East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 25, 1915, ROUND-UP SOUVENIR EDITION, Page Page Nine, Image 9

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    Twenty Pa -es
East Ore?onian Round-Up Souvenir Edition
Pendleton, Oregon, Saturday, September 25, IS! 5
Pr tVm
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Announcement by German Government the Came of the Jew in Eastern Europe Will Have Attention
nr iniir rc rtt A I tTV
inc. nuiML vr vuiu i t
to look more closely after the rights
of the Jews In Poland and will have
to Bee to It that the Jews as a people
preserve their national character anJ
Should Poland be annexed or be
come a sphere of German Influence,
whilst the Jews remain still oppress
ed by the Poles, a great number of
The semi-official German an
nouncement.that the German govern.
mrnt Is going to make the question of
the oppressed Jews In eastern Eu
rope one of the principal points to
be deult with at the coming peace
conference, created a stir among the
million and a quarter Jews living In
New Tork; 85 per cent of New York
Jews are of Russian origin and they
are all Interested in the fate of their
oppressed brethren 1n the land of the
ciar. The Germnn announcement
came at a time when the state de
partment through Its consular repre
sentatives In Russia made Inquiries
about the position of the Jews In tho
war one.
The American Jews look to the
United States government as the pow
er that will raise the Jewish question
when peace la to be negotiated. While
till waiting for help from the Am
ericas government, they are delight
ed to see another great power taking
up the cause of their oppressed breth
ren. As a matter of fact, the United
States and Germany are today both
equally Interested tn the solving of
the eastern European question.
To the United States the solving of
the eastern European question means
a simplification of the complicated
Immigration problem. There can be
no doubt about It that should the
eastern European question not be
solved after the war Is over, hun
dreds of thouxands of these unfortu
nate human beings will reach the
shores of this country. What such
a tremendous Immigration 'meant
economically, socially and politically
to the American people as well as the
American Jews. Is easily understood.
Because the United States have to
deal with the Immigration problem,
tho American Jews earnestly hope
that the Washington administration
will take up the cause of the eastern
European Jewry at the right moment.
Poland and Western Russia, pene
trated first Into the Jewish settle
ment, known as the pale of settle
ment In Russia, nml met a people
that speaks Yiddish, a German dia
lect originating from the medieval
German, a language which can be un
derstood by every German-speaking
man or woman.
The "New York Evening Post"
pointed out lately that the American
people would not regret a transfer
of Russian territory to the Teutons,
because the territory that probably
will be annexed. Is Inhabited not by
Russians, but by Jews and Poles who
are badly treated by the Russians and
persecuted by the Russian bureau
cracy. The Russians have not shown
any ability tn handling the problem bn given to the activities of the de
of foreign nationalities and therefore rartment of commerce In extending
resorted to brutal oppression.. What- service to the business men of the
ever Germany may make of this ter- country showing any Interest In for
rltory, there would be no more pog- el"n commerce. But It will stand re
oms, no more exceptional laws, no Petition. If for no other reason than
more yellow tickets and corrupt of- ,hat here democratic America shows
flclaldom, because all these things ,nt l can actually do more for busl
re against Prussian bureaucracy and nt," "! do It as well as even the ef
agalnst Prussian law. The Germans "dent State socialism of Germany or
will have to create normal conditions ,he highly trained diplomatic British
In the conquered provinces and the "rvlce. Possibly our government is
inhabitants of these provinces will not necessarily sucn a mountain or
profit bv It Immensely. Inefficiency and bungling, judging by
Germany Is greatly Interested In ,h'8 readjustment,
naclfvln the cnnouerpii nrnvlnrrs The entire consular service, repre
because should the economic and no- wiling every corner of the world, has
lltlcal war, waged by the Poles ,,en transformed Into an Information
KiLlnst the .Tows rnntlnn. In th. lnn gathering machine. Consuls, commer-
run the Polish Jews will' either have dttl attaches, and commercial agents
to leave the country or they will have "ave naa new ""ruciions to stuay
America, will try to settle in Ger
many. But Germany Is overpopulat
ed and has no room for Immigration.
AH these reasons, so Jewish leaders
In New York say, will Induce Ger
many to take up the Jewish cause
when terms of peace are to be dis
cussed. Many of the Influential Jew
ish leaders of New York go even so
these Jews, who are unable to go to far as to admit the possibility of co
operation In the Jewish question be
tween Germany and the United States
Huf whether this is a sound suppo
sition or only guess work, one thing
Is sure, viz.: Both governments are
highly Interested In the Jewish ques
tion and the probability exists that
they will both separately and Inde
pendently try to tackle this problem
at the coming peace conference.
The Home of The Pendleton East Oregonian-
) 4 - J ' ,h !- .iLILLj '
tilB)A4tmtMt&j4ttMfLuaiiipii y , .I'lft.hfisjt iWii w m saeii nea 1 m' "MtitVK 'HMiiintjsf IsWsnlsile HwiisT lWsislst HimWiMii f tssdhsni i.-,rit it ' - " i , m , ' -
Government Aids in
Extension of Trade
to be Polonlzed. But the Jews in
business conditions in their particu-
Poland as German-speaking people lnr locaimes, a.scuvrr . v
are of enormous value to the German Pwtunltles for American manufae
conqueror as a mediator between the ,urer and merchants, and report by
Germmnns and the Slavs. Besides. It
cannot be in the interest of Germany
tli'it Poland should become a purely
mall or cable to the central office at
WsHhlnKton. The chances are lm
mediately gathered together and dis
tributed to some 13.000 manufactur-
The Pastime Theatre
rr---- ' .JL- -tr-ff
',rr - ""7. - - .? 3
,: I
f ! ! i
" ! i ; ;
-Up in the Air'
After the performance
at Round-up park if you
are "Up in the Air" where
to take your sweetheart,
mother or sister for good,
clean entertainment remember
The Pastime Theatre
Good Music and Courteous Treatment
We are in Business to Please You.
ers are simple and readible, because
a newspaperman was made editor.
Dr. W. C. Huntington, who has been
placed at the head of the Chicago of
fice, proved his efficiency in the steeel
corporation before entering the gov
ernment service, besides having had
several yeare of European residence.
He is authority for the statement that
the American system is superior to
the German or British, without taking
Into account the further extensions
planned. Special agents hare been
secured to send to other countries, in
addition to the ones already In the
field. They will report on the possi
bilities of increasing trade where
American goods are already on the
market or the means of getting a
foothold where American made goods
have not yet appeared.
The government is, In effect, pro
viding information and advice free
for the manufacturer of ordinary re
sources, which under other conditi
ons would be at the disposal of only
the most powerful organizations.
Coupled with the activities of the
federal trade commission, the agita
tion for a merchant marine, and im
proved bank credits, this new effi
ciency is prophetic of a government
leadership as contrasted with barn
storming methods. In this one in
stance, at least, the government has
shown up to advantage in an emer
peney. It is the sort of service that
such a possibility, Germany will have . there must be more of In the future.
More or Jest publicity has nlreaddy ers by means of a daily paper pub
lished under the direction of the de
partment. The same names are clas
sified to the most minute detail, and
In special Instances the notification
of an opportunity is done through
confidential correspondence. In ad
dition to the commerce reports, the
editorial division prepares the studies
of the special agents and consuls on
foreign markets and distributes the
books at cost price. The hand book
on Russia gotten out in this way is
probably the most accurate and thor
ough work on Russian commercial
conditions. Dr. E. E. Pratt, chief of
the bureau of foreign and domestic
commerce, has the country divided
into eight districts, as a further aid
to collecting and distributing trade
Information, including tariffs, export
and Import statistics. Government
red tape has been discarded, and bus
iness men have been put In charge of
the business places. The reports
distributed among the manufactur
Slavonlc stnte In order to prevent
Pendleton' $
...... - i
' ... - . - ,j
The Homo
The Beet
None to
Good for
our Patrons
All Modern in Equipment and Popular With the
Theater Going Public. ProgiAmt are High Class
The Temple Theater
right" the clean, wholesome
Just the kind of Pictures that are
A Comfortable Steam-Heated House,
up-to-date in every particular. Cour
teous Treatment; Everything That
Goes to Make a Real Show..
i -i ; - n i i j 1 1
THE ALTA THEATER fastidious. The ventilating system Is
of the best. A suction fan 20 Inches
The reader, knowing the quality of, 'n diameter completely changes the
the programs we have offered in the;a'r "cry 10 minutes. The pictures
past, needs but a reminder of the ex- are projected from two Edison ma
cellcnt program we ore offering this chines of late model. Insuring abso
weck, which will be but a part of the,Iutel.v no flicker, eye strain or long
good things which we will offer In waits between pictures. The Edison
the future. ' machines are recognized the world
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of over as the best moving picture ma
tho Uound-up we will present Bell's chines made. The curtain is of a se
Frimous Hawaiian!, high class slng-jcret manufacture and the only one in
ers and musicians. This company Pendleton.
has Just finished the Pontages circuit I Each week we run a feature plc-
ond come highly recommended. ture. There features have all made
Paramount Pictures, conceded to R00J ln ,ne cltlps and Patrons
h ih finest of nil film productions. ' of the Pastime are sure of seeing a
are shown exclusively at this theater j rea" leaiure.
four days of each week, in which
are to be seen such stars as Mary
Plckford, Markuerlte Clark, Blanche
Sweet, Geraldlne Farrar, Hazel Dawn,
Elsie Janls, Pauline Frederick and
many others Metro Pictures, which
have come to the front in a very
short time, are shown here two days
each week. Franots X. Bushman
Marguerite Snow, Mme. Petrove and
other prominent photo players ap
pear on these programs.
This theater contains all the requi
sites for genuine comfort, such is
roomy seats, wide aisles and proper
Our mlrrorold screen, the only one
In the city, and our Simplex Projec
tor, make our projection second to
Visitors to the Round
up will be sure of good entertainment
tt this theater.
The Pastime theater is the pioneer
moving picture house ln the city, hav
ing embarked in business March It,
1901. Its policy has been and al
ways will be to show the best pic
tures made by the licensed compan
ies. The patronage of women and
children Is solicited. No picture will
be shown that will offend the most
Boost and Help Develop
Home Enterprise
HEN you want the highest quality the same uniform quality, al
ways and want your dollars to remain at home where they will
eventually come back to you.
(Formerly the Cosy.
The new owners of the Temple
Theater, formerly known as the Cosy,
Downey & Rhodes, have remodeled
and enlarged their play house, putting
16000 Into Improvement that will
make this theater when completed
one of the largest and best in Pendle
ton. It will have a seating capacity
of (00 and be furnished throughout
ln an up to date manner.
The new management announce
they will show the best of vaudeville
and motion picture. Their movies
will consist of the famous Mutual
masterpieces. Keystone comedies and
the new Pathe rooster pictures. Ma
bel Kormand, Fatty Arbuckle, Mack
Bennett, Wm. Hart, Rea Mitchell.
Max Figman and other popular stars
will be seen In Pendleton at this the
ater only.
October 1st Downey A Rhodes will
put In a new modern theater front
costing over fliOO. When In Pendle
ton be sure and see the Temple the
ater show.
always ask your grocer for BUTTER with this label
I . 1
41, I
It is made as good as the best buttermakers can make.
It is made from rich pasturized cream, always kept up to the same high
standard test and watched carefully through its entire process of making.
FARMERS No matter where you live, bring or ship us your
We pay the market price in cash and guarantee you
correct test and weight
Pendleton Creamery
Office 414 Main Street Telephone 444