East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 25, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Safety First
Mishaps are made in buying
clothes as well as subjecting
yourself to injury.
Both injure your peace-of-mind.
Preserve your appearance
and eliminate the risk of a
poor investment by buying
Bond Clothes
$15 to $30
A grand array of new Fall
styles now showing with new
ones coming in nearly every
Our own tailors assure you
a perfect fit. .
Try one on.
Bond Bros.
Peadletoo'i V4iai Clothim
(Special Correspondence.)'
IMLOT ROCK, Ore., Aug. 25 The
Bond Auto Co. received a carload of
automobiles today.
Jean Hascall .returned home today
from Portland.
Mrs. Cora Knotta left Wednesday
for Heppner where she will visit
friends and relatives for a few
Miss Grace Gilliam was a Pendle
ton visitor Wednesday.
K. G .Warner of Butter creek, was
a visitor here Wednesday.
Mrs. Burton Hutchinson spent
Wednesday In Pendleton doing some
Chas. Miller was a business visitor
In Pendleton Wednesday,
iahlng Kxplolt Told.
BERLIN, by wireless to Sayvllle, N.
Y., Aug. 15. The adventurous career
of the German auxiliary cruiser Me
teor, which was blown up by her com
mander to escape the British warships
after she had sunk the British aux
iliary cruiser Ramsey, Is described by
the Overseas News Agency as follows:
"According to private reports, the
lleteor, a converted merchant steam
er, succeeded In breaking through the
lines of British patrol ships and trav
ellng to the Orkney Islands, 550 miles
liom her base. She laid a large nura
her of mines and destroyed British.
merchant ships.
"Finally she encountered the Brit
ish cruiser Ramsey, which she sank
after a splendid maneuver. The cap
tuln of the Meteor, whose crew con
sisted of about 25 men, saved and
captured 4 3 men from the Ramsey,
und it Is probable that more than 60
others were drowned.
"British battle cruisers, notified by
wireless, pursued the Meteor. After
the Meteor had burned the Danish
merchantman Jason, the little Ger
man craft, facing four British cruis
ers, stopped a Norwegian steamer,
transferred the captured British crew
of the Jason anl also put the Danish
sailors on board. This boat escaped
from her pursuers and reached port
safely with the captured English
men. The Meteor was sunk by ex
plodlng her mines."
At Bornou, narrow strips of cloth
are used Instead of coin.
(. fi:'W;,
A Message
for You
From Headquarters!
rust & uaaifles
for Breakfast
A delicious food different from ordinary "corn
flakes." Each flake has a body and firmness doesn't
mush down, but keeps crisp when cream is added.
New Post Toasties are the tender meats of white
Indian Corn, skilfully cooked, daintily seasoned, and
toasted to an appetizing golden-brown. They come to
you oven-fresh, in tight-sealed, wax-wrapped packages
ready to eat with cream, milk or fruit.
New Post Toasties
the Superior Corn Flakes
Your grocer has them now.
PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 25 "It
will generally be found that the same
elements which In time past have op
posed the withdrawal of public lands
for forestry and other purposes, are
arrayed against any efficient re
strictive or regulative legislation as
affecting water power sites or the de
velopment of hydro-electric energy,''
declared United States Sen. Cham
berlain In his address before the Joint
sessions of the Oregon and Washing
ton Bar associations.
Senator Chamberlain's address was
both an Indictment of the Interests
that have exploited the public domain
for their own InteresU In the name
of development and an argument in
favor of the water power leasing bill
now before congress.
In beginning he called attention to
Improvidence of congress and the
states In relinquishing public lands
and natural resources without any ef
fort to secure adequate return fol
the public.
"It might be Interesting to discuss
In detail legislation which has been
enacted from time to time affecting
the public domain," said he, "and to
show therefrom how Improvident con
gress has been in the disposition
thereof, but I can only touch upon the
"Not only has this improvidence
characterized congressional action but
It has characterized state legislation
as well, and lands granted by the gen
eral government to the srveral states
for educational and other public pur-1
P"Es have been recklessly disposed
of, and nt wholly Inadequate prices, to
the detriment of the people of these
states. Each legislation which had
for Its purpose the bona fide settle
ment and disposition of tne public do
main, has in many Instances by ad
ministrative laxity been used to trans,
fer title from the government to cor
porations, to timber barons, and to
others, placing It beyond the reach
cither of regulation or the general
IawH Have licen Abused.
"The homestead and pre-emption
laws have been availed of. time with
out number, for the fraudulent ac-'
quirement of public lands; and the
timber and Btone act. passed In 1878
ostensibly to enable the homesteader
and other settlers an opportunity to
acquire timber and stone, has been
more generally abused than all other
legislation combined, and soon be
came an Instrument for perpetrating
the most gigantic frauds against the
"In the short period of 30 years
after Its enactment over 12.500,000
acres were acquired under it, and the
smaller part of this immense acreage
was obtained by the original locators
for their own use, but by far the
larger part was fraudulently acquired
by timber syndicates and monopolis
tic combinations for the valuable tim
ber growing thereon.
"In this state alone. 3.560,905.45
acres, in the state of Washington, 2,
070.563.3S acres, and in the state of
California 2.717.010.13 acres were ac
quired under this act."
Wagon Itoad Grant Discussed.
Senator Chamberlain discussed the
wagon road land grants to interests
that never built the roads, and the
grants to railroads of great tracts
which were withheld from settle
ment or sale or sold at prices or In
luantities violative of the terms of
the original grants.
"From 1S50 to June 30, 1909, 159.
5,724.25 acres were granted to aid
in railroad construction, most oi
w hlch has been patented to the gran-1
tees; while 3.229,230.41 acres were
granted in aid of military wagon
ul construction, most of It having
been heretofore patented to the gran,
The Immensity of these grants
can be better understood when it is
remembered that they equal in area
the states of Maine, New Hampshire.
Vermont, Massachusetts. Rhode Is
land, Connecticut, New Jersey, Dela
ware, Maryland. Pennsylvania, Vir
ginia and West Vtrginia,
IH'volopnicnt at Great Cost.
"It may be insisted and it is prob
ably true, that the granting of these
lands has hastened the development
of the western country, but at what
a sacrifice!
"I venture to say that, with the
knowldege which the past years have
brought to us, if our governmental
life had to be lived over again not an
acre of these lands would have been
so improvidently disposed of, but the
government Itself would have under
taken the work of wagon road and
railroad construction through Its own
Instrumentalities, and would have
sold the land and utilized the pro
ceeds with an Immense saving, and
In fact, with a profit, to the people
of the whole country.
"There have sometimes been at
tached stipulations to these grants,
requiring sale to actual settlers at
fixed prices and In limited quantities,
but these conditions have In most
cases been entirely ignored by the
grantees, and In this state a suit In
stituted to forfeit a rallrad grant be
cause of the violation of a similar sti
pulation, has recently been determ
ined by the supreme court of the
United States, and the decision of the
court in Its final analysis Is, that not
withstanding the flagrant violation of
the terms of the grant, the railroad
company still owns the land, or the
proceeds of It to the extent of the
price stipulated in the grant.
Government Is Mulcted.
"And In all these grants what rights
have been reserved to the govern
ment. What right to transport troops
and equipment without cost In time of
domestic or foreign war What
power of rate or other regulation?
What supervisory control was reserv-1
ed or what subsequently was accom-1
plished without exhausting all the
remedies known to law What right
of forfeiture for conditions broken
exists that have not required an ap-1
Peal to congress or to the courts for1
construction or relief? ..'ot only Is
the government shown no favors for
Its great generosity, but In some cases.
It. has to pay more for a given service.'
than Is charged a private corporation
for the same service."
The senior United States senator
from Oregon condemned the advant
age which railroads have taken In the
right of Indemnity selections, a right
originally granted for the benefit of
individual homesteaders. The result,
he said, has been that the railroads
relinquished worthless lands and se
lected In lieu thereof valuable prop
erties. As to Oregon, In this connec
tion he said:
Conservative Policy Indorsed.
"Of 16,221,368 acres held In re
serves In Oregon most of it can be
utilized only for forest preservation,
grazing and water power purposes.
There are some lands within these re
serves that ought to be, and will be
in due course as they have been from !
time to time in the past, released, but'
the people of the state are not suf-j
fering from these reserves, because j
they understand that the lands em-!
braced therein are unfitted for any1
other purpose than those herein men-;
tinned. j
"For a Ion',' time I myself was an'
opponent of the policy of conserva- I
tion. but study of the question led me i
to believe It tt.is necessary to con-'
serve and preserve- from waste the re-1
sources of the country, if we Intend-1
ed to continue as one of the highest'
developed civilizations on the globe.
Would Let It Stay.
"Oregon. ashlmrton. California
together have 275. 000,000, 0H0 feet of
(standing timber In the forest reserves
which is about 40 per cent of all the
timber, and I believe that the people
of Oregon are patriotic enough to
prefer that that portion of this magni
ficent wealth which lies In Oregon
shall remain in the federal govern
ment, to be utilized under wise regu
latlon and legislation consistent both
with the present needs and the needs
of generations yet unborn."
"Electric power Interests" contin
ued Senator Chamberlain, "Insist that
natural conditions prevent monopol
ization. "How Is this development d'strlb
uted, as far as it has gone, and Is
there or has there been a tendency
Just now is the time you can take time
to select that new
for Fall-
Our showing of Suits, Coats, Skirts and Dresses are
most complete and, too, the styles are most pleasing.
Materials are of the best selections and the prices are in
reach of all.
27-in. Messalines in all
colors, yd 75
36-in. Silk Poplin, good
assortm't of colors 89
Some of the season's new
est Dress Fabrics at
from 35 up
Silk Crepes at the yd. 19
Fancy Striped Piques, the
yard 134
Ginghams at 54, 7, S'
10 and 12.
Corsets in the latest and
best fitting models to be
had, at from ?1.00 to
Hope Muslin, yd
King Muslin 6ig
Lonsdale, yard 12
Queen of the Home Sheets
regular 81x90, at.. 69?
Pillow Cases at from 10
to 25 in both 42x36
and 45x36.
Hosiery for ladies, misses'
and children at from
10 up to ?1.00.
Percales in light, dark
medium and in fact
most any color desired
at 5, 10. 12 and
Don't forget to give us
a call before you buy. You
will not only save money
but get better goods.
Cash Store
Better Goods for Less Money.
(Former Wohlenberg Dept. Store Location.)
forests ore growing are s'uitabb for
agricultural purposes or not.
"It Is an argument which Is made
ostensibly In the name of those who
are seeking to acquire homes for
themselves In the undeveloped west,
when in truth and In fact everyone
who has been an observer o fthe trend
of legislation In the past quarter of
a century knows that these plausible
arguments are not In the Interest of
the homeseeker and the homebuilder,
but are In the Interest of, and are In
some Instances paid for by, those
who are anxious to obtain, and have
obtained, these lands for monopolistic
tercommunicatlon In an effort toward
j preparedness for the adequate de
fense of the nation. 'In a resolution
proposed, It Is pointed out that no
proper or rapid mobilization of troops
' equipment and commissary can bo at
, tained without adequate highways.
The resolution also favors the ap
pointment of a civilian board of ex
' perts to aid the administration In
solving the highway 'preparedness
i problem.
Mother Of 7 Kills Self.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 25.
Mrs. L. U Davis, of Sunnyside,
mother of seven children, the eldest
11 years old, and the youngest a
babe, shot herself through the tem
ple with a revolver and died Instantly.
The Davis family, which moved
from Grandview to Sunnyside recent
ly, has been in straitened circum
stances. Davis has been unable to
work on account of an injury last
year while driving a creamery wa
gon. Mrs. Davis has -been much de
pressed recently and her act la at
tributed to despondency. She served
breakfast for the family, cleared the
table and then went to another room
and took her life.
Xo legislation jthonM he enacted bv
lowaro concentration and monopoliz- congress which will surrender its Jur.
ne a-eKea- isdictlon to control and regulate for
'It Is contended by those repre-all time, the rates to be charged for
enung me power companies and .power used in. Interstate business and
that, too, very earnestly that there . i do not think there will be."
Is not such a concentration of water. l.easiiur Rill Is Annrovcd.
Those who have selfish Interests
oppose state and federal regulation;
those who have no selfish interests
power development as to rise to the
danger of a power trust.
Small Developers own IJttle.
And yet It has been pretty well support state and federal regulation
established, notwithstanding repeated j of water power.
denials of the fact, that In the states He said that the waterpower leas
of California, Colorado, Idaho, llon-jlng bill before congress Is of a char
tnna, Nevada, Oregon, t'tah and.ncter to warrant the investment of
Washington ,out of a total develop- capital and to protect the public in
ment of 1.135.400 horsepower, 1,023,-' terest. Concerning the bill he on
"00 horsepower or 90 per cent of the! tinued:
development is owned by 23 con-nan- "It recognizes the federal and the
ies, while only 10 per cent is owned state jurisdiction and the respectlvei
ty small developers. rights of each, and while It may not
"Two groups of companies own 90 be perfect, it Is hoped that In the
per cent of the development in Ore-! main it may be enacted at the ensu
gon. Taking the evidence before the!ing session of congress, so that the
senate and house committees, ami re-, development might begin in the pub-
ports which have from time to time lie land states.
been made by public officials, on the! "Those who are engaged in fight-
water power possibilities of the roun-Mng and in denouncing the measure if.
try, the conclusion Is Irresistable that; they really are the friends of western
there has been a tendency toward development, ought rather to turn
concentration of companies interested their attention to assisting, by proper
Great Old Remedy
For Skin Diseases
S. S. S. Clears Skin of Erup
tion! Drives Poison From
the System.
Get It fixed in your mind that skin
eruptions, Scrofula, Eczema, burning
itching skin, and ail skin diseases
are due entirely to impure and
infected blood. If the trouble was
on the outside of the skin, by
simply washing and keeping it clean
you could obtain relief not even
ointments, lotions, and salves, would
be necessary. Agree with us in this
belief, and your trouble can be re.
lieved yon can be entirely restored
to health. S. S. S. is a purely vegeta
ble treatment that you can secure
from your own druggist it is a blood
tonic that will purify yonr blood and
cause a most decided abatement of
your trouble, and finally make you
entirely well. Fifty years ago S. S. S.
was discovered and given to suffering
mankind. During this period it has
proven Its remarkable curative prop
erties as a blood purifier and tonic,
and has relieved thousands of cases
of disease caused by poor or impure
blood, and chronic or inherited blood
diseases. You cam be relieved, but
you must take S. S. S. Take It if only
pimples appear, for they denote bad
blood, and may be followed by the
sufferings from torturing ekin erup
tions, 'inererore be sure. Don t take
chances, don't, use lotions. Get 5. S.
S. from your druggist. If yours ii a
special case, write for expert medical
advice to S. S. S. Co- Atlanta, Ga.
in power development.
Xecifl for Regulation.
analysis and criticism, to whip the
measure Into such shape as will pro-
"Thls. in itself, might or might not lect the public and at the same time
be a menace provided, of course, these . encouraae the development of the
companies are engaged' only in In-' country.
trastate development, and in states! Kcgtilution should He Basis.
where utilities commissions have the:
power of rate regulation and control.
"Put consolidation of development
means the Inevitable concentration of
ownership of control, either directly
or indirectly, of public utilities, wa-'
"Regulation, rather than revsnue.
ought to be the basis of all legisla
tion governing the development of
water power. It does not muter
much, either to the federal or to the
state government whether the reve-
ter. heat, power and transportation-' nue derived from the development or
And therein lies the necessity for , horsepower is much or little; to un
control of the power site, for thejdertnke to exact an exorbitant charge
present and in the future, by the fed-j will postpone or prevent the very
eral government; for Its control purpose of legislation. ;
means the ability to regulate the wa- "It is better that no revenue be de
ter power, as well as the public utill- rived than that no developmen: be
ties, owned or operated by the p,wer had, hut the essential thing for the
companies engaged in Intrastate bus-, state and national government is that
Iness. the power of regulation In the lnter-
l'nllndous Argument Is Potent. est of the power be maintained, with
"The perpetual ownership bv the the power at the end of a stated p?
government of the power site means rlod to renew its contract with the
the authority perpetually to regulate lessee upon such terms as legislation
the rates to be charged to the con-land conditions at that time may war
sumer. whether for water, heat, light, rant or at its option to take back the
transportation, Irrigation or energy
utilized for any purpose whatsoever "
Senator Chamberlain discussed the
facts which add to the evidence of
trend toward concentration of owner
ship In water power throughout the
nation, then added:
'I know how potent with the un
developed power plant upon terms
which shall then be Just both to the
lessor and lessee."
Governor Indorses Plan.
SALEM. Ore., Aug. S5. Governor
Withycombe mailed a letter to the
National Highways association, Scuth
thinking Is the argument that every Yarmouth, Mass.. In which he in
man who Insisted upon safe and con-'dorsed a proposition of the trustees
servative legislation in the interest of .as to the necessity of calling the con
the masses stands against the devel-j slderatlon of the Wilson adminlstra
opment of the state. I have seen tlon to the importance of highway In-
and heard it made against those who
have stood In the breach to oppose
legislation that In the end would have
turned over to corporate greed the
undisposed portions of the public do
main. Not In nomcbnilder's Itehalf.
"It Is an argument which is now
being made In some quarters, to op
en up for exploitation the forest and
other reserves in the several wvstern
stutes, and thnt without regnnl to
whether the lands upon which these
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Aug'ust 26
Oregon Thsatre , Pendleton, Ore.
15 ROUNDS 15
Of Seattle, Wash.
Biily Farrell
Of Pendleton, Ore.
Contestants will weigh in nt
133 pounds.
ilways bears ,r
ignature of
J V y- k
j :
i '
i j
how begins promptly at
lock, rickets on salt! at
Welch's Cigar Store.
Ringside $1.50
Reserved Seat $1.00
Balcony 50c