t i'AC!. 'I WO DAILY EAST OK KG ON TAX, PENDLETON. OREGON. SATIUIUY. SK1TEMP.KR -I. ijiir. EIGHT PACKS .'ll!!llllllilllllllllllllil!lil!!llll!H!llliilll!lll!IIHIHIIiilllllllllllllllll!!llllllll!'ll!ll!lli ii ' om: or ( iriirs i i i.i.ow owii:..tok 'Amusements Tell your friends about the Round-up, Sept. 23-24-25. H WHY NOT STRETCH THAT HARD EARNED DOLLAR OF YOURSTrV F1T11NG OUT THE CHILDREN WITH SCHOOL SUITS, SHOES AND F UHN1SHING GOODSA? What the press agents say about Pendleton's pros- ent and coming attractions. THE HUB Do you realize that the beauty of your Fall appear ance depends to a large extent on being correctly corseted? Gossard Corsets correctly fitted in our corset de partment will give you the lines and poise that form the foundation for the correctly attired woman. We carry a style for even- kind of figure at a complete range of prices from ?2.50 to $S.50. Cut 386, Model 364 at $3.50 JUST RECEIVED IN THE ART DEPARTMENT Attractive new patterns in stamped gowns, combina tions, infants' apparel, etc. Don't fail to see them be fore you start your Christmas embroidery. AFTER SUPPER SPECIAL Ready-Made Scrim Curtains Greatly Reduced Ecru scrim, cluny lace trimmed; full 2'- vd. length. $4.50 Value $2.79 " $4.00 Value '. $2.24 The Peoples Warehouse 100 SUBMARINES WILL BE BUILT FOR CHINA ORDER IS PLACED WITH SCHWAB HEAVY ARTILLERY IS ALSO ORDERED. 4 NEW YORK, Sept 4. Under the direction of Charles M. Schwab, president of the Bethlehem Steel Cor poration, American war plants are t put the government of China on a basis of military and naval prepared I. ess Mr. Schwab has become the chief confidential adviser of the Chinese government on the vast manufactur ing end of its program, this result being largely an outgrowth of the confidential relations established by the American steel man with leading Chinese officials in the (30.000,000 ammunition deal with the former Chinese dynasty by the Bethlehem Steel corporation a few years ago. Ajs an initial step, 100 submarines will be built at a cost of 175,000.000. the greatest single order for subma rines recorded since the underwater craft was Invented. The order for submarines will be followed by contracts for heavy field artillery, high explosive shells, tor pedoes, rifle and other arms and ammunition, with the construction of battleships and cruisers as one of the more distant possibilities. The negotiations for submarines have reached such an advanced stage RIGHT FOOD MAKES HEALTH AND STRENGTH whom: win at diet stkongi.y RECOMMENDED. It is surprising how few people really appieciate how important a part the matter of diet plays In their! success or failure. Many an other-' wise uip:ilile man (or woman) h:isi been hopelessly h:ndlea; d in the; battle of lilt- by an improper selection of food for l're;ikfat which sent: them out in tiie world day after 3 a ' i heavy nd torpid, arid utterly unable Id do tlHinselven Justice. j It in essential therefore, that thei breakfast be Hirlit, et strengthening ' --made up of food that is easily dl-i Kestible, yet full of energy-producing' quiiilles. j Whole Wheat food meets thece re-j qulreinenta perfectly and nothing of j this kind seems belter than a pre pared food known as "FOKCK" which run be obtained at all modern! grocers. "KokOK" Is made of whole wheat. scientifically rooked and blended; with barley mult: then rolled, toasted and fluked, n contains all the ele ments required to sustain the human body and Is known from one end of lb country to the other as the one wrfertly balanced breakfast food. Try "FORCE" for your breakfast the next few day, and cee what dif ference a perfect food makes. COMPLETE SHOW 1NG OF AUTHENTIC FALL MODELS. Faultless Form. Correct Poise. Where it Pays to Trade that only minor details remain to be worked out. The submarines will be the largest ever turned out from American yards They will include vessels of a type exceeding in size and cruising range any of the submarines turned out in Germany of which this country yet has learned. They will be of a type particularly fitted for raids on sea coast towns, so that they will be as formidable for attack a for defense. Unlike the orders for submarines placed on this side of the Atlantic, the construction will be done entire ly in the United States and none of It In Canada, as naturally no question of neutrality is involved. The order will be placed by the Chinese government through Mr. Schwab with the Electric Boat Com pany. This order combined with the demand by the allies for submarine work In this country has resulted in Plans by Mr. Schwab whereby the United States will have the largest submarine manufacturing plants in the world, barring neither the sub marine departments of the Krupps in Germany nor that of the Schneider works at Creusot, France. TEMPORARY LOAN MADE TO CORRECT STERLING UHITISH BORROW .AMERICAN MILLIONS EIXAXflAL MEN SILENT. NEW YORK, Sept. 4. All Indica tions tended to confirm a report cur rent in Wall street that Great Brit ain had borowed from 150,000,000 to AUSTRIAN OFFICERS IN What Makes a Man Well-Dressed Not a pretty tie alone nor a gro'-d shirt nor a stylish wabt cout but his whole attire. In every department of Men's Furnishings onr line is selected ' by a man who initt-s what makes a man Kelt dressed. Onljtlte kinds thcbest dressed men approve arc admitted to our stock. That is why we carry SIIAW KNIT SOCKS, "The Hosiery of a Gentleman." Soft, lustrous, even weave, the "never wear out" kind; guaranteed without limit. 25c to 50c iv0, 000.000 temporarily in this mar ket to correct the exchorge rate on sterling, until such time as ner com missioners shall reach New York and consummate negotiations looking to ward the flotation of a much larger credit loan here. There was no confirmation or de rial of this, report by the big men of New York's financial world. Most of them refused to discuss it and the few who did speak said that there was nothing in the way of an an nouncement that could be made at this time. According to the report, the col lateral on which this preliminary loan was Issued was brought to New York in four lots and aggregated the approximate figures of the sum bor rowed. Two of the shipments of co! lateral, totaling about 155,000,000, were brought from Great Britain to Halifax aboard British men of war and shipped thence to New York with about 140,000,000 In gold with in the past 30 days. Securities Come In Liners. The two other bundles of securities were said to have been brought here aboard the liners Adriatic and St Paul, which reached New York Thursday. Newjtort Horse Stow On. NEWPORT, R. I., Sept. 4 The annual Newport horse show, attract ing as usual many of tne finest har ness and saddle horses in the east opened at the Casino today and will continue until Sunday evening. Prizes will be awarded in 42 classes. The Judges are: Charles P. Wllllame, R. Penn Smith, and Richard Newton, Jr. EASTERN WAR-ZONE ti i J.'ki. or i I .- . A ''I I ! i ' - j! Young Phillip Rerrman, Harvard student, and son of a wealthy con tractor of New York Just couldn't re sist Dorothy Phillips, who appeared In a New York chorus last winter. Hut that didn't become known until the other day when a divorce suit wns filed in the courts, Dorothy is eighteen; her husband is just eighteen. Some Harvard students Introduced them hist winter. Then he followed her about until his father began to complain. "They came to me and asked me to give him up," she said. "I promised I would do so, but he wrote me he would kill himself. What could I do? I had to marry him then. I must say that after we met Phillip lost no time His courtship was swift and within a week I had prom ised to become his wife. "After we were married we did not live together, but he called on me as often as he was able. These calls continued until the first of last July, when they ceased. This wns because his father induced him to de sert me." Mrs. Hermann said she was trying ! to establish that her husband was 20 years or older when he married her. Kut she has been unable to obtain a record of his birth. Fisherman Tells How He Hooked a Mink Near Gibbon JOHN MATTHEWS I'LEIMiES HIS REPUTATION ON TRUTH OE YARN. John Matthews, retired railroad man and father-in-law of Clarence Penland, has the prize flah story of the season and it isn't exactly a fish story either. It's a story of how he hooked a mink while angling for whitefish, and he pledges his reputa tion for the truth of the yarn. Recently he was dropping his hook into the waters of the Umatilla near Gibbon to lure the large whitefish lurking there. He was standing on a rocky bank at a point where the river runs through a very narrow channel. Hearing a slight noise Just above him he was surprised to see a large, black mink swimming directly toward him. Knowing that any movement on his part would frighten the animal away, he stood perfectly still. The little animal landed Just opposite him and leisurely shook the water from Its fur. Mr. Matthews let his baited hook float Just in front of the animal. The fat periwinkle was spied at once and In a flash the little paw had grabbed It and conveyed it, hook and all, into a hungry mouth. Mr. Matthews gave a Jerk and the animal was hooked fairly. Then came a fight, the like ot which the veteran angler had never before had in all is piscatorial adven tures. The mink Jumped Into the stream and tried to swim away. Pull ed up by the line, he fought, Jumped, dove and plunged, finally landing on the bank to get footing for his Strug gles. The light bamboo pole bent like a 20 pound salmon was on the line and Mr. Matthews was kept busy maneuvering so that the animal could not bite the line In two. Finally, he drew the mink back Into the water and, using a stick, forced its head un der water until It was drowned. When he drew forth his catch, the hook was so firmly caught in the tough mouth tissues that It had to be cut out. HOOD RIVER MAY BE REGULAR CONEY ISLAND HOOD RIVER, Sept. 4 That Hood River will have a Coney Is land attraction at the bathing beach near the city now seems certain, as It is reported that a company Is be ing organized to lease the land along the river front belonging to the Ore gon Lumber company and erect com modious bathing rooms, dance pavil ion caharet and kindred attractions. The swimming at Hood River has been a great attraction this season and at times fully BOO people have been bathing at the same time. C. T. Early, general manager of the Oregon Lumber company, says that he had ben spoken to relative to leasing the property, but that (te Is not at liberty to give the names of the persons desiring to get control of the beach. Itlg Change EmkxImI. LONDON, Sept. . 4. The Dally Mall's correspondent at I'etrograd be. lleves that the appointments of M. Alexieff as chief of staff and of Gen eral Ruzsky as commander of the northern armies, will be prelude to even more Important changes which the correspondent I- not yet permit ted to announce BIGGER, BETTER SHOWS FOR PASTIME PATRONS Splonilid Photoplays With INpular Stars Hooked for Local House. Bijrger and better shows Is the promise of The Pastime, in announc ing future bookings. For early re lease "The Chalice of Courage" in six parts, from the pen of Cyrus Townseini Brady, author of "The Is land of Regeneration," and "The House of a Thousand .Candles,'' also In six parts, adapted from the fa mous mystery story by Meredith Nicholson, are announced. In pro ducing "The Chalice of Courage more than a year was taken, as the action covered all seasons of the year. Many hundreds of miles were traveled to obtain suitable backgrounds. The picture was taken In the rugged western Sierra mountains. Rex Heath, who wrote "The Spoil ers," also wrote "The Ne'er-do-Well." bath Ideally adapted to the photoplay screen. Sellg who made "The Spoilers," produced "The Ne'er-do-Well," which will be in eight parts and even more elaborately staged than "The Spoilers." In comedy Marie Dressier, who Scored such a hit in "Tillie's Punc tured Romance." is again before the camera In "Tillie's Tomato Surprise," made by Lubin, to be shown in five parts with as many laughs to each part as the law will allow. Follow ing Miss Dressier comes Charlie i Chaplain in six nart corned v nrodiiceil : by Essanay. "The Battle Cry of Peace." written by Commodore Hlackton from Hud son Maxim's "Defenseless America," has been pronounced by critics to be the greatest spectacular picture ever produced. It depicts the fall of New York City before the invading fleet of a foreign foe, the toppling sky scrapers and the invading host. A vast number of people take part In the picture 25,000 militiamen, more than 800 members of the G. A. R.. 5000 horses and 8000 supernumerar ies. This Is a Vitagraph Blue Ribbon feature. Tyrone Power, Robert Edeson, Vi ola Allen appear In "The Texas Steer," "Mortmain." and "The White Sister." respectively. "The Island ot Surprise," also by Cyrus Townsend Brady, and "The Dust of Egypt'" with Antonio Moreno and Edith Sto rey, stars of "The Island of Regen eration,'" are future features in store by the Vitagraph Company for Pus time patrons. The Pastime is the Pendleton home of the V-L-S-E program, which com prises all of the features of the VI tugraph, Lubln. Sellg and Essanay. Among V-L-S-E subjects coming in the near future In addition to those mentioned are 'A' Bunch of Keys," from Charles Hoyt's great comedy of the same name: "The Sporting Duchess," with Rose Coghlan and Raymond Hitchcock in "The Ring Tailed Rhinoceros. Adv. LUMBER VESSEL OWNED IN 'FRISCO IS SUNK SCHOONER WILLIAM T. LEW IS IS VICTIM OK HERMAN SUM MARISE. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4 The William T. Lewis, a lumber schooner belonging to Hind, Rolph & Co., ot San Franclcsoo, wae fired on and presumably sunk by a German sub marine off Queenstown, Ireland. The ship was loaded with J,000,000 feet of lumber from Everett, Wash Dispatches to the San Francisco marine exchange told the story. They said Captain Canning of the William T. Lewis and his crew of 30 men were rescued by the Danish motor ship Australia. The William T. Lewis was one of the largest clipper ships owned by the company. It was formerly the Robert Dun can, but whs renamed when the Hind, Rolph company became the owners. The ship flew the British flag. Carrying an Immense cargo of lunv ber from the northern fhllls, the Wil liam T. Lewis left Everett for Sher ness, England, on March ,29, making the long and perilous voyage around the Horn. It had almost reached the end of Its voyage and was approaching land when the German undersea boat sud denly rose to the surface and began to fire on the vessel. While the dispatch did not stat that the ship was sunk, that fact Is taken for granted, since the crew was forced to abandon It, and was rescued by the Danish motor ship. It Is presumed that the crew took to their boats and that the lumber ship was then sunk by the diver with a torpedo. British ITolcrt Voiced, LONDON, Sept. 4. Vigorous pro tests are being lodged by Hrltlsh trade Interests against the British govern ment permitting American importers to receive from Germany goods which were ordered prior to the be ginning of the war. J. D. Klley, chairman of the fancy goods section of the London Chamber of Com merce, says: "It Is rtnted that 80.000 marks are represented by this concession, which Is worth ten-fold this amount to Ger many because It enable her to keep her factories alive While Great Britain today is near a crisis on ac count of the fall of exchange, the for eign office seem to have gone out of It way to enable Germany to re establish her credit." If you will come in and compare our prices you will be js 2 convinced that you can make that hard earned dollar go S r one-third farther by trading with us. We have the late mail order catalogues here and respectfully ask you to 5 compare our prices with theirs and if we can sell you as s i good merchandise as they do, for the same price or lower 5 E we would expect part of your patronage. All we ask is S i a comparison. 5 r Boys' School Suits ?1.G5 to $ 4.05 5 Boys' Shirts 2." 35 and 45 E Bovs' Underwear, per garment 7' 5 1 Misses' Shoes 05 to $2.25 E Children's Heavy Hose 10? E Men's Suits $9.50 to $12.50 E Men's Suits, Tailor Made, $14.75 to $18.50 5 Men's Shirts 45 Ladies' Shoes $1.35 to $3.45 Sj Ladies Pumps $1.45 to $3.45 I E SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY RE- I FUNDED. . I THE HUB I 23 Sample Stores. 745 MAIN ST. S SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. f TiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? SOCIETY tilltL TO DRIVE IN AUTO RACE KATHHtlHC DAHLGBH. LENOX, Mass., Sept. 4. The speed mania has captured Miss Kutherine Dahlgren, of New York and Phila delphia, who is spending her summer here. Twice Miss Dahlgren has been summoned to court charged with speeding in her big racing car. George E. Turnure, Jr., has Just pur chased a new motorcycle of the rac ing type and has challenged Miss Dahlgren to a real road race. She has accepted and the race la to be run In the near future over some of the Massachusetts roads. Miss Dahlgren Is one of the daugh ters of Mrs. Drexel Dahlgren of New York and a granddaughter of the late Joseph Drexel of Philadelphia. HAVE YOU HAY FEVER? CURE IS DISCOVERED MAPLEWOOD, N. Y., Sept. 4. At the meeting of the United States Hay Fever Association this afternoon, two New York physicians who have glv en particular study to the immuniza tion of hay fever cases, presented the results of their Investigation. Dr. Seymour Oppenhelrncr and Dr. Mark J. Gottlieb discussed "Some General Remarks on the subject of polllnO' sis (hay fever) with particular ref erence to Its treatment by active Im munization and results with a dem onstration of the method employed In detrmlnlng Pollen Anaphlaxle." The Investigators found, they said: "Hay fever Is due to a sensitization of an Individual by the conveyance of pollen contents through the respira tory tract. There must be, at the time of sensitization, un abrasion of the mucous membrane, so a to make parental absorption possible. In all likelihood there exists In the patient an Individual susceptibility to this particular disease which seem to have some relation to heredity, for this and other allied aliments are frequent in given families. The phy sician concluded It should be possi ble to employ one of four methods of making man immune, viz: 1. By Injecting a dose of pollen extract Just before the hay fever time PILES CORED AT KOmE BY KEW ABSORPTION IIElHOD If yon suffer from bleeding. Itching, blind or protruding I'Ups, seud me your address, nil I will tell you bow to cure yonrsclf at bom by the new snsorptlon treatment; and will also send som of this borne treatment free for trial, with reference from your own locality If requested. User report lo mediite nilef and speedy core. Bend bo moner, bnt tell other of this offer. Write todsy to Mrs. VL Bummers, Box P, Notn Mae, lad. It A - and repeating the procedure In 21 or 30 duyi. 2. Iiy injecting a large quantity of Immunserum during the attack. 3. Hy Injecting very small amount of pollen extract at Intervals of ten ' days or less, so thnt only minute quantities ot anaphylutoxin are found and the patient's tolerance Is raised. 4. By Injecting very small dose of anaphylatoxln made In the labor atory to produce the same results In method 3. Dr. Gottlieb tested a number of pa tients with different pollen by the vaccination method In order to show to which pollen tb different cases are susceptible. STERLING RECOVERS FROM HEAVY SLUMP NEW YORK. Sept. 4. Recovering somewhat from the slump which car ried it down to an unprecedented fig ure, demand sterling was bid up to It. 60, advance of 3-4. The situation was regarded as par tlally reassuring, but storing fluctu ated throughout the day, and held the center of all financial Interest. One explanation for the quick change In prices and the uncertainty waa that a number of speculators had been caught short and were now being squeezed. Rumors were circulated on Wall street that Influential bankers, actlnif for British Interests, were ready to support the market In case of a vio lent break. Aeroplane Work Under Way. PENSACOLA, Flo., Sept. 4 The navy department la expected to open the machine shops for the repair and fitting of aeroplane here some time thl week. Captain Mustln. who 1 in charge of the aeronautic grounds ha been authorized to expend 1250,000 in construction and remodeling of the premises so as to accommodate about fifty officers. Yaqul Indian Threaten Mayor. NOGALES, Ariz., Sept. 4. Follow, ing the official statement of Mayor Governor Maytorena that he would continue to occupy the office of chief executive In Sonora, owing to "ah normal conditions," although his term expired September 1, General Urba lejo, Yaqul chieftain, who was ex pected to get Maytorena's Job, parad ed 2000 Indians before the palace to show hi strength. Miytorena re mained Indoors during the demon stratlon. A STANDARD FAMILY KKEDY For over forty years it has been used as A TONIC AND STOMACH REM EDY. Pcruna aids the ap petite and gives new life to digestion. PHOTO SUPPLIES Ansco Cameras and Films The court decreed original film and Cyko the prize win ning paper. Take &n Ansco on your vacation Tallman & r Lwadinl Drufjfbtt