EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1.', 1015. PCF TH'M'F THE NEW FORDS ARE HERE THE cars that are in a class by themselves for LOWEST FIRST COST LOWEST OPERATING COST , LOWEST UP-KEEP COST GREATEST TIRE MILEAGE All models now on our floors for immediate delivery. Ford Roadster, F. O. B. Pendleton $448.45. (K-U-isaC&CI fSSff"""" ,. , ,irJ fVrrn.-"ly " "' " " f Fr: Ford 5-Passenger Touring Car, Pendleton, $498.45 (i Ford Town Car, F. O. B. Pendleton $698.45. No speedometers in this year's equipment. vA,.- Hound-Up City AufoGo. Trombley & Simpson. 119-121 W. Court St. Telephone 468 The Round-up Dates are Sept. 23-24-25 Tell your friends. Festival Days are here and they always bring with them that unwrit ten law of "Dress up and look your best." If you are a clean-cut sort of fellow you will make many eyes turn your way when you get into that suit of Bond Clothes SIS to $30 Our own tailors right in our store make all alterations free. A suit has got to look just right on you before we will let it go out. That's why we are Bond Bros. Pradletoo'i Leading Clothlen QL(I OF FINEST KIND ARE GUI OH ilATILLA PROJECT WKUj KXOWX IIFIIMISTOX F.I II MKIt SAYS XIXB C.IHIX) IDS IIAVB 11I.KX SHIFFFH. Kottlt-t-M arc Kiwialliliur In Montr lirl.sto IValrrmi'loiw Whlcti Have Itwn Fount! to do tlic Host on tin IM-oJi-ct This lias ISeen Hot Yt-ar In That Swtlon. The I'matiHa project Is a urcat melon country, according to W, T. Sillers, well known Hermlston far mer who yesterday brought up the second car of wulorm;lons shlpi'ed from that section to Pendleton this season. In all nine carloads of mel ons have been shipped out of Her mlston this year, he states, two coin ing to this city, two to Heppner, two to I-a Grande, one to Condon and the eighth was distributed In jwo ton lots among several towns. Kach car heJd 12 tons. The Hermlston settlers are speci alizing In Monte Chrlsto watermelons which have been found to do best there. The avernue harvest of mel ons has been ten tons to the acre. The first shipments brought 15 a ton but the market Is lower now. How ever, melon growing has proved very profitable. This has been the best year in the history of the project says Mr Sel lers. Four crops have already been taken off the alfalfa lands and some farmers will have another half crop. The orchards are beginning to bear and the first large shipments of peaches were made this year. The Jersey dairy herds are growing every day and the dairying as well as hog raising Industry is becoming a profit able one. There Is more money in the coun try now than since the first settle ments were made and a consequent optimism. "The people feel better than since the first year they came. Then their optimism was built upon hopes for the future. Xow It comes from actual accomplishment," is the wav Mr. Sellers puts It. Mr. Sellers has been a resident of I'matllla county for more than a quarter of a century, having lived 12 years at Vklah. seven years at Wes ton and more than seven years on the project. He Is a booster for all sec tions of the county but has a greaV and growing faith In the west end. IKlitnlng lilts Man's King. WINCHESTER, Ya., Sept. 15. Hope Heam s finger ring is In the Jeweler's shop because the ruby set ting was loosened by lightning. Also he Is alive and well after one of the most exciting experiences of his life. having faced death in an instant's time, when a bolt of lightning struck In the concrete, midway between the Deaderick and Kmpire buildings. Mr. Heam was shocked severely the electricity following the wiring Into the office where he was work ing. Stveral women In the office of a physician next where the lightning struck were also shocked. The electric wires In the building were at once ablaze. There was as much smoke, according to the In mates of the building, as if a two story wooden house were burning. A fire alarm was turned In and soon every piece of fire-fighting appara tus In the city was on hand to fight the fire. A panic resulted among the Inmates of both buildings. The ele vators were put out of commission by the lightning stroke and occu pants of the building rushed down the stairs nd on to the street. The blazing wires at last were consumed, with small damage to the building, but the services of electricians were neessary. The force of the bolt of lightning was shown by the hole It made In the concrete where It struck. A hole about two iches in diameter wa forced through at least nine inches of concrete, and a heavy piece of galvanized tin was pierced. The brick wall against which the light ning struck was seared. Porto Ithit Has JJtney War. WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. A real war between Jitneys and a regular railroad tins developed down In Por to Itico. t'p to two months ago the failroad had a monopoly of the pas senger business between Catano and Bayamon, which amounted to half a million persons a year. Then the pesky little Jitney made its appear busses proved so popular with the Ing Just half the tafflc. Although the Jitney fare was ten cents, the same as the railroad, the about two Inches In diameter was people that the railroad was forced to reduce its fare. The trip soon be caine a sporting proposition, the Jit neys racing with the trains, and often eating them to the finish. Now It Is is announced the railroad will be electrified and all the old equipment replaced with modern cars and appliances These improvements will cost many thousands of dollars, not counting what the rivalry already has cost the road In traffic shrink age. Otidahy Home For (Jlrls. PASADENA, Oal., Sept. 14. The palatial residence of the late Michael Cudahy here-la being converted Into a Sisters of the Holy Name academy. The school will be used for the high er education of girls. Through Ttlsh op Conaty of Los Angeles, the beau tiful mansion and grounds were deed ed to the Sisters by the heirs of the late Chicago millionaire. The prop erty Is valued at $100,000, and Is con sidered one of the beauty spotd of Pasadena. STOCK JUDGING III BE ADDED TO COURSE !l THE HIGH SCHOOL IV I IX UK TIKF. I I' IX AGKHTI. Tl ltAli t I.ASSKS AS MH.I lIl 1 KMQUKFMKXT. j Students Will I'se Cards as Tluxw Ity FxM'i-ts and Judtfo Stock As If Of Hatlns at Stork Show Will lie Taught to Ttf Good Stork from Poor OlHK. ' When Jeremiah Dingman's estate was admitted to probate In Richland Center, Wis., It was learned that he waited until he was 100 years old -lie-fore makliwr his will. He lived to be more than 101. One of the Interesting studies to be taken up t under the agricultural course at the high school Is stock Judging. The subject deals with all classes of livestock used and raised about the farm. In the work of stock Judging the boys use the regular score cards and JudKC the stock as If they were act ing at a stock show. The members are taught to tell a good work horse from a racer, a good milk cow or a market hog. Along with the subject Is taken stock breeding under which : the students are taught to breed for what Is desired. j Professor Gambee decided to take this branch up seriously this year be-; cause of the great work done by the, boys last year when a class team was sent to the Union stock show. They brought back second prize with Charlie Russell high point man and, Enoch Fried!",- Russell Wilbur and, Fred Russell close behind. j Itli'key Got Two lilrds. j ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. 15. If ever two birds were killed with one throw that time was when Branch Rickey, : of the Browns, went to Michigan last' spring to take a look at a young college pitcher a port hurler he had long coveted The occasion was a game between University of Michi gan and Western State Normal. His attention having been drawn to the youngster, Rickey took "several looks. He sat In the grandstand and saw the plther go seven wonderful innings In a game that ended In a ten round 0-0 score. Michigan got two hits off the Western Normal pitcher. Those two hits were made by the pitcher Rickey had come to see. Four bases were stolen by Michigan. The twirl er Rickey had come to see stole 'em all. Rickey signed up that twlrler, whose name is George Sisler, right after the game. After signing Sisler, Rickey realiz ed that the We.itern State Normal twlrler hadn't done so bad with an Inferior team behind him. That night he signed him'too. The second bird, also tossed 'em in from the left side. He is Ernest Koob and his name does not rhyme with boob. He says It's pronounced as if spelled "Kobe." Agents for the Famous Oregon Cashmere Men's Suits with extra pants free, $ I. .()( Visit the Popular Cash Store's Men's Dept. WHERE EVERYTHING IS NEW. New Shipment of Men's Dress and Work Shoes Just Re ceived Popular Cash Store. Prices Work Shoes S1.9S, $2.19. S2.23, ?2. 13, .2.93, $3.13, S3.43, $3.73. and Dress Shoes Popular Cash Store prices $1.98, $3.13, $3.43, $3.95. $4.43. EVERY PAIR OF POPULAR CASH STORE SHOES ARE GUARANTEED TRY A PAIR AND LET US PROVE THEIR WEAR. Popular Cash Store SuiU for men are of the very highest quality and lowest priced mixtures, worsteds and cashmeres P. C. S. prices $4.90, $6.90, $8.90, $9.90, $10.90, $12.90, and $14.90. Men' Blue Serges High class tailoring; all wool P. C. S. prices $9.90, $10.90 $12.90 and $14.90. Complete Line Men's New Fall Hats Your individual shape is here. In black, brown, grey, blue, also Round-up styles $1.98, $2.49, $2.98, $3.15 and $3.45 Men's Fall and Winter. Underwear In unions and two piece styles ; wool and cot ton. P. C. S. prices, per suit 85, 90S 98, $1.98, $2.25 and $2.95. Men's Wool Shirts in all the best shades. Military and plain collars. P. C. S. prices 98, $1.19, $1.48, $1.98 and $2.45. g ;.j521HI Don't forget to visit the P. C. S. Jhoe Department Shoes for the Entire Family. Popular Cash Store Better Goods for Less Money. (Former Wohlenberg Dept. Store Location.) Fuelling Ring Contest. ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 15. As a mute protest against police interfer ence with their practice bouts to which spectators were admitted, Spike Tatting and Kid Crochet, who ordi narily are Charley Hodge and Sam Taylor, staged a sewing contest, vie boxers appeared with gooh sized nee dles, and a large sheet of cloth. In the ring they sewed desperately, be came interwoven In the thread and stuck their thumbs. As a finale, the referee. Kid Glove, held the contest ants' bloody thumbs aloft to Indicate a draw, . clal. Then .he became assistant prose cuting attorney of Hamilton county, which was the beginning of his long service In public office. A Utile Learning Is ST. PAUL, Sept, 14. Joe Grant, colored boy, today reiterated his be- ! lief that a little learning Is a danger 1 ous thing, and expressed the fond i wish that he had never learned to write. It was through a note he sent his landlady, police say, that they learned of several robberies, for which the boy is serving time. Tad's Birthday. CINCINNATI, O., Sept. 15. Former President William Howard Taft was 58 years old today. The present Yale professor was born in Cincinnati Sep tember 15. 1S57. He was admitted to the Ohio bar In 1880. After he had been graduated from Yale and the Cincinnati Law School he worked as a reporter for the Cincinnati Times and later for the Cincinati Commer- Widow'g Act Is on Test. SALEM, Or., Sept. 14. A test case of the widow's pension act was started in this county when 11 wid ows, who had been denied pensions by the county court, filed petitions for pensions and asked for writs of mandamus against the county court. County Judge Bushey and other members of the county court have declined to grant widows pensions since the widows' pension act was passed in 1913. Their reason is that the county has always taken care of widows and other indigents. Twenty persona were injured, three fatally when an aeroplane dashed In to a crowd of people at a Labor day celebration here. Oscar Cook, a Chi cago aviator, lost control of his ma chine when he landed after a short flight. He was not hurt. Joseph Singleton, 11; Mrs. Vincent Jones, 55, and Miss Mabel Taylor, 17, are expected to die. 2 Killed In Auto Accident. NEW YORK, Sept 14. Two auto mobiles crashed head-on along the Pelham Parkway early today. Ida Brown, a chorus girl, and Walter Delmar.her escort, were killed. Dor othy Brown, J. W. Greenfield, a broker, and C. A. Marshall, a broker, all were seriously Injured. Fmbarao Off Champacne. PARIS, Sept. 13. The ministry of finance has excepted bottled cham pagne rom the decree prohibiting the export of French wines. German champagne properties In France will not be allowed to share in the export privilege. Their stocks have been sequestered. Auction Off Hallway. ST. PAUL. Minn.. Sept. 14. From the .steps of the state capltol build ing here today all property of the Mississippi, Hill City and Western railway was sold under the hammer. Creditors claiming 385,000 on the road's paper, forced the action. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature 20 Injured by Aeronlans. WASHINGTON, Ind., Sept. 14. whenever you are troubled with minor ailments of the digestive organs, that these may soon develop into more serious sickness. Your future safety, a3 well as your present comfort may depend cn the quickness with which you seek a corrective remedy. By common consent of the legion who have tried them, Beecham's Pills are the most reliable cf all family medi cines. This standard family remedy tones the stomach, stimulates the sluggish liver, regulates inactive bowels. Improved digestion, sounder sleep, better looks, brighter spirits and greater vitality come after the system has been cleared and the blood purified by 5, on am s ri The UrtMt SaU ot Any Medicou in tlx World) Sold Enrrvhm. U bozo, 10c, 23c. s From Any Angla you view our fixtures the result Is the same perfection. Perfection to the slightest de tail. While very low in price, they are high in quality. No matter how beautifully your home may be furnished, our fixtures will enhance that beauty. If you'll step In we'll gladly show them and quote prices. J. L. VAUGHAN w,Mf ff Tfffff Tff ftTTTfff fTTttttlttttliltiiiiiAii iHorses Wanted! : 1 WILL be in Pendleton af ter the Rounk-Up, to buy war horses. , They should be solid colors 1 5 hands high and from five to nine years old. If you have horses for sale here's your chance. J. D. HUSTON .At the O. K. Feed Yard Telephone 516