East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 23, 1915, Image 1

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    VOL. 27.
New Thrills Mark Opening Day of Sixth Annual Round-Up
Allen Drumheller Wins First
Place in Cowboy's Relay Race
Cowgirls Win Applause for Plucky Riding; Bulldoggers Unable to Down
Steers, Save GleiV.Bushee; Sid Seal Victor Today in Cowboy's Stand
ing Race; Show Moves with Well Known Snap and Vigor.
From thousands of throats the show
cry of the Round-up Issued this af
ternoon at 1:0 when Pendleton's
alxth annual frontier carnival began
1U reckless career. There may have
been many who did not join In the fa
miliar cry but, nevertheless, beneath
their decorum, pulsed the same spirit
which caused the more Impulsive to
welcome the advent of the cowboy's
playday with unrestrained enthusi
asm. Forgotten today are the horrors of
wasting wars, forsottcn the worries
of private and public life. The huge
throng banked In the Round-up sta
dium remembers only the thrilling
scenes being enacted before them for
their entertulnmcnt. The primitive
love of excitement controls them ab
solutely and they rejoice In It.
The crowd which Is today viewing
the sports of the cowcamp and rang,
es Is fully as large as that which was
present at the opening exhibition ol
the 1815 Round-up. The grandstand
Is a solid bank of humanity and the
bleachers are half filled with the
throng which has gathered from all
points of the compass. Conservative
estimates fix the opening crowd at be
tween 8600 and 8000.
As for the show itself, It Is pro
ceeding with the smoothness, the ab
. aence of waits and delays which
have characterized the five proceed
ing Round-ups. Beneath It all can
be glimpsed the wonderful organiza
tion which has mode Pendleton's
frontier festival the greatest of all
outdoor entermtalnments.
Right on the dot, the 1916 show
opened and the first act sent the au
dience Into spasms of merriment.
A dozen bucking steers, bulls, cows
and burros were turned loose Into the
arena at once and the air was full of
of kicking heels and flopping chaps.
Sharkey, the famous old bucking
bull, displayed a luziness today that
comes from too must fat living, and,
for the first time In his long career,
he failed to unseat his rider.
The exhibit on bucking was still
going on when a dozen cowboys
dashed up the starting point and.
were off In a cloud of dust In the
ever-exciting cowpony race. It was
a neck and neck affair throughout
the half mile but Allan Drumheller,
by a splendid exhlblton of horseman
ship, kept the pole from the start
and finished a scant foot ahead of
"Sleepy'' Armstrong.
Races Are Thrilling.
The squaw race followed Immcdi
atey and the pretty Indian maidens In
their bright dresses whipped their
little ponies Into a reckless speed,
taking the breath from spectators as
they dashed around the sharp curves.
The standing race for cowgirls was
equally exciting, Vera' McGlnnls and
Bertha Hlancctt standing erect on two
horses and holding them nbreast as
the circled the track. Miss McUlnnis
finished ten feet in the lead.
It was the cowboys' relay race that
first brought the crowd to Its feet.
With five strings of fast horses en
tered, it was a fight from the first
relay but, by one of the best exhi
bitions of changing seen In the local
park, Allan Drumheller, riding his
fathers' string took the lead from the
start. At each change of mount he
Increased his lead over "Sleepy" Arm
strong, the champion of last year, and
completed the race a quarter of a lap
In the lend. Braden Gcrklng, riding
Ed Mccarty's string, had the mlsfor.
tune to lose his horse at the first
change, but, cutting across the sta
dium, he caught It on the back
track and finished his race. The
Boise popo string, ridden by Bill Ab
bott, finished third.
Not cowgirl. entered as a rider
of the bucking horses, but staid In
her saddle today In the contest for
the champlnshlp of the world. Pret-
Starting at 9 o'clock tomorrow
morning an elimination contest
will be held at the Round-up
grounds. The events will be
steer roping, bucking, bulldog
glng and the wild horse race.
A general admission of 26 cents
will be charged.
9000 People Greet Finest Brigade of Cowboys Ever Here
First, Allen Drumheller, of Walla Walla; second,
"Sleepy" Armstrong; third, Darrell Cannon. Time, 66
4-6 seconds.
First, Amacus.
First, Vera McGlnnls; second, Bertha Blancett.
31 sec. Quarter mile,
First, Allen Drumheller, riding his own string, time,
4:13 1-6 sec; second, "Sleepy" Armstrong, riding own
string, time, 4:19 1-6 sec; third, Bill Abbott, riding Boise
polo string, time 4:25 4-5 sec; 4th, Darrell Cannon, rid
ing own string, time 4.34 1-5 sec; fifth, Braden Gerklng,
riding Ed McCarty'a string, time 4 48 2-5 sec.
Bonnie McCarrol rode Snake; Peggy Warren rode Hand
some Harry; Princess Redblrd pulled leather on Demp
sey; Bertha Blancett rode Gray Eagle.
Glen Buchee threw steer, time 1:45 3-6 sec; Paul Han
sen lost steer; John Muir lost steer; Jess Stahl, dis.
First, fid Seale. time 1.01 1-5 sec; second, Ben Corbett.
Dell Blancett, time 46 sec; Tom Grimes, time 1.2S 1-6;
Jim Roach, time 1:20; Chas Weir, time, 59 4.6 sec
Won by Jim Roach.
Won by Jess George, time 2:11 1-5.
Cowboys' and cowgirls' mounted grand march and pa
rade on the truck and arena.
Mounted parade led by Governor Wilhycombe and Pres
ident T. D. Taylor of the Round-up.
fpectaculnr Indian parade.
Fancy roping by Cuba Crutchfield, Roy Jones, Ben Cor
bett and Junn Montano.
1 n. m. doors oiH-nrd. 7:30 con
cert by Roiiiiil-iij) band. 7:50 "nap
py Cnnynn" program starts. 9 p. m.
general festivities. Miss Rcbcr sings
during concert and "Happy Canyon"
program. .
ty Bonny McCarrol was first up snd
her mount was the vicious lltle
Snake. Applause shook the grand
stand when she kept her seat with
one hnnd aloft from first to last
Jump. Hazel Warren, who has been
at every Round-up since 1911, was
more than a match for Handsome
Harry, making a beautiful ride. Prin
cess Redblrd, the Sioux maiden, was
not tho equal of her white competit
ors. Dempsey plunging with such
wkked Jumps that she waa forced to
grab the horn. She was given a
second trial and rode the horse.
Bertha Blanehett, champion of the
world, rode Gray Eagle without hob
bled stirrups and the animal was not
enough of a bucker to show her abil
ity, racing rather than bucking.
Steers Are Vicious.
In the nerve-shivering bulldogglng
contests, the steers proved better than
their cowboy opponents. Glen Bu
shee of Pendleton was the only mm
In the contests who threw and held
his steer, according to the rules. It
was only after a hard battle of near
ly two minutes that he succeeded In
mastering his long horned brute and
the struggle was watched by every
eye while the motion picture opera
tors ground away energetically at
cIobc range. Paul Hansen was the
first to chose his steer and swooped
Sown upon the long horns directly
ii front of the grandstand. After
more than a minute of struggling, the
steer threw him off and galloped
f Was Broken.
The attempt of Jesse Stahl (col
ored) was attended by the first ac
cident of the day. Just as stahl went
from his horse to the horns, the
horse of George Fletcher, his hater,
struck the steer and the two animals
and two men fell In a heap. Stahl
held his steer but In the fall the ani
mal's leg was broken. 8tahl's time
was, therefore, not allowed. John
Mulr was the only other bulldogger
soon after catching It,
Blancett Fast Roper.
Just at 2:30 the first steer was
turned Into the arena for the steer
roping contest with Dell Blancett In
pursuit. He made a perfect first cast
threw his steer as it crashed through
the fence and, while his faithful old
horse held the rope taut, hog-tled the
animal and threw up his hands Just 46
seconds from the time he took the
it took Tommy Grimes three throws
before his noose circled his steers
horns but, when he finally made the
catch, his throw and tie was done In
rapid order. His time was 1:22 1-5.
Jim Roach's first cast caught but
one horn and his second missed. His
third, made after the steer had
Jumped the fence to the track, was
good and he finished his trial In one
minute and 20 seconds.
(Continued on page four.)
Two armies arc struggling for the
possession of Dvlnsk.
German admiralty believes Hes
perian was sunk by a mine,
Germany modifies rulo regarding
conditional contraband.
Bulgaria and Greece seem near to
President will call senate In early
Loan to allies runs Into snag.
Round-up has new thrills and good
Happy Canyon entertains over 8000
with unique program.
Council prohibits transient dance
Clarence Edmunds passes away.
Noted blrdman here to arrange for
Cornerstone of federal building
1 1
Treatment of Ships Carrying Condi
tional Contraband to be Modified
in Part.
IniX-tial Government Holds no Trea
ties Violated In Frye Cane but
landing Settlement of Question
Orders Naval Eorees to He Leni.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. Ger
many has made concessions concern
ing attacks upon American ships car
rying conditional contraband. This
developed when the state department
made public the German note on the
sinking of the American vessel Wil
liam Frye, which, she contended, was
subject to attack as she was carrying
such goods. Germany consents to ar
bitrate the Frye case and named an
expert to determine the pecuniary
loss but 'does not acknowledge that
the sinking violated any treaty. She
suggests a settlement of the latter
dispute by arbitration at the Hague.
In the note Germany stated she had
ordered her naval forces not. to de
stroy American merchantment carry
ing conditional contraband but to per
mit them to continue their voyage un
hindered if it is possible to take them
to port, although contending she Is
not obligated to do this.
While ogreeing to the American
Proposal to separate the question of
indemnity from the question of inter
pretation Of the Prussian-American
treaties, Germany In the note ex
pressly states she does not acknow
ledge violation of the treatv as the
t'nited States contended but admits
that a, settlement of the question of
Indemnity does not prejudice an ar
rangement of differences of opinion
concerning the Interpretation of trea
ty rights. Germany declares that
from the standpoint of law and equi
ty she Is not prevented from proceed.
Ing against American ships carrying
contraband until the question is set
tled by arbitration, but "in order to
furnish America with evidence of its
conciliatory attitude" It states the
naval forces are ordered to be leni
ent toward American merchantmen
carrying conditional contraband.
Succumbing to an Illness of several
weeks, Clarence Edmunds, overseer
of the finishing department at the
Pendleton Woolen Mills, passed away
last evening at his home at 219 Beau
regard street
The deceased had been afflicted
with septlciemla for some time but
during the last few days was unable
to rise from his bed. He was a prom
inent member of the Presbyterian
church and a member of the Moose
lodge. Edmunds Is survived by his
wife and two children. He had nu
merous relatives on the Pacific coast
who will probably be here for the fu
neral. Two years ago the deceased was
with the woolen mills and only re
turned to this city In June to resume
his old position. Funeral arrange
ments have not yet been made.
Wheat Down Trifle
In Chicago Today
CHICAGO, Sept 13. (Special.)
at the close today, Sept. 11.05 bid;
Dec. 94 asked; Hay, 9 6-8.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept J3
(Special.) Bid prices today, club,
84; bluestem 90.
Iverpool (Yesterday.)
LIVERPOOL, Sept 22. Wheat,
Spot, No. 1 Manitoba, lis lOd; No
2, lis 9d; No. 3, lis 7 1-ld; No. 1
northern Duluth, lis 6d; No. 1 red
western winter, 10c 3d; No. i harl
winter, lis 10 l-2d.
In American terms the Liverpool
price for spot No. 1 Is $1.72 per
Cuba Crutchfield, Fancy Roper jj
.. V I
- " I.-:" !
; : : '. L. A
Cuba Crutchfield, undoubtedly the greatest fancy roper in the world,
is one of the big feature attractions of the Round-up this year. Crutch
field does all of the ordinary stunts with the running noose with an ease
that makes them seem simple and he has evolved some stunts of his own
which prove how sreat is hii mastery of this cowboy art.
nnDMcuPTiiML nr mo rrnrrin
With imposing and appropriate (
ceremonies, the cornerstone of Pen
dleton's new $100,000 federal build-1
Ing was laid yesterday afternon at 4!
o'clock before a crowd that choked
the building site and adjacent streets.
Presided over by the Masonic order
and with the chief Mason of tho
state as the principal figure, the ex
ercises were extremely Impressive,
At 3 o'clock the Masons of the city,
delegates from the various county
lodges and visiting members of the
lodge to the number of about 256'
gathered at the Masonic temple and
just before the hour set for the cere
monies, marched through the streets
to tho federal building site where the
foundation and basement of the
beautiful building has already been
constructed. The speakers and off!
cers of the lodge took places on the
platform constructed for the occasion
and the formal exercises were opened
with a beautiful selection by the large
choir under the direction of F. B
Preceding the ceremonies. Chaplain
Charles Qulnney of the local lodge
A. F. & A. M., offered lip a prayer.
With square and level the Masons
tested the beautiful cornerstone and
big cornerstone before it was lowered
into place and adjusted. With corn,
wine and oil the Masons following the
ormai Masonic ceremony, the corner.
stone was dedicated, the corn stand
ing for nourishment, the wine for
lerreshment and the oil for joy.
When the stone was placed the im
plements were delivered over tn J !3 ,
Winter, the contractor, that he might
nnisn me work. ,
Frank J. Miller of Albany, grand'
master ot the Oregon Masons, made
the formal address which took the
form of a history of the Masonic fra-'
ternlty. Explaining as he did the
ancient origin of the order, which an-!
tedates the building ot Solomon's'
temple. Its purposes. Its history of,
usefulness and service, Mr. Miller'e
address was not onlv lntr.Min h,,t'
highly Instructive and he held thei
attention of the big audience from
his first sentence to his last
Mr. Miller was followed by Col. J.
H. Raley of Pendleton, who spoke
upon the history of Pendleton, Its
pioneer beginning, the successive
(Continued oa pact, five.)
NO. 8603
Lid is off ot Happy Canyon and
Games of Chance are in Full
Swing in the "Red Dog Saloon.
Every Early Day Gambling; Device
Lure Men and Vonten to Hazard
a (fiance on a Turn of tlic Wheel
More Than 3000 People Attend
the Opening lest Night.
Pendleton's annual wild west en
tertainment really began last night
when Happy Canyon, the reincarnat
ed frontier Tillage .opened wide lta
tioors and "threw off the lid."
More than 3000 people crowded In
to the pavilion wherein has been
built a reproduction of the towns
which flourished In this country when
civilization was young out here.
About everything that characterised
these pioneer towns waa to be seen
In Happy Canyon. In the 'JRed Dos
Saloon" roulette wheels ' whirred,
wheels of fortune spun and faro
banks, crap games, poker tables and
many other early day gambling de
vice lured men and women to has--ard
their ."Ten Buck" bills which ar
good for fun and fun only. From over
the long bars, picturesque bartend
ers dispensed "sagebrush juleps."
"rattlesnake gin" and other western
drinks which, when analyzed, prov
ed quite as harmless as the far-tamed
From elevated platforms, fiddlers
sawed away those ancient tunes to
w-hich cowboys' spurs used to jingle
snd in the mammoth dancing pavil
ions hundreds of couples danced with
a democracy never seen any place
else. Cowboy swung society dames
about the floor and the society
dames felt honored. Though fun ran
riot, there was an absence of the dis
order which might have been ex
pected. Before the general festivities be
gan, the big audience was entertain
ed with an hour's program of the
sports and excitements of pioneer
life. Cowboys and cowgirls put on a
horseback quadrille, bucking horse-),
steers and burros were mounted,
"Spender's Bank" wag held up by
desperadoes, Indians whooped and
yelled as they pursued a fleeing
white man full of arrows and then
gave way before shooting cowboys.
The village fire department rescued
whale families from the burning
"Stagger Inn" and the village band
rendered selections. Miss Doris Re
ber. the queen of the Round-up, sang
from, horseback. Bulldogger Frank
McCarroll successfully defied the ef
forts of two horses to pull apart his
folded arms and the were any num
ber of other stunts to provoke the
crowj to cheers. As the grand cli
max to the program a long horned
wild steer waa liberated on the
"street" and chased the daring cow
punchers who flaunted red kerchiefs
in his face. .
It was some little old show when
taken all together and not until aft
er midnight did the fun cease, and
even then, the streets were crowded
by people loth to take to their beds.
The opening night of Happy Can
yon saw Jtiat about a fourth more
peorle in the pavilion than greeted
the opener last year. The show last
night at that waa title more than
a reheursu! for the nut threo mxlits,
for all of the stunts were put on
without any practice. Bver thing
tan smoothly, however, ami went
merry as a marriage bell.
By " 0 clock a great crow 1 had
gathered in the pavilion and t.y 7:3U
practically every seat was taken.
The Round-up band played several
selections while the audience was
gathering and Miss Ueber sang a
concert selection from the elevatea
platform. Just before o'clock the
rear doors of the pavilion opened and
a lumbering stage cotch, drawn br
four galloping grays and laden with
human cargo, dashed Into the street.
Jinks Taylor cracking his whip over
the back of the horses. After mak
ing a turn at the west end of the
street, the coach drew up In front
of the old .VII lard hotel where the
mail pouch was discharged.
As the roach left the pavilion, four
cowboys and rowglrls, led by Dell
and Ilertha Itlancett, dushed onto
(Continued on pagt five.)