East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 25, 1915, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Anything You Want
We respectfully call your attention to our win
dows, you will find in them, the very best the mar
ket affords, in endless variety, and prices always
rig:ht considering the quality of the goods that we
Just Received
Spanish Olives
Special, Pjnt 25c, Quart 50c
Gray Dros. Grocery Co.
Two Phones, 28.
823 Main St
Newsy Notes of Pendleton
lioek Couple to Wed.
A marriage lionise was issued this
morning to Fred M. liolin and Rita
Ounmiings of Pilot Rock.
Marriage Uceiue Issued.
A marriage license was issued this
morning to Hert W. Buholts and Oma
Lucretia Floreu, both of this county.
Motor VYom Dayton.
ltert Monnett, Fred Harmod. Ray
Warwick and E. J. Brown arrived
last evening from Dayton to take In
the Kound.up. They made the trip
by automobile.
Two (Jot licenses.
Marriage licenses were Issued this
morning to Chas. Wintersund and So
phia Sepala of this county, and to
John Catterall and Mary Elinor Ar
kell of Pendleton,
Pays Coyote Bounty.
Coyote bounty was paid this morn
ing to the following men. Robert
Chapmln of Milton $6, J. M. Duns
more of Nye $6, and I. O. Ooodman
of Umatilla county IS.
Suit is Filed.
J. C. Doring has filed suit against
W. H. McKlnney for $75 and 6 per
cent interest alleged to be due from
the sale of a cow to McKinney on
Nov. 15. 1914. G. Grolde Is attorney
for the plaintiff.
Man Found Unconscious.
A man who gave his name as W.
A. Weeder was found this morning
on the river bank about 1:30 o'clock
by Chief of Police Manning, In an in.
sensible condition where he had been
left to lie after having been knocked
out by sharp blows on the head. The
wounds were not considered serious.
Looking For IxH atlon.
. T. J. Egan of Walla Walla, repre
senting the James Scott company,
has been in the city looking for a lo
cation for a proposed ice and cold
storage plant.
Fined for Speeding.
U M. Harrington and O. Dendaw
were arrested last evening for speed
ing in the business district on a mo
torcycle. Both drew $20 fines. Den
daw paid up but Harrington is still
in jail.
Child Die.
The IS months old child of Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Lons: died earlv this nmrn.
ing at the home on 515 Franklin
street. The funeral will take Dlace
from the home tomorrow afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
Cowboy Fight for- Horse.
A little incident Just at the start of
the wild horse race yesterday created
a little unexpected excitement. Jim
Roach and Frank Cable, two of the
entries, quarreled over the first
horse brought out for the race and
came to blows Just In front of the
grandstand. Officers removed them
before much damage was done.
n3 n
Geo. H. Edwards
fade Jubilee Singers
10 of the Best Vaudeville Acts
Lynching of Leo Frank. Don't fail to see this
25c 15c
Our jubilee singers went so good we held them for Sunday. A 2 hr, show
Tomorrow Entire Change of Program 4 Reel Mutual
Masterpicture "SHATTERED IDOL"
Government Offk-lals Busy.
Six bootleggers have been appre
hended by government officials and
four have already been fined by Jus
tice of the Peace Parkes. In the
three cases of the State vs. John
Johnson. James Mead and George j
Wheelock, each was given the option .
of a $30 fine or Jail. J. Plpher was j
given a $25 fine for the same of-1
fense. AH four men are charged with
selling liiiuor to Indians.
, m i . urn 1 "" 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1
1. 1
IS. . "
TODAY Ess&nay
U if.
iJI i i
In 2 Act Comedy
"Jitoey Elopement
Helen Holmes in Sensational
Railro&d Story
Round-up Poet Is Here.
Richard Warrlner of Portland, au
thor of "The Buckaroo," "The Buck
eress" and "Long Tom", verses in
spired by the Round-up, arrived yes
terday noon from Salt Lake where he
had been visiting and Is one of the
most interested spectators at. the
Round-up. When the first railroad
was being built through this country
he was stationed at Cayuse for a time
and later at Meacbam so that this
section Is not strange to him.
No Matter What the Price You Can Buy
the Same Quality For Less at the
Golden Rule Store
That's why you hould do your shopping at thi Big Busy Store while attending the
Round-up. We keep open evenings. We invite you to inspect our quality and compare
our prices, that's all we ask.
Men's Blue Serge Suits $9.90, $12.50,
$14.75, $18.50.
Men's Fancy Mixed or Staple Colors, the
best values you ever seen at $6.90,
$9.90, $12.50, $14.75.
Boys' Long Pants Suits $3.90, $6.90,
$9.90, $12.50.
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, Norfolk coat,
in fancy plaids, stripes or Scotch mixed
at $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98.
Boys' Blue Serge Knickerbocker Suits at
$2.98, $3.9S, $4.98.
Bib Overalls 49, 69, 83
Work Shirts 25. 39, 45
Meji's Flannel Shirts in navy, brown or
grey 98( $1.49, $1.98
Ladies' Tailored Suits, another new lot just
received and priced at about half their
real value, $9.90, $12.50, $14.75 and
One piece dresses in silk poplin, silk and
serge combinations or plain taffeta at
$4.98, $6.90, $7.90 and $12.50.
Ladies' Coats at half their real value at
this big busy store, $6.90, $7.90,
$8.90, $12.50.
Shirt Waists. You will need an extra one
for the Round-up.. OSf, $1.98, $2.98
Silk Petticoats, plain or fancy, $1.98,
$2.98, $3.40, $3.08.
Men's Shoes for dress wear at $2.49,
$2.98, $3.50, $3.98.
Men's Riding Boots $5.90, $6.90, $7.90
Ladies' Shoes in patent, gun metal or vici
cloth or mat top $1.98, $2.49, $2.98,
?3.50. ,.jgl3
Misses Shoes $1.15, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49
Why pay $25 to $45 for tailored suits when
you can get the same values at this big
busy store at $18.50, $22.50, $25.00,
You can do
better &t'
,. Meifr
We Lead
Others follow
Claud Penland Hurt.
Claud Penland, director of parade
.for the Round-up, came near being
a victim of his own parade this mor-
ning when Just at the start of the
parade his horse fell with him on
West Court street. The pavement
had Just been sprinkled and was slip
pery which caused Penland's mount
to fall. Though knocked unconscious
for a few minutes, Penland recover
ed quickly and though suffering from
his fall rode through the parade.
Ilullroad Officials Here.
William McMurray, general pas
senger agent of the O-W. R. & N.
company, accompanied by other rail
road officials, arrived this morning
from Portland. Jlr. McMurray states
that his company has dune a bigger
business this year than last, In con
nection with the Round-up. He says
the traffic from Walla Walla and the
east end of this county has been es
pecially heavy this year. The rail
road party are at the Round-up this
Have Narrow Escape.
One party proceeding to the Pen
dleton Round-up yesterday had a
narrow escape Just as they entered
Weston. The driver was making
good time down the grade and swung
out to pass another car. His auto
skidded over a bank and the ma
chine turned a complete somersault
and landed facing up hltT. None of
the party was hurt. The windshield
was damaged and a tire torn off. The
driver put on another tire, cranked up
and drove off without leaving his
name. Walla Walla Union.
Went In On Four Feet.
Just at the close of the Round-up
parade this morning guests at the Ho
tel Pendleton were startled to see a
bevy of horsemen ride through the
door of the hotel bar and line up
alongside the bar. There were a
half dozen in the group and the per
formance attracted much) attention.
Ed McCarty, manager of the famous
Cheyenne Frontier Days, and William
Powell, also of Cheyenne, were with
the brigade which was headed by H.
W. Collins, exhibition director for the
Your Last Chance to See
$30,000 Mine Sale Made.
BAKER, Ore., Sept. 25. Repre
senting Tacoma capital, T. ,S. Ken
rerly has taken over the George1
Whited mining property near "Unity
for $30,000 and will start work at
once to bring the mine up to Its for
mer record as a heavy producer of
high grade ore. A five stamp mill
will be erected on the property with
in the next 60 days and work w'U
begin In the near future, 400 feet
down the hill from the out-cropping
of the vein of gold-bearing quartz, to
tap the vein at a lower and what is
Relieved richer level.
The mine formerly was operated by
William Vinson and has had many
assays running as high as $20,000 to
the ton. Lacking financial support
to develop the property, Mr. Vlnsou
was forced to give up the mine and
for the past seven years It has only
been slightly worked.
Attack Munition Depots.
PARIS, Sept. 23. French batteries
blew up several German munition de
pots In the Champagne district last
night, an official communique report
ed. The German artillery was sllenc
ed. The Germans are reported to
have shelled Rolincourt, Sector, north
and south of Avrc, the French flro
was extremely Intense and effective.
" S-4r.
! . .
.: f
Presenting an evening's entertainment of all the Popular Songs and
Music of the day. Program consists of American and Hawaiian
The best and most refined Hawaiian Company touring the
world. DON'T MISS IT.
Positively a different and better troup of Hawaiians than shown here recently.
Also two good reels of Pictures 5:30, 6:45, 8:00, 9:15, 10:30 P. M.
Open tomorrow at 10 A. M. ADMISSION 15 AND 25 CENTS
SUHDAY, Tho EConvorthy Players
The Great Broadway Comedy
Tho afrimonial Tanglo
A talented company that is sure to please
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