East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 13, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAc;i: fix
Tw Hie finest prizes I.T nhi.h
t.iniin l-iivti.rx cmt contended in the;
Id.iiR.I-iij. i i :.ny other nr. na have .
Juki Wen . .rril'! '' -l '' the s,op 'i
H.itwI' V ' ,v (Cn, in i.f thi.- I'ty ami
! n rv. ..ii .,!M .. in i'h' windows of
ll.cu .-i.i" "tr.-. i i-vi ,1 u-'hiiient. ;
I i... : i b- ilio I .;" K..W!tf '.f "i r. .1 1
):!! )...; Ill l':.. I'!.!,!. 1 .!.!
i . it- .v..n it l'i .ur.y.
'r. b.rt. ill. I Ut.fklli:.lh.p is Well
(iiii 1 i.. 1" V,e ; r. mi.T rriw at the
v.; u v 'i t ivpi-'i-T hilii:i..n. K.
.1, sji y..iiii.., il. Metier ami builder
.. i'l'.i I'M i ..ii'.."irr.e iiii j'revious
.ti,,,i- . .hi .-n-lf.iv.ir In make Una
year'" .i.?.r the m-ist af.ra.l.vc of
liir fi'..aii.: ..fin ft beautiful and,
m" nm rrrrED-vr, aching
m i:ty. cai.iahsf.d feet
and corns.
aasJU." A-
f .re 3 r sfrt'.i
;:;). :.r.r. From the to1,1
:lrt inlaid band ma. Ie horn
i.. f!i. j . . j n t "f she l.ir.j!. grsecf-.il lap
. . ;. ii.s r..ilh.nfi: seems to have been
. nii:ie.l hi,!i would a to the beau
t i'! ti'.e .rize
The striking feature of the saddle
mt.ii.le of .its general handsome ap-
I ranee i the merlins silver mount-j
imr with embossed steer head. 1 n j
all there are ten nf these beautiful ;
'inaiiKiits rancing in size from three!
to f.mr Inches in diameter, the large,
i. ne attorning each corner of the!
"butterfly" skirts. i
The general engraving design Is ;
a. orn aivl wild lose. (Mi one of the;
-h..wJ" side j.vktys appears the:
bia.i i.f a horse and on the other the;
! .i.! of a d ig. on the left fender ap-'
: . us the ins. i ii tiiMi. "The Itound-up.
l'i ton in-ejon. Let er buck,
an Ameri.-an eagle in flight with!
.1 streamer In his beak on which ap-
j oars the word. World's Champion."
i 'ii the other fender is a buekaroo as
ir.de a bucking horse.
Not the least conspicuous part ofj
the a.ld!e are the long, heavy 'shar-,
.1 ' upederos, beautifully engraved,;
b.armg the K. I. monogram and tlp-j
,.ed with a large silver steer head.;
The date, 1 9 1 5 is engraved on the!
front of the "taps." j
The front and cantle bindings offer
something decidedly new in an in-,
laid acorn decoration while on the,
back or the cantle is the beautiful
solid silver plate with the Inscription.;
Made, and Presented by Hamley &
Company. Pendleton. Oregon, to ;
World s Champion Bronco
ecr roamed the ranee without fear
o! aii thing giving away.
1 stvle the sa.r.lie is double rig
with square skirts and rounded cor
ners V reproduction of the famous
Hound -up steer head which is to be
seen on all this year's huge posters,
appears on each side jockey while on
the rosaderos or fender appears a
handsome elk head and the inscrip
tion. "The Wound-up. 1H5."
fender la spproprlately adorned Uh
a steer roping scene in which a
mounted horseman has just thrown
hi lariat over the horns of a fleoin,
steer and set his horse for the im
pending struggle.
The saddle is a prize of whl. h any
buckaroo might well be proud I
, ...i.....i n.i.i built by Louis
Campbell of the Hamley establish-
i,.,n o.ii MeXtonies be-
!"!' ,..'.., have made all but one of;
. ..,..,,. offered by the;
the pruo ?..i.v..v
Uonnd-up association for this and
other exhibitions.
,-,u tnis TH AT AUK STlri'FI:
Careful people see that they A Kb.
stored. Dr. King's
is a remedy of tried merit It has
held its own on the market or 4
vears. Youth and old age testi to
ito soothing and healing Qualities.
Pneumonia and lunS troubles are oft
en caused by delay of mrnL
King's New Discovery stops those
hacking coughs and reliefs : la f rlPP
tendencies. Money baeK u u
and $1.00. Adv.
i ; - !
' j
J . j .
i 1 ': !
r i
I.. .,
ill.;, .
Ki.ler. 1915
While the other priie. that for the
steer roping contest, is also a beauti
ful masterpiece of the saddler's art.
it Is essentially a saddle for service.
In addition to being" beautifully dec
orated and mounted with sterling sit-,
ver ornaments it is built on a regular,
low roping tree and so constructed;
that the winner can throw it on his
horse and tie up the longest-horned,!
wildest Texas or Oregon ste'er that
Qijod-bye sore feet, burning fet,
swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling
feet, tired feet
Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions
and raw spots. No more shoe tight
ness, no more limping with pain or
drawing up your face in agony.
T1Z'' 1' magical, acta right off.
TIZ" draws out all the poisonous ex-
dations which puff up the feet the
only remedy that does. Use "TIZ"
ind wear smaller shoes. Ah! how
.omfortable your feet will feel. "TIZ"
iv a delight. "TIZ" is harmless.
Get a 15 cent box of "TIZ" now at
my dniegist or department store.
Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad
iit, feet that never swell, never hurt,
twver get tired. A year's foot com
tart guaranteed or money refunded
Cut This Out
It Is Worth Money
Cut out this advertisement, enclose
I cents to 'uley & Co., 21.35 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, 111, writing your name
and addr:ss clearly, lou will re
ceive in return a trial package con
taining: (1. Frley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, the standard family remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, whoopin?
cough, tightness and soreness la
chest, grippe and bronchial coughs.
(2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over
worked and disordered kidneys and
Madder ailments, pain In sides and
back due to Kidney Trouble, sore
muscles, stiff joints, backache and
(5i Foley Cathar'tlc Tablets, a
wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic. Kspeclally comforting to
stout persons, and a purgative needed
by everybody with sluggish bowels
end torpid liver. You can try these
three family remedies for only 5c
Sold Eveywhere.
Charles Hosk'ms, well kn E
athlete has entered the University
am is turning out with the football
squad. Though he has been a .tar
member of the Echo baske ban an
baseball teams, he has never played
football. However, his speed, strength
and aggressiveness should make him
ana issi n,rtek and al-
a valuaote ma"
ready he is being spoken of as the
"dark horse" of the season.
The following mention of him was
made in a dispatch from th. I-nlver-,
sitv of Oregon yesterday.
. "Although the campaign is ear
and there has been no chance to wit
men under action, It begins to
took like the proverbial "dark horse
has arrived. He is none other than
Curley" Hoskins, from Echo Ore.,
who weighs in well around the 180
mark and who possesses a wrapper s
chin and an ambition to learn the
game of football. Hoskins has star
red L a basketball and baseball play
er In his "home town," but the grid
iron rastlme is a new field with him.
V S. Investigates lti-port.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1". The de
partment of justice started investl
gation of reports that Mexican news
papers and handbills were being cir
culated along the border in the Unit
ed States advocating uprisings in
Walter Arndt. who claims the welt
er weight wrestling championship ot
the Pacific coast, and who challenges
all comers to meet him. He is with
the Campbell carnival company and
would like to secure a match while In
Substitution is the mort a en
emy of the "square deal."
In the long run it profits no one.
When you ask for a brand by
name don't take something "just
as good."
Go to the dealer who plays fair.
The dealer who trades unfairly on a
manufacturer's reputation is not the kind
of dealer you want to give your confidence
.to, or your money.
kthov. iv k iorvi 'l IVf'll- I
RINGSIDE, Brighton Beach, N. Y..
Sept. 13. Packey McFarland of Chi
cago, heralded as the world's clever
est boxer, lived up to that reputation
here Saturday night by building up a
victory ;n the last two rounds of his
10-round bout with Mike Gibbons of
St. Paul. Up to the eighth round the
battle was as even as the most neutral
spectator could have wished.
McFarland was going strong at the
finish, while Gibons was plainly tired
from his unceasing efforts to pene
trate the marvelous defense of the
Chicago man.
Both boxers took turns in forcing
the fighting up to the eighth round,
and after vainly endeavoring to pene
trate each other's defense would fall
back into their respective shells.
Chk-agoan Cool Fighter.
McFarland fought a cool battle
throughout, pulling the stunt that
Jack Johnson made famous that of
smiling over his opponent's shoulder
at his friends around the ring .
Gibbons never smiled during the en
tire battle. With blazing eyes and
teeth bare -he strove desperately but ,
futilely to put over a knockout But
each time he was met with a seeming,
flock of gloves. McFarland's shade!
was not big. In fact, he didn't have
any till the eighth round. Never was
there an evener bout up to that ses
sion But the last two rounds were
so clearly the stockyards battler's that
they gave to him the slight shajie
trere was.
Both boxers were so defensively
clever that at times each made the
other look foolbih In his efforts to
S0,KK) Seats Are Oroii!el.
Fully thirothousand of the fifty
odd thousand seats were occupied
when the firm preliminary went on
at 4 30. And st:ll there seemed no
end to the Jostling stream. )
Alie Mack. 121, knocked out Bobby
Gare, 122, in the third round of their,
scheduled six round preliminary, and!
the crowd yelled its approval. The,
ten round seml-windup was between
The Aristocracy of
"Bull" Durham Hand-made Cigarettes
You find them at every rendezvous of men of wealth and refine
ment at the fashionable beaches, town and country clubs. Those
deliciously mild, fragrant, fresh-rolled "Bull" Durham cigarettes as
intimately suited to the taste and expressive of the personality of the
smoker as the fashionable fit of his attire, the equipage of his yacht
litis IE .
Atk for, Fftflf
'Bull" Durham hand-made cigarettes have an irresistible attrac
tion for the experienced smoker, because of their
wonderful, unique fragrance, their inimitable
savory mildness, found in no other cigarettes and
in no other tobacco. When you roll your own
with world-famous, mellow Bull Durham,
you experience a distinctive form of tobacco
enjoyment, supremely mild and satisfying.
An Illustrated Booklet, showing cor
rect way to "Roll Your Own" Ciga
rettes, and a Package of cigarette
papers, will both be mailed, ree, to any address in U.S. on
postal request Address " Bull " Durham, Durham, N. C
nil cm m mmcm j-jr ia
fin a
Young Munday and Frankle Daly,
Honors were about evenly divided
at the end of 10 awkward rounds
The crowd began yelling for McFar
land and Gibbons.
ixr.i. asym .m errs throat
T O t V- rxC Ar Oant 1 1 Tlrtnf
Ijrt liIv.l.'UK, m c- , ('
on ending his life, either by hacking
his wrists until the arteries were tap
ped, or reaching his Juggler vein, or,
both, with a tobacco can as a weap
on, Richard Brown, escaped inmate
of the Pendleton asylum, made an
life In the city
mieui i'- ' "
Jail. His purpose might have been
realized but for the fact that he chos
the noon hour when the chain gang
was returning to the Jail. I
Brown was discovered In the act
by the fellow prisoners. He had ask-'
e,l permission to leave his cell to go
to the lavutory, and It was there the
attempted suicide was initiated. Ho
overlooked far more effective tools
than a can, Tor Jackknlves owned by
prisoners were lying about the corri
dor through which he went to reach
the lavatory. With a knife his pur-
pose would unquestionably have been,
accomplished for he had made several
ugly gashes In hin throat and wrist
with Ihe tin can, "before he was frus
trated, j
Two nights ago Brown was picked,
up on the Northslde In a demented
condition, coatless and with no clear
cut purpose as to his destination. Ho
was committed to the hospital from,
this county originally, and when he
escaped from the asylum he headed
for Ia Grande,
Prompt attention was given him.,
and unless the aftermath from possl-;
ble poisoning becomes alarming, he
will recover. To avoid further at
tempts of the sort, he has been re
moved to the county Jail where there j
are better facilities for safely confm-j
insane p.iticnis.
PARIS, Sept. 11. The Germans
are attacking heavily In Alsace and
the Vosges. cornlilnlng rifle fire, gas
bombs and artillery.
Two French aviators were killed In
Alsace when in landing they struck a
barbed wire fence und Ihe bomb enro
i Fifty AKulnst Two. It Is not rea
sonable to expect two weeks of out
ing to overcome the effects of fifty
Weeks of confinement. Take Hood's
iSarsaparllla along with you. It re
freshes the blood, Improves the appe
tite, makes sleep easy and restful.-1
Casualties Totul KM.
LONDON, Sept. 1 1. Casualties In
the two raids Wednesday night
ugalnst coast towns and the London
district totalled 106, the press bureau
K. C. MiIt Dhu.
ASTORIA. Sept 11. K. C. Meglnr,
70. a well known salmon packer, and
once speaker of the Washington
state legislature, died her e .
Britain's big naval guns are fitted
with telescopes to enable the gunner
to have a clear view of the object to
be hit.
Figures is Rhode Island Murder Mystery
c vii v MI ST KFF.P f-TTKT IlltV
fitay off the damp ground, avoid j
epoure, keep f" t dry, eat less meitj
erink lots of '-j, apd aav ail
i take a spoonful of salts occasionally
to keep down uric a'Jd.
Rheumatism Is .aud b poisonous
toxin, called uric acid, whlt'll Is gefl-j
trated In th howds and abofbV1 In
to the blood. It Is the function of Ihs
kidneys to filter this acid from thej
blood and cast it out in the urine, j
The pores of the skin are also a
means of freeing the blood of thlj
Impurity. In damp and chilly cold
weather the skin pores ars closed,
thus forcing the kidneys to do dou
ble work, they become weak and
sluggish and fall to eliminate this
uric acid which keeps accumulating
and circulating through the system,
eventually settling In the Joints and
muscles causing stlffnei ,orene! and
jaln called rhfiumatlsm.
At the first twlfig oi rhetlmatlsm
get from any pharmacy abfirl four
ounces of Jad Halts; pot fl (bl
spoonfut In a glass of Wafer sftd
drink before breakfast each motf'
Ing for a week. This Is said to elimi
nate urlo acid by stimulating the
kidneys to normal action, thus rid
ding the blood of these Impurities.
Jad Halts is Inexpensive, harmless
and la made from the acid of grapes
and lemon Juice, combined with llth
la and Is used with excellent results
by thousands of folks who ars sub
ject to rheumatism. Here you have!
a pleasant, effervescent llthla water.
drink which overcomes uric acid and
is beneficial to your kidneys as well:
r 1F . - -
1 llllt ?; -j
t A - - - r-
' " 'IP
t h l i r i i
At the left Is Miss Emily Burger,
assistant of Dr. C. Franklin Morif, j
who was seflously wounded In th
neck and JaW when the doctor Was
fatally shot1 while riding- with he lltj
his a itomoblle on a roa near Frovl
ldnce; and in the center Is Dr. C
Traoklln Mohr, the murdered man,
f M the right Is Miss Florence
OrmbyV who told of Mrs. Mohr's al
leged" rflMhits against Miss Burger's
Ml$9 ftoC C.HYs
An imrtpete4; futn has developed
In the caMe by the repudiation at the
confession try tit. Mohr's negro chauf
feur. All tliMS negroes' stoutly deny
that they had anything to do with the
the murder and that the story Impli
cating, Mrs,, Mphr is false. r ,, (