East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 25, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MAIK IX rioNDi.irroN
Mild Cure-Wheat Flavor
When ordering meats for your table
demand "l'KMKCo'' MEATS, the su
perior quality, home Industry meats.
Our market abounds in excellent
quality cuts of
I'Kmkxo" iu:i:r, "pf.mkco"
ltlitk. 'l'KMKCO" MUTTON.
Young Corn
String Beans
Water Melons
"Fcmeco" Boiled Ham
"I'cmeco" Minced Ham
"Pemeco'' Bologna
"Pemeco" Headcheese
"Pemeco" IJver Sausage
Saratoga Chips
Tillamook Cheese
Cream Brick Cheese
Chucolate Klalrs
Peanut Butter
The Central arket
Advertising in Brief
IVr Hot flnt Insertion 10c
I'er line, additional Insertion, . . . 6c
I'er line, per munih II. DO
No hxala taken fur l than 2;c.
Count u nrdliiar worna to line.
UaH will not be taken over the
pbona and remlitaure miiat accom
pany order.
For fuel fone five.
For rent Two cottages. Inquire
tlS Stonewall Jackson street.
Want to rent or buy used electrle
vibrator. Address Box 705. City.
For rent Light housekeeping
r nir.s. Phono 308W. 101 Aur.t.
Experienced young counlo wanl
position on ranch. Phone S:i,r..I. j
Woman wants situation na walt-j
ress or chambermaid. Phone 397 K. j
For rent Housekeeping room In-!
quire 109 Stonewall Jackson street. J
I"ur rale Five Hi re tract with good
house In Riverside. Address Box 15 ,
It F. 1). 1, City j
J"liu lloscnherg, Court street
m itehinakcr and Jeweler. All work (
gu..raii'red. J
Wanted-To rent furnished, or tin-1
furnished house. Inquire ai Oregon;
Motor Garage.
For eale-SO head stock hoes.!
Wek'ht 70 to 130 pounds. Inquire,
I' Is orfice. !
Cbrk wnnted Must be man wlthj
experience In shoe and furnishings
store. Address "O.-Il." hl: office. j
Very many people desire to buy
lands in eastern Oregon. What have
you to offer, and price 7 N. Berkeley.
Old papers for sale; tleO In bundles
ilood for starling fires, etc. 10a
bundle. This office.
FurnlMied rooms for light house
keeping and lodging at Brown hall.
Phone 360.
Lost Brown leather suitcase con
taining groceries, clothing and other
articles. Finder please notify thij of
fice. Oreelt man, thirty years old, wants
to correspond with an Indian woman.
Object matrimony,. Addros Jlra
Poulos, Cayuse, Ore.
For sale at a sacrifice, if taken
within tbo next week, my home at
1203 Fast Court street. Phone H. C
Jury, i!0M.
For sale One 38'' Ohio Alfalfa
cutter, and IH II P. gas engine. Write
or Inquire of P. II. Buchholx Co.,
Stanfleld, Oregon.
We take you any place, any time.
Country trips and outing parties a
areclalty. Horton Auto Service.
Phone S01.
'Mutf lakes the big ioada and
"Jeff1 shows the speed. Penland
Bros, haul anything and reasonable.
Furniture van and storage warehouse
Office 647 Main street. Phone lit.
"Billy" Welch, well known resident
of Pendleton for many years' and
proprietor of a feed yard on West
Webb street, will go through the rest
of Ills life seeing only from one eye.
In a sudden and Inexplicable manner.
he lost the sight In one eve nearly a
month ago, was under the necessity
of having It removed altogether and
will leave soon for Portland to have
a glass eye substituted.
By a singular coincidence, the loss
of Mr. Welch's sight In one eye was
almost exactly the time of the re
storation of sight to one of the eyes
of Carl Guiott. In the case of Mr.
Guiott. phvsleians explained the re
turn of sinht by stating that an op
aque ,.ns. which had been drawn
nrrosi the pupil, had fallen. In the
case of Mr. Welch, they stated that
an opaque lens had fall, n arms the
pupil, preventing the visualized ob
ject from being thrown upon the re
I ra.
Charles Hosklns ftas up from Echo
J. I. Julian of Echo Is a guest of
the f-'t. George.
J. C. Kerr of La Grande Is at the
Bowman hotel.
E II. Hicks of Eco was a visitor In
Pendleton yesterday.
Enoch Pearson well known sheep
man, is In the city today.
u. steward of Walla Walla, was
over from that city yesterday.
Deputy Sheriff J. A. Blakely Is in
Milton today on official business.
E. C. Quirk, popular traveling
salesman, is at the Pendleton today.
S. Norton Bobo, Stanflcld newspa
perman ,1s spending today in Pendle
ton. ' - uf
Frank Sloan. Stanfleld sheepman,
is among the business visitors here to
day. Cress Sturgis left this morning for
Walla. Walla to visit his brother, J.
H. Sturgis.
Jack Flynn, traveling representa
tive of Blake-McFall, Is here on busi
ness today,
Frank Kudo, the Italian cabbage
king of Stanfleld. is making Pendle
ton a brief visit.
Will Swltzler, prominent young
stockman of Umatilla, Is spending the
day In the city.
B. Hopper, well known resident of
the middle fork of Jhe John Day, is
In Pendleton today.
C. E. Johnson of Ontario, wni num
bered among the out of town people
In Pendleton last evening.
Mrs. Katherlne Timmermfln of He
lix, was an Incoming passenger thU
morning on the N. P. train.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, well
known residents of the south end of
the county, are In the city today.
Clarence M. Humop of the Pendle
ton Woolen Mills, Is absent upon a
business visit to Portland and valley
Bepresentative It. W, Rltner, who
recently finished harvesting his 1915
crop, is taking a vacation new at
Hldaway Spring.
Mr. and Mrs Victor Mason of He
lix, are In the city today. Mr. Ma
son Is one of the prosperous mer
chants of that town.
L. C. Lens, owner of the Pendleton
Holler Mills. left today by the Nor
thern Pacific for eastern Washington
after having been here on a visit to
the mill property.
y Senator John Xf. Weeks.
l'Io rrniur,,,i i:clinncp.
IKiME, Aug. 25. nifflcultles lre
ventlng the accomplishment of the
pope's plan to exchanse Interned ci
vilians of nnn-mllltary ape. savs the
ORservatre Rnroino, have beer, sur
mounted. The British government having
agreed to treat German submarine
crews the same as other prisoners
and tho German government having
discontinued special treatment of
British officers, the Jloly See renew
ed Its appeal to Germany to carry
out the agreement already made. On
August 5 the German ministry tele
graphed from Lugano a favorable reply.
chains rort kxiup.it.
IContlnued from page one )
I louse tor Sale.
Two acre tract, 7-room modern
house. Large barn and chicken
house. Matlock and W. Bluff. Term
Phone 308J Adv.
Social Inec WlnNi1ay KvfmlnK.
There will be a aoclal dance yatlveo
Wednesday evening, August 16th, by
Loyal Order of Mooae. Public in
vited. Good time promised all. Ad
mission 60 centa. Adv.
Vor Kale dwap.
One Buffalo Pitta it H. P. traction
engine In food condition. Inquire
Van Petten Lumber Co. Adr.
Wheat Farm for Sale.
40 acres, 600 tillable, 400 acres
ready to aeed this fall, all fenced and
cross fenced, on county road, I work
horses, 1 colt, harness, wagons, plow,
harrow, 1 cow, chickens, pigs, etc, I
miles north of Helix. Price only
117,600. Terms. Albert Harala Ad
ami, Oregon.
For Sale.
On account of leaving the city, 1
wish lo sell my modern home, !2i
Jane street Reasonable terms. Of
will rent to right party. Call al
house or E. 0. office.
tilla count. The wheat specimens are
particularly good. Some show the
wheat from roots to head and all
samples are neatly hound by a ma
chine secured for the purpose.
The exhibit of grasses embraces
most of tho forage grasses grown
here, but Is weak in alfalfa. An in
teresting bundle is of native sage
brush secured from the hill near the
city reservoir.
Black hand grip packed with la
boring man's clothes. Owner Can
have same by applying to police,
ptovlng property and paying for this
All persons having police stars
which they have retained since the
visit of the Liberty Bell, will please
return same. JOHN. KEARNEY,
(Adv.) City Marshal.
For sale One two story, eight
room, brick school building, situate
on school grounds at Athena, I'ma
tlla County, Oregon. Sealed bids will
be received by the board up to and
untlt I o'clock p. m. August 28th.
HIS. The board reserves the right
to reject any and all bids. Reason
able time will be allowed to remove
building from premises. For further
Information enquire at the office of
B. B. Richards. Athena, Oregon.
Clerk of School District No. !
flood Cool aod Wood.
Our Rock Springs coal burns clean
giving you more heat and less dlr
for your money. Oood dry woor
thst doesn't boll, tut btrns. Als
labs and kindling. Protect rnurse!
from cold and cost order from B
L. Burroughs, phone I. Adv.
For Sale.
My home place on McKay creek of
820 acres, 110 in summer fallow, 10n
In stubble and 10 In alfalfa. Will sell
stock and equipment with place. It
desired. Write or see Charles Man
ning, Pilot Rock, Ore. Adv.
Senator John W. Weeks of Massa
chusetts will be one of the umnii
factors In the National P.enuhllcan
convention of 1916. It is already fell
Mouriioou inai ne win oe among ine
prominent candidates fur the reuub-
lican nomination for president.
The career of Senator Weeks has
been one of exceptional interest. He
was born on April 11, U60, In the
town of Lancaster, N. H., of an old
.ew England family.
He was reared on a farm and after
a course of preparatory schooling
entered the U. S. Naval Academy at
Annapolis, graduating in US1. For
the next two years he served as a
midshipman in the navy, and on his
retirement in 1SS3 entered the Mas
sachusetts Naval Brigade, of which
he was a member for ten years. The
latt Six years Of that decade h uia
' commanding officer of the organisa
tion, when the Spanish-American
war started he volunteered and waa
brevetted lieutenant, in command of
the second division of the auxiliary
Previous to entering public life as
a congressman, Senator Weeks had
served the municipality of Newton;
Mass., where he long resided, as
mayor. His Interests brought him In
to close touch with every develop
ment of the times. In fact, as
menilxr of the well known banking
form of Hornblower & Weeks he con
tinued his connection with the bank
ing field Up to the time he entered
i the L". S. Senate.
uov; Pall I
Jillinory !
Of the New Models that will interest the
ladies of Pendleton. We will be pleased
to show you "What is Correct" at the price
you want to pay. Our new trimmer, Mad
am McGregor is now here, having just ar
rived from San Francisco, so we are in a
position to be "Correct" in everything; we
put out.
If it is "Correct," in both Style and Price
you will find it at
Cohn's Hat Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Jamleson will be at
ome in their attractive new resl-
ence, 1280 Commercial street, Pied
I Uliy is ilio Fruit from 1
I East End Grocery I
Always the choicest of the season? Because this store is .
headquarters for practically all fruitmen. They not only E.r
sell us, but buy from us. Take the tip, and call ;
JOHN DYER Phone 536
Picture Not Objectlon'il
Although there (nay be reason
enough to censor many of the so
calle.l Vamrire pictures which are ap
pearing on the moving picture screen
in order to keep baneful Influences
from the young mind, as now the
yellowl'aekcd dime novel hn receiv
ed a blow In favor of a better litera
ture for youths' anil maidens, no one
who saw the "Cup of Change" at ?.
local theater es:erday after.iortn or
'Veiling should ave been able to
fitid a reason for its beinjr prohibit
ed. In s' pe this picture deii.s w;i!i
a theory which has become quite tne
dominating theme on the legitimate
stase and while it may be an exag
geration of actual life .nevertheless
can I'e said to carry a moiil and.
moreover, preaches a sermon that
every child should have the right to
be well-born and well-reared anions
Influences that should work for Its
welfare. This "Cup of Chance'' wa.i
passed by the National board of cen
sors and has their official seal. Ex
cept for one or two silly scene which
add nothing to the story ,tbe picture
Is as good as thousands of others
which are being shown every day and
with which the general pu'd'c and
many Individual? who confess to being
critics of the movie sereen. nr." nppar.
enliy well phased.
(Continued From Page Two).
For the rilensure of her niee fiw-fi
Jessie Purdy of Medford, Mrs. Una
H. Sturgis yesterday afternuon Invit
ed in about : centy yeiing maids and
matrons to spend the hours with
needles and conversation M'Jsic.l
selections on the Vlctrola help?j tJ
make the afternoon a pleasant one.
Miss Purdy Is a Mudent of the Uni
versity1 of oieeon and will shortly re
turn to Eugene to re-enter collcye.
Mrs. Sam R. Thompson and Mi
Thchiia Thompsi n left at noon to
'.or Portland to spend two week;.
Mrs. Dean Tatom left today f..t
Portland for a visit with friem.
Mrs. Cressy Sturgis and litle sou
are expected home from I onian I
and the coast the iatter part of the
Mr. and Mrs. Frnk Brown Loir.3
Brown and Clifford Gordon returned
estcrday from an outing at Hlc.away
i.i ix; well f.rvp.PEn
J .Wat. M
pop BENsoicrXS
Pope Benedict Is one of the most
thoroughly guarded men In Europe
today, the Italian government taking
every precaution to see that he is kept
from harm while the present wat
The many friends of Miss Anita
Slater of Portland will be pleased to
hear of her appointment to i place
on the faculty of the Pendleton high
school. The appointment wn.i made
yesterday by the board to fiil vacan
cy made by the resignation of Mis-?
Kaye Clark. Miss Slater formerly
lived In this city, being a daughter of
the late Robert Slater, and Is rcturn
inir to teach in the high school from
which she graduated. She recently
completed a course at the University
of Oregon.
The following account cf the we!-:
ding of Homer Jamleson, well known'
here, and Miss Jean Allison, f jrmerly
a teacher In the Milton high s;hool.
is from the Portland Oregonin:
A church wedding, charming in :ts
simplicity, was solemnized In the
White Temple at 6 o'clock las, nifht
when Miss Jean Katherine Allison be
came the bride of Homer B. Jamie.
son. The wedding march was played
bylMlss Fay Ball of Astoria, who pre
sided at the organ. Rev E. M. Bliss,
of Berkeley, Cal. an old friend of the
family, officiated at the ceremony.
The. church was decorated berutifully
with golden glow and other yellow
blossoms combined with pains and
ferns and wild asparagus. Miss Mil-
Wired Simpson attended as maid of
hunnr find Rnvmnnfl R TT-ltf of
- " I
Hood River, was best man. Sam Rob
inson had charge of the ushering. Tho ;
young men are Sigma Chi friternlty
brothers of the bridegroom.
The bride wore a smart b.ue tail
ored suit and chic fall hat of black
velvet. Her corsage bouquet was of
Cecil Brunner roses Snd Hlles of the
valley. Miss Simpson wore blue
serge, strictly tailored snd hat to cor
respond Her bouqtet was of pink
The couple will pass their honey
moon In San Francisco. Mr. Jamle
son Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. P.
M. Jamleson.
At the University of Oregon, of
which Institution Mr. Jamleson is a
graduate, he was regarded as a star
athlete He Is now a member of the
faculty high school and Is each of,
the football, basketball and baseball ,
tennis of the school. At college he
was captain of the baseball and baa-1
ketball teams. Both Mr. snd Mrs.
Jamleson graduated In the 19U class.
As a member of the Delta Delta
Delta sorority, the bride was one of
the most ropular girls of her set and
Is possessed of a charm of personality
that has endeared her to all who
know her. She Is the daughter of
Mrs. Katerlne Allison.
After returning from California,
; 13
1 M
r'"'ul"'jaij3USa"' ' -i; M
I , x .12
i. : t
1 v. v. i
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, Ci vJ II - ti
f:i ; f r , I
f i . ( i 'l R
i r rw;
William w. Russell, Minister
to San Domingo.
William W. Russell, who get out of
his place as minister to San Domingo
to make room for "Big Jim" Sulli
van. Is going back to that country in
the same position to take the place of
the man w hom he had t make
room for. Mr. Russell has been in the
diplomutls service for years. Sulli
van resigned after an Inve itigation
(f Rev. Hall's old church, attended
Russell Is a native of. Washington.
Kelly's Auto Repair Shop. j
All work guaranteed. Electric
starters a specialty. Second hand
cars bought snd sold. Cottonwood
street, opposite city hall. Phone (38
0 :
We grind our ow n lenses.
816 Main Street.
Invites all
the ladies of Pendleton
and vicinity,
to call and view its first beautiful
showing of authorative patterns in
New Fall Hats
Included are the nifty French patterns
and the famous "Fisk Hat,"
for which we are exclusive agency.
has been an established institution
in Pendleton for many years,
and is known for its
reliability and high grade millinery.
This same high standard
will always be maintained and K.'
added to when possible. j!
Your good will has been appreciated M
during the past and your future patronage $pt
is cordially solicited. pj.
jMiiiimiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii '
I Mr. Working'm&n! J
If you value your hard earned dollars it will pay you to :
trade at the Hub. We operate 23 cash stores, buy direct j
from manufacturers and specialize in sample goods. E
come 10 our store and get our prices, compare the quality
I and you will learn where you get the most for your money.
Men's Hats, a big assortment to chose from, values to $2
Lot No. 1 Sale price 91.00
Lot No. 2 Values to $2.50, sale price 81.-15
Lot No. 3 alues to $3.00. sale Drice . S1.85
J. B. Stetson Hats, regular $4.00 values, sale price 2.05
Good Felt Hats for boys' regular $1.25 hats, sale pr. 65
Regular $1.50 and $2.00 hate, sale price 05
Men's Eaton Flannel Shirts, military collar, all staple pat
terns, regular $1.00 values, sale price 4J)
Men's Army and Navy Work Shirts, 2 full pocket, regu
lar 75c values, sale price 45
Men's detached collar dress shirts, values at $T()0, all
sizes, sale price 45
Men's Fine Golf Shirts, big assortment to choose from,
values to $1.50, sa:e price S5
r Lot No. 1, sale price 25
Lot No. 2. sale price 3r r
Boys' Military Collar Dress Shirts, sale price 45 f
E 23 Sample Stores. 745 MAIN ST. 1