East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 14, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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lio Sclioolbsy's Lunch
Pgriggq" Gold oofs
The Sanitary, Made in Pendleton Kind.
Will Convince You of the Superior Quality.
"PEMECO" MEATS are. grown and prepared in Pendle
ton. Boott home industry buy buying at home.
The Central market
Phone 455.
108 E. Alta St
LONDON Grouse on the royal es
tates In the Scottish Highlands are )
plentiful Uil year that King George
h.is decided great number ihall be
rhot and distributed to military and
puval hospitals.
LONDON M Iss Phlllppa Fawcett,
daughter of England' former post
master general, has become a post
woman In a rural part of Suffolk to
relieve a man for war duty.
ZURICH Bwlas breweries are
thriving due to the prohibiting of the
export of beer from Munich and other
big German brewing centers. J
HOME The king will probably
decorate an Italian naval surgeon
who bound up the stump of a sailor's
arm while both were In the water
after the torpedoing of the cruiser,
Amalfl. j
I The object of the board, depart
jinent officials point out, Is to build
, up a fighting machine. For this rea
son Secretary Daniels does not want
It encumbered by theorists who
might seek to use the office to ad
vance their notions about the Heed
lessness of preparation.
It has been learned that Henry
Ford, who was prominently suggested
as a candidate for the advisory
board, has never been seriously con
sidered at the department. While
due honor Is granted him as a busi
ness organizer, he Is not believed to
be an Inventive genius of the type required.
Naty Want no Pacifist.
WASHINGTON", Sept. U. "No pa
cifists need apply." Is the sign htHig
out by the navy department over the
entrance to the new advisory board,
headed by Thomas Edison. While the
selection of the board's personnel hns
been delegated by Secretary Daniels
to 10 prominent technical societies,
each of which is to choose two mem
bers, the department has hinted un
offlclaly that they are not expected
to nominate arty exponents of "peace
at any price."
Mailed Men Force Ride.
TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 14. Six
hours In a buggy with two armed and
masked highwaymen, one of whon.
kept a revolver shoved either against
his ear or prodding his ribs. Francis
D. Stewart of Jorr.hlll, whipped his
horse full speed from Just beyond Fife
Station on the Tacoma-Puyallus high
way to the beginning of the pavement
in Parkland. The robbers climbed
Into his buggy at 9 Saturday night
i ml the ride continued to 8 Sunday
nornlng. Stewart had only 10 cents
but the hindlts mide no effort to
search him.
"That's all." snapped one of the
masked men as the pair Jumped out
at the edge of Parkland. "You can
go home now."
The total production of whale oil
In 1912 was 1,200.000 barrels, more
lhan half of which came from Nor
way. Ten years ago the cost of pro
duclng a ton of the oil was less than
half what It Is now.
Fashionable Millinery
It is a genuine pleasure to us to show
you our large selections.
740 Main Street.
i or a i
( Advertising in Brief
Per line first Inwrtloa l"e
Per line. iltltiunnl insertion....
Per Hue, ht Dimtb M tit)
No I'M-als laUvu f'r less tbnn 2.e.
Count tf ordinary worn io Hue.
Linals will not be taken over the
phune and reailtutnce must aecum
pauy order.
For fuel fone five.
Wood for sale. . 75 cents
Phone 650.
Wanted A good talloT at once. O.
K. Pressery. 645 Main street.
Experienced young couple want
position on ranch. Phone 1 95 J.
Want to rent or buy used electrie
vibrator. Address Box -70S. City.
Wanted Houskeeeper about 30 or
35 years old. Isqulre this office.
Wanted Furnished house for the
winter. W. J. Connor, 149 Main St.
For sale 80 head stock hogs.
Weight 70 to 130 pounds. Inquire
this office.
Biz room house, with garage, for
sale. Located at 111 Long street
Telephone 18F11.
John Rosenberg, Court street
watchmaker and Jeweler. All work
Old papers for sale; tle In bundles
dood for starting fires, etc 10s
bundle. This office.
For rent Housekeeping apartment
In strictly private home. Inquire 515
Post street or phone J8SR.
For exchange 40 acres irrigated
land in 8. Idaho for Pendleton prop
erty. Address 517 Garfield St.
Very many people desire to buy
lands In eastern Oregon. What have
you to offer, and price 7 N. Berkeley.
Wanted School girl to help with
housework for board and room. In
quire 601 Franklin street. Telephone
Garbage hauled at . reasonable
prices. All work promptly done. Any
place In town. Ed Lannlngs, 1403
W. R R.
For sale Seven room modern
house, plastered and In first class
condition. Inquire C. Rohrman, 118
Grange street
There will be a dance at German
Hall, Saturday, September 18. Good
music, good management and good
time assured all.
Wanted 100 Macaw parrots. Must
be able to say Edith Storey and the
Island of Regeneration. Apply Man
ager of the Pastime Theater.
For sale Span small horses, har
ness and covered hack, suitable for
camping purposes. Inquire Commer
cial Livery Stable.
Wanted Young man to travel with
manager and solicit in country. See
Mr. Yotise, French Restaurant, 8 to
9 a. m., 5 to 7 p. m.
Wanted 100 Macaw parrots. Must
be able to say Edith Storey and the
Island of Regeneration. Apply man
ager of the Pastime Theater.
"Mutt" takes the big loads and
'Jeff" shows the speed. Penland
Bros, haul anything and reasonable.
Furniture van and storage warehouse
Office 64 7 Main street. Phone 339.
Any man or woman with 11000 to
82000 to Invest in legitimate business,
will be guaranteed 25 per cent annu
ally on Investment. For proof, ad
dress, quick, "E," care East Oregon
Ian. Will pay 5 per cent bonus In addi
tion to regular Interest rate for 8500
for a year, money to be used here In
an A-l buslnes proposition. Address
for one week, "E" care East Oregon-ian.
I LSiuuimL t.iuiilJil
JuKe Powmnn was up from Echo
last evening.
I). O. Justus of Heppner Is register
"d at the I'owman.
George Patterson, llermist' n resi
dent, is In the city today.
Misses Ituthers of Helix are spend
ing the day In Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stnrtevunt of
Pilot Hock are In the city.
Gerald E Ktanflela came In this
morning on the motor from Stanfield.
H. G. Hurlburt was among the
Hermlstonians In Pendleton yester
day. J. K. Bolt, Jr., came In this morn
ing from the Bott ranch north of the
Fred MoCrea, well known Holdman
merchant and farmer, Is in Pendleton
Ralph B. Stanfield, head of Echo's
bank, came up on the motor this
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Foley of La
Grande, are registered at the Pendle
ton today.
Mayor and Mrs. Homer I. Watts of
Athena drove down this morning In
their car.
S. B. Calderhead, traveling agent
for the N. P., Is paying Pendleton a
visit today,
Sam Douglas of Hood River was
among the out-of-town people In
Pendleton yesterday.
L. G. Hale has returned to Pendle
ton from a three weeks' hunting trip
into the John Day country.
Will Audrey, local plumber, return
ed this morning from Pasco, where
he had been for a few days.
Herbert Copeland. teacher of
the school at Pilot Rock Junction
was a visitor in the city today.
Mrs. Robert Dunnington of Helix
was an incoming passenger on the
Northern Pacific train this morning.
Lee Caldwell, prominent Pendleton
broncho buster, has Just returned
from Reno, Nevada, where he carried
off the big prize in a bucking contest.
He 'is at the St. Qeorge.
In the list of new officers elected
by the Lady Maccabees a few days
ago. the name of Mrs. Hattie J. Da
vis, chaplain, was unintentionally
omitted. Mrs. Davis has been elected
to that office for four consecutive
! Prr l-r ;-r i-Tn irr Tr' r -r t r-r t tt-t t"T jtt rj 77 rt Ts! V 7..T7 ' -', ' .'
i pviJ "!!'!l'l!i:!!!'H:!'"p!t:' !
t-t 7-?y-r n tt i t i i tt n v rrrr nriniTn pin t-t rt r t-
As In the past the East dni;oiiian
cover the Itojnd-up this Near in
u-to-dato style. The only differ
ence is the Round-up edi'ions t
-ar uiil surpass all previous efforts.
The paper will be the same size as j
lost J ear. pages each flay, nut w.ll
be iin improvement In several ways,
noticeable In the character of the art
or and in the photographic dis
plays. The enlarged editions will be pub
lish) d during each of the days of the
liound-up and will be an exhibition
of Journalism never heretofore dis
played in Pendleton or in any other
town of this size. It will contain all
the news of the Round-up, written by
men who know a good Round-up
when they see It, there will be much
information about the Round-ups of
the past and many feature stories of
interest to those who like the flavor
of the western range and also many
stories of the industrial life of Pen
dleton and Umatilla county. Those
who liked the work of the East Ore
gonian last year will be even' more
pleased with the Round-up editions
this year because they are going to be
better than ever.
The price for the entire series of
Round-up papers will be 25 cents,
wrapped, addressed and postage paid
by this office. The papers will make
the best souvenir of the Round-up ob
tainable. Have the series mailed to
your friends so as to let them know
about Penrdleton's greatest show. Or
ders may now be sent to the East
Oregonian business office. Send with
your order the addresses to which
you wish the paper sent.
2 ta
g Sllmark
fc pi 3 Store
1 1
Silver Tatting Shuttle
Beautiful silver engraved or
plain. The new kind with the
fine needle point.
85c EACH.
I ill
Royal SL Sawtdk
Eitablishcd 1887
For sale.
On account of leaving the city, I
wish to sell my modern home, 128
Jane street. Reasonable terms. En
quire at E. O. Office.
I PEACHES Large & Juicy (
Water Melons right off the vine. Canteloupes, the finest E
ever. Just received large shipment at E
I East End Grocery
I JOHN DYER Phone 536
Don't Put It Off Mail in Today.
East Oregonian Pub. Co.,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Enclosed find 25c f.or which please send your special
Round-Up Editions postpaid as yer your "special offer,"
to the following address :
Post Office .;
Name of Sender
For Sale.
My home place on McKay creek of
320 acres, 160 In summer fallow, 100
in stubble and 20 In alfalfa. Will sell
stock and equipment with place, If
desired. Write or see Charles Man
ning, Pilot Rock, Ore. Adv.
(Continued From Page Two).
For the purpose of meeting Mrs
Jessie Honeyman of Portland, a meet
irg of the Current Literature Club
has been called for tomorrow after
roon at 2:30 in the council room of
the city hall. Mrs. Honeyman and
Mrs. Mossman of La Grande, until
recently of Portland, are planning on
elving a series of art lectures In Pen
dleton this fall and wish the cooper
ation of the various women's organ
izations. While here Mrs. Honeyman
will be the guest of Mrs. E. L Power.
Child's Tears Save Dog.
HAZELTOX. Pa., Sept. 14. The
tears of little Veronia Splllback,
whose widowed mother, with five
other children, could not pay tl dog
tax for the family pet, which was to
be shot, moved Mayor Harvey to pay
the fee for the tag himself and save
the dog's life.
Encouraged by the sight of his hu
mane feeling, Barney MeCann, ar
rested as a porch sleeper, recalled to
Mayor Harvey that he had worked as
his laborer in the Stockton mines 36
years ago. His honor remembered
McCann, but this did not save the
prisoner from Eerving time in default
of a t2 fine.
iimimuiiimmmm Pi i W
rCi II i 11 lili II I il lull II I iRi iiUlUlilliUlflliilHliiliiUlliailllliliiUHUHilMiliillHHUMilHllilHit-ii.l
Expected Battle Missed.
BAKER, Ore.. Sept. 14. Heavily
armed, preparatory for a promised
battle, Deputy Claude Bowman
searched through the Burnt river dis
trict for William Lawrence, living
near Unity, who Is charged with wil
fully smashing the windows of the
Unity school house and damaging
neighbor's property.
It was reported from Unity that
Lawrence would resist arrest, but ev
idently he has escaped to the Interior
of the state.
Mr. Nelson and Mr. Bowman re
turned and officials throughout ths
state were notified to watch for Lawrence.
Boat Sunk; Cr"w Rescued.
LONDON, Sept 14. The French
cargo boat Aued Sebou, ISfiO tons, waa
torpedoed and sunk but the crew waa
Free skating all this week for la
dies at Pavilion Rink, opposite
Round-up park. Skating season clos
es September 30th.
Mr. and Mrs. Perle Hales and fam
ily have moved in from their farm
to their new bungalow in this city.
Mrs. L. Hunter of Coeur d'Alene,
formerly of this city, is visiting
friends here.
Mine Dlvldcmls g6.69.879.
SPOKAXE, Wash., Sept. 14. Divi
dends paid or declared for immedi
ate payment to date In 1915 by Coeur
d'Alene mines amount to 16.699,879.
September dividends, including the
quarterly disbursement of Interstate
Callahan of 25 cents a share to be
made at the close of the month, am
ount to 11,034,900. The reopening
of the Hercules in August is adding
I from 1200. nun to $250,000 to the
i monthly earnings of the district.
j The great lead producer will t
i Si'iHi.oun during September.
The bunker Hill ft Sullican already
has paid its September dividends of
181,750, or 25 cents a share.
Alleged Murderer Suk-idcs.
WATXESBURG, Pa., Sept. 13.
Dr. J. T. Silvert, suspected of the
murder of Xettie Poland, today sui
cided at his office at Georgetown, W.
Va. The body of the girl, stripped,
was found in an automobile desert
ed on a road.
Gond Coal and Wood.
Our Rock Springs coal burns clean
ilvlng you more heat and less dirt
for your money. Good dry wood
that doesn't boil, but buns. Also
jlab and kindling. Protect yourself
from cold and cost order from B
Hurroughs, phone B. Adv.
Social llance Wednesday FvenlnR.
There will be a social dance at
Moose Hall Wednesday evening, Sep
tember 15th. Good time and good
musio guaranteed. Admission, 50
cents, ladles free.
Wool"". 72. Is Stowaway,
SAX FRAXCISCO. Sept. 14. A 73-year-old
stowaway Mrs. Destlna An
M'l said to be the oldest stowaway
that ever came to San Francisco, ar
rived here from Honolulu on the lin
er Korea. Her son, George Angel,
had bought a second-class ticket for
himself from Honolulu and had smug
gled his mother on board.
Mrs. Angel was sent to the Immi
gration station.
Xotloc of Change In Firm.
Notice is given that N. P, McLean
has purchased the Interest of W. J.
Burns in the City Auto Co. of Pen
dleton and after this date the firm
will be known bi N. P. McLean & Co
and will be conducted by N. P. Mc
Lean and Bert Peterson at the same
location. D. II. Nelson, trustee, has
turned over the entire business to
the new company and the said N. P.
McLaln & Co. assume all obligations
and will collect all outstanding ac
counts of the former City Auto Co.
Dated this 9th day; of . September,
115. AdT. ' -
12(H) Rales of Hops Burn
SACRAMEXTO, Cal., Sept. 14. A
fire of unknown origin, hut the cir
cumstances of which point to in end!
arism .lestrowd a galvanized iron
varehot'Se and its contents : 1200
baits of hops on the E. Clement Horst
ruih. east of the city, a total dam
age f about $35,000 was suffered.
T;ie fire started In the center of
the w "chouse. The door? of the
on . , g were cksed at the time, and
n:ilf ;i dozen guarus rtere o wateh
. .ovr, 1 the ranch.
lii estimation Is Oriiird"
HOXOLl'I.r T H Sept. 14.
Lieutenant-Commander Mark St. C.
Kllis. of the gunboat Princeton, was
named chairman of a board of in
ouiry to investigate and fix the re
sponMiliility for the collision between
the I'nited States Eteamer Supply and
three submarines of the F type The
F-l, F-2, F-3 were damaged by the
Supply when the la'tter attempted to
dock here.
,tows to Strike for Day.
NEW YORK, Sept. 14. A 'friendly
slrike of the members of the Jewish
trade unions represented in the con
vention of the National Workmen's
committee on ewish rights, for one
day following the opening of peace
negotiations in Europe, was decided
on nt the closing session here.
The workmen, nearly 250,000, will
cease work for a day as a protest
against the oppression of the Jews in
sivefal European countries.
Closing Law Is I plicld.
S.U.K.M. Ore.. Sept. 14. The su
preme court today upheld the consti
tutionality of the Oregon Sunday
closing law. The case was the state
versus llgh Xicholls of Eugene, for
selling cigars and tobacco on Sunday
I.ove Captures TtHU'liors,
PITTSRURO, Sept. 14 Ten teach
ers of the public schools of Pittsburg
fell victims to the arrows of Dan Cu
pld since the schools closed In June,
according to a communication sent to
the board of public education by Su
perintendent of Schools William M.
Davidson. There are 2! teachers who
who have asker that their resigna
tions be accepted and the superin
tendent recommends that the board
Comply with' Ihe requests.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids w ill be received by the secretary
of the Umatilla county library board
at her address, Pendleton, Oregon,
until 12 o'clock noon, September 30,
1915 for the construction of a library
building approximately 42x63 feet, of
basement, main floor and attic, in
cluding approaches and grading or
Plans and specifications can be ob
tained from Mrs. Una H. Sturgis,
president of the library board, Pendle
ton! Oregon, by making a deposit of
$20.00 which will be refunded to un
successful bidders on return of the
plans and specifications in good con
dition. ,
Plans and specifications are also on
file In the public library at Pendleton
on the second floor of the city hall,
where they may be inspected.
Each bid for all the work shall be
nicompunied by a certified check up
on a national bank drawn to the or
der of the Umatilla county court, to
the amount of five per cent of the
bid, binding the bidder to execute the
work if awarded to him. All such do
posits, except that of the accepted
bidder, will be returned within one
week after the contracts have been
awarded. Failure of the successful
bidders to furnish bond culled for
herein within one week after the con
tract has been awarded will result in
the award of the work being rescind
ed and given another bidder: and the
certified check of the defaulting bid
der will become 'liable up to its full
amount of any difference in the am
ounts of the two bids.
The successful bidder will bo re
quired to furnish a satisfactory bond,
in amount one-half the contract price,
executed by a Surety company accept
able to the county court and qualified
to do business in the state of Oregon.
si:ch bond insuring the fulfillment ot
all the provisions of the contract and
the satisfactory completion ot the
work thereunder within the time stat
ed, and covering all guarantees pro
vided for in the specifications, the
prompt payment of all persons fur
nishing materials or labor required for
the prosecution of the work and the
settlements of all claims, liens or oth
er liabilities arising from the con-
I structlon of the work or the use of
patented articles.
The library board reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.
Mark envelopes "Bid on Library
Dated this 14th day of September.
Secretary of Library Board, Fcndle-
ton, Oregon.
, .iyplfei .... ijy
iS,t. i ,jlJlliiii'-8llitiioi..il:ii iiiii(i:J:l5iliiibi;i'::J.S.'itl....! ;:.!-.',:
Palatial 6 -Deck Steamships
"Great Northern" and "Northern Pacific"
Throu tickets to other California Points, and via California East
Faros Same as Hall and INCLUDE MEALS AXD BERTH.
Low Excursion Rates from Pendleton and all other Northwest
ern Points. Onlv 26 hours at Sea. Delightful Ride Along the
lower Columbia River on THE NORTH BAXK ROAD. Steamer
Train leaves Portland 9:30 A. M.. Stmr. arrives S. F. 3:30 P. M.
exi ittv.
SERVICE PLUS Free mid-meal
refreshments, tea and buffet lunche
ons. Orchestra, Dancing. Deck
Games and other unusual features of
ADAMS, Agent, N. P. RY.
It. II. CHOZIFR, A. G. P. A.
San Francisco 665 Market St
E .
m it w mn
At. A-.',' i vfcsa
sew ym
Is hy Obtaining Free and Equal Breathing Through Each
THE BENEFITS ARE, comparative freedom from fre
quent colds, headaches, acute ear, sinus, and throat dis
ease. The arrest of a slowly increasing deafness from the
closure of the eustachean tubes.
The restoring of the voice toits normal quality and the
freedom from a troublesome and annoying disease.
The treatment is operative, there are no failures, and
but little if any pain.
D. N. REBER, M. D.
i:e, Far. Xose ami Throat Specialist.
Schmidt 1!U1 -.. Pendleton.
( All this weok for Ladies I
I -AT- .
j Pavillion Rink Opposite
Round-Up Park
I Skating Season Closes Sept. 30th