East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 25, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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r:lb5 nd Crtnl Weekly t !
t! un. Oregon, by tt,
AM ..., A.N 1'11L1M11NG CO
lifflrut Cenn'y Piper
Mfrbr t r.itd rrwa Aid.. larli&.
BstTed at the pottfi- at lB(iftoa.
a)rff. aa a.t'OJ riaaa usd Biattrr.
aMtifft..n. I1 C, Bureau 3ol
.awata street. V w.
Pally, oar yur. by mail is no
tit oimiln. by mall....
fatly. Oiw oiantha. by mall.,
lially. one month, by nail....
lally, one year, by carrier....
Ialiy. ail m-'Dtha, by tamer..
I!ly. three iD.ni h. by carrier
lal!y, .ne rot.ruh. br carrier
mlWeekst, one year by mall
! WwHt. an month. b mail...
ml ek!y. f-ur dodiu. by mall..
1 .w
r , i N j lcrs generally become the tar
kaJ frfi (yycj.'m ! get for abuse.
, tiWV'"''r" ! The commission found that
'the bulk of workers in the era-
ploy of the Standard Oil Co.
I live in a condition of serfdom,
or servile subjection. ,
The finding of the investi
gators is that the policy of the
ktjj rv;i c x- t.
(b.,M lisey. which is the policy of its
us sai.k in other citifJ ' ! 34 sister companies and of the
.prlJSr"' sund' l'urlUnd'!nur"erous traction, mining, gas
bowman ea fo. rortlaoil Oregon. J":Iid Other industrial COrDOHi-
S fii.k AT , , y
Tblraan llurean. Security Bardies "Ons, WflOlly Or largelV COn-
four ! trolled by standard Oil money,'
is to pay its laborers as little
or less than the poorest and
' TViAe I'.l ,-r.n ..." t - .-.
J j petitors, while denying them
:.-.o the right to organize for their
own protection or to employ,
any means outside of stark in-!
dividualism, for the redress of
grievances. i
The investigators report that ;
foreignborn employes, unable
to present their complaints in
English, were harshlv denied
J the right to 'employ an English-'
speaking attorney to represent
,them before the company's
j managers. And when, driven
to desperation by these out-of-
date, reactionary' industrial
j methods, the men strike, they
i are overpowered by the use of
guards and strike-breakers
jwho were described by the at
torney for the agency that
sunnlied them as "a lot oi
Such conditions as that
smack of Mexico rather than
of the United States. They are
intolerable in this country
which is dedicated to the prin
ciple of human freedom. The
mass of people have had no
adequate conception of the
abuses worked by the Standard
Oil and similar concerns. The
Industrial Relations Commis-,
sion in pointing out the facts
The Bentitown Bard, in his
Baltimore Sun column sings of
Worm end tide:
beat the
"Ride the tide and
Smile at combat, sing with
Beneath the struggle bend your
Fare forth to meet the blows
of life.
The brave, the fine, the strong
shall know
The pulse-beat of a better
From meeting face to face the
And standing four-square to It
1 4 -1
v -
Pearl Si)lk'ril.
When Pearl Shepherd was told by
the film company for which she
worked in the movies that sh woul.
have to learn to dive backwards
from a sitting position, she had not
even learned how tc swim.
"But I will get that dive." said
she, and being a girl of determination
had she not been one she would
never have gained her present suc
cess In the business she went down
to the tank at Brighton Baths, New
York and began to practice With
the aid of a teacher she learned how
to swim. She learned several kinds
of dives.
Then she invented her "flop back."
"Whv, I just sit on the wall of the
tank with my right leg under me and
then spring backwards," said she.
"I think I gain most of my power
I from my ankle and my hands. It is
easy when you know how."
-tT will generally be
II found that the same el
ements which in times
Tocf V o a frrratA V.A with-
drawal of public lands for for- j J113 diagnosed a national evil
D0f. ,4 w .r that must be corrected be-
uti j auu utiivi ui jvoia v
arrayed against any efficient
restrictive or regulative legis
lation as affecting water pow
er sites or the development of
hydro-electric energy."
The foregoing is from an ad
dress bv Senator Chamberlain
cause if allowed to grow and
spread it will destroy the re
rrN the Tacoma market yes-
' 11
before the uregon-u asmng-, club wheat was 51 per
terday the quotation for
ton bar association in Portland.; bushel. In Portland which is
The statement classifies in:sapp0sed to carry the same
apt manner the opposition to: prices as Tacoma the bid price
the administration's water, for club was 89 cents. The
power bill. I asking price in Portland was
It is the purpose of the na-j listed at 93 cents,
tional administration to bring j Indeed there is something
about power development un-j peculiar when professed offers
der such conditions the public; of wheat are made in Portland
will get its just share of the at a price seven cents lower
benefits. It is opposed by in-: than is being offered in the Ta
terests that desire develop- coma market. It is possible
ment handled as nearly as 'that those who have wheat to
possible on the old "public-be- sell in Portland are the same
damned" policy. i identical men who want to buy
No subject is of greater im- wheat and are therefore play
portance to the west than the'ing both ends against the mid
one pertaining to power de-jdle to-wit the fanner,
velopment. It is of inestim- i
able importance that future Thomas A. Edison thinks
development be carried out the country is in line for some(
with a governmental string wonderful prosperity if peo
upon affairs so that justice may j pie do not get too bold and
be insured for the people. I plunge beyond the limit ol
Yet the administration is safety. Evidently the great
criticised on this score by nu- inventor has not been impress-
nierons renub can orear.s and ed by tne caiamitj nownng
hold portents that justify my fears.
. Wher'er I turn contending armies
press upon me and in the front ranks
of each of them oh merciful heavens!
I see my own my children well belov
ed my only hope and wish for life,
impelled to slay each other for a
cause not theirs!
The very Ail is battle scarred;
deep trenches cross it everywhere:
dwellings of God and men are deso
late and michty forests barren stand,
stripped by the hand of war!
I love this land of plains. O Po
land of my ht-art! I love thee more,
because 100 years thou hast endured
the sorrows of Xinbe thousandsfold
and noble courage has sustained thoo!
I've hoped for thee and prayed.
Thy children I have gathered to my
heart and breathed the spirit r,t a
valiant race into their souls'
But now I can no more! Bi-hold
me. O Mankn'l! I've sunk upon th
t'N-od-drem'hed ground and faith and
hope have almost died with;n me.
f'-'.n it he ?-r:t u;(on the scroll of
fate that this nation should he wiped,
awav while Mankind was enzulfed in!
war or in pursuit of wealth and hap
piness? ;
O God of Justice and of Peace!
The talents Thou hast given me I
free!.'." sharfd with others while sor
row has been mine alone!
The mieht which Thou vouchsafe 1
me was never in oppression U3ed ;
When Crescent threatened to sup
Plant the cross my sons were the 1e-;
fenders of Thy faith!
o God of Justice and of Peace!
What recompense is mine! Hast
Thou decreed that I should die? Or
shall I pass through this travail to
life anew?
Inspire Thou Mankind to help"
Preserve me Thou O God of Justice
and of Peace!
The following prices f. o. b. Detroit, effective Aug. 2, 1915;
Ford Runabout $390.00
Ford Touring Car 440.00
Ford Town Car 640.00
Xo speedometer included in this year's
equipment, otherwise cars fully
There can be no assurance given against an advance in these
prices at any time. We guarantee, however, that there will be
no reduction in these prices prior to Aug. 1, 1916.
On August 1, 1914 we made the announcement that if we could
l lake and sell at retail 300,000 Ford cars between August 1,
1914 and August 1, 1915 we would share profits with the re
tail purchasers, to the extent of from ?40 to $60 on each car.
We have sold over 300,000 Ford cars in the time specified, and
profit-sharing checks of $50 each will be distributed as rapidly
ns possible after August 15, 1915. Retail purchasers who haye
not yet mailed us their profit-sharing coupons, properly en
dorsed, should do so without delay.
Our plan to profit-share with retail purchasers of Ford cars
during 1914-15 has been most successful. We thoroughly be
lieve in it, but, realizing the uncertainty of conditions general
ly makes it advisable to defer any announcement of future
profit-sharing until a later date.
We are, however, confident of our inability to reduce costs for
several months, and therefore can offer no profit-sharing for
cars delivered during August, September and October 1915.
by a certain class of republi
can leaders. An attempt is
made to discredit President
through unfair criticism and fr time io hre
gross misrepresentation of thelne es to ope;, and per-
f:wt :. tn thP administration's .""i ,U1V l"".l.u"
element of the anti-adminis-
tration press.
The audience has been wait-
fThe French lyric poet, Rene Fan
chois, who is widely known as an in
terpreter of Beethoven, has published
the following poem under the title
"Xocturno" in a collection of war
POrr:s. )
Such attacks constitute a
line of action that will not be
countenanced by the rank and
file of republicans. The mass
of republican voters do not
wish their party used as an
annex to the electric trust any
more than do they approve of
using the party to tighten the
cinch of the shipping mono
poly to the end the producers
of the nation may be robbed
of their logical profits.
If the so-called leadership
of the republican party insists
on using the party machinery
to obstruct the sane and just
constructive measures of the
present administration they
will bring about a state of af
fairs wherein the average re
publican voter will be com
pelled in self defense to vote
for a continuance of democrat
ic rule.
js HERE is complaint from
U certain quarters over the
report submitted by the
Commission on Industrial Re
lations. The reason for this
criticism of the commission lies
in the fact the investigators
discovered the facts back of
Industrial unrest and told the
truth about them. Truth tel-
They had good luck with the
Turks a few years ago. j
'idden the nv-rt'irs ceased. Under
the smoke
Of the la't bomb a corporal, with
a sish
lid dad into the trench. A mad
dened horse
Rears prancing . . . . A far
pyre lights the sky,
If you are sweltering with
the heat remember that for
five cents you can get relief at
the natatorium. '
Corral the easterners for the (
Round-up. If they don't come
here they will miss the chief
excitement in the west during
Some times it is darkest
just before the dawn and often
wheat prices are bartered the
heaviest just before some buy
ing Is to be done.
(From Free, Poland.)
Behold me O Mankind! Clothed In
robe of white and crimson fetters
dragging at my withered limbs!
White because I am Innocent be
fore the Ood of Peace and Justice of
the awful fate that has befallen me.
Crimson because the wounds that
thrice have pierced my heart a cen
tury ago now bleed afresh and life's
last drop of blood Is slowly ebbing.
The fetters soon will fall for there
Is naught to hold!
I spoke of God! Oh dreadful
thought! I now beKln to doubt that
God still is and all around me. I be-
Swelis up and sinks: and flashing In
Its glare
The steel of swords and star eyes
stud the dell.
Far scattered horsemen gallop o'er
the field.
With shrill, mad laughter like the
taunts of hell.
Then mounts the wind in the woods
And wafts such heavy breezes of
That, perched upon their prey, the
raven troops
Turn weary heads, drooping with
dreams away.
The straggling cripples to the ambu
lance. limp In. Then comes black Night
with silent tread;
Bowed deep with pain, she bends a
mother's brow,
And, softly sobbing, watches o'er
th dead.
Translation by D. H. J., In the New
Tork Times.
Injured liuck Put Vp FIrIu When
Hunter Appro'st-hc and Strtimlc
rllw4 Animal Tnssr Man About
and Klnalfy It.lW With Iliint'T
Astride iuu k IHvr at Kil!"d.
LA GRANDE, Ore.. Au 25. ,
Thrilling details of battle royal be-'
tween an unarme.l hunter and !-r-'c
wounded buck, not far from Mt Kni
iiy's peak is brnncht to town v R
P. Courtney, l',!V Park nrch-trlis;. Ai
f w d.iys O.'iitnev took h i.s !
pon and daughter, Mjfs Heln Fitz-j
lerald. Miss ill tdyn Air.sworth mi.
Miss Eva Riihv. all yonnsr ladien of
La Crande. and Mr. Courtney's neph
ew. Russell Darker, a oung man of
about 20 years of a?e. to Mt. Iimiiy
for an oiit:ns A sidetrip was plan
ned out after pitching camp jus un
der the summit, and Miss Gladys
Courtney and Miss Ain.-worth were
allowed to go on the deer and bear
expedition with Mr. Courtney aid his
nephew. With the sirls dressed in
overalls and equipped with blankets
strapped to a park horse the qaart 't
set out f"r the deer rur.s. In thre
hours they struck fresh deer trail,
and after a half hour's sleuthing they
came upon a group of about a h i
dozen deer lying down In a clump ot
trees Girls and men alike cut loo.e
with their weapons and whep the
rattle of musketry was silenced, the
men rushed up to bag their game
While Mr. Barker's attention a.i ta
ken up with a fine buck. Mr. Court
ney was looking to another animal.
Crashing noises drew Mr. Courtney to
a spot where the young man had dis
covered the buck he had knocked
down wasn't dead ,or nan quite n ar
An encounter followed. Rarke
seized the buck by the antlers and was
topsed about iik1 a will o the wisp
by the Infuriated deer. Without
knowing how It happened, Rarkcr
found himself astride the bur!:, but
although possessed of a knife in hii
hunting belt he was unable to use It.
After the muchly one-sided bnttlo
had progressed for a minute or two,
the deer bolted down the mountain
aide with his human load. Af-er a
few jumps the bucking buck unseated
his rider and with a titanic toss ol
his head heaved Barker 10 or 1? feet.
Although freed of his rider the deer
collapsed after a couple of
Ford Motor Company
Elound-Up City Auto Go.
Trombley & Simpson, Props.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Echo Garage, Echo, Ore. Bond Auto Co., Pilot Rock, Ore.
Athena Garage, Athena, Ore. Zerba Bros., Milton, Ore.
im-y 1 1
in those countries are being carried as an indication that these slab's aro
on with iU.-n--e activity. j Hearing a decision as to lii. ir policy
In some quarters here this Is taken. In the war.
in fine fixtures are now being
shown by us. It affords you an
excellent opportunity to purchase
handsome chandeliers and side
fixtures at remarkable savings. In
cluded la a great variety of celling
fixtures and lamps. We wish es
pecially to have you see our fine
dining room domes.
QL'EENSTOWJf, Aug. 25. Ken
neth Douglas, an actor, one of the
survivors of the Arabic, tells of his
I experiences as follows
"We were struck by the torpedo
at 9:iS a m. All the Dassenffers
Jjmps. gayga were got away In boats in
Reinforcements were brought up and
j another bullet finished his flb'htlni
spirit. Tne rirst snot naa broken one
hind leg.
To celebrate the exciting battle, thi
party assembled their nerves and
weapons and kindled a fire, co isum
ing goodly portions of the slain deer.
A cry from a nearby cougar was the
nearest thing to excitement on the rTca. to' take part
homeward trip, which brought them
twelve minutes. The boats had been
lowered for any emergency. We row.
ed about for four and a half hours
until we were picked up by a ship. I
am feeling quite all right There
was no panic and there was no acci
dent of any kind. We in the boats
were picked up by two ships.''
Mr. Douglas was on his way to Am-
in a new dramatic
production here. He was on th
to camp about dark. Mr. Barker rx- j Lusltanla when she was torpedoed
tracts a moral from the Incident: and gunk m aimo,t the same spot,
which nearly cost him his life, to-
ftraru Jury I Attacked.
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 25. R. H
Horton. a county supervisor, an
nounced to his colleagues that he in
tended to circulate petitions to place
on the next state ballot the question
of abolishing the grand Jury system
In California.
"The grand Jury system lBfan un
American relic of barbarism," said
Norton, who declared he had no sub
stitute for It.
"We have district attorneys," he
said, "with powers to Investigate
crime. Let all arrests be made on
information and complaints."
wit: Don't approach a deer until you
know he la dead.
To Face Charge In California,
SALEM, Ore., Aug. 25. Governor
Withycombe granted a warrant of ar
rest for D. H. Daley, wanted for pass
ing a worthless check In payment of
450 due on an automobile and an
officer left for Ban Francisco with
Daley. Daley's counsel withdrew op
position to the honoring of a requl-
More Than 25,000 1
dge Brothers I
Have Been Sold Since 1
January 1, 1915 J
S They are all emphasizing its steadiness, the freedom 5
5 from gear-shifting, the quick getaway, the absence of vi-
S bration and the low maintenance cost.
S The consumption of gasoline is light and the tire ex- r:
pense is reasonable, because' the size of the tires is right
E for the weight of the car. E
E The Motor is 30-35 Horsepower
The Price of the Car Complete is $900
t. o. b. Pendleton. j.
Pendleton Auto Company
Woman Has Itarl-Bcti.
25 Mrs. Parajon, wffe of the cap
tain of the Peruvian bark Alliance,
six members of whose crew died on
the voyage from Callao becauie of.
berl-berl. has been attacked by the sltion from California.
disease and was placed In a hospital
Captain Parajon was not affected, j
and during the latter part of the cession.
voyage he was the only able-bodied ;
man on board. The food used onj Ilalkan Stab's Arming,
the voyage was polished rice, hard- ROME, via Paris, Aug. 25. Re
tack and salt meat, and the disease' ports received by the Italian govern
was caused by this diet, public health! ment from Roumanla. Bulgaria and
service officials say. Greece show the military preparations
Peat is generated by decay of veg
etable crops on the same spot In sue-
Jt 1
f)'y- J'"'