East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 20, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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MRS. CLOSE, will be with us all this
week with a complete line of Tru Blu Cook
ies and Crackers, XOXE BETTER, made by
kane. Shop Early. Store Closes at Noon Each
Day of Round-up. Opens at 5 o'clock.
Newsy Notes of Pendleton
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
M Two Phones, 28.
823 Main St.
lyi Round-up Dates, September 23-24-25.
To Address II. S. Girls,
Kov. Dora Head Harbor, who Is
here for Kouini-up work under a
commission from Governor Withy
combe to assist women and Kir's,
will this afternoon address the girl
students of the high school.
Called by Fatlicr's Illness.
Georse Pearce, employe of the Cen
tral Meat Market, left Saturday for
McMlnnville in response to a messaga
statins that his father. Vine W.
Pearce. former county judge In his
home county, suffered a stroke of
Paralysis. cj&iS
Cuduhy's Mon AVoulil Conic.
Saturday the Commercial associa
tion received a telegram from John
M. O'Rourke of the Cudahy Tacking
Co.. of Chicago asking for the dates
of the Round-up. An answer was sent
telling him he would have to hurry
to get here.
Xool Fry In Desolation Creek.
Some plantings of trout fry are
needed for Desolation creek, accord
ing to Mel Shutrum who has Just re
turned from a fishing and hunting
trip to the Desolation territory. This
stream has long been known as one
of the best fishing streams In east
ern Oregon, but Mr. Shutrum says
that he found It poorer this year than
ever before. He will be one to take
an nuto to the creek If fry can be se
cured for planting, he says.
Semi in? I.umlier to Montana.
C. A. Wainstrom. representative of
) the Burroughs mills in this city, re
j turned during the weekend to Mon-
Last Chance to See
WM, S. HART in
si if r nVirrnr rt If rjrn
A Gripping Drama of the Alaskan Wilds
Don't miss seeing this
tana where he is placing many orders
for lumber. Shipments have already
been sent from the local mills to
I'utte, Terrey. Hillings and Great
Falls and a carload Is now going out
to Laxinna for the construction of a
school house.
Man-law License granted.
A marriage license was issued to
day to Howard A. Frick and Ruth
M. Lund, both of Henniston.
S. s. Hoard to Meet,
The Sunday school board of the
Methodist church will meet tomorrow
evening in the church parlors.
Indian Ruby llcs.
The little Indian baby, granddaugh
ter of Annie Chapman, died during
the night in a local rooming house.
The cause of the death is apparently
i.v .!.,.. WIUIM W'l llillll yiP II II H III II ITI .
fit . QmM
V. L. S. E., the big 4, presents
Geo. Ade's Mirthful
Comedy Drama
Featuring Ruth Stonehouse and Francis Bushman
Forestry officials Coming,
Assistant Forester Barnes of Wash
irgton, D. C, and Assistant District
Forester Mackenzie of Portland, will
be in Pendleton about the middle of
this week to go over range conditions
on the I'matilla forest with Forest Su
pervisor Cryder.,
In Xew Primarj Rimiiii .
The extra primary room was op
ened this morning In the Field
school with Mrs, Elmer E. Geiss as
teacher and there were forty pupils
enrolled. Some of these came from
each of the thn?e other schools but
the majority wre from the Wash
ington school wfcere the congestion In
tfle primary department was greatest,
Ship 500 cattle.
Lyle Peaney, Dillard French and
Smith Bros., well known John Day
stockmen, are In for the Round-up,
having brought In 500 cattle for ship
ment to the markets. This Is tho
lr.st shipment of the season. They
state that, during the summer, an av
erage of 500 cattlo a week have been
shipped out of that country.
You Mrs. Rooming House Keeper, you Mrs. Boarding
Mouse Keeper and you Mrs. Private Family, will be call
ed upon to take care of the crowds that will be here for
Round-up. Have you got plenty linens and other bed
dings to accommodate them all? Better let this big busy
store supply you in these.
Good sized cotton blankets
grey, tan or white 49,
Full size 64x80 cotton blan
kets, a splendid $1.35
value 9S
72x80 extra large cotton
blankets, tan, grey or
white $1.40
Extra heavy very large cot
ton blankets, you will
not buy a better one at
$3, our price $1.9S
Woolnap blankets, soft
and fluffy, come in fan
cy plaid and plain colors
$3 values $1.9S
66xS0 wool blankets, plain
colors or fancy plaids
at $2.98
Cretonne covered comfort
ers, all clean cotton fill
ing, why pay $2 and $3,
Golden Rule price is
$1.49, $1.98.
Real heavy wool blankets,
size 70x80 some
beautiful plaids in this
lot and doubt if you will
find their equal else
where at $6.00. Golden
Rule price $3.98
Better see those extra
heavy all wool blankets
that are considered good
$7.50 and $10 values
elsewhere, priced at
$4.98, $5.90.
Full size comforters, real
heavy and good values
at a third more, 9St,
If you want a real fine
comforter covered snow
white, fluffie cotton
filled at only $3.98,
72x90 sheets with seams,
65c and 75c values 39?,
81x90 seamless sheets of
good heavy bleached
sheeting 69?
81x90 seamless sheets,
fancy scalloped hem, at
only 79?
You just as well save a
nice per cent on your
sheets at 73S 83 94
Pillow slips 8i3S 171,
2 if.
Huck towels 83, 10f,
Turkish towels, large size,
good weight, per pair
10, 19, 23, 39t.
Pillows.... 49( 79 98
Exhibit Sent to Fair.
The Commercial association today
sent to Salem an exhibit of Umatilla
county grains and grasses to be shown
at the annual state fair. The exhib
it is an exact duplicate of the exhibit
sent from this county to the Panama.
Pacific fair and was gathered by E
E. Cleaver under the direction of the
county court and Commercial association.
the money equilavent of a cow and a
calf the Roaches claim he stole from
them. Oilman denies the theft. The
evidence was taken this morning and
the attorneys submitted the case to
the jury this afternoon without argu
ment. Roy Raley and Osmer F-!
Smith represented the plaintiffs andj
W. M. Peterson the defendant. The
case of Kldd vs. Michael Is next on the'
docket. It is probable that the Ju-j
rors will be dismissed the last three
days of the week on account of the
Round-up Tark yesterday. He Is loyal
to the Round-up and declares he will
remain loyal forever more. The In
dians ure coming In today by the
dozens and putting up their tepees
and It Is expected that the Indian
feature this year will surpass anything
ever seen In the west.
Guiott Will See Fonnd-np.
Carl Guiott, well known Pendleton
musician who recovered his eyesight
early in August after years of blind
ness, win see his first Round-up this
week. He Purchased his tieketn to
day and Intends to be at all three aft
ernoon exhibitions and the Friday
morning show also. ' He has been a
Round-up booster from the start but
has never seen the thrilling contests
of which he has heard so much.
Indian Girl Enters ConU-bt.
Hertha Dlancett, champion woman
buckaroo of the world, will have to
defend her title this year against an
Indian girl, Princess Redblrd, a full
blooded Sioux squaw from Wlan
dreau. South Dakota. She signed up
for the bucking contest as soon as she
arrived today and declares she will
win the first money.
Flint to Set up Tepee.
Gilbert Minthorn, well known and
picturesque Indian of the local reser
vation, was true to his first love this
year. He refused to be lured away
to any other frontier shows and was
the first Indian to pitch his tepee at
Former Mrs. Mnrshul Field, dr., Iio.
NKIV YORK, tieut. 20. The death
of Mrs. Maldwin Drummond, former
ly Mrs. Marshall Field, Jr., of Chi
cago, at her estate, Cadland, near
Southampton, Eng., was announced
in a cablegram received here. Mar
shall Field III, her son, and his wife
sailed from here yesterday on the lin
er St. Louis for Liverpool.
Undergoes Operation,
Vine Buchholi of Stanfleld this
morning underwent a minor operation
at St. Anthony's hospital.
Fractured Thigh Is Wired.
Orville Adams of tan field, who
fractured his thigh a week ago when
he fell from a haystack on the Rugg
ranch, this morning underwent an op
eration for the setting of the bone.
Wire was used In putting the broken
bones together.
BERLIN, Sept. 20. German artil
lery has Joined the Austrlani massed
on the Siberian frontier, an official
announcement today said. This
confirms the reports the Austro-Oer-mana
are planning; a mighty 4rlre
against ths Balkans In tbs bops of
forcing an early peacs.
"German artillery has enraged the
Serbians near Semendria," said the
statemment "The enemy was drtrwi
off and their batteries were sllenoed."
Reliable mldde aged lady wants
posltloa as housekeeper for widower,
grown up children only. Phone I8JM.
Hero for the Round-up.
D. M. Hampton, father of Prof. A
C. Hampton and brother of Tom and
Steve Hampton, well known local
farmers, arrived yesterday from Mon
mouth and will remain for the
Round-up. Mr. Hampton has been
prominent in Willamette valley poll
tics for the past thirty years and Is
at present the chairman of the re
publican central committee In Polk
county. He was accompanied to Pen
dleton by his wife.
Carnival jrnn Arrested.
D. P. Murphy, who was conducting
the knife rack at the Campbell car
nival last week, was arrested Satur
day evening by the police on a charge
of running a game of chance in vi
olation of the city ordinance. He put
up $25 ball which he forfeited. He
might have been prosecuted under a
state charge for exhibiting revolvers
as there is a state law prohibiting
such displaying of firearms. Home
of the knives were stolen from the
Clarke Hardware Store several
months ago were found in the rack
but Murphy claimed he purchased
them of a man unknown to him.
The Marvelous Emotional Star
Charlotte Walker
In the supreme life drama of the Slums
Tullbrcakcrs go to Prn.
Coleman Gray, Ralph Peale and G.
W. Raymond, the three men who re
cently broke Jail and gave Sheriff Tay
lor and Deputy Kstes a nine days
chase through the hills, were taken
today by Deputy Estes to Salem to be
gin their terms In the penitentiary.
Gray and Peale had previously plead
ed guilty and been sentenced but Ray
mond did not change his plea to
guilty until last Saturday. He was
sentenced to the penitentiary from
two to five years. McFeeley, who
was also sentenced to the penitenti
ary, recently was likewise a member
of the party going down today.
Pugilist In Injured.
Injured In an accident In San
Francisco, George Ingle of Seattle
will not be able to reach Pendleton
for his scheduled 20 round bout with
Jack Carpenter of Boise on Frld-iy
night of this week. Instead Bill
Wright of Seattle will be Carpenter's
opponent, a telegram this morning
from his mannger, Frank Purcell, ac
cepting the terms and conditions.
Wright and Purcell will leave tomor
row nlpht for this city. No details of
the accident In San Francisco were
received "Ingle In bad accident"
was all the message stated. Promot
er Farrell got busy at once and was
able to secure Wright, whom he says,
secured a decision over Ingle Just a
short time before Ingle knocked out
Bud Anderson In th's city. Farrell
feels that he is fortunate In getting
such an able substitute. Wright
agrees to weigh in at 140 an hour be
fore the fight.
A masterpiece of modern realism with a terrific lesson. A Broadway suc
cess that has made the world better and thrills every spectator with genuine
The Most Wonderful Master-Drama Ever Written.
-Dig Acts of Vaudovillo--4
Famous lyric tenor in popular songs and ballads.
Just finished Pantages circuit at Spokane, Wn. Big act.
Snappy sayings, songs and steps. Clean, wholesome,
French, but neutral.
Court Kcwtlon Opens.
The regular September term of thejs
circuit court opened this morning; and S
the first case on the docket was that
Gllman, who Is In the penitentiary, Is
being sued for $150, alleged to be til 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IJ I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ul I III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 H I II II 1 1 1 lit 1 II 1 1 II 1 1 II I IIII 1 1 1 II 1 IH