EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1015 PAGE THUKF The Round-up Date are Sept. 23-24-25 Tell your friend. FIT One of the most pleasant features of the clothes we sell, is the absolute perfect fit. Fit does not mean that it is possible to get intb your clothes after a certain amount of tugging and wrestling but that they set snug and grace ful, that they feel comfort able to every part of your body. Bond Clothes $15 to S30 fit you perfectly, giving grace, ease and charm. That's why they look better and wear longer, . We have a suit for you. Bond Bros. Pendleton's Leading Clothien MIAIO GROWING AT ECHO LUY PROVE TO EE A GOOD INDUSTRY CHOI' OK FEW FAKMFKS EXCEED EXPECTATIONS HV M.VXV niSIIEIA Pope Benedict Who Mopes to End War ADAMS FISHING PARTY MAKES A GOOD CATCH llt. AND MllS. UKl'AIXEX MOTOli TO VIM EXT OTIIEK Al , AMS NOTES. (Special Correspondence.) ADAMS, Ore.,' Sept. 13. Mr. and Mrs T. A. Lieuallen motored to Vln rtnt Saturday and were the guests of Mr. and Mm. Kyle McDaniel. Mr. and Mr. Elmer La Due were In town Friday. Sunday. ant Walla, The fishing; party composed of Mfwra. Koy Ferguson, Otis Lieuallen, rennie Clreen und J. C. Chesnut, re turned home lust Thursday. Their booty consisted of a barrel of fish. Mrf Gibbons was In town Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Norvell ' daughter were In town Sunday, j Teddie Norvell of, Helix was In town Sunday. I Teddie Norvell of Helix was In town Sunday. J. T. Lieuallen of Walla spent Sunday In Adams. Mr And Mm VranU VkoK. fA U. Miss Elhel Perlnger who has been In Washington the home of her:ciark turned Thursday from an out brother, Roy terlnger, for some time ln lrll, ln the mountains, tame home last week. ueinert Wilson or Pendleton waa the guest of Miss Ethel Perlnger Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klrby and daughters, Alberta and Joyce, motor ed to Pendleton last week. Dan Mclntyre left last week for Heppner where he school. Two Well Known Men Order Canning OntrilM W ith N idi h to Prepare Crop for Markit ami Itc-ult I So SHlihfurtory That This Industry llo 1 nli-icd by Others, j (Special Correspondence.) ! ECHO, Ore, Sept. 13. That the vi cinity of Echo Ib the land of plenty Ik the conclusion continually being forced upon the residents of this place and the people In Keneral. The latent industry while not to be com-. Pared to the alfalfa hay, the grain, the mock, may lead to greater thin,'. A number of gardeners here planted I tomatoes this past spring, which yield ed so plentifully that It was Impossi ble to market the fruit as fast as It ripened. In order to save theirs, A. M. Aaron and J. VV. Coppinger each ordered a small canning outfit. The Price of the upparatus was very rea sonable, the capacity Is fifteen quart cans. It being easily possible to can 4 5 cans per hour without hiring any help whatever. The quality of the tomatoes thus canned are found to be the equal of the highest grade on the market anH quick sale la being found for them. ' What is being done with the toma toes can easily be done with all plants and vegetables which are grown here! ho abundantly. I ISev. and Mrs. John Carver and son j i Leonard left this morning after a j week-end visit here with friends. Mr. Ourver was pastor In charge of the Echo M. E. church two years ago. Last year the family lived at Waverly, Wash., and this year goes to Ellens burg. Their many friends here were glad to meet them. Mr. Carver occu pied the local pulpit last night. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hammer and daughter Beatrice motored down from Gurdane last Friday to look aft er their business Interests here and returned home Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Gulllford of Eugene Is here visiting with her parents, und Mrs. A. E. Hard. RAILWAY STATIONS ARE BOMBARDED BY FRENCH PARIS, Sept. 10 The railway sta tions at Nesle and Challerange havo will attend high' uomuaruea ana neavuy aamag- i ed by French airmen. The communl- Mlxs Jessie Chesnut left Sunday ql" noea not ,nrow fu"her light up afternoon for Pendleton, where she!0" rpPrted air raid by the Ger mans against I'aris suouros last night, but an announcement of the casualties was officially promised as soon as the details reach the war of fice. German attacks in the Argonne region continued yesterday without cessation. will enter the high school aa a senior, Jack Mayberry made a business trip to the county seat last week. Mis Grace Perlnger left Monday morning for Sulem where she will at tend nhool. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Clark and nephew Hoy Clark, left Monday for Grass v . ' ,. , ' ' ' i ' '' f - ' j " i,w jilt ii:iii!iii:!!iuiii:iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii:iii:i:iiiiiii!isiiiiiiui!in;iiii!iiiiiiiiiiii:i:i!iuiiii'e AGENTS FOR W. B. CORSETS $1.00 TO $3.50. NEW FALL limits o i Mr. Stanfleld has shipped 500.000 Sterillrntlnr, Pa n ho AnfnrMHf I lambs 10 tne eatern market this sea-j without Injery to th patient accord- F. J. Young of Pendleton spent Pat-. n Bnu "'P ttl!" many more.jing to physicians Interested in the! urday here with friends and relatives.! n'"kln hlm ,ne largest operator in campaign. A little- gland is cut,. Orville Jackson, who has resided,1"'" nart f th1 country. j which Immediately renders the pa- here the past three years, left last1 The ,ast of this week Dobbin &!tient sterile, but produces no other week for Montana, where he expects : "u'rman le,,v,'r another 17 car-, effects. to make Ills home. ifji ni By Express Today In all ize, young girls' and ladies' from 13 to 42. Right now is the time to se lect that new Suit or Coat, while the stock is fresh and the styles of the latest creation di rect from New York. Popular Cash Store Prices: CoaU $7.95, $9.95, ?11.85, $12.45 and $14.90. Suits $14.95, $17.45, $19.95 $22.45 and $21.95. ALTERATIONS FREE. I Popular Cash Store I H Better Goods for Less Money. S (Former Wohlenberg Dept. Store Location.) rillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllHIIIIIIIIlllllllIlllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllS daughters. Pauline Dakota and Mar garet Ellen, will leave the last of this month for Birmingham, Ala,, to visit the former's mother. V. H. Sayer weW to Pendleton Fri day, returning on Nn: Ti lt. R. Lewis and wife and Laurence Malcom, of this place, are enjoying the San Francisco Fair. James Iteihlefson is home again after spending the past week with friends In the country. Valley where they will farm on a Italians Caoturc Prisoners, ranch nearby. GENEVA, Kept. 10. Telegraph- miss Augusta Stockton left Monday;ing from the front the correspondent morning -for McMlnnvllle where she will attend school. Miss Nannie Stockton left Monday for California. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krcbs were In Pendleton Inst week. Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Lieuallen and Otis Lieuallen motored to Weston Sunday afternoon. of the Trlbuna wired his paper as fillows: "The Italians have driven back the Austrian from Plezio to Savoreck, They have also advanced from Marno vo to Caporetto. capturing 700 men. Our forces also are making rapid progress In the Sugana valley, taking 200 prisoners." . I 22 CARS OF LAMBS ARE SOLD AT $4.50 A HEAD WHOLE CONSIGNMENT FROM ENTERPRISE BOl'GHT CP BY 1U N. STANF1EI.D. ENTERPRISE, Ore., Sept. II. Twenty-two cars of lambs were ship ped from Enterprise and Wallowa on Monday, destined for the eastern mut ton market. Before they reached Montpeller, Idaho, they were bought by telephone, by R. JJ. Stanfield for J4.B0 a head, total count. They wrre late lambs and weighed from 70 to 73 pounds, so the price paid was enry a little under 16.60 a hundred. mans or lambs to Mr. Stanfield, ar.c! Th members of the sterilization they will turn over a like amount j committee are Bleeker Van Wage aealn about September 20. The last' nen. H. H. Laughlin, A. M. Carma'.t large lamb shipment of the season by! of New Haven, Everett Flood! ot Pat- these flockma.ters will be made about mer. Mass., and H. W. Mitchell of September 25, when Dobbin & Huff- Wirren. Pa. man will deliver 7oo wether lambs to Mr. Stanfield. and Fred W. Falconer To the Public will ship 5000. Part of Mr. Falcon-1 "I feel that I owe e matwfactur- er'B lot are from his own flocks anJ!er of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera part are those he bought of It. F. ! ana Diarrhoea Rerneis a wcd of end Omar Stubblefield. I gratitude." writes Mrs. T. N. Wither- A large number of ewe lambs has all, Gowanda. X. Y. "When I began ncen held back by the careful flock-1 taking this medicine I was ia great masters fot the perpetuation of thelrj pain and feeling terribly sick, due to herds. Two years ago the tendency an attack of summer aomplafsX. Aft was to sell everything that would ! er taking a dose of i I had aot long bring a- fair price but now the sheep, to wait for relief as it benefited roe Irdustry seems to be on a better ba-'al3Kt immediately."' Obtainable sis and the men In it see the need oft everywhere. Adv. looking Into the future. MIND BLANK 13 YEARS, SUDDENLY RESTORED -I MRS. E. II. llAHICIM.W , ItVKS FKiKMf SCHEME ! ! BAVARIANS TAKE CITY FROM RUSSIAN FORCES SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 11. His mind a blank for the- II years that have elapsed since he was rendered unconscious benearlr a' Imrse's hoofs fn a skirmish in tfcp Boer war. Troop Sergeant William Tait, who says he commanded a parry of" scouts after the battle of Mafeking, has come to himself in the emmtv buypital here-. Tait was found fn the wood's of the Duwamish river, near Seattle, two weeks ago. and iiiraeined that he stftl was In South Africa' Perkins his lost Troopers. Shortlr before he was found Tait heard" something like two Pistol shots explode in his head. The hospital physicians explained that this explosion may Trave heeir the burst ing of a blood Trwier that caused the DIPLOMAT COMPT.ETES 43 YK.IRS Of SERVICE loss of his powers of speech and at the same time restored his memory. Tait was able to write details ot his early life, and when asked for his British army identification num ber he promptly wrote, "N"o. HIS, Scottish Yoemanry." . He has no re collection of how he came to America. ' Men ln England generally marry between the ages of 29 and 30, wom en between the ages of 26 and 27. So Crisp and Delicious too! ' There are definite reasons why the New Post Toasties are vastly Jiuperior in crispness and flavour to any other corn flakes. In the new process of baking, intense heat raises tiny air "puffs' on each flake, bringing out a decidedly new and delicious flavour the true flavour of the corn unknown to the corn flakes of the past. Owing to this new process the New Toasties maintain their crispness until eaten and do not grow soft and mushy in the bowl like other corn flakes. The flavour is so delightfully pleasant that the New Post Toasties may be eaten and relished dry, though of course they are generally served with cream, rich milk, or fruit with a sprinkling of sugar. , Suppose you try the New v-T" f r Post at all Grocers. if .... 4 1 y . v - s f ; . . i j :r i NEW YORK, Sent 9. Mrs p u Harrlman, widow of the railroad magnate, U aiding financially a world-wide campaign for the steril ization of defectives In an efefort to Improve the human race. The plan is set forth In a report of the committee on sterilization to the Eugenic society, which has head quarters at Cold Spring Harbor. L. T. John D. Uockefelelcr and Andrew Carnegie are also expected to con tribute to the campaign. The report advises the sterilization of 92.4 00 defectives In the United States within the next year. The rumber to he sterilized each year, according to the report, should be Increased until 19S0 when It will have reached 415.000. At that time. It Is predicted, these and other meas ures for the Improvement of the hu man race will have succeeded la brlnRlng about almost perfect men and women. The society has prepnred statistics which show that about 10 per cent of the human race Is made up of defectives. FERLIX. Sept. 1 1. The Russian center has suffered again from the Teutonic baitering, ft was officially announced today. General Von Hin ienberg stormed the three heights of Kiosko on the Zeel'swanska river and the Bavarians captured Olsganka. rtillounc!-s and Constipation. It is certainly surprising that any j woman will endure the miserable! feel'ngs caused by biliousness and constipation, when relief is so easily had and at so little expense. Mrs. Chns Peck, Gates, N. T., writes: "About a year ago I used two bottles : of Chamberlain's Tablets and thej cured me of biliousness and constipa tion." Obtainable everywhere Adv. f f " Kentucky Fall KaiiiiK. I.KXINOTktX. Ky., Sept. 10. Korty-one days of racing began in Kentucky today when a nine-day meet opened here. Si p:. L'O the Doug las I'ark track at Iiouisville starts an eight day meet. The New Louisville Jocke Club's meet begins Sept. 29 and the fall season will end with the 1-utoiiia meeting which opens Oct. 9 and continues sixteen days. ;irr inn ok those poisons IX YOl'H SYSTEM. You will find Dr. King's New Life Pills a most satisfactory laxative in releasing the poisons from your sys tem. Accumulated waste and poison cause manifold ailments unless releas ed. Dizziness, spots before the. eyes, blackness and a miserable feeling gen erally are Indications that you need Dr. king's New Life Pills. Take a dose tonight and you will experience grateful relief by morning. S5c. Adv. 1 N ' m3 SCHOOL AT GIBBON IS OPENED FOR THE TERM (Special Correspondence) C.1HHOX, Ore.. Sept. 13. School opened here Monday morning, with a large number of pupils. Miss Evalyn Meager. Instructor. H. Swart left Tuesday evening for Embler, Ore. where he has a posi tion with the O.-W. H. N. Co. T. A. McAllister and C B. Johnston of La Grande, were here Tuesday. Those going to Pendleton Thursday were Mr. and Mrs W. W. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. W. T Bonlfer and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson. E. E. Starcher ot Vmatllla was a guest of Mr. Keith and family Sun day. lleorge Jones was a Pendleton vis itor this week. Mrs. B P. Keith, wife of the O.- W R. & X. agent, and two little MMMSSMfl AlVEY A AUl WAsm.Grro se... ,n .. A. Adee. dean of American dlplo- completed 43 years of continuous service in the ,,,. partment. Adee Is the man. who since the outbreak of the European , passed upon everv message which the struggle has Inspired the state department to send. He is the state departments' master of precedent. It devolves upon him tr, ...... despite the voluminous correspond hce winch dailv fl-. . AFTER SUFFERING TV0 LONG YEARS Mrs. Aselin Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Gjmpound- Mlnneapolis, Mina "After my little; one was born I was sick with pains in 'i .my sides which the ; '" j doctors said war JK j caused by infiamma- uuu. x siuiereu K freat deal erery month and grew very thin. I was under tha doctor's care for two long years without any benefit Finally after repeated sug gestions to try it we got Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. After tak ing the third bottle of the Compound I was able to do my housework and today I am strong and healthy again. I wiil answer letters if anyone wishes to know about my case." Mrs. Joseph Aseixv, 606 Fourth Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, mada from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, ar.d today holds the record of, being the most successful remedy wa know for woman's ills. If you need such a medicine why don't you try it T If you hare the slightest doubt that Lytlia V.. Pinkhum's " eata ble Compound wiil holp yon.writo toLydhi K.I'inkham MedicineCo, (confidential) Lynn.Mass., for ad vice. Your teeter will he oix-ned, read and ansnrvred by a woman, and held ia strict confidence. III At PQULSON WILL REOPEN Music Studio 3I5W Alta St Sept. 16 said which will violate precedents al- ready established or create a prex- ' " dent which might embarrass the next i (feneration of diplomats Adee Is' punNr cce PHflNT and for 30 years ha, been assistant FH0NE 666 PHONE secretary of state. F(jr " INDEPENDENT M ESSEN. CASTOR I A cer SERV,C For Infants and Oifldrea 0pe" Day 0"d N'ght In Use For Over 30 Years Commencing September 10. aiw.y. bears Ratca 15 cents and up. stature of Gwffid&. RAY KELSO, Prop.