daily KAsr o;;i-:;pn!an. v ton. om;o.N. sAirnnAV, si-ttemrer 4. iu:. E1C.IIT TAGES a" Smoker of Turkish Trophik Cigrrtt fifteeo years at arc (mokrrsof Turkish Trophies CvarHte today! j7wi lwrflh tt , ft - 14-1 x a FOOTBALL SEASON IS . Mil AND EYES TURN TO COLLEGES ji Services f . at Local h i; Chuiches 1 1 I'M TI.ATIOX UKlilXS OX THE I'll M Ks Ol' IUG sgl'ADS TO WIN (JAMtX To games which will be every bit as bitterly fought are scheduled for the middle west the same day the Purdue-Indiana scrap, and Conch A. Stilus's Maroons battle with (Illinois. The season really comes to a close five days later on Thanksgiving Pay, hut the eyes of the sporting world will hardly turn from the grid Iron until Vncle Sam has settled his private little emhroglio the army, navy scrap scheduled at the Polo grounds the following Sunday. Notre Dame plays nice Institute at Hous ton. Texas, the same day, and from " '. ' I Marled hi iiwi;.r;. The ' ' N two mile, ami r...t wtil ' siifii ;. fu'tt )r: ('. with appor- anum of other pi ;.', . one thousand men worked day and nlit to put acres of ground in order f..r today's race. Jast 300,000 cubic yards of earth were removed in grading. In order to pave the course. 30,000 barrels of ' cemen' were used, and 3,000,000 feet of lum ber were used to provide seating fa cilities for 12S.O00. Forty feet safe ty zones have been established. PACIFIC COAST I.K.Vfil'E. At San Francisco San Francisco 5 10 Portland 4 At Los Angeles Vernon 4 9 Los 'Angeles 3 8 j 1V GEORGE R. HOLMES. il'nitej Press Staff Correspondent.) j NEW YORK, Sept 4 The sphere ! that comes up out of the eastern ho i rizon mornings is beginning to assure j jit slightly oval form, and those who j have been speculating as to Tj! j Cobb's chances of finishing with aj j .400 average are beginning to won- der how Harvard la going to get J then on the season dribbles way un- til December 4. when the University i of Southern California plays the only game in the. country against Whittlet ; at Los Angeles. Clark Will Train Here for His Bout Christian. The pHSlnrale of Kev. II. IL Hub N'Bins with th.s Lord's Pay ser-; along without Charier RrlckW Th Mns. The serm.m topics for the ; well known football season which has ' WILL FIT HIMSELF FOR (JO WITH lo .videos are as follows: 11 a. m. j been on its way for a year is almost! B1LI.1F. KAKKKLL WtD--Wiih What Intent.'' S p. m. here. I XESDAY NIGHT. 'Kver Mans Religion. In the t, 11.1 01 t,i.,... ... ! . Tommy Clark is scheduled to ar- The lid Will be nffieiallv tirio.l nff ; miming sermon will be presented 1 tw wka ,Pnm tnAax. . ,,J I Kelley's Carlisle Indian bucks collide' j with Albright at Carlisle. j A week later the big universities of! j the east and west swing into action' unci me season will be on in full. Lit- Dartmouth. which proved a Tar tar for the big fellows last season starts off with the Massachusetts Ag gies on their home lot; Colby stacks! he supreme motive of the church This senium will be of interest to all lut especially to the Christians, and the m w pastor desires to have all l'rt.-nt. The evening .f'.dress is a re.iUM on i ne general snoject 01 re-j tje ligain and in i: there will be meat foi all who nanl to think on the Ktvat subject. The public is invited o these meetings. Pible school at S: This is one of the finest works f me church. Tou ought to be in I tie Hihle school. Christian Endeav or at T p. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Christian Scieuce. E. Webb and Johnson streets. Ser vius Sunday 11 a. m and 8 p. m. Hundsy school, 10 a. m.; Wednesday (K p. rn. Subject of lesson-sermon, 'Mac." The reading room at the rhurch Is open daily, except Sunday, from J until 4 p. m. rive today from Portland to flhish his training for his 20 round bout with Blllie ' Farrell next Wednesday night in the Oregon theater. Tomor row will see both fighters working out in the Commercial gymnasium and a large crowd will probably be up to watch them. All are Invitee? to attend these workouts and size up up against Harvard the same daw "" Penn State takes on Westminster- Farrell declared today that never Princeton lines .in with nnra-.,vJ in nls r,nS career has he felt better NATIONAL LK.Vil'F,. At New Tork New York 2 6 Philadelphia 0 4 At Cincinnati St. Louis 3 8 Cincinnati 1 7 At Plttsburg-i. Pittsburg 4 6 Chicago 1 S At Boston Boston ( 10 Brooklyn S i AMERICA LEA GTE, At Chicago Chicago 8 8 Cleveland 2 5 Second game Cleveland 8 8 Chicago i 7 At St. Louis St. Louis 3 7 Detroit J 7 At Philadelphia Boston 10 15 Philadelphia 2 8 At Washington Washington 2 8 New York 4 the University , Itapti-4. llihle sehool. 10 a. m ; preaching, 11 n. m ; B T. P. I"., 7 p. Jn.; tiifarhing, S p. m The ordinance of hapten! will be administered at the evening service. E. H. Clevenger, jiastor. s-yraeuse with Hobart of Pennsylvania with the Universitj of West Virginia and the Yale crowd mixes with the University of Maine at New Haven. The absence of any big intersec tlonal combat this season has de- I iracieu a 101 irom tne interest. Last I season fans in the east and west had ; the Yale-Notre Dame and the Har vard-Michigan battles to look for ward to but the eastern schedule makers pa-ssed up the teams from than at present and stated that he would give Clark the roughest bout he has ever experienced. : Word comes from Weston that there will be several carloads of fans come to Pendleton from those towns I for the fight and longer interest was never higher. Farrell and Clark put ! up such a rattling good fight at Athe : na last month that the fight fans are I just naturally hungry to see them I fly at each other again. One of the FEDERAL LEAGUE, At Buffalo Buffalo J 12 I Newark I ' At Pittsburg Pittsburg 3 B) 1 St. Louis 1 7 ! At Kansas City Kansas City 4 4 Chicago 0 S BIG SHELL SHAVES OFF TURK'S DONKEY'S EARS best crowds of the season is expect- the middle district and for the most ed" part the games will be local quarrela ! Two sw1 Preliminaries are promls About the nearest things to clashes'''5 t0 filr out the "'ening:. Tickets i between the east and west are the!""1 "e PIace1 on sale ,0,ay- Notre Dame Army game. November f Irebyterian. After five weeks' vacation during which time the chnrch has been re decorated, services will be resumed tomorrow. Rev. 1. E. Snyder, the sinner, will preaoli both morning and netting 11 J. ill. subject. "A Step "Forward." 7:30 p. m "The Golden ttule, or the Gold Rule, Which." Jood music by the chorus choir, un der direction of Frank Hayes, the new leader. Sabbath school, 10 a. m.. teachers and pupils urged to be pres-nt. 6. and the Michigan-Pennsylvania battle a week later, November 13. What easterners call their first really lug game comes November 6, when Princeton meets Harvard at Princeton. Some other good games are on the docket for the same aft ernoon with Yale meeting Brown at New Haven; Dartmouth meeting the University of Pennsylvania at Boston; Ohio meeting Indiana at Co lumbus; Purdue meeting Iowa at La- 4 STOUT EYEXTS. 4) Clitmli of tlie Redeemer. The Litany will be said and the holy communion celebrated at 11 a. in. Divine service in the evening at a o'clock. All are cordially invited. Charles Quinney, rector. Futurity Day at Saratoga. SARATOGA, N. Y, Sept 4. To day is Futurity Day. but unless the unexpected happens it will not make racing history. The youngsters who might give the year's two-year-old Fayette; Michigan meeting Cornell at j classic real importance are not eligi Ann Arbor; and Oregon mixing with. We and the lest expected at the track Washington on the Pacific coast. 'his afternoon was that it would prove A week later comes the Yale- a good horse race. One Interesting Princeton battle. Brown meets Har- possibility is White Hackle, sold by vard on the same day, Michigan and 'John Madden to the Shoshone stable Pennsylvania come together; Cornell! for 119,000. It is remembered that Rnd-F-ycJ Vireo in Oregon. EUGENE, Ore., Sept. 3. A Bong fc-ird. heretofore unknown in the state of Oregon, but common east of the Itbcky mountains, the red-eyed vireo, vu found by A. C. Shelton, field worker of the department of zoology t the University of Oregon, during W survey in the Rogue River Valley and the north spur of the Siskiyou; tnonn'-ains. Oniy three or four times lias this j Mrd l.e-n found in the west. Mr. Kh.-oi.ii brought back among 220 HH-: ;.'iieii.s of birds animals and rep tiles collected during his six weeks' .rip. plays Washington and Jefferson: Illinois meets Wisconsin and Kansas and Nebraska clash. The climax comes seven days later when the historical Tale-Harvard game, with all the accompanying ceremonies. Is played at Cambridge. Yale, with Brickley gone from the Crimson ranks, has high hopes of avenging last year's defeat. Madden sold Novelty about a month before Novelty won the Futurity in 1910. 500-Mile Race at St. Panl. ST. PAUL. Minn., Sept. 4. With Resta, De Palma. Oldffeld, Wilcox. : Cooper, Porporato, Anderson and Bergdahl entered for the $50,000 I purse, St. Paul's first speedway 500- HUSBAND OF EVELYN THAW SEEKS DIVORCE IT nlo)-niliii-e Grain 1 In. INDEPENDENCE, Ore., Sept 3 er. profitable . m. t"" ire,n thr. .!. t- ha.e stored their machines. Owing to the Iuxkc acre nge HJai g-Md crops all the machines Motion have ben kept busy. Flu v ri.nort the oualitv excellent. m. ..);. the tariey and oats which; .iel.hd heavier than former . The fi'r.nn ear- did not fill 1 i ll as the fall grain on account ! ie hot weathf-r, but the quality 10,0,1. and the straw brigh; Many f:.rmer will have their straw lialed for market, instead of burn ing it as heretofore. Alt, in iav Va;i jy- 1 - ;-nv.L. ' .' a -r Prevents roughness during the summer NYAL' FACE GRER'l A superior vanishing skin tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price 50 cent Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best miim 7 ft. , "LONDON, Aug. 20. (By Mail.) A iingular result of naval marksman ship is described in a story from Tehesmeh, where the only "casualty" caused by the bombardment by a British warship was the ears of the ass f Halfl Effendi, Turkish collect or of customs. A shell shaved off the ears of Ef fendTs donkey cleaner than a Rnlfe coulS have done the sTeed. Consequently, time being slack and Effendi's animal befng the sight of th gown. Effendi took advantage of the wonderful shot to charge admis sion to see the donkey. PF'm iMMimmjpMnqMiMMM'iemeeiinHMieMHjltnamilPMMimilMaMMMie!! 5 -MiimiibHiMjuikihabtb inii,i,.iii,iiMii.ii..i..iiliiiiii(eill.aa..,liian , 1 LEHMAN HOT SPRINGS'! I H FRANK L. McNEIL, Manager. m THE BLUE MOUNTAINS MOST POPULAR HEALTH AND PLEASURE RESORT, f 1 HOTEL RATES $11.00 and $12.00 Per Ue;!t I FREE CAMPING GROUNDS ! MAIL AND PASSENGER AUTO STAGE Makes regular trips between Pendleton ' and Lehman Springs. MAIL AND PESSENGER AUTO STAGE fc i Leaves French Restaurant, Pendleton, i.SO a. m. every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, with round 1 1 trip on Sundays.- (4.00 one way; 1 7.00 round I trip. Hauls passengers, mall and freight Sco II. StubblcfMtl at f'remli Itewlaurant, g SWIMMING, DANCING, HUNTING, BOWLING, FISHING, HOT MINERAL WATER THREE-DAY REGATTA OPENS AT ASTORIA IDKAI, WEATHER AND BIG CltOWVS MARK THE START VESTEJUAY ASTORIA, Ore., Sen. 3. Nature was kind to Astoria yesterday and provided perfect weather for the op ening; of the three days' aquatic car nival, the 20th annual regatta and the affair started under auspices that insure Its success, Large crowds were present and long before the hour set for the first event on the program, the grandstand was filled and the wharves were lin ed with people- anxious to enjoy the day's sports. Amid the booming of cannon the royal party arlved at the grandstand promptly at 8:30 o'clock, and with a ceremony that was both simple and beautiful, Queen Tyyne was Introduc ed by-King Neptune and was crowned by Admiral Wilson as sovereign of the regatta, Races Prove llirflltnsr. Immediately afterward Admiral Wilson declared the regatta open and directed that the races begin. Smooth water with no drift and the speedboat Hoodoo conspicuous by Its absence combined to make the racing events an unqualified success. As the racers sped away up the course their engines humming evenly and as softly as the purring of the typical house cat and the white spray thrown up by their plunging bows glistening In the sunlight, they made a beautiful picture. VoIrpt Hoy Slnlts Xer shore. After dropping out of the free-for-all race, the speedboat Vogler Boy sprang a leak, apparently from the hard pounding while racing and sank within 200 feet of the clubhouse A drver will attempt to raise her. FOREIGN FINANCIAL COMMISSION SAILS LONDON, Sept, 3. Plans for cor recting the abnormal exchange sit uation and putting on a stable basis the entire machinery of settling trade balances between America and Eu rope will be clarified within the next few daj-s on the arrival In New York of the- French and British financial commissions. Both commissions are now en route. The British authorities have re quested that details regarding the British commission be not discussed until the delegates are well outside the danger sone, after which all res ervations will be removed and the subject opened to the fullest discus sion , Britain ds No Aid. Meanwhile It U known that the commissions are In the position to correct some misapprehensions which are believed to exist In the United Ktatee concerning British, French and Russian dependence on America. On ot the best Informed authorities said "The- idea seems to prevail In New York that we are on our knees and begging America to come to our as slstince. The situation is exactly the reverse. America wants to sell Eu rope Its goods, and If Americans hop to continue these sales they must llii-l a means of giving the usual crctilts and stabilizing exchange." A GROUP OF EXTRA ORDINARY VALUES in fine fixtures are now being shown by us. It affords you an excellent opportunity to purchase handsome chandeliers and side fixtures ut remarkable savings. In oluded is a great variety of celling fixtures and lamps. We wish es pecially to have you see our fine dining room domea J.L. VAUGHAN ROUND-UP DATES. The 1915 Round-up will be held on Sept. 23, 24, 25. v2 ? ''. y F.veln Thaw and Her Son. Tc-i- of tKxl ',Hly f,ien. SAN' FRANi'lSi'o, Sept. 3 Here's t!,e test .,r a man and the standard for a K'"1 hody as laid down to the University of California freshmen by tiie gymnasium authorities. Hand vault obstacles an high as hia uhoiildeiK Chin himself three times. Dive load first to the. ground while rutiniiiit and roll to his feet. Hun 1"D innls in less than 13 sec onds. Swim DO yards. Dive from a height of five feet. Swim five yards supporting a help- h-.-N-t companion. s I , V' - I Tfr M ''"-II , A ' Jill I ',Mi V ?V GOOD for BOTH NEW and OLD SUBSCRIBERS A special trrangement secured bj the EAST OREGONIAN, enable us to offer to our subscribers for a limited time only the SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAN for one year with a full year's subscrip tion to all four ofthe above high-grade publications, at the special price of ?1.75. Our Special Big Four Magazine Offer r Woman's World : Household : Peoples' Popular Magazine b arm Lile FOUR BIG MAGAZINES AND S-W East Oregonian ALL FIVE FOR HOUSEHOLD ?bMIjbRLD, mm VTHE PEOPLE & ffi 4 1 1 1 v "j1"-'. II r i -c"-: t 1 Woman's World has more sub scribers than any other magazine published, over two million a month. It's articles, its stories, its Illustrations, are the best that mon ey can buy. It Is a magazine to be compared with any home maga zine In the country, regardless of price, without fear of contradiction of any claims we make for It. Its stories are by authors known the world over. The Household a favorite magazine In a million homes. Every Issue Is full ot new and Interesting features, be sides regular depart ments of Fashions, Home Cooking, Needle work, Fancy Work, etc. People's Popular Monthly is one of the greatest popular fiction and home magazines published. C o n t alns complete stories each Issue, and Is full of " other entertaining feat ures. Tou will enjoy this magazine. Farm Life la a publication adap ted to the everyday Ufa of the farm folks, brim full ot things that help to make the farm life more cheerful and homelike. Special articles by authorities on all subjects ot Interest to the up-to-date farmer. This offer supplies you with Magazines of the Bast quality, giving you a year' supply of good literature at a saving of one-half the cost This is the BEST and bigpest comhinution clubbing offer ever presented to the public. The EAST OREGONIAN is glad to an nounce to its subscribers the completion of this splendid arrange ment, whereby we can offer such an excellent list of publications in connection with a year's subscription to the Semi-Weekly East Oregonian at the remarkable price of $1.75 for all fiva This offer is good for a SHORT time only and may be increased at any time. Better fill out the application blank and got your sub scriptions to us before it is too late. The above magazine offer is also good in connection with sub scriptions to the DAILY East Oregonian, both new and renewal. Rates furnished on application. Fill out this blank and enclose with money or check to the East Oregonian. Enclosed find II 75 for which send me the Semi Weekly East Oregonian for one year and a full year's subscription to the WOMAN'S WORLD, HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, PEOPLE'S POPULAR MONTHLY and FARM LIFE to this address: Name Addrem