its Willi lllic liiiiii -winivoi vp Qny pevv nave Registered for Coming With the time for closing the registration books almost at hand it has been discovered that up to this date the registra tion for the municipal election to be held in December has been almost neglected. Up to last evening according to Registration Clerk John H'ailey Jr., only 360 voters had enrolled. There are approxi mately 2000 voters in the city and hence it may be seen that 80 rje'r cent of the Qualified voters have not yet registered. During the day yesterday only record should be continued until total registration would be 525 or a trifle more than 25 per cent of the city's voting strength. It is desirable that those not having registered do so at once as there are indications of a grand rush for the last day or two of the registration period. By registering now this rush may be avoided and at the same time the task of enrolling the voters will be made easier for the registration clerk. Those not registered will have to be sworn in on election day in order to vote. This will necessitate trouble for the voter which may all be avoided by registering now. The registra tion place is in the city hall. Register at once so as to be qualified for voting at the city election. All local citizens irrespective of property qualifica tions vote at city elections. MIYTo WAS PORMERLT MARION COUNT! SHERBT Harry P. Mioto comes frem a pioner family of the Willam ette Talley end for many yeaee was a public official in Marion county. A sheriff of that county he gained treat popu- larltv aid was considered one of the roost capable officials In the northerest He was a typl- cal westerner, belae; orer alx feet in heuiht, slim but rugged and aa hardy aa en oak. Min- to was appointed superletend- ent of the state penittlary shortly after the election of Governor Withx omb. succeed- lne Bert K Lawson. Minto j served as sheriff of Marlon coun- : A i- for several terms, but final- ' ly refused to ru?ain be a candl- ,1 ,t. , nd his deputy. William Esch. was elected sheriff. Ksch was reelected at the last elec- tion and Is the present sheriff if Marion county. Minto was one of the most popular offl- cials in the county and as su- perlntendent of the penttentlarj conducted his work in the same efficient manner aa marked hts terms as sheriff. He was known throughout the state to a large number of officials whi w through cringing prisoners to the penitentiary, cam in contact with him. MRS. HUGHES UKELY TO DISAVOW WILFUL INTENTION OF ARSON WIU, XOT DENY RESTON-SIBIL-ITY. INDICATED AT OPEJC. j ING OF TRIAL TODAY. That she will not deny the respon- .Ibility for the fire which destroyed the home of her former husband Ira Hughes near Meacnam several weens now uw '" """s viaio nun The trial opened this morning bu: the jurors were not selected much before 11 o'clock. Col. J. H. Raley. v ho with W. M. Peterson, la acting as 1 onaeel for the defendant, made the opening t.latement for her. He de clared that the defendant would Ad mit having gone to Meacham on the Itigbt of Cie burning and having tone cut through the limber to Mr. Hughes' p:a;e. knowing him t be .bsert. Her purpose, however, was not to destroy the house but to search araotu his t'feets for letters tending to shew intimate relations betwe n lilm c,l Mis. Keith. w;fe of the o-i erator t Huron With these lette -s (Continued on page five.) City Election 25 people registered. If this the closing day, October ;. the POSSE SUDDENLY COMES UPON MAN ON PUBLIC ROAD Shots are Exchanged and Superin tendent Falls- -Officials Reported to be Close on Trail of Prisoner. MARSHAL BENSON WOUNDED Jefferson Official ia ScatTIe With Conrtrt I Sertoaaty Hut and May Die tpcUne; V Rvnaina; High at Salem a mil It May On Hard With Hooker If Hecaptian il. PORTLAND. Ore., sept- 2H The crew of an Oregon etatrlc train i'eirted (o I lie police) that a man answering Die dexTlpdou of Hooker had ridden to Port land with them early (hi- morn ing;. They said he was out of breath as lie boarded (lie train at Derm Station, two aniaeH from (lie plait' Hhere Mini., was slain. SALEM, Ore.. Sept JS. The Minto funeral will be held at 10 tnmomm mornliur, under the auspices of the EUl. WALLA Wtr,U, Sept. 58. A request was received at the state IH-nitentlary for blood hounds to In- ued in trnfTlmr Hooker who killed Mlotn near than If Hooker Is not eajntnred soon, they probably wflt be sent. I"OUTL.VXD. Or., Sept SU. lk'puty sheriff CbrisUofferaa U ft at aunts with a htoodhonnd to try tt trail Hooker. 1.1! ANY. Ore.. Sept. 2a lmr bo wired men are now sewrcMaa; for H(K,kpr r , brtn (tMind ThH , - , - tht rtlorlfr, rrl(v te throned with men elaniorliu; to awist the officials In the anan hant. Men are brine 1 reunited and -ent out under the dirretion ot the -herlff and Colonel Iti'r-ves, who Is reuresewtine Onernor WlUteoan be. It develqiied that Minto was a tie. tint of his own hrwtcry. He wan m -oiuianied In (..uard Johitxm ami had trailed lioofcrr to Hm- actsw) or the tragedy. Minn, got out of tlie am. .in. Jul. anil war, liruUne tlu brii-li when tlie cuuvlct sliot him through tlie head. Marshal Rrnsun. who was iN" MM by the dcs)vrado two hours before Minto n. killed, was resting easily ill the lnpl(al this afternoon. ALR.WY. Ore.. ScSH. 28. Despite (he rrforu of more (ban 200 armed prjawrwwsn, no defhahUs irn-e lias been found of otto Hooker, cscapnl eon tut who shot ami IdDed Harry Min to. sii-riiii-iideiii of the 'iiltciillary, two miles ,-at of hero nhout mhl n gilt, two hours after ho M-rlmm fa tally wiwwlui ut Marshal Dawaaa ol Jwftatwwn, One reort w as lie was siimuindisl on an liiin In tlx- Wil lamette riier between Albany ami siilvm. Tlie lounlry is altui sllli HUMS men. Minto was shot and killed when he mid (,uar( Johnson attempted lo take HookiT into eustiHl). Ilnvoni was woundnl eiHleiioriiur to arrt-t HiHikiT at Jefferson. Tlie nTlct shot Mm., ami On nuirshal willt u revolier (aken froni Hal nutrstial. Minto fireil at Hooker with a shot gun, but the charge did let take of feet. Hooker fireil ulnmsi -aiooluin-eously. tin- bullit iNttetratng Mlntoi brniii. SALEM. Ore., Sept. II.- Barry P. Minto. superintendent of tbs Oregon state penitentiary, was shot and In stantly killed at 11:10 o'clock but night by Otto Booker, an e : t convict, on a public road (wo milwt north of, Albany Minto n i I par ty were trailing Booker oi l had bti notified that h had shot Olty Mar shul Benson at JefferSOB and was going towards Albany. M n' leading a party, left Al bany in an a a . mobile and bad pm ceeo whe I along th. roan two miles. thr suddenly ran upon ths t In M exchange of shots was killed. None of thn other n (be posse was injured and It niht the convict escaped un- Three posses are on his trail, rum Albany, and two from Ka ne led by Sheriff William Karh ifflcer shot by Hooker at Jsf Is dangerously wounded and Mint lem. The firm: may (Continued on pegs five (Continued on page four.)