East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 15, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    TAG!; TOYR
AIL i i:VT Or.MlOXIAN. ITXPI.T-TOX. OREGON'. Vi" K T X KS H A V . S F PTL M ! ! I'M l.. 1915.
paU !i t l:w
a Al'l.i VM'I.U Nf'i'.MAI'Kii
! r trr
it to '
Mm tells of a r.uun-
;y dX-ovonvl in s:a Aztec
j!n. Within it was found
(til llStt.wii.MAN
10 V-
Hi t.
ejmr I t,Mi l't .vm Imli'n
ftatwil at H- p-!"'; t'-e ( i'"Ull
Orafoe, M eoatf c aa. 4at ult.
1 1
ittt! UtHel New bund, i'urlla
v- : tla ;r A
!i have an New
he a oi'Oii
id wiil do i
r years tc sealed, an Indian jar contain
ing a few grains of ancient In-
ir.an corn, i i-e arcnaeoio
trists figure the corn was at
least 1.000 years old. And
here follows the story:
It w as discovered last spring
atiiittfWfi. 1 C-,
rr at-iOth. bj aali
11.?. eoe fr. b carter
Welia. n moha. bj cawr. . .
thr oumtbe. by rTler.
lliT on aaoDtk. by carrier ftV
aaai weeatf , year bf Ball....
haHXii, all atnntha. nail.,
east Week!, (our ootba.-br Bail.
11E country will err should
it follow either the ex- ly a Baptist preacher only a
.... i ' t : -r xt":ik
i ireme miniarv alarmists if w crams in u. iu imam
t.n.an Km en. aVnniind. oracoa. j w ho wish a gigantic sum ex- 1. Kelley, a Hutchinson, Kan-
rki-ao homu. sworitf Huiidiw pended at once tor prepareu- sa, city oniciai, ien plains vl
ness or the radical peace en- the mummy s corn ere given.
tVi.ioioto e n.i noroitv Mr Kellev nlanted them in
(t HM'RITTION RATE il"UI1MU' " 'vv Vr- v.- , 7 4 i. V.
in Aivci, ! whatever for anv mihtarv effi- his back yard, with results as
S:bH::::::::::':.ciency i ihis country. ' follows: :
asomha. br aii i,2 , TVioro k a s:ine middle Eirht of the ten trrains
ri -" " - . , -
t 5o'.ground fnat may be taken up- grew, the corn growing more.
ill Urn this sUbiect." It is not ne- rapidly than ordinary field'
jVwssary or wise for this coun- corn. There are twenty ear?
&itrv to go -without up-to-aate now on xne eigni stains, ana;
md Stwisive preparations average liny Kernels to me;
for defense, but it would also ear. j
rt thp na- The corn looks like ordl-
U W vv v w . . - .
iua tiiE pkowehitt twn into an armea camp. "j iiu i.uiwis n
beu.s. ! The New "York "World char- th stalks .are much taller and
I a . 1 . ma 4i.in f Vi A ' emallav ,i Vi i 1 f V a
iacrcrizes inwe who mc ums cma u"ni n.
dollars or more upon army each.
iand navy, as "our most emi- "1 "have been off ered as high
i nent cowards,"' and their pic- as $1 for a kernel, and tetieve
tures of German and Japa- I can sell every kernel for $1
Vnese invasion as figments of each," said Kelley. He fig
i "their weird imaginations." ures "he will have 1,000 ker-
TlThe World declares: nels.
o" the light
Ring the Prosperity belle!
Giw your aorrow
Ttie light o' tomorrow
Ring the Prosperity brtli!.
. i i a. LU AiiBtIllCIl'V.i,-J 4vw ,' - --
': Zunr7- fare!' Il exwnaiture of half a billion blotcn like blood at the tip of
wells; t
LUfll be Btinin' towytrow-
King the Proeperlt' bells.
Valleys an' mountaiaa
Shuvp clear-tlowia' fixajnlns-
Ring the Praeperitr
Jaj " the fltldi n the mea-
unc the loat-ghln 10 say mai uic u'ucu, aiuraiiy. mere win dc a
kneii; , States must immediately new effort to unearth more
rp um me nignt m w now crjend S500,0U0,wu on xne mummies In the hope or a
navy and support an army of richer harvest of this miracu-
1,000,000 men is jMst as silly lous corn, which, after the re-
as to say that the country pose of a thousand years, may
should learn no lesson what- bring a thousand dollars to a
,ever In military defense from back yard agriculturist of
! . . . 1 L 1 T?,, T ' l.l . S . -1 i
a) ) ! nie wai iiioi imo iti.iu iias. .-viuuua yUiiMii.ui.iuii.
'rope. Between the lunatics
land the fools, there i9 a broad I In his financial review for
plateau of sanity which we Sept. 11 Henry Clews says:
HE action of the county ; hope that the administration "Our wheat crop will be need-
i . rnnrt in norppinor to co- and contrress will seize and oc- ed abroad and will be sold at
operate to a moderate cupy. In particular, we should prices based on the exigencies
extent in the construction of like to see the navy equipped of war." 'I hat is a trifle dit
the countv librarv is obviously with battle-cruisers, destroy- ferent from the bearish stories
proper and will be generally ers and submarines to the end telling of overproduction, etc.
endorsed by all who know the that its fighting eniciency, lonj
situation. ' jfor ton, would be 100 per cent.
The library is a'countywide But in the meantime we can
institution and one of growing think of nothing more ndicu
interest and importance. But lous than the campaign ot
while a county institution none cowardice wnicn tne prepar
of the burden of the local edness propaganda has under
building has heretofore fallen taken in the hope of terrifying
upon the county. The present the country. It is doubly fool
location in the city hall is fur- ish because it prejudices the
.;,uj f,nc r.t tha ritv cause of rational and sensible
TV, np- tiVir sitp on the preparednesss. Its advocates ; ckssity
north side is donated to the in- in demanding a preparedness
Etitution by the citv and it is that is absurd are m danger of
.valuable property. " .defeating the preparedness
The librarv has an endow- that 13 necessary.
1 e wrarj Ms an innna' There is also good reasons
ment of something like $10,000 i ,. ? nf t,a atr;
from the Sturgi fund and L6""'?"0 fPp!S'
$25,000 is available from the tatlon o J "J1'
Carnegie fund. In other words tHr C0.J? cluntr?
there are donations amounting ? " grind IJ wnJ
to aDDroximately $40,000 for aLC ' r v .
TTnrlpr these cir- Pr0Ilt
thSr X 1 r n ee from those who have a
Lma lYl7JT profit interest in the. cause. If
the matter should be "left to
and its uses.
i ..r (
000 is a very modest amount them y eou W raid tte treas-
Parrnu Owe CliiUlren Riht of Gooil
Name and rhililren Owe Parents
Determination Xot to Disgrace That
Xanie Crltlral Perkxl Is Between
Aces of H and 16 Tears.
"The address on the boy and girl
ought to have been heard by all the
people of Pendleton," was the state
ment of many as they came away
from the Dr. House lecture In the
Methodist church last night. In some
respects It was one of the strongest
on the boy and girl problem ever giv-
UUU is a very moueai omuuiii , - . ,. i ,,r,trv en in mis cuy. ne saia: - inree
fnr tv,p rnnnrV t hva toward UT and yet leave the country ln(eresta are at rtake n the
o-- - votto, Ghana mnn nren- ,.
the new building. The coun- , "v"v
ty will be obtaining a $50,000 ,ously- .
institution for one fifth that MIRACLE OF THE MUMMY
sum. in private Dusiness cir
cles such a transaction would
be considered, highly favor
able indeed.
Those who are devoting
their energies to the cause of
a well equipped and efficient
Umatilla county library are to
HE ancients of the earth
youth of our land, the Interests of the
nation, the interests of the home, and
the interests of self. Only as we have
a great body of splendid young man
hood and womanhood coming to the
front, can we hope to settle the great
... . , i aiiuKurn ui mm luuiiu 111 wij , u
are daily gaming creail:ture n, batties of peace are often
with the modeiT13 for. greater than those of war. Every
having known a thing of tWO, father and mother owe It to their
j rr iu: 4.;,0 -n:- children to give them a good name,
m advance of their time. Du-I8isd every boy and gir owe lt t0
covenes of the archaeologists tnPlr par(,ntg t0 be them plus, and
are all in their favor.
be Brothers
A roads'er d'Mgned to be all that a
r'iad.-".i-r ."hi.uld be.
A tar capable of carrying two po
l W In continuous comfort
Vo'i ciin tf-e lit'tter than we can ttll,
-.v b'-fcUMful it Is.
j: ,'! :' In clay, hen it was first
c i.r: -d. it wan re-modeied, again
nr..! ; tain, till the lst harfch line
. el.Li.nattd.
Th body Is built of steel, with the
usual uwlexs framework entirely
As result there la eitrasjrdin&rr
storage space at the rear more
trmn sufficient for all the luggage
two might take on a long tour.
A light car. with all the advantages
which that lightness adds to the
powerful Diotor but a stost
staunch, strong esir, and a atady
ona as well.
not to disgrace the family name. The
critical period of a boy and girl's life
is at the age of 11 to 16 years of age
In this period the best environment
should be given, as well as the bent
S advice. The home should be made!
S attractive, the father's example should
H be erjnal to the mother's and church
2 ' arid city should provide the best am
S usements; those not run for malting
m"ney, but character.
E I "Three things the boy and girl
5 ' ought to remember: First, that they
2 ' rp Ine-xporienced and need advice
and direction. Second, that they are
apt to be over confident and rate
E their own Judgment too high. Third,
E that the vampire and tiger Is 'out In
th-lr world, disguised, to destroy
Sjj their character and lead them astray.
I'nd'-r such circumstances the boy and
S girl should seek the advice of both
E father and mother. They have at
E h'art your interests and wil ladvise
IS : you well."
E ; Tonight the subject Is Dr. House's
E masterpiece: "Jesus, tho Cftnsclous
E Mind of rjod." And tomorrow after
E noon he will speak by request, on the
PeKhology of Dress," the lecture
EjCommendod by the Woman's Clubs of
5 1 Talifornla. His last address tomor
E row evening will be: "The Holy
Fplrit, the Superconsclous Mind ol
God "
ad m lJS
I fci li J ,isi Ca
Store ii
s WMM Oil
tl H a '
Operating a chain of 23 store and specializing in Sample Goods is the reason we sell you high grade merchandise
for less money.
All we ask is for you to come in and jet our prices on SHOES, CLOTHING, SWEATERS, MACKINAW COATS,
and FURNISHING GOODS, and you will readily see where you can save money. Better still, bring in merchandise
that you bought elsewhere and compare it with ours, for quality and price.
If you do this there will be more Hub customers
Prince Chap suits for men, guaranteed all wool $9.50
ami $12.50.
American Art Custom Tailoring Co. men's made-to-measure
suits ?14.75, 916.50 and 51S.50
Compare these with suits you pay $25 to $30 for.
Come in and see our line of men's extra pants. A good
many patterns to select from. Pants you pay $2.50 to
to $3.00 for, our price only $1.95
We have them, and if you trade at the Hub you don't
have to pay $4 to $5 a pair; our price $2.45 to ?3.85
Why pay 50c to 69c fbr heavy cotton ribbed underwear,
shirts and drawers, the garment 45
Heavy wool underwear that you pay $1.00 to $1.25 ; our
price, shirts or drawers 754
Wool unions, here is where you save more than t one third
on your purchases $1.65 to $2.95
We have them in assorted colors and all sizes 36 to 44
and can save you one third on your purchase. A good
service able coat at $3.45
Extra heavy Mackinaw, Norfolk styie, and guaranteed
all wool, at $585
Compare this with your $7.50 coats.
Buy your riding boots at the Hub and save some money.
Compare our $4.85 boots with those you pay $6.50
for. Our prices range $4.85 to $7.50
Sample Sweaters for the entire family. We have two
complete lines of sample sweaters and they are made
by some of the best known knitting mills in the U. S. A.
If there is any special kind of a sweater you. want we
have it, and you can save more than one third on your
purchase. Why not come in and see them.
We are not allowed to advertise the brand of our hats,
but every hat bears the makers inscription.
Hats $1.00 to $2.85
In double breasted, Bulgarian Norfolk, Norfolk and Bus
ter Brown styles and the price is easy $1.65 to $4.95
Ladies Unions, 60 per cent wool. Why pay $1.50 suit.
Our price 98
We have the largest assortment in town. Come in and
see them.
A good steel frame, metal edge suit case 9S
Matting case, steel frame, metal edge $1.25
Large matting, steel, frame, 2 strap suit case $1.69
Sheepskin suit cases $2.95
Cowhide suit cases $4.95 to $6.50
1 raveling bags and comb, bag and suit cases $1.65 to
23 Sample
745 Main
Weston Mercantile
Company is Opened
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price and little
son, Eldred, went to Walla Walla
Walter O'Harra prominent young
farmer of Weaton, fell from a wagon
and the wagon ran over both feet,
I oruising them badly but no bones
I were broken.
Sheriff T. D. Taylor and Deputy
Jas. Estes motored up from Pendle
ton Tuesday on business,
A family reunion of the Drlskell
family was held Sunday at the George
Sowers' residence on South Water
alreet. Those present from out of
town were Mrs. Cora Tetters and chil
dren of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. Qua
Fontaine, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Drls
kell and Craig Drlskell of Dayton.
Electric Bearchllghts and helmet
lamps are now being used by firemen.
(Special Correspondence.)
WESTON, Ore., Sept. 15 The
Weston Mercantile Company will op
en today. A carefully selected $25,
000 stock of merchandise Is being
thrown open to the entire county.
Manager J. F. Slover of Milton Is In
The Weston school opened Monday
with a large enrollment. The high
school is exceptionally large this year.
The freshmeg class numbers Into the
Miss Agnes MacKenzle returned
home the last of last week from a
week's visit with relatives in Seattle
While away she attended the marri
age of her cousin, May Barnes, for
merly of Weston.
Mrs. Alice Kirkpatrlck arrived In
Weston Saturday after having spent
four weeks with her daughter, Mrs,
W. R. Affleck at Oroflno, Idaho.
Miss Farel McBrlde of Athena will
remain in Weston this winter and
attend the Weston high school.
John McRae and family arrived
home Tuesday morning after a three
months' visit with relatives In Corn
wall, Ontario, Canada. The children
will attend the Weston school.
Phone 501.
We take you any place, any
Country Trips a Specialty.
We grind our own lenses.
Pendleton Auto Company I
TD thousand persons appeared In
silk st Paterson. V. J , recently at a
parade to boom Paterson looms, hos
iery, gowns, suits and In some cases,
smong the men, even hat were of
th-Jt material. Thus Is progress
made toward fixinc ths high cost of
Not many years ago an etpedltloa
went up the Missouri river to th
place where In l5i cargo of B9
barrels of whisky had been lost. The
value of tO-year-old whisky was the
Incentive rather than thirst. Ths
wrecking party spent 2f0( and res
cued a pair of shoes.
uiassesi r
Grounds, cs
To Uie exact requirement of esck
case. Lenses duplicated In a few
minutes. Price for glasses) very
Dale Rothwell,
Exclusive Optician
American Nat Bank Bid f.
.. .Phone 619.
House Cleaning!
Help! Help!
way mother used to do it
was strenuous work.
Chaos reigned and elbow grease was '
the chief lubricant.
Today science has lessened her
There are cleaners, sweepers, scrub
bers, mops, and a thousand and one de
vices for saving time and toil.
The first step towards correct house
cleaning is the choice of the right mater
ials to work with and in finding these the
advice of the advertising columns of The
East Oregonian may be of assistance.