DULY EVBiL'iS EDITION TO ADVEKTISKKS. Forecast fur Kanern Oregon by the I'nitcd states Wceihcr Ot wrier t Portland. Tti Efttt OrcRonlun hat tl) largest paid ctnuiatlou of any paper Id Oron, vast of Cortland, ard vr twlc the rirculatluo lo 1'eDdletua 01 other newspaper. Fair tonight inrt. Friday COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 27 TfT V T?PH "TT7i1 "XTT A nniTTM TTTAIT 'A Tl T71 " XT TlTTftin I tf r, r. vn ii r .. A . NO. 8602 .-- - --. - , . " DAILY mm EDITiO.'l 1 1 - ARMENIANS FALL VICTIMS BEFORE T Men are Being Massacred by the Wholesale and the Women are Be ing Sold Into Blackest Slavery. 200,000 VILLAGERS FLEE Town Arc Aluiiuloiicd and Terror stricken Residents Seek Shelter in Hh II 111m Turkish Bands ore in Pursuit Killing Straggler Who Full by the Wayside. CONSTANTINOPLE Sept. 16. (By Courier to Dedeaghatch) The Turks have resumed their extermina tion of the Armenians. They have outraged the ' women and sold them Into the blackest slavery and mas sacred the men by wholesale. Whole communities have been driven from their homes Into the desert. Two hundred thousand villagers between l'enl Chedlr and Aflon Karahlssur. Asia Minor, have abandoned their homes in fear of Turkish cruelties, and fled to the mountuins for safety. Turk bands are pursuing them, mer cilessly shooting down the stragglers and capturing the women who fall by the way exhausted. At some places, authorities presided personally over the frightful massacre.' according to private advices reaching here. PROFESSOR LANDERS WILL TAKE POSITION III DENVER Prof. J. B. Landers, former super intendent of the Pendleton schools who resigned his position last spring, will leave next week for Denver where he will take a position as assistant to Dr. J. II. Ttlden, founder and head of the School of Health In that city. Dr. Tlldcn Is a cousin of Prof. Lan ders und for the past ten years has been trying to secure the services of the latter. He is a health expert of national renown. At present he Is conducting a clinic In two large buildings and It is crowded to capac ity. Mrs. Landers will accompany her husband to Denver. People Kwlc in floats. KANSAS CITY, Sept. 16. Heavy rains during the last 24 hours canned floods at various points in western Missouri and southeastern Kansas. At Carthage, Mo., many houses were flooded, many families making their escape in boats. Train service Is de moral lied. Continued rains are pre dicted. LATE BULLETINS Czar Refuses Liberals. PETIUR1 11 A 11, Sept. 16. The ciar bus refused to grant the liberals fur ther concessions In the reform pro gram and the duma will be prorogued today and for several weekB, It was reported. No trouble Is anticipated however. Heavy losscs at Dardanelles. LONDON, Sept. 16. The British losses in killed and wounded In the Dardanelles operations total 79,293, Under-Secretary Tennant announced today. French Wreck German Depots. PARIS, Sept. 16. The suburbs of Arras were heavily bombarded last night. The French replied and si lenced the German batteries. The French also shelled the Oerman mu nition depots around Roye and Laa elgny, blowing up a number of them. The communique reported an artillery battle throughout the Woevre, Cham pagne and Vosges regions. Cooler Weather In East. WASHINGTON. Sept 16. The weather bureau reported today that New York and Atlantic states, which have been sweltering under terrific heat, cooled today. There waa also a lower temperature In the Ohio val ley and lake regions. The highest reading today was 80 degrees at 10 o'clock. Sharp Note Penned. WASHINGTON, Sept. 18. The sharpest note this government has yet penned will be sent to London It was predicted today, should an Investiga tion prove the truth of American Im porters charges that British private Interests are obtaining modifications under the HrltlHh order-ln-councll, which have been denied to Americans. Defense Conference Called. WASHINGTON. Sept. 16. The president took the first definite step toward Increasing the nation's de fenses when he arranged today for a Joint conference Septemher 28 be tween himself, Secretary Daniels and the chairman of the house naval committee. TURKISH ROOPS BATTLE IS 01 WHICH E FATE OF itrssiA.vs axi) Germans are STRl GLING l'Oll CONTROL or DV1NSK. PETHOGHAII, Sept. 16. The Aus Irian right wing lias In-u forced to retire 20 miles Into Gullrla. hut u fighting dc.icratcly. The Ittishlans are continuing In pursuit and have -r.hed the Stry.oa river and now oc cupy (HihitloiiH on the wist bank. The Russians claim illiiKI Austrian prison- era. LONDON. Sept. 16 Russian and German forces are battling for con trol of Dvinsk. Dispatches Indicate the Russians are gaining strength while the Germans are finding it more difficult to make progress. The struggle now raging It, Is believed, will have a decisive effect on the fate of Riga and Petrograd. BERLIN, Sept. German forc es have captured Plnsk, it was offi cially announced today. Train is Held up And Bandit Gets Big Haul I.OXK HOIIHEIt escapes WITH LOOT ESTIMATED AT OVER 25IM. INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 16. The American Express Company early to day had not ascertained the amount of the haul mude by a lone bandit who held im a Lake Erlp nri Vt. ern Irnin lust tili'hl tiutu-oon lp,t,llu ! and Cicero, and escaped. thnURh It was believed it would be over 12500. The authorities have a good descrip tion of the bandit and hope to cap ture him soon. 2 AUSTRIAN DESTROYERS SUNK BY ITALIAN DIVER PARIS, Sept. 16. Two Austrian destroyers were sunk by an Italian submarine In the Adriatic Monday, according to Turin dispatches today. Ship Cargoes Millions Are Confiscated LONDON, Sept. 16 Cargoes of ships detained en route from Ameri ca to Copenhagen, valued at ten mil lion dollars, were confiscated today by the admiralty prize court. The heaviest losses fell on the meat packers. Youths of 18 Are Called to Colors by French Government PARIS, Sept. 16. The government today Introduced a bill calling the 1917 class to the colors, and ordering the class of 18S8 to be held in readi Sound Has Fish Shortage. OLYMPIA, Wash., Sept 16. The fact that the run on humpback sal mon In Puget Sound this year was only 30 per cent of normal threat ens to affect seriously the question of operation of the Washington state fisheries department. The new fish code provides that expenditures of the department must be limited to its revenues. It was the intention that the four year period of fish runs should be taken as the basis for calculation, but It Is declared that the language of the act, as adopted, prohibits such an In terpretation. Sons Accused of Murder. NOG ALES. Arlxona, Sept. 16. George and Frank Proctor, sons of the lnte Charles Proctor, millionaire pioneer, were Jailed here on a charge of murdering their stepfather, Thom as Ellas, cattleman, 12 hours after he had married their mother. The po lice allege the suspects admit guilt, each claiming he did it alone and that his brother Is Innocent. San Franriseo Man president, IX)S ANGELES, Sept. 16. Closing Its fourth annual convention, the Association of Port Authorities elect ed J. P. Dwyer of San Francisco pres ident and chose Montreal ns the place for the next convention In 1-916. F. W. Murphy of Portland. Ore., was el ected a director. DELEGATES L FORMULATE PLAN TO Oregon and California Grant Case Comes Before Conference Which Convenes Today at Salem. WITHYCOMBE 6IVES ADDRESS Governor of State I'rgca Meeting to Itefraln From Taking Any Action Which Might lie Interpreted by Congress an presumptuous and Thus Injure Oregon's Cause. SALEM. Ore., Sept. 16. A confer ence on the Oregon and California Hallroad Land Grant, to formulate a plan to dispose of the land and re commend to congress a policy for the sale and settlement, began today. W. I. Vawter was appointed temporary chairman. Approximately 300 delegates are present. Governor Withycombe ad dressed the conference, urging it to refrain from taking action which might be Interpreted by congress as presumptuous, and so unwittingly lh Jure Oregon's cause. Wily Chinese Must Go. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 16. Wong Doo King, a Chinese famous in San Francisco as a highbinder, whom the immigration authorities for years have tried to expel from this country, must go at last. His order for deporta tion was Bigned after the case had hung undecided for many months, with the Chinese using every legal device to stay off the decision. Judge Pooling remanded him to the Federal Immigration officers for deportation to China. Always before Wong had been too wily for the federal officers, who fail ed time and again to convict him of charges. He Is an old man now. Argentina Stays Action. BUENOS ATRES, Sept. 16. The chamber of deputies has rejected a proposed resolution for an immediate Interpellation of the minister of for eign affairs on the subject of Argen tina's Intervention in the Mexican question. It was decided to await further consideration of the subject by the Pan-American conference, called by the United States. Valued at 10 Sir Samuel Evans charged that a number of American shippers had at tempted to evade the German block ade by using false manifests. Only small portions of the carboes were re leased. ness for service. This brings to the colors youths of 18 and men of 47. A quarter of a million French boys, many In school, probably will be ordered Into training camps. Rabies at Sliver Lake. SILVER LAKE. Ore., Sept. 16. A dog was bitten by a mad coyote on E. D. Ling's ranch near here and Mr. Lutx killed both animals with a fence rail. H. L. Holverson while running a grain header on the F. D. Duncan Place six miles south, had a narrow escape from being bitten by a mad dened -coyote. The animal attempted to board the machine w ith the driver but was fought off. Mr. Holverson's only weapon was a small claw ham mer. " ' A horse belonging to R. K. Ward of this section, bitten by a rabid coy ote some months ago was killed last week after attempting to bite other horses. Turks Sink Submarine. LONDON. Sept. 16. The admiral ty admitted today that the Turkish announcement the British submarine E-7 had been sunk and the crew cap tured, was "presumably true." The submarine has not returned to Its bnse. Stolen Gold Ore Found. SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Sept. 16. Twenty-five thousnhd dollars, worth, of high grade ore, stolen rim the Empire mine at Nevada City was found today In the basement of a house here. Officers have been on, the trail of the ore for months. I COST OF PAVING ON SOUTH fffl WILL BE BID Ol' WARREN CONSTRICTION CO. IS $1000 INDER FKURKS. The paving of south Main street from I luff to High will cont U-m than estimated by the city engineer, the bid of the Warren Construction aompany to the council lust evening being nearly a thousand dollars under the estimate. The Warren company's bid for the gravel bltulithic, macad am, excavating, ets., totaled ?5.')51.D7 while Its separate bid for the con struction of concrete curbs and but ters amounted to 1 1 79.76. These were the only bids received. The Newport Land & Construction Co. of Hermlston was awarded the contract for grading and Improving the west end of Jackson street, its bid being $1445. - Has Claim For Injury. Mrs. 'L. D. Sherman last night put In a claim for $33.15. which she al leges is the sum of her expenses made necessary by an injury which she sustained recently in a fall al leged to have been caused by a de pression In the sidewalk on the west side of Lilleth street between Alta and Railroad. In the darkness, she alleges, she did not notice the de pression. In her communication to the council she stated last evening that she wrenched her back so pain fully that she was compelled to re main In bed four days and to refrain from her usual household duties for three weeks. The claim was referred to the city attorney and the claims committee. Upon the recommendation of the light committee, it was voted last evening to Install a lun watt incan descent lamp at the corner of East Alta and College streets. A petition was presented asking for a light at the corner of Railroad and Market streets, and this was referred to the light committee. The bid of S. Rtrglh fc Co. forMhe $500 Tustln street improvement bonds was received last evening. The bid was par and accrued Interest. Final payment ws made to G. R. O'Mel venv on the Garden street sewer. The application of C. S. Wheeler for permission to put a new shingle roof on a portion of his building was refused last evening. The vote of the council was a tie and Acting Mayor Dyer cast his ballot In favor of the fire committee's recommendation. Building permits were also asked bv O. S. Young and by L H. Stump for the erection of a temporary dancing hall on the vacant lot on the corner of Webb and Cottonwood. Mrs. Miller, who operates a pop corn wagon on Alta street, was grant ed permission to run her wagon until the end of the year. Mayor Dyer, who openly opposed granting the per mission on the ground that it would i be inconsistent w ith the action the I council recentlv took In nlnolnir n I prohibitive license on all street wag ons, decided in favor of the propo sition when the originnl vote was a tie. Including himself there were but six councilmen present and three vot ed for and three ngains the request. The acting mayor was thus placed in the position of voting both for and against the matter. Mrs. Miller repre sented that she had purchased the wa gon believing that the old license was transferable and had already deposit ed with the city the amount necessary to continue until the end of the year. Councilmen Montgomery, Vaughan and Slebert favored granting the re quest because of the good faith with which she had acted and because of the capitnl she had already tied up in her business. Want American Securities. NEW YORK, Sept. 16 Uncon firmed reports were In circulation that American bankers conferring! with the commissioners of the enten- te allies have decided not to make the loan of $1,000,000,000 sought un less American securities are deposited here as collateral. It Is understood the commission Is trying to secure the loan without other securities than the pledged word of Britain. i 11 NEWS SUMMARY General. Armenians slaughtered by Turk.. Delegate gather at SaHem for land grant conference. I Sweden may Join Germany In war.' Plans for loan to allien partially completed, Battle on eastern front may decide fate of Petrograd. Local I nero of Merrtmao to speak here on national prohibtttoa, South M"lii street paving to he less coolly than estimated. ', Plans for hie Happy Canyin show a boot completed. Council will attend laying of fed cnil building ciict stone. I SWEDEN MhJ miTn mu aq ah 111 1 u unw no mi fil According to London Report, Kaiser is Doing all he can to Gain Another Ally. ACTS OF RUSSIA RECALLED Losing of Finland Ih Point Which German Bring Into Prominence as Reason for Sweden Kntering tlio Struggle Swedish Militarists Sym-pathla- with Germany. LONDON. Sept. 16. What Sweden will do is the burning question here j today. Popular opinion, based on I more or less reliable. Information, is ! that Sweden w ill shortly throw her i lot In with Germany. Germany is do- jntr Vtai ao Kt L L? 1: I ' ..v. wto. uiiug nie ov-auuuiilt 1- ans into the conflict. The financial Interests of Sweden favor he war. This war party is trying to' create a popular sentiment, against Russia, reminding Swedes that Russia took Finland from Sweden. Militarists of Sweden are of the German school and are sympathizers with the Teutons. However the progressive party, which out voted the reactionaries in past el ections, Is anti-German and anti-war. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL WILL ATTEND CEREMONIES WILL UK GIKSTS OF IIOXOU AT LAYING OF CORNERSTONE OF POSTOFFICE. Acting Mayor Dyer and all of the members of the city council will be guests of honor at the laying of the cornerstone of the new federal build, Ing next Wednesday afternoon. An invitation was extended to them last evening by the local Masonic lodge, which is In charge, and was accepted by them. The ceremonies will be held at 4 o'clock in the afternoon to permit all school children to at tend. Mother Saves Twln9. SANTA ROSA. Cal., Sept. 16. Mrs. Charles Llbby, residing on a rand near Sebastopol, saved her twin ba bies at the risk of her own life when shs rushed into the blazing home and out again with the children In her arms through a barrier of flames. Every stitch of clothing from her back and, while she is in a rrec.irious condition from Itihtrlou i tlie children are unscratched. llarrarvt Professor Drowns. BOSTON, Sept. 16. The bodv of Dean Eira Thayer of the Harvard' law school, an authority on interna-i tionnl law, was taken from the' Charles river today. An examination j indicated death was due to drown ing. Autos Help llorsesliocrs. CLEVELAND. Sept. 16 Delegates ' to the convention of the Master Horseshoers' National Protective As- j sociation, In session here, declared i that the hard pavements used on nu tomobile roads was helping their bus iness. They say a horse's shoes now are wearing only one-fourth as long as! formerly. Wheat Stronger at Chicago; Exporters Raise Their Sights Wheat quotations are stronger ev erywhere today. The Chicago market dosed with an advance of two and a half cents over yesterday's price for September and a two cent advance for December and May deliveries. Even the Portland market came to life enough to advance prices three cents on club and two cents on blue stem. There Is no business here ow ing to the refusal of farmers to sell nt present prices. 75 cents being the highest openly offered for club. Re ports from Portland are to the effect secret efforts are made to purchase wheat at higher prices In order to provide cargoes for ships now in port. Chicago. CHICAOO, Sept. 16 .(Special. ) Jl the close today. Sept. $1.03; Dec. 96 1-Se; May 99 1-8. Portland. PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 16. (Spe cal.) Portland bid rrlces: Club S, bluestem 88. Liverpool (Yesterday.) LIVERPOOL. Sent. IS. Wheat. riot No. 1, Manitoba, 12s l-!d: No.1 2. lis lid; No. 3. lis, 9 l-!d; No. l' Northern Puluth, no stock. In American terms the Liverpool price for spot No. 1 Is now 11.75 1-10 per bushel. 1 TO GERMANY PLANS FOR LOAN 10 ALLIES HAVE BEEN PRACTICALLY IDE VMKRHAX HAXKFIIS WILLING TO (.lAIIAXTFi; ITS KIXTESS, IT IS SAID. NEW YORK. Sept. 16. The con ference between the International fi nancial commission and leading New York financiers adjourned early to day after a contiuous session . since yesterday afternoon. The New Y'ork delegates admitted the billion dollar loan had been prattlcaly arranged, as they had found American bankers sufficiently willing to participate tc guarantee the success of the loan. It was rumored that J. P. Morgan labored unsuccessfully for half an hour yesterday with John D. Rocke feller, Junior, to enlist the Rockefel ler resources In the project CHICAGO. SeDt. 16. Onnosition to the proposed billion dollar loan to the allies was voiced today by Sena tor J. Hamilton Lewis. In a letter to the public. He contended the loan would "invite a repetition of the '73 and '93 panics." i Government of Turkey Dreads Army Uprising PI t EPA RATION'S M ADE TO TR ANS FER CAPITAL IN FEAR OF AN OUTBREAK. LONDON, Sept. 16. The Turks are preparing to transfer their govern ment, and financial establishments to Asia Minor, fearing an insurrection in their army. Athens dispatches as sert. The present plan is to have Germans man the Turkish artillery in an effort to suppress the expected attempt HOBSONWILL SPEAX HERE FOR PROHIBITION CAUSE! ANNOUNCEMENT I. MAiDST BY REPRESENTATIVE OF AXTl SALOON LBACLE Boosting the causa of national pro hibition and incidentally advocating a larger army and navy, Richmond Pearson Hobson, the hero of the Merrimac and more recently a con spicuous figure in congress, will ar rive In Pendleton on November IS, and will address a local audience In the auditorium of the Pendleton high school. Tills was thu announcement made this morning by George N. Taylor of Portland, representing the anti-saloon league of Oregon. Hobson is making a swing over the northwest and dwu the Pacific coast as an agent of the Anti-saloon League j of America. This organisation fsi seeking to secure the adoption of the Hobson national prohibition amend ment and Is snaking an extensive campaign for that purpose Hobson'si lecture Is said to be a popular one. I and. Inasmuch as be has been known in congress as much for his advocacy of greater national defenses as for his espousal of the prohibition cause, he will touch upon this subject also. Rev. J. E Snyder of the Presbyte rian chnrch will complete the ar-. ramcements for the lecture in this city. WELTERWEIGHT WRESTLER WILL BATTLE LOCAL BOY Walter Arndt, who claims the) welterweight championship In wrest-i ling on the Pacific coast, will meet Arthur Newman of Pendleton, to-1 night In the exhibition tent at Camp-1 hell s carnival, West Alta and West Court streets. The match will start; promptly at 8:15 o'clock. Three fasti boxing preliminaries have been ar- ranged and Pal Weineberger. strong man, will exhibit his skill In lifting weights Arndt will weigh In at 145 pounls; while Newman will weigh 160. Arndt! travels wun tne carnival company and takes on wrestling aspirants in the towns where the show exhibits. The match will be for the bet two out of three falls. .44.e,.... a t ii ....... .... . . I All Unlet fin linr,l,.F A BROWNSVILLE. Sept. 16 Mexico's three day independence day celebration opened today with only minor disturbances that were confined solely to the Mexican side of the border. The extreme precautions taken by the American forces are hellev- ed to have caused the Mexicans an Indisposition to "start any- thing'' en the American side pfTY OF 6000 IS PLANNED THE OPENER Happy Canyon Committee Ccmplet- ing Details ef Program Which Will be in Full Swing Next Week. THRILLS WILL BE FURNISHED Comedy stnf, Too, Vll Bo Included In An. Hour's Entertainment for Each EvonJng Gambling will tin on Am Usual moil, in Fact, tlie "lid Will Be OtC to Stay. When Happy Canyon opens Its doors to the world next Wednesday night, things will be stirring in the little old burg and the thousands who attend will get some new sensations in entertainment. The commutes have now about concluded their plans for the big evening show of Roundel d. ek. and their promts of something even better than last year may be taken at Its face value. The general program committee, consisting- of J. R. Raley, L. D. Drake and Frederick Steiwer, is flxlmj up an hour's program for each evening that will be filled with laughs and screams and thrills. "Every minute one to be remembered," I their slo gan. . The general festivities which will follow the- opening program will be of the same nature as last year, only more extensive. There will be "gambling- and "drinking" In the "Red Dog Saloon," dancing In the big pavilion back of the "saloon" and plenty f other diversions. Among these other diversions are some be ing prepared by George C. Baer and Osmer E. Smith, special commltlee on added attractions. For one thing, they are building what they call a "Shate the shutes" and they guaran tee to operate it until at least one perron has been killed. Then they will present a fashionable society dame smoking opium in the Chines Joint and there will be & real celes tial there to keep her pipe filled. They have not yet consented to dt vulge the name of the society lady they have secured. Another exhibit they will have will be nothing more or less (principally more) than Sharkey, the Roqpd-up's bucking Belgrade bull. For a buck bill any body can get a close-up view of this ton-heavy brute and touch a carress ing hand to his sleek hide- Other features they are keeping to them selves for the time beign. Some big alterations are being made to the Interior of the "canyon." and will give more room, more seat ing capacity sad a better general ef fect. E IliMi TO D! sin OF ATLANTIC Tills IS INTERPRETATION PIT I'POX REUNSTOIIFFS AN"-. NOl NCEMENT. WASHINGTON. Sept. 16. Ger many and the United States are un dergoing a "cooling off" process which will continue for a, fortnight. Secretary Lansing leaves for a vaca tion tomorrow. Von Bernstorff Is not expected to return here lu, the meantime. The German amba.M.uJor's tn nouncement that a "complete uler standing" has been ruchl with Secnnry Lansing Is m.'e.y at m. dersisntirg tha'. Amurl. v IsnUu on .1 t )jhvow'1 of the Arab io trHloing s the on y condition mi ler whi, h ho will continue dlpliiu'i.: !.i'cicoui. Tin f isy was th3 Wh .elmtse -'.ti r-pe-t'cn of Von Uernstorff s lnt r-i-iv ..) the New York Woi-v, ?.'r ci i. settlemj.it whl h w, u'l more friendly that eve. lift sharing the ambassador confi'lrn' . however, the president wmts to hear direct from Brlln- Austria Dcntc Interference. VIENNA, Sept. H "Austria hn not lnerfered and will riot interfere with the Internal a r:iiri of Arn ii n Wo ere too buy w Mi Mur,;M'?in if falls to bother with trltt ,n m eru.i The request u:r t no i.v.ill of Am V!t u 'or Duuil'a i-hi i - t ,11-tjri our fi tiid v relations." A r'Kil Austrian offl ul su.- .he f .ri-gin.,' statement to Did l'nl e I Press tod.iy. It waa not determined whether a socceisor to Iiinil,a will I'e appointed. Berlin scientist have Invented nourishing yeast, containing rn than SO i,r cent albumen, ure re.l Iron: s''K.ir am! ammonium s'llphme FUN