East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 24, 1915, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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For Busy Round-Up Days
Pemeco Quality Roasts
Pemeco Lunch Meats
"Pemeco" Boiled Ham
"Pemeco" Minced Ham
"Pemeco" Bologna
The Central Market
PhMM 455.
Arabic Victim Foond.
Frost at Queenstown, reported to
the etate department tha bodr of Dr.
Edmund Wood of Wisconsin, a Ylc
tint of the liner Arablo baa bean re
covered . The burial will probably
he In England
Hain Event 20 Rounds
Jack Carpenter
Billy Wright
At Oregon Theatre Friday
Night, September 24th
Tickets on sale at Welch's Cigar Store.
iso ACRE RANCH six miles soith of Meacham on
"breaks of McKay creek, 100 acres tillable, balance
good pasture. All improved, good house, barn and
sheds. Also 60 tons good wheat hay, 13 head horses,
10 head cattle, 6 brood sows, chickens and other ar-
tides too numerous to mention. Binder, seeders, 5
2 plows and other farm machinery, including four sets
of harness and good wagon and hack. Plenty of wa- S
ter and wood on place. For further particulars inquire
this office.
2280 acres near tha Blue Mountain Forest Reserve; allott
neat for two banda of sheep. Water piped Into a two atory
7 room house. Fine spring close to two barns, good famUy
archard. Stream runa through premises. 10 acres bottom
laad, together with tillable bench land, produces sufficient
feed for stock In winter. This ranch la adapted to any kind
ut atock. (4 tona of hay goea with this ranch at 310 per
aere. Eaay terms. If not aold In September, It la off tha
E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore.
s that makes less expense and lower prices.
Our telephone is just as close as the other fellow.
What does this mean to you?
I East End Grocery j
1 JOHN DYER Phone 536
"Pemeco" Weiners
'Pemeco" Head Cheese
"Pemeco" Jellied Tongue
108 E. Alt. St
No Change In Haalstry.
LONDON, Sept. 28. Premier Aa
qulth formally denied In the houaa of
commona rumora that Important
changes In tha cabinet wera contem
plated. "We do not propone to alter tha
composition of the miniature," ha
Q Advertising in Brief
Par llo tint loMrtion 10c
Per Hoe, additional Insertion. . . . be
Per line, per month 11.00
No lacala taken for In than 2AC.
Count a ordinary woraa to line.
Ulli will not be taken over the
pbooa and remittance muat tccom
pan order.
For fuel tone five.
Carpenters, call phone 427 after t.
Wanted couple to be married In
Happy Canyon.
Public dance each night thle weelt
at Eagle-Woodman Hall.
Auto trimming at Gadwa'i harness
store, 304 East Court atreet.
For aale, reasonable, two desirable
residence lots. ' Inquire 401 Aura.
For aale 10 head atock hogs.
Weight 70 to 130 pounda. Inquire
this office.
Biz room house, with garage, for
aale. Located at lis Long atreet
Telephone 1IF11.
John Rosenberg, Court atreet
watchmaker and Jeweler. All work
Wanted Womaa for general
housework. Inquire Mm. stelwer, 101
Lew la atreet.
Old papers for aale; tied In bundlea.
Oood for atartlng fires, etc 10a a
aundla. This office.
For sale One Heywood baby bug
gy, nearly new. 121. Phone 210W or
call 309 W. Alta.
Very many people dealra to buy
lands In eastern Oregon. What hava
rou to offer, and price T N. Berkeley.
For sale Modern sine room house,
one corner lot. Will aell reasonable
if taken at once. Telephone 209J.
Wanted Gool reliable woman to
take care of house and do cooking
during Round-t.p. Apply 330 Water
Garbage hauled at reasonable
prices. All work promptly done. Any
place In town. Ed Lannlngs, 1401
W. R. R.
For aale Seven room modern
house, plaatered and In first claaa
condition. Inquire C. Rohrman, HI
Grange atreet
For sale Span small horses, har
ness and covered hack, suitable for
camping purposea. Inquire Commer
cial Livery Stable.
For sale Or will trade for Uma
tilla county grain lands, good valley
ranch near Salem. Oregon. Inquire
at Coleaworthy'i Chop Mill, 12 E
Alta atreet
"Mutt" takes the big loads and
'Jeff" shows the speed. Penland
Bros, haul anything and reasonable.
Furniture van and storage warehouse.
Office 047 Main street. Phone lit.
Stolen From my barn eight miles
northwest of Pendleton, about mid
night, September 9th, light bay mare
with little white In face; weight be
tween 1000 and 1100 lbs.; branded E
backward and T connected under
quarter circle on left shoulder. Also
Raddle with swell front, Hamley
make, and taps when taken. (50 re
ward, 325 for outfit and 325 for evi
dence that will convict E. P. Tul
loch. Dances at Moose Hall.
Dance every night this week at
Mooh Hall. ODrraitA from Hannv
Canyon. Admission 10c ,6c a dance.
Let er Buck. Adv.
For Sale.
On account ot leaving tha city, I
wish to aell my modern home. 221
Jane atreet Reasonable terms. In
quire at E. 0. Office.
For Sale.
My home place on McKay creek at
320 acres, 1(0 In summer fallow, 100
In atubble and 20 to alfalfa. Will aeU
atock and equipment with place, If
desired. Write or see Charles Van
ning, Pilot Rack, Ore. Adv.
Good Oeal asvd Wood.
Our Rock Springs ooal burns clean
giving you mora heat and less dirt
for your money. Good dry wood
that doesn't bell, but buna. Also
slabs and kindling. Protect yourself
froan cold and cost order from B
L. Burroughs, phone S. Adv.
For Sale.
One hundred acres of Irrigated land
situated at Ewlng Station. Morrow
county, Oregon. This Is the rlchaet
tract in the world. Can prove It by
showing product of corn, onksns, po
tatoes and other products. It will
produce 600 tons of alfalfa hay. It
has excellent system of Irrigation,
with perpetual running water. Easy
terms. Address, W. B. Ewing. Cecil,
Oregon. Adv.
(Centlnaed from page one.)
Large forces of workmen are Im
proving the defenses along the
Serbian boundary.
PARIS. Sept. 24. Greece has de
cided to mobilize, according to an
Athens dispatch. The decision was
said to have been reached by the
Greek cabinet yesterday, but the dis
patch did not state when the mobil
ization would be promulgated.
LONDON, Sept. 24. King Conatan-
tlna ot Greece has promulgated a de
cree mobilizing 20 Greek divisions
according to an Athens dispatch. An
other Athens dispatch aald Premier
Veniselos will ask tha king to sign a
general mobilization order at 4 o'
clock this afternoon.
ROME, Sept 24 The Greek re
servists In Italy have been recalled to
the colors.
Durlnp the first half of last year
more than $22,000,000 worth of din
nioml.s were produced In South Afri
TEBS01 11
Jack Btuten of Ktnnfield In In the
city today. f
J. L Smith of Portland, was here
J. H. McCray of Portland la regis
tered at the Bowman.
John Montag of Portland wag a
local visitor yesterday.
J. D. Freeman of Walla Walla Is
h Pendleton visitor today.
Hugh and John O'Roorka of Hepp
ner are In the city today.
I. H. Taylor and J. W. Simmons of
Portland are visitors today. j
Clarence Vernon of Walla Walla i
la here for the Round-up today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reeves of Port
land are here to see the big show.
F. J. Dannon and E. N. Stroup of
Portland are registered at the fit.
George today.
E. E. Jones. A. Sandurg and D. L.
Huce of Wasco, are Round-up vis
itors today..
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blanchard of
Astoria are here attending the
Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Hadley and
little son of Portland, are Round-up
guests of Mrs. Mary Lane.
Douglas Shelor, automobile editor
of the Jeurnal, was with the party
on the Journal special arriving this
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reese of Endicott
Wash., are here to take in the Round
up and will again locate In Pendleton
where they formerly lived.
Among those registered at the
Pendleton today are R. Beeker, D. C
Hays, E. L. Perry, D. F. Murphy, W.
P. Downey and Gerald Stanfleld.
Robert Johnson and Thomas
Whltehorn, prominent businessmen
of CorvallUf, arrived this morning to
take In the Round-up and are In at
tendance here for the first time.
They are personal friends of Rev. H.
H. Hubbell. new pastor of the Chris
tian church.
(Continued From Page Two).
A pretty wedding ceremony was
performed by Rev. C. A. Hoddhlre
when Chas. W. Brown and Delllla
Mays of near Pilot Rock, were unit
ed In marriage at the Methodist par
sonage at 2:30 o'clock yesterday aft
ernoon. Several friends attended the
At 8:30 o'clock last evening, James
Woodcock and Grace FL. Doan of
McKay were united in marriage at the
Methodist parsonage, Rev. GhM. A.
Hodahlre officiating. About twenty
relatives and friends composed the
wedding party,
Miss Algaburger of California is a
guest at the home of J. W. Yandle.
Miss Algaburger intends making her
home in Pendleton this winter.
(Continued from pa?e one.)
Helen Sailor, Miss Anna Shlpman,
Mr. and Mrs. X. M. Sloan, Mr. and
Mrs. David Stearns, Master Lloyd
Stearns. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stre
bln, Miss Talbot, Miss Marie Warren.
Mr. Ben Watkins, Miss June Wertz,
Miss Billy Woolen-, Miss E. 31 Zlm
mer. Car P-3.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cobbs, 'Sir. B.
T. Coit, Mr. Emil Febvet, Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. PeVarney, Miss Elizabeth
Freeman, Mr. E. G. Gearhart, Mr.
and Mrs. Emil Glutsch, Mr. I. Low
engiirt. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lowengart
Miss Vina McCarthy, Miss Betty Man
pin, Mr. T. Millard, Mr. Henry C.
Morse. Mr. J. H. Seymour. Mr. Na
than Strauss. Mr. F. Strobel.
Car P-.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Austin, Mr. C.
P. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Black,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clark, the Misses
freeland. Miss. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs.
John K. Lynch, Miss M. C. Madore,
Mr. E. L. McClain and party, Miss
Flora Peters, Mrs. John Peters, Ad
miral a. C. Better, Mr. E. K. Sey
mour. Bishop W. T. Sufner, Mrs.
Suthoff. Mr. Warren Thorsen, Miss
Viola Thorsen, Mrs. R. C. Warinner,
Miss Lilly E. White.
Car P-4.
Misa A. Cearns, Mr. and Mrs. M.
C. Dickinson, Mr. J. A. Frye. Mr. H.
Harris, Miss M. S. Horner, Mr. C. 8.
Jackson. Dr. and Mrs. Ray Matson,
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mayer, Mr. ai
Mrs. A. B. Scott, Dr. and Mrs. E. A.
Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler,
Miss V. Woolery, Miss M. E. Worrell.
Car P-S.
Mr. G. V. Adams, Mr. C. B. Bau
mun, Mr. L. A. Brown. Mr. V. B.
Bolsseller, Mr. Frank Dietzman. Mr,
Earl Farmer. Mr. George Gammle,
Mr. fi. W. Gammle, Mr. N. Gammle,
Mr. James Gordon, Mr. Wm. Hoss.
Mr. Thos. Kay. Mr. J. F. Keller, Mr.
W. J. Lyons. Mr. J. C. McCue, Mr. D,
A. McFarlane. Mr. John M. Mann,
Mr. Jesse Miller. Mr. T. L. Murphy,
Mr. Hen Olcott. Mr. Wm. Owen, Mr
D. V. Price. Mr. Lloyd Riches, Mr.
E. E. Rockwell, Mr. D. Shelor, Mr.
David A. Smith. Mr. Steiger, Mr. Roy
Wimlier, Mr. C. A. Wolfgang,
Found, tln Following Described stol
on Stock.
One dark brown mare, weight
about 1200 pounds, left hind foot
white, branded C C on left shoulder,
and one bay mare, weight about 1100
pounds, white spot In forehead,
branded 6 6 with bar above on left
shoulder. Both are four years old
and unbroke. These horses are sup
posed to have been stolen from east
ern OreKon.
For further Information, commu
nicate Immediately with Emmltt
Wont, sheriff of Ada county, Boise,
Reports received here today i-how
that the town of Weston is making a
Round-up harvest by fining autoiats
passing through the place. The Wes
ton speed Jlmlt Is 12 miles and it Is
said a speed of 18 miles an hour Is
necessary to make the hills in and
out of the town. C. P. A. Lonergan.
manager of the Warren Construction
company, was one of the unfortunate
vlitlms this morning. There are re
ports of the arrest of a half dozen or
more and It is presumed all are "cap
tured" who show any 'signs of speed
above the 12 mile Jlmlt. A fine of
125 is Imposed upon each autoist and
the fine must be paid or ball money
There Is Indignation among the au
tolsta over the action of the Weston
marshall and It Is suggested a warn
ing bIkti should be posted so as to
protect autolsts from what is consid
ered unjust arrest
(Continued from paga one.)
looked on. They knew, however,
what he was after and eo did he. A
strap had been tied about the horns
of the steer and a reward of ten dol
lars had been offered for the cow
boy removing It. When Massey let
go his hold, he waved the strap aloft
in token of his triumph.
There were two comedy stunts In
particular that caught the fancy of
the crowd. Both were silent The
one was the amputation of the legs
of a wounded man. In everyday life,
the "bad man" la a cattle buyer who
has suffered the loss of both legs at
the knee. With saw and hatchet the
frontier surgeon performed his op
eration and the patient hopped off
the table and stumped his way
through the crowd. The other mirth
maker was a simple one. It consist
ed of two men from the country,
much the worse for liquor, driving
leisurely up to a saloon, purchasing
a new aupply of wetgooda and driv
ing off again.
Bucking Is Exciting.
Three bucking horses, one the
cake-walking Hotfoot" were mount
ed in the pavilion last evening and
two riders were projected Into spaco
much to the delight of the throng.
Red Parker, champion of last year,
put up an exciting ride on the back
ot the third, the plunging animal
threatening for a time to tear down
the town. Bonny McCarroll mourn
ed a bucking steer again and made
a pretty ride before she was thrown
and her much-muscled husband
again withstood the attempts of two
horses to pull his folded arms apart.
The bucking burros, the rescue of
the tenants of the Stagger Inn, the
Indian attack and dance and the oth
er features were equally good and the
whole was what some would call Im
mense." When the crowd was turned loose
into the Red Dog Saloon and the big
dancing pavilion, the real merriment
began. Sheafs of buck bills were
soon put In circulation and the games
were played with feverish Interest un
til the doors closed in the early
morning hours. Hundreds of cou
ples circled about the dancing floor
to waltz and two-steps and the "bar
tenders" were kept busy dispensing
their liquid warea.
(Continued from page one.)
something more daring than the oth
er, they kept the grandstand in con
tinuous applause.
It was Cuba Crirtcbfield, champion
of all trick ropers, however, who
stood forth pre-eminently. His
frothing, hissing, spinning rope en
circled his body, rose and fell In the
air and, under his control, seemed a
thing alive. Roy Jones, Ben Corbett
and Jaun Montano, too, did feats
with the rope that no ordinary cow
boy can do.
Diinonts to Reorganize.
WILMINGTON, Del., Sept. 24.
Announcement was made recently of
a plan involving the sale of the en
tire properties of the E. I. Dupont de
Nemours Powder company to a new
company to be known as E. I. DuPont
de Nemours Co., which will be incor
porated under the laws of Delaware.
The purchase price is to be 1120.
000.000 payable partly in cash, part
ly in debenture stock and partly in
common stock of E. I. DuPont de
Nemours & Co., which company sill
have no bonded Indebtedness or oth
ei fixed charges.
The natural growth of the powder
industry has led the DuPont inter
ests Into allied and diversified indus
tries, among which may be mention
ed the manufacture of fabrikoid and
the acquisition of nitrate of soda
properties in Chile, South America.
Nitrate of soda la one of the prin
cipal ingredients used in the manu
facture of explosives.
It Is officially announced that the
nerftrtnnel nf thA directorate flnrt the!
management of E. 1. DuPont de Ne
mours & Co., of Delaware, will be
Identical with that of the present
company, of 'which Pierre S. DuPont
is president; Alexis I. DuPont, secre
tary, and John J. Raskob, treasurer.
Germany Releases Mall.
BERLIN, Sept 24. The Overseas
News Agency says:
The Norwegian minister, at Berlin
has telegraphed his government that
nil the mail carried by the steamer
Haakon VII was already on the way
to Norway. The mall pouches were
opened and searched tor contraband
i 'u A " ' taf
If you want a watch bad
you want it good.
Watch buyers of experience
are finding it expensive to by
pocket clocks for timekeepers.
One man said, "I'm tired of
buying those tin watches ; gim
mie a good one."
To those who cannot afford
a good watch we recommend
the $5.50 Elgin which is a
standard watch.
Royal M. Sawtelle
Established in 1SS7
gm3LMj ix-nm xraririririnnnXTi-a KTrmTnfK
Body Washed Ashore.
LONDON, Sept. 24 The body of
Mrs. Josephine Bruglerl, an Amerl
man victim of the Arabic torpedoing
was washed up on the coast of Ire
land. liner Is Sent Down.
LONDON, Sept 24. A submarine
sunk the Harrison liner Chancellor.
Part of the crew was rescued. Boats
i. re now seeking the missing.
O. V. Wtas from Jape.
TOKIO, Sept. 24. The Chicago
University baseball team defeated
the Waseda University, five to three.
Prince Frederick Killed.
VIENNA, Sept 24. Prince Fred
erick of Thurn and Taxis was killed
In the Galicia fighting on Monday, It
was announced.
Employes Defer Strike.
PITTSBURG, Sept 24. The West
Inghouse Electric company workers
were at their tasks as usual today,
having decided to defer action until
Thursday on the question of strik
ing. This course was agreed upon
at a mass meeting last night.
Pythian Reserve Plan.
FRENCH LICK, Ind., Sept. 24.
The uniform rank, Knights of Pyth
ias, has a trained membership of
750,000, which is greater than the
standing army of the United States.
Why not make this an effective re
serve force for the defense of tho
Nation, suggested Brigadier S. Young,
of Ohio, commander In chief of the
uniform rank. The jlolnt encamp
i ment of Indiana and Illinois was In
session here recently.
Mr. Young's plan is to get the CO
operation of the war department for
the establishment of military schools
in every city having BOO or mora
membership in the uniform rank.
Train Hits Girl and Doll.
CONSHOHOCKEN. Pa., Sept. 24.
Toddling to the Reading Railway
here, little Ethel Isebrecht with dol
ly In her arms, sat down on the rail
and was watching it "go to sleep,
when there was a shriek of a locomo
tive whistle.
She was too young to realize that
it meant a warning for her, and nev
er looked up from her sleeping toy
Thus the engine of an express train
struck and hurled her to death. Her
mother had heard the warning whis
tle and arrived almost before the
Happy Canyon is a Happy Show
It is in big crowds of well dressed people where
the Carrier stylish hat is most conspicuous
because of its beauty and originality.
The Home "of the Stylish Hat
740 Main Street.
Jiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu
1 Malen Burnett School of Piano Playing
TRY whose graduate has had the honor to play before
the Northwest Music Teachers' Association. Miss Kur-
t ,1 : a .. j. j ... -
- I'-nij uueviur, siuuiea in Europe lour vears wiui the best
5 masters.
5 This school employs only a ssist a n tsw h T h a vV trained 5
E ln the school and had practical experience in teaching 5
5 under the director.
E Fundamental Music Training recognized to have pro-
duced the best and most thorough results in the shortest
length of time. S
Association Building. Room 1, Phone 382. f
See new pupils Oct. 2, 4, 5 ::(). Thone or write for 5
terms. .
IIIIIIIIMIIIIIUIIIIIllilllMilllllllliliiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiMiii,, , IM, ,,,,
r '5
train. She waa unnerved at sight at
the mangled baby.
Oregon to lbs Frees.
OAKLAND, Sept 23. California,
Oregon and Washington lead all
states In the country In progressiva
road building, according to Jamea H.
McDonald of Connecticut before th
Pan-American road congress, in con
vention here.
Samuel Hill will ask tha congreaa
to enforce the proposed government
appropriation of fifty million dollars)
for an ocean view highway from Mes
tco to British Columbia.
Girl Prisoner Use Pin.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept
When Sergeant I E. McCurdy, of
the night shift was locking up a girl
believed to be Pearl Graham of Port
land, he was attacked by her with
a hatpin.
She was wanted In Portland on
charge of larceny and waa picked np
at the ferry as she landed. Tha of
ficer grasped her wrist Just in time
to keep from being; stabbed.
W. H. HILL l
We grind our own lenses.
Glasses fiT
To the exact requirements of each
case. Leases duplicated In a few
minutes. Prices for glasses vary
Dale Rothwell,
Exclusive Optician
American Nat Bank Bids.
Phone 609.