r a n r: four PAILt FAST ORFXiOXIAN. rFNDI.ETON. OREGON. MONDAY. SKPTKMT5KR 1:1, 1915. FIGHT VAG'ea 1 . : v. i 'i the i!i ll!!llllllllllllllllll!ll!lilllllllli;illllll!l!lllllllllllll!llllllll!llllllllllllllinill!IIIIIIHU!:' , ; -.'V - SM KM for 'ihl ' 1 :..n. I 11V1 Ulil. r NH SIM I H ;o country ::'.X to t'orn: law for us ' HH! 1. Ml DIMS Kl ADV TO 1 K.I1T r y S' nil S I I I I.. iiiN ai I'm CO hjmr 1 i l"r A.itt'. n ::eront ..; ". that it w ill be .;!ate a laml- tho country which will be en-; .,) tiveiy sati.-factory to all SCC-j lions and at the same time ad mit of reasonably prompt ac tion on applications for loans. RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS D oilil H liT'l'S S I'.. I . r: a ..k iV . r.'rtinnJ. (i KM.K AT CM. to I-'i r n S,vuu Mill ir.,!, X. Y. Ores HulM'rg 1. tour It IV. be is probable that the next ion of congress will see ad i.T.al bills on this subject in Juced and that effort vil' r.-.aJe to enact comprehen- :n covering net of farm loan. V! l ioS KTKS uS AI'VANCE) pn. nr ir. by mill Iti'y. i wml"", ty mm I ii:t. tl!-M tn.iTitlit. by mull........ Ittilt, nt m-nii.. t'T ni'i It)!:?, mie yi-ar hr flrrlT IttliT rt m.mih. Iit rarrifr I!!? thr al mils,' tT rarMer Osllv r.nr month. n orrlr m! Wwfc !t. on Trar ty mall toal wiV. u mnntliK. bT mall.... MDHIrri:!, ! ur moDttia. by mall... this. It is . i Important that the settlers on: imxi reclamation projects do what' 2 they can to acquaint their; ! '.mi v.Vr.-x.irtatives in congress of; what is necessary in ims con nection for the good of the pro jects that the representatives rnay see that the reclamation projects receive consideration in connection with any farm loan legislation enacted. 1 .50 Tin: symphony of hit:, i Life Is n wi.tuiruis symi'hiny: lis theme 15 ''Mind an.! He.irt O'tl. the croai M-isic M L.ls. Ai il goes ii.h m.in his part II. II. :ne J la y the par's ass.gne,! them well. True to the Master- will: S.ime full to compreheni their ran.. And. biur.derir.g. ptty them i'.l; III. Put. in so vast an orchestra. As is th;s world of men. Twere trar.ge indeed did V not hear Some discords now and then; Charles W. Habner.u INCREASING ORGANIC DISEASES HE increasing waste of American vitality and of: life from the degenera-i tive diseases among wage-earn-j ers and other classes is rapid-1 ly reaching the magnitude of i a national menace. I Warships, forts, guns, mu nitions of national defense an. now topics of serious public j concern and very properly! so. I But how about the Ameri-i ,v . " " 5 !.4 sjilira. tlon of Slortgnge. , V mortcajje executed by Sadie and 15. Waller to James A. Fee, trus- , Io. 11, 1912, is satisfied. " j A mortgage executed hy A. O. Ha r.ey to Jame A. Kee, trustee, July 2, 1315. ts satisfied. j A mortgage executed by Julius La Course to L. L. Rogers January 2S, 1SU for J300, is satisfied. i Zumwalt to Watts & Rogers. August 15. 19H, for J573, is assigned to the Wallowa Nat. !ank. 5 I"xl. Ora Holilman to Klizabeth Stamper 5367. it id ai res in sec. 33, T. 5 N., U. 31 i:. W. M. Julius I.a Course to L. L. Rogers. J3500. The SV 1-4 of SW 1-4 of sec. I, T. N., R. 34 E.. W, M. Ida 1. stout et ux to Marvin L. ilDDBE-JjRDTM ROADSTER X . mortgage executed by Julius I.a Sirout, Jsort. a tract of land in sec. Course to L, L. Roger, March 31. 2, T. 2 X., R. 30. E., W. M. E 1915, for $150. Is satisfied. I'nt.nt. A mortgage executed by F. M. Col- Ceo. D. Illlyard, 86.55 acres, title l'ns to Mary J. Xorvell. January 13. ,i,.scri.!lve. I The heirs of Burton Strout, 318 18 I in res in sec. 2, T. 2 N., U. 30 E., W. E H. O. M. ; 19H, for $325. Is satisfied. Assignment of Mortgag A mortgage executed by MEWS FROM THE FARM AMD RANGE Chopped Hay a Success The Mc t S8 Acres; 3800 Bushels) One of the record grain yields of the season Is reported by Jay H. Dobbin. On 38 acres of his farm, just east of his borne, he raised 3800 bushels of grain. It was sowed to oats but a very small mixture nf liarlev mt in an lr nnh. Naught contract for the Shipment Of' hin n, nnl feel thnt h. n onll It fOO tons of chopped alfalfa hay ls( n straislU yield of 100 bushels to the working out very successfully, accord-; iu.re ot oats. Enterprise Record ing to C. N. McXaught, who is in ac- j chieftain, tive charge. Other orders are being negotiated and there now seems no , .. . ... .,,.. ' ,-,, k... .1. . .v ,, Oats Seven IVet HlRli 11. p. Kram- questlon but that the entire Maxwel ,, . . . , . . j t v-.... w .1. . , lic'h was showing a sheaf of outs yes- and McNaught hay that is sold will:, .. ,k, ..,' . v, i: a .1. . terday that was as fine as one ever be disposed of in this way. Arrange- , , , A roadster designed to lie all that a minister should be. A car capable of carrying two peo ple In continuous comfort You can see better than we can tell, how beautiful It Is. Modeled In clay, when It win first conceived. It was re-modeled, again and again, till the last harsh lino was eliminated. The body la built of steel, with the usuul useless framework entirely eliminated. As a result there is extraordinary storage space at the rear more than sufficient for all the luggage two might take on a long tour. A light car, with all the advantages which that lightness adds to the powerful mulor but a stout, staunch, strong car, and a steady one as well. ments may other hay that is sold will be handled in the same manner. Hermiston Herald. ANTHONY DREXEL BID0LZL' i PHILADELPHIA. Sept. S An thony J. Drexel Biddle and the di rectors of the Drexel-buldle classes per. The grain, stood a full seven feet high. Mr. Kamlich had 20 acres of these oats on his ranch at the i Ruttes. It was so high that any man I would disappear from sight as soon Another Car of Horses Walter as he had stepped Into the field. The Ringham shipped a car of horses on sheaves after being cut by the binder Monday for the British army. This were higher than Mr. Kamlich and makes six cars, or 132 horses, that he were so heavy that It was & hard mat- j Pendleton Auto Company niUinMIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.?. HOW long Can the of which there are 80.000 members has EhPPed from pllot Rc he, ter to handle them. Six foot oats are FARM LOANS W can men republic endure with the phy- " thirty state In the union, are pre sical fitness of its detenaers, ;t;--ji; ;r steadily declining? jtrain them. How long can we hope sue- The Mea accorJing t0 Mr. Biddie, CeSSfuliV to maintain our tU-i father of the movement, ts to form ITH the subject Of rural ture Struggles Of both peace a military organization for peace credits a very lively and war with the proportion; fw rathtr than tor Tar topic these days an ar- of inactive, flabby-muscled, i W.T?J!!?" f h.n.fL-p Sf tide in the Reclamation Record low-powered Americans con-j,'ne blWe claW! are conducted, for September is worth read- stantly increasing? j -We the undersigned are American ing. It is by I. D. O'Donnell, : In three decades the death j citizens, we promise our God to supervisor of irrigation and in rate has increased nearlv 1 00 j protect the flag and the honor of the full is as follows: per cent from the breaking! ' America with our v,A wdHof vhC se'e"1 down or wearing oat of the j More than ;ooo signatures have bills which have been submit- heart, arteries and kidneys (in-!a;ready been obtained by Mr. Biddie ted for consideration by con- eluding apoplexy.) land he said that fuiiy 10.000 more press on the subject of farm we lose about 400,000 Am-;"e in the hands of other directors. loans snoTs tr.at at least two encans annually from these of such bills propose something degenerative diseases, definite in the way of farm in 0Tie decade (1900-1910) loins which may, if adopted this increase .in the registra- work out satinactordy. wants to get this week. The horses see them go to seven. hA la pattlnar iorA aro nf oTrellrtnt quality and have no difficulty in pass ing the tests put by the British offi cers at Denver. Pilot Rock Record. More than 24,500.000 aires of land are devoted to cotton growing In British India. These tills propose the for- knowingly. They are unin formed, unwarned. How .... 1 IT -a-illlUCU 1UI1KCI tail unuoi.ui. vjj - iV"s". :r ' and the state continue to ig- BEST STOCK RANCH FOR THE PRICE, IN UMA TILLA COUNTY. 22SO acres near the Blue Mountain Forest Reserve; allott ment for two bands of srleep. Water piped Into a two story 7 room house. Fine spring close to two barns, good family orchard. Stream runs through premises. 80 acres toovtom land, together with tillable bench land, produces sufficient feed for stock In winter. This ranch Is adapted to any kind of stock. 64 tons of hay goes with this ranch at J10 per acre. Easy terms. If not sold in September, It Is off the market. E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore. ; nore this excessive drain upon j national vitality? i Jrsf National Dank PENDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For It's Strength ii'wmmir 1I..UI.I,J1IIIIUU sisticn of land-mortgage asso- widely separated large citie r-'sr-'r-a wVvh &'iations frnm Oft trt nor rpnt mar.' under supenision from in ten years, ending 1900. ! Is a life saved from tubercu- WssV ---,-. Tt (' . throueh tva inrrpaA amonff.iosis oi any more aiue tu -c four million the Federal reserve ban. over make loans on lands in cist-was: j ricts of states or within entire Manufacturing industries 54 states in amounts not exceed- per cent. ! ing 50 per cent of the actual , Laborers and servants 37 j valuation of the land. The per cent ' loans to be secured by first; Farmers and other outdoor mortgages and the fund3,w-0rkers 66 per cent, loaned to be utilized for pro- The physical examinations ductive purposes on the lands 0f groups by the Life Extension mortgaged. It is then pro-' institute sustain the verdict of posed to issue debenture bonds the statistics as to degenerat based on these first mortgages jVe tendencies, and the bonds offered to the! jnig increasing mortality public as a safe investment.: occurs jn city and rural dist There is strong objection on'rict3 and in both native and the part of many legislators to, foreign population. It ha3 utilizing public fund3 for iarm caused the general death rate loans, and this objection is to increase at all ages above workmen 1 family or the state than a life saved from Bright's disease? If the state can afford to fight germ diseases why not degenerative diseases? If it' can teach community hygiene to check one, why not indivi dual hygiene to check the other? I This problem of Individual hygiene should be vigorously, and permanently taicen up by j the public health service, pub- lie schools and other- educa- tional agencies. American j Public Health Bulletin. j THE NEW COAST-DEFENSE, GUNS GOOD for BOTH NEW and OLD SUBSCRIBERS A special arrangement secured by the EAST OREGOXIAX, enables us to offer to our' subscribers for a .limited time only the SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGOXIAN for one year with a full year's subscrip tion to all four of the above high-grade publications, at the special price of $1.75. Our Special Big Four Magazine Offer Woman's World : Household : Peoples' Popular Magazine N the decision to strength- 1 . . A . V. . n 11 M A 4 TV.'-. r , , .vs -1 1 fT It cum a ui av. uuiu tuiiUii.i'Jii 13 i'aoi niiiviivu.i . friminntincr in favor of thp far-: Tt ia rrA fciiinH in Fncrland or in1 Jl en the coast aeienses oy mer and ajrainst other citizens! kindred nations. ! , installing 16-incn guns in such as manufacturers, pro-: There are constantly at leas, Place of the 14 inch guns now fessional Deonle. merchants, fiftAPn million Americans inin use is proof of the succes etc. This objection is obviat-the "development period" of ed in the case of the two bills these preventable or deferable mertioned, in that public : diseases. This period ranges funds are not to be utilized. but rather small private in of recent experiments with the larger weapon. j By mounting the first of the from a few weeks to several! big guns in tortmcauons ai vosrs nrintr txiifri the dis-!CaDe Henry the water ap- I - --- , ---- , x 41, , . . , vestors are given opportunity ease may be checked or cured, proaches to the national capi to secure bonds, backed up by I if discovered by periodic tal should be secure against at real estate, as security for their! health examinations or other-j tack. In due course of time,! loaned money. jwise. j naturally, all the main harbors This country is so large and The most of these peopl'jjof the United States will have, the conditions vary so greatlv arp drifting into diseases un-:the added protection of the 1 I new type of coast defense, " " ' ' ' ' 'guns. Much has been heard! since last April of the great range and power of the 15 1 inch guns of the new British; super-dreadnought Queen Eli- zabeth, but the event has prow cd that the effect of their fire upon the Turkish forts at the Dardanelles has been far les3 than was to be expected. The familiar fact has again been demonstrated that in the face; of the heaviest naval fire mod-, em fortifications remain im-j pregnible. . The fanciful picture has fre quently been drawn of late by excited patriots of foreign war ships standing far offshore and from a safe range reducing to ruins our coast defenses. In a test by the best battle-ship afloat it is more than doubtful if it could be done. With tho new 16 inch guns in place at Cape Henry or Sandy Hook it would be wholly out of the question. New York World. Scientifically Built Roofing V3 7f'-""T The General lays: w. 'JZZZZLJ. "IheBo3who comen rlnwn tn Vi! rrA. S'i. P Jek at 10 a.m. and leaves at 2 p.m. -S-Ci may get away with it but I never could. W ' It took years of investigation and labcr to bring 'Certain-teed Roofing up to its present high quality standard. ' uertam-tee -.!!-. mm ,i . mJiu mi . Ti !Z-i.iz2 ftL-,;?j.-:-g-T" i-TQ Ceii R,ofP I OX? rt I :e ... .:, .iiwaiy u tnuh ,4 f J. lOli I 'n, fno, nni.nr !, (IhiuuiuU u( riK n- V I ieit an,) l (Jj n r mum in ixir bU.r.i- S I hie nJ IraU-rbis uwi uvA l"iir nJ mi thr nf wurlj wile Crrtain-lnA tun no more tUn t!.e k jnli (nr Uit liesl raw naieriai a Kuiiy oiauijiy kiiiJ. General Roofing Manufacturing Company N VHi CUr Gicw riiiUdrlph; St Ua Boa CimUad rituWgli Dtf:i Sui FrftncMc Cncuti M.mbmoU tf S..H1. AtU limutui Lonik.1 HiaWl Srjn.r I I T. I I i . -V j til t arm Liie FOUR BIG MAGAZINES AND S-W East Oregonian Q 1 7C ALL FIVE FOR I i A K m w M m f HOUSEHOLD V v . i, 4 . P1 riJii c THE PEOPLE &t . n mr'w'Kjrr r yxvxi.ff'i"'""" j r- ' f 1 , t , w m ' v M,, ....... . f i i T ' ' ' 'jm fc. f.4 rn rr-rrrr The Ilougchold favorite magazine In a million homes. Every Issue Is full of new and Interesting features, be sides regular depart ments of Fanhlons, Home Cooking, Needle work, Fancy Work, etc Woman's World has more sub scribers than any other magazine published, over two million a month. It's articles, Its stories, its Illustrations, are the best that mon ey can buy. It Is a magazine to be compared with any home maga zine in the country, regardless of price, without fear of contradiction of any claims we make for It. Its stories are by authors known the world over. This offer supplies you with Magazines of the Bast quality, giving you a year's supply of good literature at a saving of one-half the cost This i-i the BEST ami bipcrst combination clubbing offer ever p J: c St ?U public. TlifKAST OREOOXIAN i. .lad to an- nounee to its subscribers tne conipiuium .1 n... People's Popular Monthly Is one of the greatest popular fiction and home magazines published. Contains complete stories each Issue, and Is full of other entertaining feat ures. You will enjoy this magazine. Farm Life Is a publication adap ted to the everyday life of the farm folks, brim full of things that help to make the farm life more cheerful and homelike. Special articles by authorities on all subjects of Interest to the up-to-dnte farnie'. ment, wWbv we can offer such an excellent list of publations Orrponian at the rcn.arknlile price of ?1.7o for all five. Ihis offer is poml for a SHOUT time only ana may ue mcraiacu m time. Better fill out the application blank and get your sub scriptions to us before it is too late. Tbe above magazine offer is also good in connection with sub ... . .1 ninv Tnot rtmrrnTiinn rmth ripw and renewal. scriptions to mo umtJi v,....-.., Rates furnished on appncauun. Fill out this blank and enclose with money or check to the East Oregonlan. Enclosed find II. 75 for which send me the Semi Weekly East Oregonlan for one year and a full year's subscription to the WOMAN'S WORIJ), HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, PEOPLE'S POPULAR MONTHLY and FARM LIFE to this address: Name Addreta i W m lam . H 1