EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST 0REGON1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1915. RED DOG SALOC The Round-Up expects the largest crowd they have ever had, this year. You will be called upon to help en tertain this great assemblage of visitors. To feel at ease and look your best among these well dressed people you should wear Bond Clothes sis to no Call and view the new Fall styles now showing. Our tailors will see that you are fit perfectly. Remember, September 23-24-25. Let 'er Buck. Bond Bros. Pendleton'! Leading' Clothien 10 BE fflDE LARGER 10 IE CARE OF IIS BIG PATRONAGE To prcent congestion -and provide more iimuM-mi'iit, the "1'e.l Dog Sa loon.' chief pleasure palace of Happy f'anyon, will be widened 5 I'eet be fore the litU, show. The committee last evening waited upon Superin tendent liollons of the O.-W. H. & N. and, reeelved hid permission to extend the walls on to the railroad property for the desired extra space. The additlnal room will permit cf the Installation of more of the games which proved such an attraction luBt year. Every town of the northwest In to le comhed to find an many as possible of these frontier games of chance. Another Important change which the committee decided upon laat ev ening will result In much better lighting for the pavilion. Big searchlights will probably be Install ed back of the audience so that the ".street1 Will be iilimi'nnle.l without any glare. A spotlight will al.so be Installed to May upon certain fea tures of the hour program which will precede the main festivities. The street sei ne will be much more realistic this ear by reason of the fact that the faded paint gives the storefronts a much more weather beaten annearanee Tha nmimra. ment of the "business houses" will be changed to some extent to permit of more attractions on the "treet. The hour's program will be even more novel and entertaining than last year. Messr. Raley, Steiwer and Drake, who haTe charge of this department, are now working on some stunts that will prove screams. SUGGESTiONSALWAYS WELCOBE BY DAISES TO IMPROVES i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii!iiniiiiiii!ni!:ui!iniiiiiiiisiii!iiuii!iiiiiii!iiiiiiniii!iiiiiiiiiiiii: n n n n i ivy ujiiiuciu u wusyaoi FRONT LACED. 5 J Fvoni Halt! Convention. POUT AU rniNCE, Aug. 26. Hai offlclals received proposals from ashlngton that a convention be held for the purpose of establishing Am erlcan supervision of customs and fi nances for a period of 10 years under an American receiver general. J. A. T L $ 1 00.00 I Wm in Gold Free ffif 9&'l& ,iUi,iiM!(i.,o.,..".." other delicious dainties with Tea Garden Syrup jj For the Rest Recipe Submitted We'll Pay $75.00. For the hec ond Best $25.00. Contest Closes Septl Send as many re cipes as you wish. Buy Tea Crn Syrup of any gro cer. Try Tclican Mo lassesIt's Pure Pacific Coast Syrup Co. Portland, Oregon BoaiHe must TONIGHT! Oregon Theatre f f - Pendleton, Ore. I 15 ROUNDS 15 i MAIN EVENT AL MOSLER I Of Seattle, Wash.. i ; vs. Biily Farrell Of Pendleton, Ore. (Contestants will weigh in at 133 pounds. TWO GOOD PRELIMI NARIES. i Know begins promptly at 0 'o'clock. Tickets on sale at Welch's Cigar Store. Ringside $1.50 Reserved Seats $1.00 Balcony 50c OF BOTES THE CITY'S STREETS (ItFAT PII.K CAKKIKI) 1ST TWO MKX WITH XO POMCKMAJT IX SIGHT. Over 25.WH1 In Cireeti backs Set strnn grr to Hasping In Amazement Then the Notes Are Generously IlaJid.M Out to All Who Ask for Tlieni Cargo Handled Safely. Occasionally we see photos of mil lions of dollars being hauled through the streets of New York guarded by a regiment of police. Yesterday aft ernoon people on Pendleton's Main street saw two men, laden with great bundles of greenbacks, walk the en tire length of the street and there wasn't a policeman In sight. There were thousands and thou sands of bank notes In the bundles and no effort was made to conceal the nature of the contents from the public. Strangers gasped In amaze ment at the sight The two men stopped a newsboy and bought a pa per They stripped a note out of the bundle and handed It to the boy who ran away in high glee. Soon other newsboys made their appearance ond the two men were besieged. With rare benevolence, they stopped and passed out notes among the boys, even Including a number of men In their distribution. To prevent a riot they hurried on with their bundles and disappeared within the doors of a newspaper office. "Who are those phllanthripists?" asked a stranger In the burg of a bar ber.. Those." answered the omniscient polisher of mugs, "are some of the ginks that run Happy Canyon and those notes are the official currency of that little old town.' It was true. The two men were carrying the 25.000 and some tdd Ten Iluck notes, used last vear, to the printer. Across the face of each la to be printed In red Ink, "1915 Happy Canyon, Sept. t:-2f" and in another place in smaller type "Void, This bill for use in 19U only."' Having decided to Issue new cur rency this year In gold Instead of green, the committee will use the l!U4 Buck bills as enclosures to send out in letters for advertising pur-j po.ies As soon ns the printer has finished his Job. these notes will be distributed among the merchants and others desiring to send them out to their, dally mall. DENIAL MADE OF RIGA VICTORY BY RUSSIANS lir.-RI.IN DFC'LAICES KICKAD NAI'GHT MOITKE WAS NOT SINK BY SiaVS. BEHUX, (via Amsterdam-. Aug. !S. Denial that the dreaitnatight Moltke and ten other German war shrp.s were sunk by the Russians in the battle in the Gulf of Riga was made by the admiralty. Tlie official statement from Petro grad claiming that a dreadnanght, two cruisers and eight torpedo boats were destroyed was declared tc be without foundation. "German warships.' mentioned by the Russians as having been destroy ed were probably old vessels sunk by the Germans themselves to barlcade the entrance to the harbor and bot tle up the Russians, the admiralty declared. Some of these Teasels had previously been captured from the Russians No Warships Sank. "Neither a large ship nor any crui ser was sunk or damaged," the state ment said. "Our warships silenced the enemy land batteries near Pel nau:" It was further declared that the re port from Petrograd that the Ger mans attempted to land troops on the shores of the gulf of Riga was false. No transports were accompanying the squadron which attacked the Russians, and the only German loss es were one torpedo boat sunk and two damaged, as previously reported. For a Sprained Ankle. If you will get a bottle of ChAsre berlain's Liniment and -observe the directions given therewith faithfully, you will recover in much less time than is usually required. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. Dynamite Kills Inserts. rHIL.VUKI.rHIA. Ta., Aug. 28. ' S. Uwis Ziegler, director of the de partment of health an charities, is waging submarine warfare on mo squitoes. Flowing the bcttom out of mosquito breeding ponds with dyna mite is the spectacular feature of the crusade which he has been pursuing against the pests. Success, it Is re ported, has attended the director's efforts. This mode of warfare Is known as "down drainage" or the blasting method. A has been discovered that if the hard pan at the bottom of the pond is broken the water wi',1 escape into the lower strata of gravel or sand and be absorbed. Sinking dy namite bombs to the bottom of ponds and setting them off by elec tricity, in every case in which It has been tried, has caused the water to vanish Into the earth and millions of mosquitoes have perished. SCHOOLS AT VINCENT OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 7 (Special Correspondence.) VINCENT. Freewater, Ore.. Aug. L'S. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Morrell on August 17 a baby girl. Also on August 19 a son was born to Mr and Mrs. Fred Hodgen. School begins in this dlstnVt on ?ept. 7. This date is a week before the Vincent fair and will enable chil dren to get exhibits in readiness, Mrs. Charlie Dixon has returned home after a week's visit with her mother. Mrs. John Clark, of Freewa ter. Mrs. Roy Frazter and rhlldren, Helen and Meryl, ire visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirk. Mrs. Nellie Tweedy and children returned to their home here after a summer's vacation at Wallace, Ida ho. Miss Mabel Noyes has returned to Vincent after a three weeks' trip at the San Francisco exposition. After a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. K; Bean. Mrs. Frank Tousley has gone to her home in Milton. njjr -""- - Jy I moken of TrarasH Trophies Cigarette fifteen yean aft art smoke of TurkishTrophies Cigarettes today I WWMarwiiy HI VfMflPWf mi tyro Qpmn it VUi MXIilTVCV Of NAVY rXKI AV- oiu.s'g to n iti i;t oi ri- I.'ItS' TRAINING. IjiIc HcviIhIjoiih at AnnalKili-' Him-: on-Irate That Th-e It Room for luiprc'veinent Ilfforts He'iu; Made (o learn How Other Institutions Arc Win!; Managed. BY F. A. CONNOLLY. (Cnited Press Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 28. Secre tary of the Navy Daniels Isn't too proud to listen to suggestions for im proving I'ncle Sam private school for' naval officers at Annapolis. The in stitution Is being run on a creditable plan at present, the navy contends, but any idea worth while will receive Mr. Daniels due consideration. All the late scandal there wouldn't be scandal. It is argued, if the school did not have a good system of govern ment and a fair reputation to uphold. The late "gouging" revelations," however, have shown there Is room for Improvement. So the iwretary, realizing that his is not the only academy In the country, has been trying to find out how the others are run. There are at least fifty oth er educational establishments' where young men are governed by stringent systems. Now the heacT of the t avy figures that in fifty such places there must be some difference in regulation and discipline. If any of them have better than I'ncle Sam. he wants to incorporate them into his own-. Sec retary Daniels has written to the. presidents of these schools asking concerning the rules and practices observed in their institutions. The secretary expects these queries to be answered in the course of time and is In no hurry about them. When he gets them all in he will look them over and pick out the ideas he can use. He will weave the Best of those that he can into the Annapolis sys tem and those that he can't he Is very apt to ask congress to weave in for him. "Gouging" and "Hazirrg" are going to go The secretary is especially In-, terested in the way examinations are conducted elsewhere, and is goinjr to apply some of the safety-first prin ciples fa the examination- room. The next modern language test won't be cribbed, and the upper cl&;s drill masters won't drill under class men in "matter along the same lines as the coming exam" the night before that event takes places. If ho has to Mr. Daniels will lock the ppers In a steel bor as soon as they are made up or carry them in his vest- pocket to prevent young prospective from get ting at their contents. Hazing doesn't occur often. There is a law against that and It doesn t matter whether the offense Is grave or Insignificant, the law is law. Oc casionafly a first offender gets off with a severe reprimand, but second offenders "get the boot," and- they know what to expect. In this respect discipline isn't often broken. Uncle Sam has been wondering what has become of all the Informers. From the treasury department re cently came the answer. "WVre pay ing them too much money." Prior to August 21, 1913, one who gave Information leading to convic tion of a moonshiner received only J10 and was happy. Tlpn the fee' wa boosted to $50 just to encourage others to rive away their lawless neighbors, but strange to say the in crease has had a markedly contrary effect. With the business all but gone to the bowwo.ws. Secretory Kc Adoo restored the old fee. The re sult is awaited with- interest. California has a monopoly n pi. GIVE YOUR FIGURE THE CORRECT POISE. SEE THAT YOUR FALL CORSET IS A MODART. Not teeause of its style but because of the style, plus iU comfort. Not because of its good looks but because of its reputa tion plus its good looks. Not because of the outside quality but because of the in side plus the outside. MODART Corsets are pretty sure to satisfy any woman who wants good quality and high value. E Merchandise of Highest Quality Only. SinilllllllEIIIIIIIIiailllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIlil mm i fierax. saj-a the department of the interior. In Wit the stat pro duced f.2,40 short tons Talued at 11,161.400, an increase over 1913 of more than 7 per lent West Virginia produced 71.707.626 tans of coal in 191't, worth about 1 a ton at the mine: No other itate did this well. The United Starts produced 15, ''),7S7 worth of suUe In Idalto I .and nark Barns. TWIN FAXJUS, Idaho, Aug. 26 Fire destroyed the hotel at Shoshone Falls, a large dancing paviln adjoin ing and outbuildings. Only the first floor of the hotel was being used thi year and this for reception and rest rooms and refreshment parlors. Edward Dufresne. one of the less ees, was sleeping in the hotel at tha time and narrowly escaped alive. Fer rymen a quarter of a mile 'away rush ed to Dufresne's assistance and were joined by two men from a touring party camping nearby. The hotel was a famous landmark. It was built nearly half a century ago and for many years was the only stopping place on the 60-mile stage road between Shoshone and Rock Creek. What'syour gasoline consump tion ? You burn less when you lubricate your motor with ZEROLEE the Standard Oilfortlotcr Cars Zerolene gets more mileage by keeping down friction and by forming the perfect piston seal that holds compression. Send for Lubrication Instruction Chart, soeci . fying make and model of your car. Free. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Pendleton Valuations HHil t njust. WASHIXC rON'. Aug. 26. Valua tion of cattle horses and other a.ni nials in the livestock shippinit con tracts made by 4 5 railroads weft of Chicago were declared to be unjust and unreasonable, ami ordered can celed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The commission declar ed the schedule valuations were not representative of the average actual value of the animals shipped. The decision upholds complaints brought and supported by the Ameri can National Livestock Association, the Railroad Commission of Iow: nn.l: outh Dakota, the Arizona Corpora tion Commission, the Corn licit Meat Producers' Association, the Cattle Kaisers' Association of Texas, and numerous livestock exchanges and as sociations.. The Commission's decision says the Cummings amendment to the Inter state Commerce Law has "in effect abolished the Interstate commerce the whole system of released rates based on agreed valuations as distinguished from actual value.'' New rates were prescribed. Infants i Invalids HORLIC.CS THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for all Ages Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, invalids aa4 growing children. Pure nutrition, upbuilding tW whole body. Invigorates nursing mottas oi the aged. More healthful than tea or coffee. Unlo yoa say HORUOICS" you may jet m ubtltut9n ' Mr" IMP111 A GROUP OF EXTRA ORDINARY VALUES in fine fixtures are now being shown by us. It affords you an excellent opportunity to purchase handsome chandeliers and side fixtures at remarkable savings. In. eluded is a great variety of celling fixtures and lamps. We wish es pecially to have you see our fine dining room domes. J. L. VAUGHAN ROUND-UP DATES. The 1915 Round-up will be held on Sept. 23, 24, 25. LEHMAN HOT SPRINGS I S FRANK L McNEIL, Manager. H THE BLUE MOUNTAINS MOST POPULAR HEALTH AND PLEASURE RESORT. I HOTEL RATES $11.00 and $12.00 Per Week FREE CAMPING GROUNDS Katie njarnmor Stuff. CINCINNATI, Aug. 2 "Billy" Is an honorable goat when sober, but he devoured 1000 new hilarity hall tickets Then "Hogan," a vaudeville monkey, untethered him at the Ches ter Tark theater. Miss Marie Cha pron, actress, has sued Shirley Alva rade, the goat's owner, for Sr.p 1 dam ages. Here's what Hilly ate: One set of IS pink tights, a lovelv ra'r of 6 silk stockings, 128 worth of etcet era. Miss Ohapron's Injured feelings arc estimated nt 1500. MAIL AND PASSENGER AUTO STAGE Makes regular trips between Pendleton and Lehman Springs. MAIL AND PESSENGER AUTO STAGE Leaves French Ilestaurant, Pendl-ton, JO a. m, every Monday, Weilnewlay, Friday, with round trip on Sundays. 14 00 one way; 1100 roJnJ trip. Hauls paanengers, mall and frwlght See II. StiibhU'flcId at Ircw h iievtauranl. r i E. Li SWIMMING, DANCING, HUNTING, BOWLING, FISHING, HOT MINERAL WATER 11l!IIIPM!nn,wMW