EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, TENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1915. PAGE THEE SATISFACTION in the know ledge that you are dressed ap propriately no matter what the occasion or crowd, is the feeling that pervades you when you wear lond Clothe $151o $30 The new fall styles are now awaiting your inspection, here. Our own tailors see that you get a per fect fit, no matter what your personal re quirements. See them in our store and see one on yourself. iond Brothel's Pendleton's Leading Clothiers Conference Favors Electric Interests PORTLAND, Sept 2S. The water power conference la considering res olutions and a vote will probably be leached this afternoon. Resolutions of the majority, presented to the con ference by Chairman Smoot of reso lutions committee, favor nothing but a declaratory act by congress grant ing water power rights In perpetuity to private Interests. Senator Wa)h of Montana, presented a minority report favoring federal control un- der a leasing system. sawmill which had been built eight years, equipped fully and prepared to operate, but never sawed a stick of timber, started Monday, September 20, on Isthmus Inlet, on regular run. after having been Improved and ov erhauleil. The mill was erected In 1997 two miles from Harshfleld by A. A. Courtney, who was then secre tary of the Pacific Coast box com blnation. Just at the time the mill was com pleted, the panic of 1907 came on and Courtenay and his associates failed. Portland parties, Including E. O. Samuels, purchased It and arranged to operate. 8-Year-Old Mill Starts. MAR8HFIELD, Ore., Sept. 24. A American Aid is Widened. GENEVA, via Paris, Sept 24. Austria, Germany and Russia have concluded an agreement under which Many Kinds of Rheumatism One Sure Mode of Treatment Authorities Say Don't Use Liniments. Treat It Through the Blood. You Can't Rub It Out! Whether your trouble b Sciatica, Lumbago or the dreaded Articular Rheumatism, the answer is the same. You must treat It through the blood. That la the only way to rid the sys tem of uric acid, purify the blood and revitalise the nerves. If the blood is freed from Impurities, Rheumatism must go. This in short is the exact knowledge gained by the research lab oratories of the S. S. S. Co., In Atlan ta. There tests have been made for fifty years. They know what Rheu matism ia. They know that S. S. S., the remarkable blood tonic, which they originated, will relieve yon of Rheumatism. Take S. S. S. today. The complete recovery of thousands of sufferers by the use of S. S. S. is positive proof that you can be re lieved. S. S. S. Is a blood tonic a purifier that restore the blood, revitalises It, cleanses It, makes it pure as it was before It became poisoned with Impurities. S. S. S. gives It strength to drive out these impurities the urio acid and organic poison and with it the Rheumatism. Get S. S. S. at your druggist's. If you need apeclal advloa, wrU to S. & $. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Upper Snake River Idaho Lands We have been selling Idaho lands to Pendleton and Walla Walla people for three years. Many yields were over 50 bushels per acre this year. We have some good wheat farms in large or small tracts. Also stock ranches, and .some small irrigated tracts close to town. Have three good wheat ranches to rent for a term of years. If our lands can not be bought for less than half price of lands here on an average, and if they do not produce more under thorough cultivation per acre, we will pay your expenses to see the lands. Will be at St. George Hotel, Pendleton, all this week. C. C. MOORE, H. G. FULLER. the American Red Cross will be au thorized to send 25 physicians and 50 nurses to Russia and Siberia to care for German and Austrian prisoners of war. Most of the Red Cross workers have been heretofore in Germany and Aus tria. SIDDEV MUSCTLAR ACHES AND PAINS NEED NOT BE1 That is if you use the right rem edy. Sloan's Liniment is a real ne cessity in every home for young ard old. Its merit is praised in dozens of letters. A stiff neck from colds, children's sprains, those aching mua cles, that sharp neuralgia pain these find guaranteed relief In Sloan's Lin iment. Every home meets with sud den aches and accidents. Tour home needs a bottle. 25c, 50c and 11.00 Adv. New Pacific Line Likely. SAX FRANCISCO. Sept. 24. A new monthly steamer service from Java, Manila, P. I., and Hongkong, China to San Francisco may be estab lished In December by the Java-China-Japan line. It was announced by the San Francisco chamber of com merce. The addition of such service has been sought by the chamber of com merce for several months, since the Pacific Mall announced its now ac complished abandonment of trans Pacific traffic. Inasmuch as the Java-China-Japan line employs Dutch crews and officers, the seamen's act, effective In November, will not af fect It materially. Spy Doomed in London. LONDON, Sept 24. Two more spies have been convicted by court- martial. Official announcement was made that a man and a woman of German origin, whose names were not given, were found guilty of at tempting to communicate informa tion concerning the fleet. The man was sentenced to be shot. The woman was sentenced to ten years In Jail. COLDS DO NOT LEAVE WILLINGLY Because a cold is stubborn la no reason why you should be. Instead of "wearing" it out, get sure relief by taking Dr, King's New Dlsovery. Dangerous bronchial and lung ail ments often follow a cold which has been neglected at the beginning. As your body faithfully battles those cold germs, no better aid can be given than the use of this remedy. Its merit hss been tested by old and young. Get a bottle today. Etc and 11.00. Adv. Bobbed in Jail. GRAND FORKS. N. D., Rept. 14. That he was robbed In Jail, was the complaint of John George, a Turk. George said he secreted 1400 from guards, when Imprisoned, but told a fellow prisoner about it. Guards heard a commotion and rescued George. His complaint was that his antagonist had stolen his $400. The guards could not find the money. Events in the War One Year Ago Today Petrograd says German troops lured Into Russian Poland by General Rennenkampff, have 0 suffered a great defeat. Prxem- 4 ysl Is declared about to capltu- lata. Reporting on the sinking of three cru'sers by a German U boat, the British admiralty calls attention to the violation of orders by two of them In go- Ing to the rescue of the one first attacked. British ship Indian Prince sunk by the German Kron- prini Wllhclm off Brazilian Count. German press charges Bel- glans with using churches as arsenals. PRETTY HOME WEDDING IS HELD AT HERM1STON MISS KITH I.l'ND -M HOWARD A. I'tICK IMTKI) IN MAR RIAGE TIESDAY. (Special Correspondence.) HERMISTON, Ore.. Sept. 24., Tuesday afternoon at one o'clock Miss Ruth Lund and Howard A. Frick were united In marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lund, by Rev. Graham of the Methodist church. The wedding was a simple home affair only a few in timate friends attending besides their relatives. In the evening the Lund home was the scene of a very happy throng of friends who gathered at an Informal reception in honor of the young couple. i Mr, and Mrs. Frlck will be at home to their friends after the first of Oc tober. An automobile party of nine ma chines, all composed of Standfleldltes paid Hermlston a visit. The boost ers of the neighboring project were showing their latest settlers of the Swiss settlement Interesting features on the Umatilla project. Mrs. M. D. Scroggs entertained at luncheon In honor of Mr. Scroggs" sister, Mrs. Thomas Hawthorne of Irrtgon. Miss Caroll Shotwell returned to' McMinnvllle Sunday to resume her studies at the college. Harry Maltby is a Portland visitor this week. Miss Alice Lambert left the first of the week for Monmouth where she will attend normal school. Carl S. McNaught left this morn ing on a business mission In Port land. TRADE AGREEMENT IS SIGNED WITH RUSSIA WATERTOWN, N. T., Sept 24. Secretary of State Lansing, here on his vacation. Signed the trade agree ment with Russia, permitting Impor tation of many raw products needed by American manufacturer! You cn buy Stein-Bloch Snurt Clothes here for the same price you are compelled to pay for ordinary clothes elsewhere Just Enough of the English Swing To our new Stein-Bloch Smart Clothe to make them very stylish looking. Of course they fit in that comfortable way which is the re sult of 58 years of knowing how to tailor good clothes. Yes, they will save you money too, and you will appreciate this better after an examination and a try on. Come in today or tomorrow. ii I V Ask to see the new Stetson hat "The Event" Fifth Avenue's latest craze. Florsheim Shoes will please you. A iMerch&ndise of Highest Quality Only Moat Prices Protected. LONDON, Sept. 24. The board of trade does not allow the American! county in 20 years. Clover Acre Returns $65. COTTAGE GROVE. Ore., Sept 24. A return of (65 an acre Is what H. P. Huff made from 6 1-2 acres of clover this year. The first crop net tled two tons of hay and from the second crop Mr. Huff got 32 1-2 bushels of seed, or five bushels to the acre. The man who threshed the teed said that it is the best clover seed he has seen raised in Lane Military Shake-up In Russia. SOPENHAKEN. Bept 24 A blf shake-up of military beads In Rus sia is Imminent, according to per sistent reports received here from Petrograd. Four French Aviators Killed. BERLIN. Sept 24. Four French aviators were brought down ' during the "greatest aircraft and artillery action along; the entire front" ac cording to official announcement meat trust to get all they ask for, nor shipowners to get all they want, Walter Runciman, president of the British board of trade, said in the house of commons In the course of a debate on financial matters in which the high prices of food were j Crothers telegraphed the state de- Mr. Huff is so weU pleased with his 'profits that he will put 60 acres more into clover next year. Denies Carranza Controls. WASHINGTON, Sept 23. Consul commented on. Steps had been taken by the Britl lsh government, Mr. Runciman said, to obtain meat In Argentina and Aus tralia. If these measures had not been taken, he said, there would have been a shortage really dangerous. Dutch Steamer Is Sunk. AMSTERDAM, Sept. 24. The partment confirming reports of Vil la's evacuation of Chihuahua. Despite continuing reports of Villa reverses, Roque Gonzales, former Mexican provisional president declared Ca rranza does not control the greater part of Mexico. Albany Factory prospers, ALBANY, Ore., Sept. 24. The Veal Dutch steamer Koenigin Emma, of i chair factory of this city has chang 9181 tons, was sunk by a mine In ed from an eight to a ten hour shift the North sea. Her passengers and! This Is the result of good -business, crew were saved. The Koenigin Em- The change has served to spread op ma is the biggest neutral steamer yet tlmism among local manufacturing sunk by a mine. She was built in! concerns. 1913. HAITIENS FIRE ON A . COLUMN OF MARINES WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. A col umn of 60 American marines and sailors was fired on by Haitiens Tues day, Admiral Caperton reported to the navy department. Xo Discrimination, Says Rockefeller ROUSE, Colo., Sept. 24. Flat dec laration that there would be no dis crimination between union and non union men by the Colorado Fuel & Iron company was made here by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Rockefeller, Another victim of Explosion. WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. Gun ner's Mate William Hayden of San Diego Is dead from Injuries sustain ed in the recent explosion aboard the destroyer Decatur at Cavlte, P. I., according to a navy department dispatch. Normal Attendance Gains. OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL. Monmouth, Ore., Sept. 24. The sec ond week of the Oregon normal school opened with a total enroll ment of 319 students. This is a 60 per cent gain over the first week of last year, and It is thought the 400 mark will be reach- after removing his coat, collar, tie: ed by June. and vest, outlined a tentative plr.n for peace in the future. He sugges Work on the new training school j building is being rushed, so as to ac-l ted that the miners elect a grievance, commodate the grammar grades and committee and that all grievances he, practice teacners in reoruary. settled quickly. He Intimated to of' flcials with him thnt he wanted all differences settled amicably. Tatoos Name on Forehead. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. Be cause he had heart failure and fear ed he might drop dead and be burled in an unmarked grave, Fred Harris of Sonora, Mexico, had his name tat tooed on his forehead. German Imported Questioned SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. , Whether the Gorman government or Its American embassy had any con-j nectlon with the transfer of 1900.000 from Berlin to San Francisco for the outfitting of the kaiser's warships by the steamer Sacramento, In viola-j tton of the neutrality laws, is some- thing which the federal grand Jury here is attempting to learn In thei grilling of millionaire Gustavo B Ku- PARIS.Turk,8h prlsoner8 quar. lenkamp, New York, importer whose teml on an lsland , the Aegean gfa J Qmm for your office home or UJI $3.00 down $3.00 a month Manufactured for and for sale by the Pacific Power & Light Company Easy payments make them easy to own. lll!!!l'!!':'"'T?'!!l!:j:"!!'v;wHiiiin!miHMw ODD YARNS FROM FRONT . firm already has become involved through having handled the money are furnished an aeroplane mail ser vice by the French government which allows them to write and receive letters. AMSTERDAM All German mlll- 10,000 to (Jet Apples. Ten thousand Johnathan apples, the finest to be found in the valley. have been shipped to San Francisco tary commanders, with one exception for free distribution Walla Walla General Falkenhayn are between day. ) sixty-five and seventy-two years old. The 100 boxes are the gift of the; Falkenhayn is fifty nine. Baker Kdingdon orchard.They will bej d'strlbuted by five girls. Literature; GENEVO The alarmed bleating describing the orchard and the valley of a lamb mascot of a regiment of! will also be distributed. I Italian Rersaglierl near Monte Nero! With this shipment was one ot led to the discovery of an attempted' equal size for exhibit In the Wash-, enemy surprise and caused the de-l First ufionol FEK2LETGJI, GnEGOX Bank S3 13 ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For It's Strength Ington display. i j feat of the Austrians with heavy loss. "'T'Wrainillf'irTlinitisr-isiiiii " l! l-'lrn!l irnlrljilllli1"'"- n