East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 25, 1915, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PA nr. YOVR
r.,'.4 fii and pml WwtiT at Pta
det', orwgwn, by tba
Alt OKbuuMsM i'LliLlHUINO CO.
orririai Oootity Paper.
fcfeabr lolled I'i-pm Anaortatloa.
ird at the ptofftre at i'eodletoa,
Ongna, w cocidiu nail matter.
I iwu Ui'tel News bund, forties,
Newt Co , Portlanl, Orecoa.
ftnrcau, Ikih 8ersrHy Bolldlof.
loo. l C Baraaa &01. roar.
ita uwi. N. W.
WaatJartoa. l
!?. cm year, by mail 15.00
li, an uooiha. bj mall tM
t'ij. threa months, bj nail 12
KtUf. one m..Dih. by mall Mi
ei;f. year, by carrier 7 SO
laiii. an m..mh, by carrier g.75
lliy. ibre uioiiilia. by carrier l.M
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Mmi eekiy, one year by mall 1 :
Weekiy, tlx month, b? mall 7IV
itail Weekly, four month, by mall... .60
Qat from the noisy town It leads,
where malice and deceit are
Out from the realm where pride
ia queen, -Where
men contend in heart-
leaa strife.
No voice disturbs the quietness
That thrills me as again I roam
Hy flowery fields, a boy again. 4)
And seek the way that leads
back home.
Let those who will leave homely
To find heart's east in lands
Let those who will, contentment
The robin choir glad welcome
Clear calling in their lofts
of green;
The melody of singing brooks
Is mingled witti the summer
'Mid quiet vales my way leads
Through aisles of emerald and
Foretelling Joys soon to be
For 'tig the way that leads
back home-
On rolling seas.
But give to me. I humbly ask.
The Joy I know, as through
the gloam
1 turn from all the world can
To seek the way that leads
back home.
People's Home Journal.
neath alien
year as usual much
of the pleasure of the
Round-up comes from
the snap and efficiency with
which the show is handled on
the track and arena.
Seldom is there a wait long
er than a second or two and
frequently there are several
events transpiring at one time.
This does not come about
through chance. It is the result
oi well laid plans executed
with precision and attention to
Take the same performanc
es and handle the directing
end in a careless or indolent
manner and the Round-up
would become a bore. Since
the Round-up was started six
years ago it has always been
directed by men enthused with
the idea of making a first class
show. They have never been
grandstanders seeking to ex
ploit themselves in any way.
Toani work has been the mot
to always and it is the way to
President Taylor and the
other directors of the Round-!
up deserve cordial thanks
from the community for their
services. They work hard and
with loyalty to Pendleton.
They are the type of men need
ed to make the show a con
tinuous success.
ASSERTING that the anti
conservationists overshot
their mark at their well
staged water power "confer
ence" in Portland the Spokesman-Review
makes the follow
ing pointed comment:
"Senator Smoot's speech was
an insult to the intelligence 'of
the American people. Think
of the irony of an oldline re
actionary republican senator
attacking the conservation pol
icies of President Wilson and
secretary Lane by conjuring
up the ghostly doctrine of
state rights. State rights for
what? To turn the public do
main over to private grabbers,
with no strings upon them, no
safeguards against future mo
nopoly and extortionate prices
for power, coal, oil and fertili
zer against that coming day
when our now fertile lands
will need commercial fertili
zers. "Do you want your children
to be tenants of the govern
ment, or do you want them to
be home-owning citizens?"
sobbed the Utah champion of
special interests and the
church of Mormon?
"Nothing could be wider of
the mark, for the homestead
laws, the agricultural domain,
is not al all involved in this is
sue. The lands under consid
eration are water power sites,
areas rich in coal, oil and ferti
lizers. These are the resourc
es which Roosevelt and Wilson
are striving to save to our chil
dren. "The raiders have gone too
far for their own game. They
have boldly proclaimed at
Portland designs previously
vehemently denied when
friends of conservation charg
ed them with their now avow
ed purposes. They have dis-
credited their own case before
congress and the country. At
last they have come into the
open and an open field is
where the friends of conserva
tion long have wanted to meet
All this is true and yet this
travesty was concocted and
pulled off through action by
the legislature of Oregon, as
sembled professedly for the
purpose of serving the inter
ests of the state.
At the time the move was
instigated in the legislature
last winter the East Oregonian
branded the affair as a scheme
to aid the electric interests at
the expense of the public. The
behavior of the conference
thoroughly supports the charge
made, at that time.
Never was Oregon more
thoroughly berayed than in
this instance.
T is easy to foresee the slo
gan of next year's Wilson
campaign. It will be the
words in quotation marks over
this article assuming that
they are still true. And that
assumption acquires increasing
strength in the latest news
from Berlin. If the European
war ends, as it seemingly
must, before our ballots ot
1916, and we have kept out of
it, and if joint action of the
American republic results in
some sort of a stay of anarch
istic proceedings in Mexico and
we have kept out of there, too,
President Wilson will go be
fore the country as a man who
though badgered and bended
by Roosevelt and the whole
military crowd, has kept the
greatest republic in this hemis-
phere out of hostilities into
which nearly everybody else
had fallen. This is evidently
what he is working for. It is
no unworthy ambition. Its re
ahzation will afford him no
small place in history.
Any one who thinks "he
kept us out of war" would be
a weak and unattractive cam
paign cry makes a very low es
timate of the mind and heart
of the American people. We
can think of fewer greater ac
eomplishments. One of these,
perhaps, would be to bring the
world war to a close, and in
the mediatorial office the pres
ident s turn may yet come
With war no such chance
would have been possible.
Since there are times when loy
alty to country, with every
right-minded citizen, should
greatly outweigh any concern
over party welfare, there
should be no faint response in
any quarter to the tribute
which all Americans owe to a
president who, in troublous
times, "kept us out of war."
Boston Herald.
Portland has always been
loyal to the Round-up and is to
a large extent responsible for
the success of the attendance ;
when the rose festival is held
we should reciprocate.
The Round-up is not a prize
fight, let those who want to
fight get behind the barn or
go to Europe.
'MIMMHIMI'HiMMttMMMtl llfliMiMt(ini!MiiipiMt(MtM!f j!)(u')irtMHMM!(MfMM'ii!!
Bakerites are the style
day, all the while.
(Continued from page one.)
A roadster designed to be all that
roadster i-hould be.
A car capable of carrying two
Die in continuous comfort
Tou can see better than we can tell,
how beautiful it is.
Modeled In clay, when it was first
conceived, it was re-modeled, again
and acaln, till the last harsh line
was eliminated.
The body is built of steel, with the
usual useless framework entirely
As a result there la extraordinary
storage space at the rear more
than sufficient for all the luggage
two might take on a long tour.
A light car, with all the advantages
which that lightness adds to the
powerful motor but a stoat,
staunch, strong car, and a steady
ne as welt.
on the Saturday night of the 1914
show. The crowd last night Is con
servatively estimated at 4500 and a
great portion of them did not leave
for their beds until long past the
midnight hour. At 12 o'clock the
big dancing pavilion was still packed
and every gaming table was sur
rounded by a mass of men and wom
en flirting with fickle fortune.
The hour program, which preced
ed the main festivities, was again an
unqualified success despite the fact
that a thousand people or more
were standing on the street side of
the pavilion. The singing of Miss
Reber and of the cowboy quartet
again met wih hearty applause and
when the quartet sang "Pendleton's
the Place for Me," they were greeted
with wild cheers. The hold-up of the
bank scored another dramatic suc
cess, the bucking burros and horses,
the amputation operation, the fire
scene and other comedy features
threw the audience into spasms and
not a feature but caught the fancy
of the crowd.
Big Wedding Tonight.
The "mayor and council of Happy
Canyon" have saved one of their big
gest features for the crowd tonight.
It will be a horseback wedding with
Fred Dupuis and Miss Leota Dunnick
of Weston, as the principals. All of
the attendants, the officiating Judge,
the band and everybody participating
In the ceremony will be on horseback,
too. The wedding is scheduled to
take place at 10 o'clock.
Ml H
Those handsome cars you see on the streets are
And handsome is as handsome does.
BUICK has proven best by years of actual performance on
Umatilla county roads.
1916 MODEL Valve-in-Head LIGHT SIX, $1150
1916 MODEL Valve-in-Head BIG SIX, $1650
These Prices F. O. B. Pendleton.
Telephone 468 B. F. TROMBLEY, Prop. 119-121 W. Court Street
Rosalind in "A Matrimonial Tangle''
will be seen In one of her best roles. .
This play is one that la different from j
the usual run of comedies and Is full
of bright lines and situations, a clev-jo
er story well acted and staged with
pretty settings. All who enjoy a
good show should not miss this at
traction at the Alta. Prices for this
big double show, 15 and 25 cents.
First show starts at 7:15.
j Pendleton Auto Company
F. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 m n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 m 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in
NEW YORK, Sept. 25. Those New
Yorkers who were Interested in see
ing what a hostile army marching in
to New York would look like, gath
ered at Van Cortland Park today and
saw. The army was composed of
about 10,000 national guardsmen
from the New York city boroughs
and their maneuvers were said to
be on the largest scale ever attempt
ed in the United States.
Having em-ller in the day marched
off into the woods to the north of
the park, in the afternoon the army
marched back, while Goveraor Whit
man, 2000 other special guests and
many thousands of the public looked
on and cheered. First came the
screen of cavalry and the advance
guard, with their flanking parties
and after them the regular Infantry
advance guard, followed by the main
body of troops, the rear guard trail
ing all.
The men .horses, artillery, ambul
ances and other equipment occupied
UtoB ( nrl.,r.nA ........ III.
Van Cortland looked like an arm-
Sunday at the Alta Theater, 'd camp as early as 10 o'clock. Some
The Kenworthy Players with Helen of the cavalry and field artillery
Duffy open an engagement Sunday started operations the night before,
night presenting high class plays' the latter giving a demonstration of
staged with all their own scenery,! the noise that probably would be
etc., at popular prices. An entire, heard the night before In case a hos
change of show each night and a se
lection of popular plays to please all.
Each play Is entirely different, mak
ing a variety. Two shows will be glv
What the press agents say
about Pendleton's pres
ent and coming
en Sunday night and the charming and laid mines,
tile army actually did Invade the
city. During the morning there were
shows going on in a dozen rings. The
engineer corps built pontoon bridges
three-act comedy, "A Matrimonial
Tangle," will be presented. This Is
a play that has had a big success In
the east and has met with the highest
praise in all towns where the com
pany has appeared. Miss Duffy, the
clever little leading lady who made
many friends in Pendleton on the
former visit of the company, Is at the
head of the present organization and
and fired blank
the artillery drilled
cartridges from be
hind neighboring hills, one squadron
of cavalry gave rough riding exhibi
tions, twelve ambulances dashed
if )-- K
i . f i t'f
It A
Covaleskl, the Polish pitcher of the
Detroit Timers, who has proved to be
one of the pitching sensations of the
season and Is now helping the De-
about picking up Imaginary dead nd j tr,)UorB n th(.r fKnt f()r tn() ppnnant
mi in.- inn irii ii it'.iKiir. i ne picture
furious fashion.
It was a very warlike day and very
successful for purposes of demonstration.
was made In New York Just after the
Detroit hnd trimmed the Yankees
for three straight games.
Mining Men Are Accused.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Sept. 24.
The attorney-general of British Co
lumbia has laid Indictments for man
slaughter against Thomas Graham
and J. H. Tonkin, two of the most
prominent mining men in the coun
try. They are charged with carelessness
that caused loss of It lives In the Re
serve mine near Nanaimo
15. Graham Is chief
Ing depots In San Francisco and oth
er coast cities
Britain's Enemies Taxed.'
WELLINGTON, N. Z., Sept. !4.
A supertax of 60 per cent on all In
corporations from countries hostile
to Great Britain, was announced by
the minister of finance, Clr. Joseph
warn, in
introducing; the hurim in
Februaryi parliament.
inspector of I A number nf In riff r.Vt..it..
mines for the provincial government, to be raised. Automobiles, c nasals
Tonkin Is manager of the Pacific-, and bodies are to pay 10 per cent ad
Coast Coal Company, which has large valorem, and kerosene and petrol
collieries at Nanaimo and large sell-1 eight cents a gallon
ji 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil km i inn ii mi iniif irii mi n i mini iiiiiiiiiiiiih-'
Visit this store before leaving town as yon will find many values
here that yon cannot TnA elsewhere. We operate 23 Cash Sample
stores and specialize In Sample Shoes, Clothing, Sweaters, Mackinaw
Coats, Underwear, etc., and you can buy your winter's outfit here
at a saving of one third of better. Investigate this.
Here you are and a big sav
ing on every one.
15.00 Coats $3.4.1
$7.00 Coats $5.85
$8.60 Coats $6.50
All kinds, styles and colors
and err one a saving. Worth
while to see these before you
Men's Heavy rants of every de
scription.. $1.00, $1.65, $1.05
Every one worth double the
Men's Prince Chap Suits $9.50
and $12.50.
Men's Tailor Made Suits $11.73,
$16.50 and $18.75.
Why pay more.
Sample Shoes for the entire
family and every one at a sav.
Ing of one third.
Men's work shoes $2.45 to $1.50
Men's dress shoes $2.65 to $1.25
Men's high tops $2.45 to $6.50
Ladles' shoes ,..$1.35 to $.1.45
Boys' shoes..., $1.00 to $2.45
Girls' shoes 65o to $2.25
Overalls 60c
Work shirts .,-r.r.U
Underwear 45c
Ladles' unions 8o
Wool mixed.
23 Sample Store. 745 MAIN ST.