East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 25, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Girls Serge Dresse
By this morning's express we received a shipment of serge dresses for little girls,
ages 6 to 14 years, that cannot help but appeal to the mother who takes pride in the
appearance of her little ones.
The styles are the cutest you ever looked at. The new smocking being among the
new trimming features used. The colors are navy blue, brown, green and garnet. The
prices range from 91.95 up to ?3.95. Call soon and see these dresses.
56c TO $1.00 COLLARS 43c
Every ladies' collar In the house, worth
50c to $1.00 each. The newest styles and
colors. Special 43
40 inches wide, our own silk and wool
poplin. Comes in all shades for street and
evening. Makes up into stylish dresses and
suits. The yard 9S
For suits and dresses. The latest edict
from "Dame Fashion," of best quality and
finish. Comes in golden brown, African
brown, navy and blue, 27 to 45 inches wide.
Yard $1.50 to 5.00
Good weight and excellent quality; pink,
blue and striped ; 3000 yards from which to
Pretty new shades, fancy full flare bot
toms, and patent waist bands, $3.50 val
ues, now only $2.27
$5.00 Women' Satin Shoes, only.... 1.98
$5.00 Women's Velvet Shoes, only $1.98
Up to $5.50 Women's Oxfords and Pumps,
only $1.98
A new lot of boys heavy Shoes in Bargain
TL D I 11 1
1 ie 1 eupies vvarenouse
Where it Pavs to Trade '
Wwd mil Laws Passed.
PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 15 Ordi
nances assessing against property
owners a total of J 1218 for weed cut
ting done a year ago were passed by
the city council by unanimous vote-
me ordinances make the amounts
t-pent by the cits- for weed cutting a
lien on the property upon which '.he
work was done. The $2 penalties im
posed on each lot at first were remit
I First Ha'ticna!
OX 111UT1SH. Jj.
Way to Minimize Deutlm In Conflict
Is Being Sought and Armor Has
. IUvii Suggested As Moans to Pro
tect Soldiers at the Front Plan
Muy lie Curried Out This Year.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
LONDON. Aug. 14. (By Main
I The 1918 British army may be an nr
' mored army.
! The great casualty list that filters
j through the war office every day
' from the front; the convalescent
wounded and battered soldiers that
are always on the streets and the ov
erflowing hospitals are beginn'ng to
I have their effect.
I Many ask: "Isn't there a way to
j minimize this appalling situation?"
Somebody has answered: "Armor."
I And It's beginning to look Uk ar
inior for the British soldiers of 1916.
j While the British war office Is
considering whether It shall slip
back to medieval methods of warfare
so far as the protection of the soldier
is concerned, well known Britishers
are telling the war office through the
press that armor is a natural neces
sity In these days of machine guns
and high-powered rifles.
; Scores of suggestions for modern
1916 armor emanating from scientists
have narrowed down to the practica
bility of a three piece suit of temper
ed steel that would protect the fore
head, breast and abdomen the three
j vital spots of the body. The favor
ed headpiece will, if authorised by
the war office, take the form of the
highly tempered steel skull cap-like
protector now worn by the French
to minimize the danger of shrapnel.
The breastplate would be a thin
leather covered hardened plate of
steel, rurged to fit over the chest
and held by straps that go over the
shoulders and around the waist. The
abdomena protector is suggested In!
the form of another curved sheet of
steel fitting over the lower ribs and
extending down to the hones of the
i hips.
! The British war office four years
: ago experimented with a bullet proof
breast plate at Aldershot where the!
Mrs. Claude Noise of La Gr.mde,
is In the city attending her mother,
who is at the hospital. While nere
she is a guest of Mrs. s M. Richard
son. Mrs. Noise was formerly Miss
Hazel Simpson, a former Penlleton
girl. She Is a daughter of the late
Chris Simpson who will be remember
ed as a prominent farmer who at one
time owned the Myrlck ranch. Mrs.
.oie win go io walla Walla In
few days to visit with a brother
George Simpson.
Mrs. O. J McKee
are expected home
early next week.
and small son
from Kansas
Mrs. James Johns, Sr., is vlslt'ng In
Portland and Vancouver for a week
or more.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stockman and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stockman return
ed yesterday from an auto trip to
California. They visited at Crater
Lake on their return.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Fletch?r and
children arrived home last evening
from a camping expedition Into the
John Day country.
Miss Harriet Young, recently .re
turned from Berlin where she spent
three years studying piano, and Miss
Naomi Williamson, graduate of the
Emerson School of Oratory at Bos
ton, will give a Joint recital at the
Methodist church Friday evening.
September 3. The specific date hua
been set and this important event
will be looked forward to with a
great deal of delight. Miss William
son has won an enviable reputation
among her home folks through sev
eral appearances of late, but Miss
Young has yet to make her first ap
pearance since the prolonged study
abroad. The two, artists in their
lines, will make of the recital a splen
did evening's entertainment,
there enn be no doubt La
What is a Kitchen
without LARD?
and when you buy LARD, buy it here. Just because
ours is
Compare these prices with, those of Lard that you don't
know the history of:
3 lb. Pail U. S. Inspected Lard, only 50c
5 lb. Pail U. S. Inspected Lard, only 75c
10 lb. Pai! U. S. Inspected Lard, only $1.50
Another shipment just received of those famous mild
cured U. S. Inspected Eastern HAMS.
Phcme 600 and 601. J. S. Roger, Prop.
MONTREAL Que., Aug. !5. Fire
fniinwinv an explosion aboard the
British liner Anglo-California, a ves
sel of "333 tons, in Montreal harbor,
trapped 200 horses on board. Twenty
firefighters were overcome by smke.
The Anglo-Californlan was recently
attacked by a German submarine In
British waters, but escaped.
The blaze was brought under con-
of thalltrol after the firemen had been taken
Orando t0 the hospital.
tOO (itrls Seek $10,000.
CHICAGO, Aug. 24. More than
100 applications for the posltior. of
"member of the family" of James W.
Pankhurst, wealthy McHenry count!)
farmer who promised to will 110.003
to the "satisfactory ' girl,'1 were re
ceived by the federal employment bu
reau recently.
assessments were proposed origin-
Known For It's Strength
r- i..iiii.;..a.a:Uii..,)l(iiiaiyji;j;jhgijjjijjj
The assessments have been hang
ing fire for more than a year. Many
complaints have been investigated
and a few corrections made. Tha ac
tion of the CrtllTipll rhH1.. ...111 .... .1
the trouble experienced ever since the' , ,,' , ,w . ' Jr - supplied In well-corked glass bottles,
assessment. -. ., n hullets that were fired against, ' ... . hl,.
it at ranges of one foot to five hun- ,'u,i"'"V .
, , , , ... r 1 s. for 25c. One pill with a glass
dred yards. The breast plate was r- ... .. . , ,.
, , , .. i , of water before retiring 's an aver-
jected on Hie ground that it added , . , , . ,,,
. t . . a-:e dose. Easy and p easant to take,
too much weight to the eo,upmnt of! " , , ... , .....
the ,o..!.er and reduced his march-and positive in result
ing efficiency. h" onmnlCHl to use Get a
...... . . bottle todav, take a dose tonight
Aith a war of sre.it proportions i " ' , ., , ,
, , , , . vour Const pallon will be relieved in
that will probably last manv more 'r . , , ,. ,
um mi i ii ii't- -.'v., ... o.i ui ws
Xavy Swindle clarged.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. George
D. Will, a clerk in the bureau of nav
igation of the navy department was
arrested on a warrant charging con
spiracy in that he was concerned in
Freed Convict I.rfwoa Suit.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Aug. 25. renal
institutions of the state, for the pro
tection of society and regardless of
the sensibilities of convicted persons,
have the right under a supreme
court decision, Just rendered to pho
tograph and measure convicts and
circulate these records among police
officers and sheriffs.
Wallllm R. Hodgeman, convicted
Thirty-six fop 25 Cents. for grand larceny and sentenced in
Pr. King's New Life Pills are now' from 2 to 15 years In the state re-
formatorv, sought by court action,
after he was pardoned, to make the
reformatory authorities destroy his
likeness in the rogues' gallery and to
enjoin them from circulating It and
his description.
of money
navy fur
a scheme to obtain sums
from enlisted men of the
Government investigators say they
have found evidence of a conspiracy
to collect payments ranging from
tlo to $50 from enlisted men for
transfers and promotions to which
they were rightfully entitled.
Itorah Starts Suffragists.
EOISE, Idaho, Aug. 25. Local and
national suffragettes have been on
the trail of Senator William E. Borah
with special vigor recently In an ef
fort to induce him to alter his positi
on on nation equal suffrage.
Miss Mabel Vernon, field secretary
of the congressional union for wom
an's suffrage recently interviewed the
senator here and named a committee
to see him later. Senator Borah, in
effect, declines to meet this enmmit.
tee. He says the proposed amend
ment is impracticable.
'"" '"'"''"MI"IMM,1..H1I,1,1I)I11 , ,,,mi,,,n,,,,,111,,,,M,,,,1,,1,,,,,1
How to Finance the Building of a
Little Home
vn QAP;E u J0UNG MAN? just ettin started in business, or have
you a steady job drawing a good wage or salary, working hard, ambitious
for the future, married to the sweetest of wives, and perhaps with the first
little ones spurring you on?
And you would like to have a home of your own and independence for
l ?v!n teimidst of a great community of the finest body of people ever
gathered together in a city?
That would be really worth while, would it not?
Then why not!
You can own a home and pay for it in monthly payments not much in
excess of the rent you are now paying.
v. "The- Man from the Lumber Yard" will help you find just the plan that
is best suited to your family and puree, and assist you in financing the build
ing operations. Please let him advise with you and your wife on just the
sort of house you would like in this growing city.
Oregon Lumber Yard
East Alta Street, opposite Court House
months or i-erbnis ypars and with
the thonspnds of dead and the tons
of thousand.-! of wounded the war of
fice is believed t.) be reconsidering its
objection to armor. j
Tin- men of the trenches at least
probaldv will he thus equipped, ac-i
cording to information today.
One of firi tain's leading advocates :
of armor' is Sir Arthur Conan Poyle, i
the noted author of "Sherlock!
In a lengthy message from his
home at Windiesham. Crowborough,
Sussex, to a London daily. Sir Arthur.
cited an action of the British In
Northern France on May 9 when sev
eral brigades were decimated In an
effort to rush across 300 yards Inter
vening between the British and Ger
man trenches. He warned:
"You must either abandon such at
tacks or you must find artificial De
tection for the men."
Sir Arthur suggests three-piece
suits of steel plates for the soldiers,
but goes further in advocating a
modern "testudo" a cover usd by
the Roman soldiers In attacking a
wall, former by overlapping their ob-
i long shields above their head.". Sir
Arthur's modern testudo, he would
! put on wheels to cover the men as
! thev charge the German trenches. He
S "say:
5 j "These numerous armor plated
' bodies could rush with small loss
j over a space which had already been
: cleared as far as possible of 00'
5 ' stacles, and so have some chance of
E ! reaching the enemy's line not as an
; exhausted fragment but as a vigorous
stormine party with numbers Intact,
2 'Such apparatus would not necessitate
S a great addition to the Impedimenta
of an army. It would be a separais
5 Item like the pontoons or the sloga
s train only to be brought up on ape
s' cial occasions to the point whiro It
I Is needed for the assault. The vital
I body plates, however, should be used
In the every day equipment of
El fighting soldier."
Armored shields on wheels sucn
' as Conan Doyle suggests were used
jby the United States infantry dur
' Ing the last days of the Spanish-Am
S ! erican war In Cuba, according to an
' English authority on armor. They
5 : were invented by General Roy Stone
5 1 f the British army. Each shield
E i lay horizontally and carried the Im-
: pedimenta of marching soldiers when
l not placed vertically for aterner use.
si Due to the rough character of the
ground and the predominance of
E mounted forces In the Cuban cam
E.palgn, the American experiment was
a failure It was stated.
E Whether the government will an
I cept the "testudo" Is uncertain but It
si Is strongly whispered that armor will
have to do with British armies of tho
coming year.
ty court to place complete and com
prehensive signboards at all highway
f .
ists. Adv.
oura1gia pains Stopped.
Toa don't need to suffer those ag
onizing nerve palna In the face, head,
arms, shoulders, chest and back Just
apply a few drops of soothing
Sloan's Liniment; He iuletly for a
few minutes. You will get auch re
lief and comfort! Life and the
or!d will look brighter. Get a bot
tle today. ounces for 2S cents, at
nil druggists. Penetrate without
rubbing. Adv.
Mni. Edith Rhode Clark
Itesdy for a Dive.
Mrs. Edith Rhodes Clark Is one of
tho great swimmers of the United
States. Having captured the wom
en's championship for the 17 3-4
mile course In the Delaware river at
Philadelphia she may be Induced to
enter tho championships at the San
Francisco fair. Mrs. Clark made
this time In 4 hours and 86 minutes.
She once held the American mllo rec
ord for women.
Lightning Starts lllac.
H'lOl) KIVKR. (ire.. Aug. ::..!
Wlilie the unusual electric storm-j
cloud was sweeping up the range o'
mountains to the w est of Hood itiver i
lightning struck a pine tree near Hie
Imse of Mount Defiance. A. A. Laus-
mann. in charge or tti" properly or
the Stanley-Smith Lumber company
saw It and sent two men to the scene
Within five minutes a call from the
Forest Hangers' Station at Lookout
Mountain reported the fire.
The flames, which probably would
have spread rapidly in the dry under,
brush from the old tree, were easily
Henry ( lay Ford In Dead.
NEW YOUK, Aug. 25. H. Clay
Ford, formerly of Baltimore, who was
resident manager of Ford's opera
house at the time President Lincoln
was shot, died recently at St. Mary's
hospital in Passaic, N. J., following
an operation, at the age of "2 years.
Mr. Ford, who was known as the
"Xestor of Shakespearean managers"
was associate manager with his bro
ther. John T. Ford, In control of
opera houses at Baltimore and Wash
ington. Ills wife was Blanche Chap
man, an actress.
Recently Mr. Ford had lived at
Rutherford. N. J.
"W ..
invites you to
(.rangers Oppmo Bonds.
HOOD RIVER, Ore., Aug. 25.
Hood Itiver County Pomona Grange
in regular session at Mclsaac Hall
unanimously adopted a resolution op
posing the proposed $10,000,000 per
manent state highway bond issue. Thi
grangers expressed a grave fear that
the funds, when the time for distri
bution came, would lead to strife and
community rivalry.
The members of the grange by res
'olutlon also urged the county court
to abolish the toll on the road lead-,
Ing through the forest reserve to the
upper valley, and petitioned the coun
Prescribed by
doctors for
twenty years
Heal yfflr skin
with Resinol
NO matter how hng you have
been tortured and disfigured by
itching, burning-, raw or scaly ikin
humors, just put a littlcof that sooth
ing, antiseptic Resinol Ointment on
the sores and the suffering stops
right there I Healing begins that
very minute, and in almost every
case your skin gets well quickly,
easily and at little cost.
Rlnol Ointmtm ind Rnlnol Smp re (old
by ill drufgiiu. rrKritil tor 3a yari.
"First for Thirst" U
$(i at your favorite fountain Q
Also by the Case at Pioneer nottUng: ,
f Mow Open
i HongKongGafsf
I Noodles 1
fChop Sueyf
2 Outside Tray Orders a Specialty. E
E Boies for ladles and gentlemen.
2 Special Chicken Dinner
Z Sundays. E '
1 548 Main Street
Next to B. O. Bldg. Phone 6 OR E
Ansco Cameras
and Films
The court decreed
original Him and
Cyko the prize win
ning paper.
Take &n Ansco
on your vacation
Tallman & Co.
Leading Drufglitt