DAILY EAST -O.KGO.Vlt.v, PENDLETON, OPJJXQN, TEESHAY. AI GlT .11. im. G0VBII0H3 AT BOSTON CONFERENCE WHO PLEDGED THEIR STATES TO THE SUPPORT OF THE PRESIDENT lORTIIERn PACIFIC RY. The Great Big Baked Potato Route REACHES THEM ALL Reduced Rates -6m N f v 1 t The Direct Route y - .(rA EIGHT PAGES A few days lay-off and visit will greatly profit you. COLUMBIA RIVER GRAPE CARNIVAL, Kennewick, Sept. 13-15. INTERSTATE FAIR & LIVE STOCK SHOW, Spokane, Sept. 13-18. STATE FAIR, North Yakima, Sept. 20-25. ROUND-UP, PENDLETON, SEPT. 23-25. a r V 4 0 0 I. a A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES c? HOT TAUALES CHILLI COtl GARHE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything elMn and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS 8KHVIC1 TEA Sc Package Under State Hotel Cor. Wbb od Cottonwood Bt Phono 117 Pandltton, Or $ 7 OFJEY Plenty to Loan Come in and See Us UATLOGX-LAATZ HI But THE QUELLE RESTAURA11T Open Day and Night I ll. On and JSo S Gus LaFontaine. Prop. oetrie- L3 for your office or home $3.00 down $3.00 a month Manufactured tor and for sale by the Pacific Power & Light Company Easy payments make them easy to own. Apply to local agent for informa tion as to rates, trains, etc. W. ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Ore. A., Portland, Oregon. Prevent roughnew during the rammer IIYAL'S FACE GREAU A superior vanishing skiii tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price SO cent Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best INVESTMENT CO. Court 8t r '4: ' - -AW . .-.M,! -?f a , . ;, -Ja.. . . . a ' j 1 Civ. Manning of Auuth liirolina; 2 G.w. Williams of Oklahoma; 3 Gov. IVIder of Jtew Jersey; 4 Gov. Spaulding of New Hampshire; 5 pjov. W'ttlh of MaKi?bul; .7 .Gov. Spry of lr!h; 8Gov. IjKter of Waxhington; 9 Gov. Stuart of Virginia; 10 Gov. Bvrne of South Dakota: iov. Stewart of Montana; J3 Exj'lov. Haines of Maine; 14 Ex-Gov. Fort . WiacMdln; L Ex-Gov. jnmios llunipuhlre; 23 Ex-Gov. EUk of 'New York; 24 Ex-Gov GHchrint of Florida; 25 Sergt-at-Arm? Pedrick of th? 27 Ex-Go-. Qutn by of New Humpthire; 28 Gov, Hammond of Minnesota. SWINE TRADE TAKES SLUMP (Cotuiu-xy Mnlny Journal.) PUttTLAND. One., It. i" mightj , poor picking lor hog Hhiierg at varl ! ou nuirteting cenjers todiiy. Values J were hry reduced at all points Land a peU of weakjiess enveloped all Lstoi-kyard markets of the country, j The extreaje glownesn of the pro-:4iK-t and the overfull .supplies of pro- dtict8, caused packing intertntta to go '.very slow In their bujjng at leading colters this morning. I Locally there was a drop of l&c In , the t rice of wle today. This tiorn- I Ing a very limited amount of busf ness ' passe.4 at North Portland with ex treme lops around $7 25, but kBUrs ' showed little inclination to hwry 1 purchases at any price.- ' Fin(t t all to cause "cold feet" 1 Among the buyers of swine was the ' annoucemejit of a run over Suoda,' at 2696 held, the greatest run for vry long time, although last Monday the showing was 2028 head. i Eastern markets reflected consid erable weakness at the start of the day's trade and at practically all points losses were liberal. General bog market range; Best light , 7.25 Medium light .......... 7.20 Good to heavy , 6.80 7.00 Rough to heavy .., 5.50?.O0 I Cattle Market la glow. I Killers were not inclined to rush ( purchases of cattle In the North Portland market this morning. Slow ness In the hog trade was soon spread to the cattle pens. In spots the mar ket was inclined to reflect weakness, but In other point the feeling was just about steady. Run of cattle In the local yards over Sunday, while not so heavy as last week, was greater than immedi ate requirements of the trade justi fied. Killers held off their purchas es with the Idea of securing bargains. Cattle market at eastern stockyard points today was steady to lower; the latter being the case at South Oma ha this morning. i General cattle market range: Select steers $6.50 7.00 Best hay fed steers 6.25 fT 6 35 Good to choice .' 6.00 (fr 6.25 Ordinary to fair 5.00(8)5.75 Itest cows 6.00 5.50 Good to prime 4.500 4.75 Select bulls 4 60 4.75 Fancy bulls 4.25 Ordinary bulls 2.50f3.5O Best calves 7 00 7.50 Best calves 7.00 7.00 Mutton Conic on O'l't't, Very good run ff mutton was shown In the North Portland yards over Sunday, total being 2105 head, Compared with 1567 last week. Steadiness was generally shown In the market hero this morning With local killers bringing In the bulk of the supplies direct, there was but lit tle staff available for th Open mar ket and small purchasers were there fore forced to pay the price. Market (r mutton was steady gen eral' th the east this morning, al though Omaha was inclined to weak ness, with lambs sharply off agslri. General shorn mutton market: Choice spring lambs J6. 26 6.50 Common spring lambs ... 5.7506.00 Choice yearling wethwre 5.00 B. 50 ittate of Ohio, city f Toledo, Luras 1'owBty M. Prank J. Chenev makes osth that be b wnlor partner the form of V. 1, Chenej Co., (loin dualneM In th fit? of To idn. County ind State aforessld, and thl .Rlil firm will pny the sum of ONB Hl'N DHKI IWM.AR8 for each and Terr caM t Catarrh that cannot be cured bf th OM f HALLS CATAHKH CURH. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to befnre tne and nbrrMiel la ny prrm-nre, ttill Otb day of December, V, I. 1HS8 (Krai I A. W. 0LEA8ON. Notary Public Hall' Cutsrrn Cor Is tsken Interoallt ind ot directly upon the blond and mn urn anrfiirea nf the Tteni Mend for te -ImnnUI. frr r 1 CRRNET CO.. Toledo. O Hold b all Drnsxlsta, Tfte. Tak Hall'i Fsmllj Pills (or eoutlDatloa I of Colorado; 1 Kx-Gor. AJams of Good yearlings 4.75ff5 00 Old wethers 4.75 S 5.00 Choice light ewes 4.56? 4.60 Good ews 1.7Sf4 00 Rough heavy ewes 3.5094.64 Jjvotorlt 'thiior9. Hogs J. G. Ma m. Johdan, 1 load: H. G. Nagel, r'agel IndVng. Huh, by .boat,, 400 head; C. W. Coiner, Haiison, Ida, 1 load: W. P. Burke, Jetojne, 1 loa, F. Hill, Par ma, Ida ,.1 Wad; Ward & Harrington, 1 luad: W. (3. Moe, Dayton, Wash., 1 loafl; John harger. Hopper, Wash.. I loads; W. J Kummins, Pomeroy. Wash , .2 load4 ; D. E. Meyers, Imbler. 1 loud; W. R. Hunter, Lostlne, 1 lyoad; J. W. Chandler, La Grande, S loads; Grover Bros, Nysea, l load; W. W. Lloyd. Robinette, 2 loads; Baldwin Ranch, Stanfield, 1 load; E. C Halght, The Dalles, 1 loud; W. H. Harris. The Dalk-s. 1 load; L. Mc Credle. RooseveK. Wash., 1 lad. Cattle J. M. Barry, Roselmrg, 2 loads; C. Merrill, Ttrer Island, 1 load; Tim Lydstrom, Weiser, Ida., 2 loads; Milton Moore. Durkee. 1 load; W. Johnson. Hlllgard. 1 load; O. E. (Vors llne, Joseph. I loads; C P. Higgen botham, Meacham, I lod; B. Craw, ffateway, 3 load; J. Gil hues, Condon, 4 loads; Frank Crawford, 1 load; H. S. Neal, 3 loads; John Brofman. Hewner. 4 loads; J. Olden, 1 load; George McGreer, fthaniko, 1 load. Sheep and lambs Frank Brown, Carltop, 2 loads; William Phepard, Waf hougal. Wash , 8 loads. M'xed stuff R Ericksen, Welser. Idaho, 1 load cattle and hogs; Ben Taylor. Shaniko, 2 loads cattle and hogs; Adams & Co., Stanfield, 3 load cattle and calves: Foster Bros., Foster Landing, Wash., by boat, 5 cattle and 41 hogs. JV-WISIl GOVERXOlt SITPOUTS SHOUT BALLOT GOVltflOSCS AUXAMlHIl BOSTON, Aug. 60. Gov. Moses Alexander of Idaho, said to be the first man of Jewish faith to be elect ed aovernor of a state west of the Mississippi, at the annual governor s conference In session in the state house here, made a stirring appeal for the short biillot In all elections His sentiments Were received vllh applause. I t-: k: j mm V of New Jersey; 15 Ex-Gov. Carey Colorado; tO Ex-Gov. AT SEATTLE SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. Jl. The steamer Admiral Watson, Captain M. M. Jonses, operated by the Pacific Alaska Navigation Company between Seattle and Southeastern Alaska ports, was rammed and sunk while discharging cargo at her dock here Sunday by the Pacific Coast Steam ship Company's freighter Paraiso. By high tide the Admiral Watson lay partly on her side with a hole two feet wide and ten feet long amid ships on her starboard side. Only her bow and pilothouse remained out of the water. The damage to the Ad miral Watson Is estimated at $50, 000. The Paraiso was uninjured. The accident was due to a heavy Pall of smoke from forest fires over hanging the bay and obscuring the waterfront. According to Andrew BJodkland, the pilot, who was moving SIR JOHN FRENCH IS MOVED BY BOY'S STORY LONDON, Aug. 31 The story reached London of how General Sir John French, commander-in-chief of the British army, in northern France Played the principal role In a little human drama of war. During one of the surprise visits that General French often makes to the various regiments he found a youthful territorial writing a letter and simultaneously sobbing bitterly. Sir John Immediately asked to know the cause of the lad's grief. Taken FIXERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postoffice. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. T. BROWN'S FCRNITUER STORE Fuferal director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets, Telephone J IXSIRAXCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Buys and sMl alt kinds of real estate. Does general brokerage buslnes. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLEY I.EFFlNGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. 815 Main street, pnone 104. SECOND HAXD DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second-liand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendnleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. SlJ E. Court street. Phone 171W. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER - makes a specialty of fat men' tocor and machinery sale. "The man tjrm ets you the money" Leave or Bo at East Oregonlan office. STEAMER CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY of Wyoming; 16 Ex-Gov. McGovern Xlann of Virginia; 21 Mavor James M. Curlev of .naaacnuseus Legislature; 28 Ex the Paraiso from one pier to another to take on additional cargo the dense ness of the smoke forced the Paraiso to stand close enough In to be able to discern each pier as it loomed up, the Bmoke being so thick at this time that the pilot could not see 20 yards ahead. The dock to which the Admiral Watson was moored projects into the bay at the end of a curve in the shoreline, and in hugging the Bhore the Paraiso struck the Admiral Wat son squarely amdlship, her stern finking rajMdly in 40 feet of water. J. Fllmore, a longshoreman, was knocked unconscious by a falling timber and died a few hours later. The Admiral Watson had about 200 tons of freight on board when ram med and was expected to sale for the north. The vessel is 253 feet long. 38 feet beam, with a tonnage of 1820. by surprise, the -oung soldier at tempted to control his emotion and stammeringly pleaded that nothing was wrong. But French persisted. The boy finally produced a letter from a younger brother in England telling him of the death of their mother following an unofficial report that her son had been killed at the front. The family, It appeared, were in humble circumstances. "God bless you, my boy. your mother, at any rate, died with the satisfaction of knowing that her son did his duty." said the field mahshal, as he prassed a substantial sum of RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT! law. Office in American National Bank Building. FEE & FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Despain building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATORNEY At law, Office over Taylor Hardware company company. PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTQ neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Sir Crawford building. lEY dolulas v BAILEY, ATT-state at law. Will practice in g anj and federal courts. Rooms 9, Despain building. TORNEY GEORGE G. COUTTS.llls, deeds at law. Estates settlflrawn. Col mortgages and contr4 7, Schmidt lections made Roc block. . -VER, ATTOR In Smlth-Craw- FREDERICK I ney at law. C ford building. ATTORNEY AND S. A. LOW'iaw. Office in Despain counsellr j building. -i HELP WANTED. --GOOD LIVE CANVASS. VANPresent us In Eastern Ore-e-ommlsslon proposition. Cah go. Pacific Nursery Co., Ul l-l ,J Ave., Portland. Ore 0 PARTY WILL PAY Cash Kv trade for Umatilla county - 0 to 140 per acre. Addmw lf. Athena, Ore. RAMMED MID SUNK DOCK; 1 KILLED Gov. Holcomb of Connecticut- llr.nv rn., ,.t of Wisconeln: 17 Sec. ni. r T?n. it t-. rn,. ... - Gov. Hlea nf Smith Carolina; money into the boy's hand and sent him home on three weeks' leave of absence. V. O. W. Meet. PENSACOLA, Fla., Aug. 30 The Woodmen of the World from Florida, Alabama and Georgia, Including over ten thousand of the uniformed rank, are in annual encampment here. HAVE DARK HAIrT AND LOOK YOUNG XOnODY CAX TELL WHEX YOU DARKEN" GRAY. FADED SAUL, wrrii SAGE TEA. Grandmother kept her hair beau tifully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair fell out or took or rjj' ' that dull, faded, or streaked appear' ance, this simple mixture was appllijA with wonderful effect By askinafat any drug store for "Wyeth's SageandS Sulphur Compound," you will Jet a large bottle of thla old-time recipe, ready to use, for about 60 cents. Thi simple mixture can be depended upors -to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and ia splendid for dan druff, dry, Itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-knon down town druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, because It darkens so nat urally and evenly that nobody oaa tell it has been applied It's so eaJy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strsndT at a time. By morning the graynair disappears; after another appTtioi or two, it is restored to its aturaJ color and abundant. looks glossy, 7 it anS DRS. -WHITrf1 wOOD. DEN- tlsts. Off ' " m. to p I m. Mtlar" Oregon. building, Pendletoa vrRINARY SIRGEOXS. -ASSEN, M. D. V. CUl'NTT , fflce telephone. 10. 27 J -LLAXEOUS. TTXnrr " REtfiPAsS NOTICES. STALLION season cards and sale bills of every uMcnuuon printed at reasonable prices at the East Oregonlan W have a fine lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed the free ue of AUCTION SALES THE EAST ORE gonian makes a specialty of auo tlon sale bills, cards and advertising We can furnish auctioneer, clerk arc advertising complete that will assurr you of having a successful sale j ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embosser private and business gtatfonorv etc Very latest ftyree. Call at Km or. gonian office and see sample BEAVER ENGRAVING - COMPANY.- SCHTlAUB- , ,-r . wcr v ii t'idvr jT