DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1915, EIGHT PAGES ACTION SCENES FROM THE ROUND-UP OF 1914 I." -x V "- . --... J ...... . . V"v .A . firl I r hp i uK Vn 4 . ? As i i v. v . ; "-J V 1 4 s .-- I if- v I 4f . J VLf WRI3HT GETS DECISION IN 20 ROUNDS WITH CARPENTER .ATTFIl IS GIVEN FEARFCIi llWTIXG BIT STAYS TO THE END. At Kansas City Kansas City 9 13 6 Baltimore 7 10 0 At St. U)Uls Louis 6 8 0 Buffalo . At Plttsburs Pittsburg Newark . .13 3 .2 9 0 .1 7 4 Ti l!y Wright of Seattle last night won a decision over Jack Carpenter of I'.uise at the end of twenty rounds; of liard fighting in the Oregon the- ater. The decision was an earned onej nd when Referee Bud Anderson heldj tip 'vYriKht's hand, there were few to dispute his verdict thus announced, j Carpenter, whose fighting powers I well known here, took a fearful beating last night at the hands of the clever Seattle boy. His face was bru'wed and cut by the healthy wal lops and swings which the younger man landed frequently but still he bored In. seemingly impervious ti the dynamic jolts he was absorbing. His own wicked haymakers generally hit on empty air or were stopped oy i arms and gloves, the Seattle boxer I showing himself clever on the defen sive as well as Ion the offensive. Many thought the Boise fighter j would not stay ten rounds, so manyj Mows were landing on him, but at the) 1 0h round he. was fighting like aj demon and landed a hard blow that , made Wright groggy. It was prac tlrally the only round that was Car renters by a clear margin. NATIONAL I.EAGIE. At Pittsburg R. H. K .0 Poston Pittsburg At Chicago Chicago 8 S ft Philadelphia 0 4 1 Second Game Philadelphia 8 9 1 Chicago 0 2 5 At Cincinnati Cincinnati 7 12 1 Brooklyn 5 9 3 Track Stars Meet. NEW YORK, Sept. 25. Jole Ray, of the Illinois A. C, the man who beat Norman Taber, world's record holder, in the national championship, was a feature of the track meet of the New York A. C, at Travers Is land today. Other fast men were entered. 1 I s. i ... i fi .i v i s,a HUM II. M Illli killllii.il I i tnkitaWn i X , anil S3 ? i m WMH ,k- w.iTO, . ..wUtMv''M. a- w--M .n "ffr. - -JI SSI Football Today. Philadelohia-Pennsylvanie vs. I'AfinC COAST LEAGUE. kl T'i.rtl:.nd R. H. E. S;in Francisco & Portland At San Francisco Oakland 7 Los Angeles 2 At 1js Angelef. Vernon 5 Salt Lake 0 West Virginia. Washington,' Pa. W'. & J. vs. Geneva. Wiiliamston. Mass. Wil- Hams vs. Rensselaes Poly. Worcester, Mass. Holy Cross vs. Bates. 4 AMERICAN LEAGUE. A i Boston R. H. St. lxiuis Boston . At New York Cleveland 4 New York 1 At Philadelphia Chicago Philadelphia 5 Sec Hi J (lame f'hicaeo Philadelphia 5 At Washington Washington IMr.jit 12 11 7 4 7 9 12 12 10 11 12 4 12 II nillli'ir - , U An .sfr 1 It :" r '! ' IT f . " 1 ' p. f , j f jt i5ywyj'itw w'iwn JL. P 15 I - l 1...' " t- ii ' " H - ' ' "'TT - T --' " 1 j t 3 '1 1500 Pairs of Socks Given. TjT-t.TTH. KeDL 25. More than 1,- snn nni nf socks were added to the ChHMmaji shower for Canadian sol diers on European battlefields as the result of the all day and night snower for the Canadian soldiers here. One Duluthian donated sufficient money to purchase 1000 pairs of wool en socks, and other large contribu tions were made. One old woman contributed a doz en paira of socks she had knitted her. self. Last night's estimate places the number of articles received at 4000 with 2J0 ijxash. vt:iekal league At i"hicago R. H. E. Chicago S 5 0 Pronklyn 0 3 i Turks Chase Russians. iiT-BinM. Sent. 25. Constan tinople dispatches received here via Berlin state that tne rurKisn ui. emerged from the Bosporus, dispers ed the Russian Black sea fleet of de stroyers 'on blockade duty off Turkish coaling ports. 1L 3 1UL MONEY muft re& in the bank to draw int'rest. VELVET never could have its age-mellowed smoothness ef it didn't rest in the wood. 3ca in ii'i m. ' J : f 1 K ! No time savlnjj "process ing" can ever mellow out the rawness, that even the best Burley possesses when young. VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, owes its excellent qualities of taste and fragrance to two years' careful ageing. 10c tins and Sc metal-lined bags. 1UL 1Z AT THE ROUND-UP. . ! Yes, I'm one of a gay bunch of cow boys That belong to the Bar X ranch, And we'll give you the best We can find in the west At the Pendleton Round-up ana dance. Myself having once been a "Short Horn," I'll put you right onto the game Of playing the part In a "thorough-bred's art, When your nerve and your legs have gone lame. If you get an invite from the punch ers Tn attend a "party" or "ball," Just wear your old clothes And look full of repose. With a free exhibition of gall. , And when the crowd gathers m forces, Make believe you don't give a hang; Rut bluster and Joke, Chew tobacco "and Bmoke, "ntw Tnhnson blows in lieu ( " w . with his gang. I . If the ball room looks shy as to females, , And "Shorty" should ask you to dance, Don't stop to Inquire I' they mean to fire, , But to miss all the bullets, Just prance! If you get into 'deep conversation With a good looking chap named" "Jim," Don't mention a "skirt," For one did him dirt, And It's no double harness for him. , There's a fellow so gruff he might scare you; They call him "Black Willie, the Wild," But he's perfectly tame They Just gave him that name Why, he'd eat from your hand he's so mild. In that little white house over yonder Lives the dandiest girl in the land, But the boys never stay, When she gallops this way, For she s roped and she s wearing my brand. Our bronchos? Well they are some horse-flesh; We're all proud of "Royal Prince Hall:" Well, I'll see you again, Thanks, I hope I will win; "Let 'er buck" is our motto, old Pal. VIRGINIA DRAKE. Seaside, Oregon. Own Ebbing IJfe Studied. DENVER, Sept. 24. With the dav And almost the hours of life re manlng to him calculated with scien tific accuracy, Dr. W. W. Kenney slept soundly at the hospital where he is awaiting death. He was rest ing easy, calmly studying the symp toms, which to his trained mind showed the ebb and flow of his slight chance of life. fmlnmt nnoclal lts carefully com pared their observations with those of the physlcia patient, and gravelv discussed with him the scientific questions connected with his case. Dr. Kenney took a hypodermic in jection of what he thought was a sleeping potion. Instead he used a slow, deadly poon, which ordinar ily kills Its victims In a few days, through Its action on the kidneys. Th'rd wife Spol's Plana. RICHMOND, Ind., Sept. 24. Sum moned from her home In Rantoul, HI , by detectives she employed to trail her husband, Mrs. Thornburg ar rived In Richmond In time to prevent ih mnrrlaee of Miss Laura Smyth- ers, of Kentucky to Thornburg, who had posed as divorced, the detectives have announced. i A year ago Thornburg was the cen tral figure In the finding of 1 10,000 in gold and currency en a farm near town. Mrs. Thornburg, who Is his third wife, became suspicious when her husband returned to Rantoul, aft er a week's absence, with a dozen handkerchiefs exquisitely embroid ered with his Initials. ulators led by ministers and seme of the more prominent citizens of Hick man, visited 2S alleged "blind pigs" and forced their proprietors, and em ployes to leav town. This action followed a tliple tra gedy. No arrests were made by the visiting committees but many gallons J liquor were confiscated aad pour 1 Into the streets. No eff irt was made to resist th. action of the. regulators. rmwmmmfmtimnMwmtlTITO ljlinUaijlUUIillUlllUI,l0AWmllIIIUMlWMUlllllHUUIUJilUUIIUIMMMWl.uuu " 5 Z'l'IIIHUIllllll m isgo 1 Brogo n Stoic f 1915 I'l air Girl, 7, swims Delaware. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 24. Ethel Sehutt, 7 years old, swam across the Delaware river between the Race street pier on the Pennsylvania side and the Mathls shipyard wharf on the Camden sido In 31 minutes. The child swam not less than two and a quarter miles, a feat worthy of many strong adult swimmers. Not onlv did she accomplish her feat against an unusually strong tide, but a strong wind was blowing and rain threatened to fall every minute. Accompanying little Miss Schutt were Helen Pennypacker and Sophie Ttrnw-n. 12 nnri 13 years old. respec tively. They swam close to Ethel, but not once did the latter call on them for assistance, or. Indicate that she could nut continue, FIFTY FOURTH ANNUAL STATE FAIR. J. H. Booth, Prest. W. Al Jones, Secy.. 1905 State Fair Nat Held on Account of Lewis and', Clark E-fcpositinn. $20,000 IN PREMIUMS An Exposition in itself. The Pride of Oregon. A Great College for the one engaged in AgricuU tural, Horticultural and Livestock pursuits. A FULL WEEK AT THE OREGON STATE FAIR BROADENS THE INTELLECT. Munter, the Aviator, will make Two Flights Daily. Fre camping space in a shady Oak Park. Free Stalls for Campers' Teams. Free transporta tion on Railroads for Exhibits. For any information relative to the Oregon State Fair which opens September 27th and closes October 2nd, write to Germanx Accuse J'rencli. BERLIN. Sept. 24. "A captured French officer." says the Overseas News Agency, "carried in his pocket j gj an order from Minister of War Filler- ps and, showing clearly that the French government had pressed into army service German citizens, inhabitants , g of Alsace-Irralne. Era The order divided these Into two p classes and provided that those wlll.j3 Ing to fight against Germany should , 3 be protected against the death sen- j 3 tence for high treason in case 01 meit 1 capture. 2 Slavs Win Victory. t PETROGRAD, Sept. 24. Brilliant g victories for the Slavs at both ends 6f their front won claimed officially. g The Germans, approaching the Dwi- na river 27 miles southeast of Riga, were heavily defeated by General g Russky, while General Ivanoff cap- r d tXVmT pr a gi- 1 W. AL JONES, Secretary ..SALEM, OREGON gantlc battle Is developing west ana 3 southwest of Dvinsk wun uie u- efam mans assaulting the Russian posi- jm tlons. P m. It nimnmrniinnf JllUIIUiliiiiltaiUi 3 1 King Confers Dlly. ATHENS, Sept. 24. King Con stantino and Premier Venlzelos are conferring almost daily In an effort to thresh out tangled diplomatic af fairs. They also are expected to de termine, soon whether Greece will re main neutral or enter the war on the side of the allies. rulM-na Ttnn "llllnil Pum" HICKMAN, Ky., Sept. 24 Busi ness was suspended here, whtls reg-. THE QUELLE RESTAURANT Open Day and Night J lVfAnU 9Kr and Special Evening LunchM J IflCttlO dJ Up IftSSZZStZ Heated Gus LaFontaine, Prop. 1 1