PACK TIGHT DAILY EAST OREflOXfAK. PEN'PLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25. 1915. EIGII1 PAGES Newsy Notes of Pendleton ! -1 i ST i Mi Watches a-la-Jitney Yesterday a man 38 years old came into ray store and asked "what about that Jitney Ciub." After explaining our watch selling plan to him he selected a fine Hamilton watch which he had been wanting for years. "I have been earning good wages ever since I was 18," he went on to tell us, "but I have always carried a cheap watch. 1 have always spent money but I haven't anything to show for it." The Jitney plan of buying a watch show ed this man how he could purchase a watch of his own choice without any in convenience. This man went through 20 years of his life without the pleasure of carrying a good watch. Had he put himself to the task of saving for a watch when he was 18 he would have had a good watch years ago. Just there is the point I have taken the task upon my self to make it easy for you to own a good watch. All that you have to do is to select the watch. Think of it 2 Jitneys down and 2 Jitneys additional each week and the watch is yours. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE Established 1887 , i.Mmwnm-. t ttr l.ic-no where he u HI join (kuU 11,1 Tcinrn of Judge i"helps i 1 ,-x,i.'k. Trainer Ilavwurd ami n ; li'om Portland, preparations atv bo-; s iuad of football men on an excur :ltiR madl for a busy term of court. 1 sion to the Siuslaw coat where thev I 1 relimtnary to the actual trial of' will condition themselves for a i eases will be the calling of the docket : strenuous season on the gridiron j tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Ail! . . . ;uorneys Having cases pending have ; Man lam- Uoonso Issued. j been notified to be present. rvlball Player liotnrnliig tijii.i .... . " . , uin onyoer, nusKy guard of the "iverslty of Oreson football team who has been toughening his mus cles in a warehouse at Mission this summer, will leave in a day or two A marriage license was issued todaj I to Henry s. Thompson of Gibbon. 22, and Miss Gladys Price of Weston, 20. The HALLMARK Store Ten Pound ;irl. A ten pound r was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Carl New- quist who live H miles southwest of t endleton. "The Devil's Daughter" With Theda Bara at the Pastime Thursday. Her kiss, is death; her love, red flame, That scorches like a white-hot brand; But luring lightning In her eyes Beckons to that forbidden land Where blasted live, like hollow skulls. Lie whitening on the sun-bit sand. Her paths are milestoned wickedly. ly; Ey sunken souls that cry despair: But hers the glance that breathes delight; The Devil's Daughter, passing fair. Has wrought her spell and filled her oath; She triumphs to see her fools rot there. The Devil's Daughter takes cruel ton,. ! Her blood-red lips are sugared lies That lull her fools in her white arms And mock them in their parting breath, And laugh to see their fell work done. As, cursing, dupes go down to death. FreewaUT Woman In Ilosplatl. Mrs. I. s. stone of Freewater this morning underwent an operation at St. Anthony's hospital and is report ed to be rallying satisfactory this afternoon. l inatllla Man To Jail. Having been convicted before Jus tice of the Peace H. B. Hall of Uma tilla of the crime of larceny of a re volver, J. W. Monroe was brought up this morning by Marshal Stephens and turned over to Sheriff Taylor to serve a term of 30 days in the countv jail. Body Taken to Hermlston. The body of the late Charles Hold er of Umatilla was taken to Hermls ton yesterday for burial. He was a member of the I. 0. O. F. lodge and members of the local lodge acted as pallbearers, accompanying the body on its last trip. Those who acted wero v. C. Rhlnehart, Charles U B.jnney, John Ogle, J. D. Brown, James Hill and Frank King. i - it km i.V." . vffi-1 r V ,..V. L&st Time Today Knickerbocker Star Features Present ALICE BRADY, Daughter of Wm. Bradv. The Magnate in The Vampire Picture Theatricel or Admission 10c and 5c Weather Moderates a Trifle. The weatherman's predictions came ttue but not too true. Yesterday he forecasted a cooler day today and the official thermometer apprises Pendle ton folk of the fact that it Is two de gress less hot today than yesterday. The maximum marking this afternoon is an even 100. Last night proved a very cool one, the mercury slipping down as low as 5.". To firado H. S. (.rounds. The school board has decided to grade the high school grounds this fall and to beautify them. Since the Comnlption rtf now- T,,.Min u- I ' " L,"HU1IIR, lllti ; grounds have been left in a deplorable condition largely because the board ; felt it had not adequate funds to do ! the improvement work. Xow, how ! ever, the board plans on fulfilling the I Plans as drawn by a competent land ; scape architect. V, 'tail I, t In Women's Tailored SUITS and DRESSES They are correct in quality, correct in style and correct in price. Its the way we buy them in quantities for cash and you gel the benefit of all this saving. 1 HE TAILORED SUITS are severely plain, the jacket most in favor runs about 33 inches long with full skirt; navy blue leads with Russian green and Tete De Negre closely following and are good values at double the price S9.90, $12.50, $14.75, S1S.50, S23.50. We are showing some exceptional values in Tailored Suits at $25.00, S27.50, $30.00. NEW DRESSES of silk poplin, messaline and wool serge at $4.08, $5.00. We want to call your attention to the new Combination Dresses, all wool serge combined with fancy stripe or plain messaline, also plaids or plain taffeta, and you should see these values at $7.00, $0.00, $12.50. PARTY DRESSES, dainty embroidered chiffon, also fancy tar feta at half their real values $9.00, $12.50 You c&n do better &t - ZC. Pe-nnetf-Co-Inc- J We Lead Others follow and she spent the full ten minutes seeing as much as she could of the city. Some Fine Peaches. F. A. Phelps of the Umat'lla Stor age & Commission Co. of Hcrmiston, yesterday sent up some sample peaches by local people returning from that town and they wers dis tributed about the city. They were of the Elberta variety and very super ior In size and flavor. The project Is making a specialty of thla variety of peaches and this year Is sending out the first big shipment. .More Ttoimil-m, Trophies. The for the Pendleton Round-up contests this year promise to be better than ever before. The last two donated are a beautiful sll er mounted saddle for the winner of the cowgirls' relay race and a hand carved roping saddle for the winner of the steer roping contest., The first of these will be presented by "Unppy Canyon" and the second by the Pen dleton Commercial club and will be in addition to the cash purses for these events. A full list of the tro phies will be announced soon. Xo t'ncmitloycd IjilMrer-i Here. There are very few unemployed men about Pendleton except those who do not want work, according to the police and others Informed of the situation. The contractors on the wing of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital were fifteen men short this morning and asked the aid of the po lice la filling up Its crew. Chief Kearney states that nearly every man arrested for vagrancy has money In his pockets and few of the idlers here are laboring men who are really look ing for Jobs. The harbor of Rio de Janeiro has 50 miles of anchorage, and Is the fin est In the world. Lewis Dismisses Deputy. SALEM, Ore., Aug. 25. State Engineer Lewis dismissed Depu- ty State Engineer Cantlne, so far as the- state engineer's de- partment is concerned. Glasses gT GroundSvo To the exact rcqulreiiH'nu of each case. Lenses duplicated In a few minutes. Prices for glasses very reasonable. -pSee Dale Rothwell, Exclusive Optician American Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 609. At The Price Shooting Gallery th will be a 1 hirty-1 hirty Remington Rifle GIVEN AWAY SATURDAY EVENING ere I omine Thursday w THEDA i Friday ieD "THE VAMPIRE WOMAN" in rum 5, i r n AH FT A TmriT fill l' l a l b ' i I'l'ii' 1 1 11L0 MUufllM . X . .-! :l , ' . ' J ftJ. j . j A : t n i . '' .( ! t By Gabriel D'Annunzio Author of Cabiria Inspired by the Celebrated Sensational Drama La Gioconda. A William Fox pro duction supreme, direct ed by Frank Powell, producer of "A Fool There Was." THE MOST BEAU TIFULLY WICKED ACTRESS ON EARTH in a brilliant modern so ciety drama. Son is Killed. George Meiners, engineer at the Eastern Oregon State Hospital, re ceived a telegram yesterday afternoon saying that his son, Fred, 21 years old, had been instantly killed while at work on a railroad trestle at Wheeler, Tillamook county. The young man fell from the trestle. Mr. and Mrs. Meiners left today for Wheeler and will bring the body to Portland, in which city the funeral i will be held. Ilev. G. L. Hall Here. Rev. G. L. Hall, former pistor of the Baptist church here and now the commander of the cruiser "Life Line" at Cons Bay, was here yesterday vis iting former friends and acquaint ances. He was caleld to Umatilla I county by the death of his father at Hermlston and attended the funeral. A number of local Baptists, members of Rev. Hall's old church, attended the funeral from Pendleton. Judge I'hctiw Upturns. Circuit Judge G. W. Phelps, who has been absent for several weeks vis iting the California fairs and helping out the Multnomah county Judges, arrived home this morning to prepare for the fall term of the Umatilla county court. He had been in Port land for the past week or more and wag in attendance at the recent bar associations convf-ntlnn. Portland on lant Saturday and Sunday was so hot as to be almost intolerable, he declares. Mutual Masterpictures every Sunday and Monday 3 TODAY FATTY ARBUCKLE IN "Fatty's Tintype Tangle" 2 Reel Keystone Comedy. This One is a Scream. "THE SHADOWGRAPH MESSAGE" A Bronco film in 2 reels, featuring Walter Edwards. "IN THE VALLEY" A very interesting drama showing the lure of the city and results. A GOOD SHOW FOR 10c AND 5c. C5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u ii mi j ii 1 1 1 in ii 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 tin j j n n i u i n ij n ij 1 1 1 n i n i m 1 1 ij 1 1 1 1 1 1 mm i i i i i j jm m i t i i t m m min 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 i i n 1 1 1 inn Sl"Ut).M jt 7,lt"T't ir.C in l''t in 7-t IT T-nr-n T-n-TrTTTTT IT I I I'l IN m ri 111 in imTTrnr-rnrimr-rrnrrr-siriTi-.TWria'iZ Objects to Lunch Conntcr. Charles J. Koch and other business men of West Webb street are remon- ; stratlng against the lunch wagon which the city has permitted to be es I tabllshed on the north side of Webb J street between Main and Garden They declare that such an obstruction in the street Is not only unsightly but Is dangerous to traffic, especially with the railroad running through the sfreet. Also they declare they can see no more reason for permitting a lunch counter In the street In compe tion with restaurants than for per mitting drygoods or grocery booths to be located similarly. They Intend voicing their objection tonight at the coucll. Hoard At The Ix-pot. As No. 17 stopped at the Pendle ton depot this morning, a party of eastern tourists stepped off to get little exercise during the ten minute wait At sight of the green sward of the parkings, one lady exclaimed with rapture. "Haven't they f got things fixed up nice here," she said. "Certainly swell," was the brief com ment of her man-of-the-world com panion. "What place Is this any way?" asked the lady. "Why this Is Pendleton where they hold that big Round-up every fall." was the ans-1 wer. "Oh Is this Pendleton?" she said rpn ii a y n i i n " f , fin LAST TIME TODAY THE MAGNIFICENT EMOTIONAL STAR aU3rsie. Feflrova In her supreme dramatic triumph, a new version of f I ML INTENSE POWERFUL REALISTIC Picturing the regeneration of a woman who is more sinned a gainst than sinnin g. Extraordinary scenes, such as the destruction of a high powered automo bile; New York harbor; ocean scenes, and a splendid view of the National capi tol. AN EXCEPTIONAL PICTURE. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. . Tomorrow Only, a Return of Marie Doro in "THE MORALS OF MARCUS" ?tllf ltlllltlllilllilllllllllill(tllllllllllllllllll)llllllllltlllllllillll tlllltllflllllllllllltlllllltllllllllillllllllllllfllllltllllffllllllllllltiitTS IMlt