East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 23, 1915, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Anything You Want
Wo le.-pedfully call your attention to our win-
lows. you will find in them, the very best the mar- h
Vet afford?, in endless variety, and prices always
ritrht considering the quality of the goods that we jgj
Newsy Notes of Pendleton
Specials For Today
Fresh Strawberries, per box 20c
Fresh Figs just off the tree.
Winter Banana Apples, it will pay to come
to see them.
Other good things which limited space
doe not permit us to mention.
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Comes 1 Ytmi Kansas.
Coming especially to see the Kound
up. Mr. and Mrs. Guy T. Roger, of
Caney Kansas, are In Femlleton a ml
are guests at the home of Mr. rtogerCs
brother. William Boisert.
Marrias? license Record.
A marriage license was Issued this
morning to Chas. W. Brown and De
lilah Mays McKay both of this city.
The county clerk issued a manias
license yesterday to Loss W. Copeland I
of this city and Adrian House of Mc
ea. They wer married in 105 and
he two children of whom the plain
tiff asks the ear. William Peterson
Is attorney for the plaintiff.
firs VtU.Y-Kiilt;h Arrives.
The first Willys-Knight car to
reach Pendleton is now at the garage
of the McLean Auto Co., having ar
rived yesterday. This is a new
make of auto and one that is de
stined to have a reputation in the
automobile world.
Suit to rVredosr.
C. B. Baker has commenced suit
against John Laurlla et al to fore
close the mortgage on property own
ed by the defendants for the sum to
tal of f 4 1 1.6 T and $30 attorney fees.
Rtdgeway and Johnson are attorneys
for the plaintiff.
Sue Wife for Plvorce.
A suit for divorce has been filed
by Lewis Baker against Addle P. Ba
ker alleging infidelity and cruelty.
Tk ninintirf asks for costs and dis
bursements of the suit. Carter and
Smythe are attorneys for the plaln
I tiff.
Two Phones, 28.
823 Main St.
I Sulns For Wvorce.
l-aiira M. Timblin filed suit today
.,;rwt John William Timblin her
I husband, for divorce, alleging that
i shortlv after their marriage he be-
i came infatuated with another woman
1 and deserted her and that since rus
I desertion she hi been dependent UP-
on her friends and her own resourc-
IVtevtlve Help Pwlloe.
More than a dosen detectives and
special officers from over the north
west are here today assisting the po
lice in protecting the people from
the criminals attracted by the Round
up. About 20 arrests were made last
night, some for being drunk, some
for disorderly conduct and two men
were picked up for stealing automo
bile robes.
Geo. H. Edwards
Dixie Jubilee Singers
10 of the Best Vaudeville Acts
Lynching of Leo Frank. Don't fail to see this
Automobile Is Stolen.
J. F. Robinson, proplretor of the
Domestic Laundry and chief mogul
in the "Red Pog Saloon" of Happy
Canyon, is today without an automo-j
bile. He left his car last night back;
of Happy Canyon while he attended i
the festivities and It was stolen from !
there. The police and sheriff have,
descriptions of the car and are on
the lookout for It. It Is a Hudson
five-passenser car of the 1914 model.
Roof of Mortal Wins Poured. i
j Yesterday the last ol the concreta
'work except the basement floor on.
the new 1100.000 wing of the Eaat
i era Oregon State Hospital waa com-
r'eted when the roof slab waa pour
ed. In pouring the slab 1345 sack
(.t cement were used. B. C. Jagow,
who has the contract for plastering
the building, has arrived and will be
gin his department of the construc
tion work at once.
railroad Officials Coming.
Quite a number of O.-W. B. & N.
railroad officials will be here for the
Round-up. R. B. Miller. traffic
manager, will arrive tomorrow In his
special car while J. P. O'Brien, gen
eral manager .is expected this even-;
: ing or tomorrow. F. . Robinson.
! assistant traffic manager. William
McMurray, general passenger agent,!
and J. Regal, general Daggage agent,
! will be here Saturday. C. Lincoln, In
; charge of the Pullman service Is ex
pected tomorrow. Traveling Passen
ger Agent P. L. Miller is In the cltj
Kick Slnnott Is Here.
N. J. Slnnott. representative In
congress from the eastern Oregon
district, arrived In Pendleton yes
terday and will remain the rest of
the week for the festivities. He has
Just completed an 1800 mile automo
bile trip into central Oregon, taking
this means of acquainting himself
with that part of the state for the
development of which several bills
are pending before congress. Repre
sentative Slnnott was at the corner
stone ceremonies ysterday, at Happy
Canyon last night and is at the
i Kound-up today.
No Matter What the Price You Can Buy
the Same Quality For Less at The
Golden Rule Store
That's why you should do your shopping at this Big Busy Store
while attending the Round-up. We keep open evenings. We invite
you to inspect our quality and compare our prices, that's all we ask.
Men's Blue Serge Suits $9.90,
$12.50, $14.75, $18.50.
Men's Fancy Mixed or Staple
Colors, the best values you
ever seen at $6.90, $9.90,
$12.50, $14.75.
Boys' Long Pants Suits $5.90,
$6.90, $9.90, $12.50.
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits,
Norfolk coat, in fancy plaids,
stripes or Scotch mixed at
$1.98, $2.98, $3.98, and
Boys' Blue Serge Knicker
bocker Suits $2.98, $3.98,
Bib Overalls.. 49, 69 83
Work Shirts.... 25fS 39 45f
Men's Flannel Shirts in navy,
brown or grey 9S, $1.49,
Ladies' Tailored Suits, another
new lot just received and
priced at about half their
real value $9.90, $12.50,
$14.75, $16.50.
Why pay $25 to $45 for tailor
ed suits when you can get
the same values at this big
busy store at $18.50,
$22.50, $25.00, $27.50.
One piece dresses in silk pop.
lin, Bilk and serge combina
tions or plain taffeta at
$4.98, $0.90, $7.90, and
Ladies' Coats at half their real
value at this big busy store,
$6.90, $7.90, $8.90, and
Shirt Waists. You will need
an extra one for the Round
up 98 $1.98, $2.98
Silk Petticoats, plain or fancy,
$1.98, $2.98, $3.49 and
Men's Shoes for dress wear at $2.49,
$2.98, $3.50, $3.98.
Men's Riding Boots $5.90, $6.90, $790
Ladies' Shoes in patent, gun metal or vici,
cloth or mat top, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98,
Misses' Shoes $1.15, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49
You can do
better at
We Lead
Other follow
" T:
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Hi. V -vj -iUi-i.
TODAY Ess&nay
' i
In 2 Act Comedy
"His New J
NEW T0RK, Sept 23. Though
Hmittinz the billion dollar allied
loan proposal has "struck a snag" of
some sort, local financiers would not
say the situation is deadlocked. The
foreign commissioners are reported to
j be attempting to arrive at a compro
mise. Local parties to the negoti
ations professed to lie still confident
the .loan will go through.
nMtturvr.TfiV !l The al
lies most depend upon eastern banks
for their loan of a half billion or
more. Western banks eannot help
them, according to a treasury ofif
cial's statement. Scarcely a bank In
Chicago, he said, dare shoulder any
portion of the loan, because they
ftar strongly Intrenched German In
terests. Other banks are Involved
with packing and Rockefeller Inter
ests, both of which are antagonistic
to the loan.
Today, Tomorrow and Saturday
Tom Mix, champion cowboy of
the world, in vestern triumph
"Chip of the. Hying U"
president has practically decided to
call an extra session of the senate on
October 18, It is authoritatively learn
ed. Subjects for consideration will
be limited to proposals for amend
ment of cloture rules and discussion
of treaties bearing on Central and
South America-n relations.
Events in the War
One Year Ago Today
A lull is reported by both
armies in the fighting In the
center of the western line. The
French war office reports the
caoture of Peronne on their left.
Progress against the Germans
has been slow since Sept 15,
r.en. Frennh reDorts. but. he
says steady.
Petroirrad reports the Oer
mans who drove Gen. Rennen-
kempff from East Prussia have
been defeated In Bubln.
The submarine which de-
stroved three British cruisers
off the Hook of Holland has re
turned to post undamaged.
VI ,5 :
: ' t f yj
i ,j
" ' .? ?
, ' J
Presenting an evening's entertainment of all the Popular Songa and
Music of the day. Program consists of American and Hawaiian
numbers. i
The best and most refined Hawaiian Company touring the
Positively a different and better troup of Hawaiians than showed here recently.
Alto two good reel of Picture 5:30, 6:45, 8:00, 9:15, 10:30 P. M.
Open tomorrow at 10 A. M. ADMISSION 15 AND 25 CENTS
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