East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 22, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1 !) 1 ;
For Busy Round-Up Days
Pemeco Quality Roasts
Pemeco launch Meats
'Temeco" Boiled Ham
"Pemeco" Minced Ham 1
"Pemeco" Bologna
The Central (market
Phone 455.
(Continued from pace on.)
County Library List of mtmberi
county library board Bept. ttlS, lilt
of members Pendleton library board,
Nor. till when county court united
with city to make county library.
Hat of county court Nov. 1I1S, and
nam of Judge, tut of member of
county court Sept. 1815 and name ot
Judge, copy of Tribune, July I, lilt,
copy of East Oregonian July 1. 1916,
three, kodak picture of tint opera
tions on new library site.
Judge Harsh List of county offi
(Special Correspondence.)
WESTON. Sept. 11. Mr. aid Mr.
Joseph Wurxer returned home Mon
day evening after a few days' visit
with friends and relative In Walla
Mrs. John Bonewlti of Weston.
made a business trip to Pendleton
Miss Zllla Simpson, formerly of
Weston, was In town Monday visiting
relntlvea from her home In Walla
Miss Anlce Barnes left Monday for
her school near Athena.
Mr. and Mrs Jiis. Compton return
ed home Saturday after pendlni the
summer at Rockland. Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Hale of Ad
nms, was In Weston Sunday.
Mrs. John McTlae who has been
111 since her arrival home from Can
2260 acres near the Blue Mountain Forest Reserve; allott
raent for two band of aneep. Water piped Into a two story
7 room house. Fine spring close to two bams, good family
er chard. Stream runs through premises. 80 acres bovtom
laad, together with tillable bene land, produces sufficient
feed for stock In winter. This ranch is adapted to any kind
ef stock, ti tons of hay goes with this ranch at 110 per
acre. Easy terms. If not soldln September, It Is off the
E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore.
Don't Put It Off
Eat Ononian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Enclosed find 25e for which please send your special
Rotmd-Up Editions postpaid as yer your "special offer,"
to lie following address:
Post Office
Name of Sender.... ,
5 that makes less expense and lower prices.
I Our telephone is just as close as the other fellow.
What does this mean to you? E
I East End Grocery I
JOHN DYER Phone 536
"Pemeco" Weinera
'Pemeco" Head Cheese
"Pemeco" Jellied Tongue
108 E. Alta St.
ada, Is reported -to be slowly recover
Mrs. Hugh Worthington and son
Emery of Athena, were In Weston
Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs! Richard Morrison of
this city are spending the week In
walla Walla.
Louis Anderson and family, are
moving from the Edwin Anderson
place to the D. N. Van Skyer farm
which he has leased.
Mrs. Ralph Lane, who ha been
spending the past three weeks witn
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Klnnear, returned to her home in
Portland Monday.
Mrs. Fred Boyd of Athena was n
fcuost at the S. A. Barnes residence
In Weston Sunday.
Miss Laura Lower of Walla Walla.
Is In Weston during the week with
Mrs. J. C. Turner on their farm north
of Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klnnear of
Milton, were In Weston Sunday vis
Itlng at the Kinenar residence.
Mr. Fabor of Columbia Colloge of
Milton, filled the Methodist pulpit in
the abscence of Rev. N. D. Wood,
For Sale.
One hundred acres of Irrigated land
situated at Ewlng Station. Morrow
county, Oregon. This is the richest
tract In the world. Can prove It by
showing product of corn, onions, po
tatoes and other products. It will
produce 600 tons of alfalfa hay. It
has excellent system of Irrigation,
with perpetual running water. Easy
terms. Address. W. D. Ewlng Cecil,
Oregon. Adv.
Mail in Today.
Q Advertising ia Brief
Per line first InMrtloo 10e
I'er Not, sddltioDal iDnertlon. . . . Se
Per lloe, per moats 11.00
Nq locsls Uken far Ins than 2."e.
Count ordinary worm to Una.
Louis will oat be taken over the
phoe snd remittance must sceom
paaj order.
For fuel fone five.
Carpenters, can phone 27 after .
Wanted couple to be married In
Happy Canyon.
Public dance each night this week
at Eagle-Woodman Hall.
Auto trimming at Gadwa's harness
store, 304 East Court street.
For sale, reasonable, two desirable
residence lots. Inquire 401 Aura.
Will care for children afternoons.
Rates reasonable. 301 Lllleth street
Experienced stenographer and
bookkeeper wants position. Phone
For sale 80 head stock hogs.
Weight 70 to ISO pounds. Inquire
this office.
Blx, room house, with garage, for
sale. Located at lis Long street
Telephone 18F11.
John Rosenberg, Court street
watchmaker and Jeweler. All work
Wanted Woman for general
housework. Inquire Mrs. Steiwer, 103
Lewis street.
Old paper for sale; Uei In bundle
Jood 'or starting fires, etc. 10
oundU. This office.
For sale One Heywood baby bug
gy, nearly new. 21. Phone 210W or
call 309 W. Alta.
Wanted Position with some busi
ness firm as salesman. Best of ref
erences. "B" this office.
Fhavlng, 15c, at the Patton barber
shop. Open at 6 a. m., close at I or
later. No raise In prices.
Very many people desire to buy
lands In eastern Oregon. What have
you to offer, and price T N. Berkeley.
Fur sale Modern nine room house,
one corner lot. Will sell reasonable
if taken at once. Telephone 209J.
Chu. Chaplin wants to see all his
friends at the Cosy. Over 600 seating
capacity lots of room for laughs.
Wanted Good reliable woman to
dike care of house and do cooking
during Round-i.p. Apply 330 Water
Garbage hauled at reasonable
prices. All work promptly done. Any
place In town. Ed Lannlngs, 1401
W. R. R.
Found Near postoffiee, Harvard
luck key. Owner can have same by
culling at this office and paying for
this notice.
For sale Seven room modern
house, plastered and In first class
condition. Inquire C. Rohrman, lis
Grange street.
For sale Span small horses, har
ness and covered hack, suitable for
camping purposes. Inquire Commer
cial Livery Stable.
Edwards' Dixie Jubilee singers, a
big minstrel and vaudeville show. 10
people. At .the Cosy, of course, Pen
dleton biggest show house.
See the great mob scene and the
actual lynching of Leo Frank down
In Georgia. Cosy theater enlarged,
remodeled, over S00 seats.
Wanted Motion picture state right
buyers for "Walla Walla Frontier
Days'' Address W. A. Van Scoy,
Pathe Film Ex., Portland, Ore.
For sale Or will trade for Uma
tilla county grain lands, good valley
ranch near Salem. Oregon. Inquire
at Colesworthy's Chop Mill, 129 E
Alta street.
"Mutt" takes the big loads and
"Jeff shows the speed. Penland
Bros, haul anything and reasonable.
Furniture van and storage warehouse
Office (47 Main street. Phone S39.
INUuts at Moose Hall.
Dance every night this week at
Moose Hall, opposite from Happy
Canyon. Admission 10c ,5c a dance.
Let 'er Buck. Adv.
, Notice.
There will be no raise in prices at
the Court street barber shop during
Round-up week. Regular prices.
Dancers, Attention!
Dance at Eagle-Woodman hall to
night at 9. Admission, 50c.
(Adv ) Mnnager.
For Sale.
My home place on McKay creek of
320 acres, HO In summer fallow, 100
In stubble and 20 In alfalfa. Will sell
stock and equipment with place, If
desired. Write or see Charles Man
ning, Pilot Rock, Ore. Adv.
BAKER. Ore., Sept. Mayor
Charles L. Palmer, arrested charged
with violation of the state automobile
law In falling to display his license
number on the rear of his car, plead
ed guilty and was fined 125 by Jus
tice of the Peace Hubbard. Payment
of the fine was suspended. Mr.
Palmer explained that he had lost
the number plate and was having an
other one made. The license was
shown on the front of his car as re
quired by law.
O. C. Rood, whose auto frightened
the team of John Ritchie, causing a
runaway resulting In Mr. Ritchie's
death, was also arrested on a similar
charge, pleaded guilty and received
the same penalty.
New Bishop Consecrated.
DENVER, Colo., Sept. 21. Fifteen
bishops and archbishops participated
In the consecration of Rev, A. J.
Schiller as bishop of El Taso here.
The services were held In the Immn-
culnte Conception Cathedral.
Jos. Hlomgren is In the city from
J. Trott of Echo was in the city
B. C. Jagow from Spokane, was a
visitor yesterday.
P. W. Oedney of Spokane, Is a
Pendleton visitor today.
K. F. Jenkins of Portland, was a
visitor In the city yesterday.
Dudley Evans registered at the St.
George yesterday from Portland.
Charles Estes of Durkee Is In Pen
dleton, attracted here by the big an
nual show.
W. A. Dalzlel, deputy labor com
missioner from Portland Is registered
at the Bowman.
Dale Chessman, formerly of this
city, will arrive In the morning from
Portland to attend the Round-up.
Bruce Prater of Walla Walla Is
here to take In the Ilound-up. Mr.
Prater was formerly of Pendleton.
P. C. Gartley of Portland, district
representative of the Maxwell Motor
Sales Co., Is here for the festivities.
H. Bennett, C. S. Unna, M. Hor
man and Wm. Seroy all of Portland
are registered at the Pendleton today.
MIsb Augusta Louise Herboth of
Klrkvllle, Mo.,' Is the guest of her
sister. Miss Helene T. Herboth during
the Ruund-up.
newsy notes
of Pendleton
IhomiiMin a Little llctu-r.
The condition uf Sam R. Thump
son, who Is very 111 at his home, is
reported a little better today.
Cane is Non-Suited. ,
The case of John Vaughan of En
terprise vs. J. L. Hammack. set fur
trial today, was nonjulted when the
Plaintiff failed to appear and the de
fendant was given a Judgment. The
plaintiff was suing for 1600. His at
tnrnov .T A Rurluiwh AiA ,.. n .
this murning and the case was post-
lir.ncw! ,.I1 1-91 u-UAn lf l IJ, '
u until i.o... mini ... .11. I I-U-ISUU
attorney fur the defendant, asked for
Many Milton people Coming.
That many people from the east
end of the county will be here for ,
the Round-up Is the statement of
George Talbert. member of the Mil-
ton band, who came on In advance of j
the hand today In order to be pres
ent for the opening of Happy Canyon, j
He states that the people of the ease
end are strong for the Round-up!
above all other frontier shows and
are coming In great numbers.
Announcers Are Announced.
The announcing system at the
Round-up this year will be the same;
as last year. There will be three '
crows' nests, one at each end and one!
In the center and each will be con
nected with the Judges' Maud by tel
ephone. Lee V. Drake in the Judges'
stand will transmit the results over
the wires to the crows' nests and they'
w ill thus be announced to every part j
of the audience at once. In the
crows' nests will be Ray Crystal, Fred
J. McMonies and R. E. Chloupel;
They tried out their voices early this
murning and frightened all of the
stuck in the corrals.
Umatilla Wants llrr Water.
The town of I'malilla is making
strung efforts to have the O-W. R.
& N. Co. complete its part of the wa
ter system in that town, according to
A. G-, Means who is up today. Some
time ago the town bunded itself to put
in a distribution svstem and is now
paying interest on these bunds. The '
O.-W. company dug a well 200 feet
deep and secured a supply of pure
water but has never erected any tower
or tank. Consequently, the t'matillt
ans have dune without their new wa
ter system. Mr. Means as a repre
sentative of the council went to Port
land this week and conferred with
President Farrell who has started
action toward relleviiiK the condition
EUGENE, Ore . Sept. 22. W. C. i
Keever. PS years old. residing at'
Pleasant Hill, was killed almost in-
stantly when about 15 sticks of giant:
Powder with which he was working1
exploded. He was working with a
country road crew 20 miles west of,
Eueene near the village of Franklin.!
Keever was seen stooping over a
box of giant powder and caps and
was smoking a pipe. His fellow em-!
ployes think sparks from the pipe ig
nited the caps and caused the explc- j
slon. He leaves a w ife and seven
children, some of whom are grown.
He also has a brother, John Keever,
In Eugene.
Mexican Airmen Over I'. S.
EL CKNTRO. Cal.. Sept. 22.
Ranchers living five mile northeast
of Calexlco, the American town on
the Mexican border, reported they
had seen two aeroplanes bearing Mex
ican flags flying over United States
Speculation was rife as to where
the aeroplane might belong as there
Is none stationed on the Mexlcun side
In that vicinity as far as is known.
The aircraft, according to the report,
disappeared while traveling In an
eastarly direction.
Freighter Is In Collision.
NEW YORK. Sept. 22. The At-
limtl. tixineiwirf linn f r I i Xftn.
nesuta coiuneu won an umnenuitpu
vessel off Cowe. England, Friday, nc
cordlnc to a cablegram to the line's
offices today, Xo details are given,
but it Is believed the collision was not
scriuus. The freighter carried no pas
Si ngers or cargo.
m:m m telegraphs
hoi mm p Bi iir aim;
"Reserve me four feet of
space In the grandstand fur all
three days." This was the rath-
r queer wording of a telegram
received yesterday by the
Round.up directors from H. M.
Stewart of Redmond, Oregon.
It was turned over to Tom Hoy-
len. Jr., who is In charge of the
ticket sale, and he was very
much perplexed Inasmuch as
the grandstand space Is not sold
by the foot. Inquiries around
town, however, soon revealed
the reason for the strange re-
quest. Mr. Stewart has friends
here and they explained that
Mr. Stewart Is a man of gener- 4
ous proportions. In fact weighs 4)
something over 300 pounds. He
attended the Round-up last
year but his enjoyment was mar- 4)
red by the fact that he had not
room enough in his seat. The
eighteen inches measured off
for each person was far too
small and. to avoid any similar
situation this year, Mr. Stewart
asked for four running feet. The
telegram thus explained, Mr.
Boylen reserved him two seats
for each day and made them
aisle seats so that. If the three
feet Is not enough, he can hang
over in the aisle.
fContlnned from nage one )
Bushee, Pendleton, Ore. Dell
Blancett, Phoenix. Arls. 19 Bertha
Blancett, Phoenix, Arls. 11 Ben Cor
bett. La Grande, Ore. 13 W. H.
Chandler, Sommervllle, Ore. 13
Earl Simpson, Jackson Hole, Wyo.
14 Joe Forrest, Cayuse, Ore. 15
J. B. Woodall, Ardmore, Okia. 16
Allen Holt, Woodslde, Mont. 17 Tom
Grimes, Cheyenne, Wyo. IS Paul
Hansen, Cheyenne, Wyo 19 Princess
Redbird, Flandreau, 8. D. 20 B. H.
Inman, Pendleton, Ore. 21 Mrs. B.
H. Inman. Pendleton, Ore. 22
Charley White. Sheridan, Wyo. 23
Dave' White, Sheridan, Wyo. 24 Ira
de Millo, Calgary, Canada. 25 F. O.
Hampton. Lewiston, Idaho. 26 Roy
Kane, Calgary, Canada. 27 Cuba
Crutchfield, Claramore, Okla. 28
Mrs.Cuba Crutchfield, Los Angeles,
Calif. 29 Mayme F. Saunder,
Boulder, Colo. 30 Sam Ortego,
California. 31 Sid Seale, Condon,
Ore. 32 John Mulr, Maupln. Ore.
33 Tex Daniels, Denio, Ore. 34
Fred Heide. Reno, Nev. 35 Walter
Whitten, Wilcox, Wash. 86 Cliff
Gerrod, Portland, Ore. 37 William
Williams, Mission, Ore. 38 Andrew
Jack. Pendleton, Ore. 39 L. D.
Redding, Prinevllle, Ore. 40 Will
Swltzer, Thorn Hollow, Ore. 41
Frank Smith. Haines, Ore. 42 Bill
Hart, Pendleton, Ore. 43 Ray Sle-r-er,
Pendleton, Ore. 44 Burt Pur
din, Prlneville, Ore. 45 Stanley
Morris. Prinevllle, Ore. 46 Less
Pope. Echo, Ore. 47 Harley Thome.
Holdman, Ore. 48 A. Skeels, Pen
dleton, Ore. 49 Red Parker, Valen
tine. Neb. 50 Slim Chambers,
Scotts Bluff, Neb. 61 Jim Roach.
McKay. Ore. 52 Jim Massey. Sny
der. Texas. 53 Lucian Williams,
Gibbon. Ore. 54 Charley Keith,
Wallula. Wash. 65 Leonard E. Mc
Coy, Cheyenne, Wyo. 56 Frank
Downs, Tacoma, Wash. 57 Juan
Montano, Tucson. Aris. 58 Darrell
Cannon, Ritter, Ore. 69 Max Gaunt,
Toppenish, Wash. 60 Braden Ger
king, Ritter, Ore. 61 Curley Eads,
The Dalles, Ore. 62 Charley Mer
chant, Belllngham, Wash. 63 W. T.
Kane, SherMan, Wyo. 64 Joe Bush
man, Pendleton. Ore. 65 Tom Wil
liams, Long Creek, Ore. 66 Clarence
Plant, Long Creek, Ore. 67 Ed Me
Gilvary, Prlneville. Ore. 68 Frank
Roach, Pendleton. Ore. 69 Bert
McFarland, Pendleton, Ore. 70
Celita Roach, Pendleton, Ore. 71
Ruth Parton. Toppenish. Wash. "2
Allen Drumheller, Walla Walla,
Wash. 73 John Taylor, Pendleton.
Ore. 74 Jesse Stahl. Eureka, Calif.
75 Johnson Barnhart, Pendleton.
Ore. 76 Benjamin Oakes, Winona,
Wash. 77 Cleave Royd. Pendleton,
Ore. 7S Jim Roberts, rendleton.
79 Bud Ogilvy. Winnemuoea,
50 Alex Mclntyre. Umatilla.
51 Geo. Anderson, Umatilla.
52 Will Battig. Umatilla, Ore.
83 Joe Hayes, Pendleton. Ore. S4
Dan Doherty. Pendleton, Ore. S3
GeurKe Spearman. McKay, Ore. 86
Zibe Morse, Union. Ore. 87 Wm.
Delaney. McKay. Ore. SS Fred Xay
lor, Toppenish, Wash. 89 Gilbert
Minthorn. Thorn Hollow, Ore. 90
Harry Kelly, Cody, Wyo. 91 Chester
Anthony, Pendleton. Ore. 92 Yak
ima. Canutt. Pomeroy. Wash.
Earl Newquist, Pendleton. Ore
Frank Cable. Pendleton. Ore.
Roy Adams, Uklah. Ore.
(Continued from paee 1
ment estimates of June and July to
bear the prices but are saying noth
ing about the SO per cent loss in har
vesting the crop.
The buyers understand the situa
tion better than the farmers. At
Chicago, Minneapolis and Duluth
there has been 60c difference between
spot wheat ond Sept. 30 delivery,
showing that It is actually worth 50
cents more per bushel than they arc
bidding. And If they could not bor
row our wheat they would hnve 'o
pay that price. But as long as far
mers will ship their wheat to them
and allow them to use It, they will
not have to buy any wheat, but will
use that to keep down the price of
what Is left at home.
If I could borrow horses until aft
er harvest, they would not cost so
much then.
Every luduceimut Is being offered
If you want a watch bad
you want it good.
Watch buyers of experience
are finding it expensive to buy
pocket clocks for timekeepers.
One man said, "I'm tired of
buying those tin watches; gim
mie a good one."
To those who cannot afford
a good watch we recommend
the $5.50 Elgin which is a
standard watch.
Royal M. Sawtelle
Established in 1SS7
by the buyers to get thi wheat to
use without buying It
Here thev ate loaning the farmer
on ner cent of present value at C per
cent Interest, and they take care of
the storage and insurance and agree.
to give the market price any ume
the farmer chooses to sell.
That looks better than local stor
age. Insurance and 8 per cent t
home, but if the farmer ship to them
prices will be no better.
Hoolne this will get the farmer
to get the real market price for their
wheat, I am very truly.
wnriAPERT Rent. !2. A successor
to Dr. Konstantln T. Dumba, the
Austro-Hungarian ambassador, whose
recall was asked by President Wilson,
has been appointed, according to dis
patches received here from Vienna-
Cyclist Ropes Hie in City.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Sept. 22. An
elk, which Is believed to have broken
from a menagerie was captured by
Motorcycle Policeman Hook after a
chase of several blocks through the
city ftreets.
Hook, who was formerly a cowboy,
i oped the fleeing animal while on the
rear seat of the motorcycle which
was driven by another patrolman. The
elk died of fright.
French Shell Enemy.
PARIS. Sept. 22. A communique
reported the French had cannonaded
the enemy heavily at all points of the
Hurrah! For the Round-Up
Boost for Pendleton
Buy of the
The Home of the Stylish Hat
740 Main Street.
ddge Brothers I
A roadster designed to be nil that a
roadster shuuld be.
A car capable of carrying two peo
ple in continuous comfort.
You can see better than we can tell,
how beautiful it is.
Modeled in clay, when it was first
conceived, it was re-modeled, again
and again, till the last harsh line
was eliminated.
The body is built of st-el. with the
usual useless framework entirely
As a result there is extraordinary
storage space at the rear more
than sufficient fur nil the lui!gaj;e
two might take on a long tour.
A light car. ulth all the advantages
which that lightness adds to the
powerful motor but a stout,
staunch, strung car. ami a steady
ene as well.
1 Pendleton Auto Company I
lllllllllllllllllllllllllt lill llitii iittitiiiiii tit iiiii iiiiiiiiiiuiii iiKiin m jit ttitilf lit ttliiff
battlellne. These prevented the ene
my from gathering new supplies of
ammunition. The German are active)
bombarding the suburb of Arras,
Foucaucourt, Merelevllle and Tracy
Les Val. lively bomb attack In the)
Berry Au Bac region last night wer
Russians Are Stoma.
BERLIN. Sept. 22. Prince Leo-i
pold of Bavaria ha stormed the Slaw
positions on the Myechanka liver on
both aide of the BrMt-LItovsk-Minsk
railway, and captured Cntrow,
k was officially announced.
A. M. Going West. P. M.
Lt. Weeton 1:00 Lr. Weston l:t
Lv. Athena 1:15 Lv. Athena 1:1 S
Lt. Adam ' 8;35 Lt. Adam
A. M. Going East P. M.
Lt. Pend'n 10:00 Lv. Pend'a :t
Lt. Adams 10:50 Lv. Adams :6
Lv." Athena l.:15 Lv. Athena :16
Fares. '
Weston to Athena, ttc; Weston to
Adams, 60c; Athena to Adams, 15c;
Weston to Pendleton, Jl 00; Athena to
Pendleton, 75c; Adams to Pendleton,
Round trips, if made in same day:
Weston and Pendleton, 81 50, Athena
and Pendleton. 31.25.
Headquarter: Weston, at City
Drug Store; Athena, St. Nichols Ho
tel; Adams. Inland Mercantile Store;
Pendleton. French Restaurant.
A. M. Boyd en. Proprietor.