K3 EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1915. PAGE SEVEN mm ' i r THE GREAT WALL WHICH SAVED GALVESTON for your office or home 111 $3.00 down $3.00 a month Manufactured for and for sale by the Pacific Power & Light Company Easy payments make them easy to own. I f- , : ,: .. " f ; . '" . T""T; - S - - ,:"- I ' - Tin m TlU Jm.m.,,M. . Ami ,y . r .V. -1 Vacation Journeys The gTeat concrete causeway connecting Galveston with ed especially to resist the force of the heavy Gulf storms. the mainland. The causeway waf built at i cott of about II, 500,000 and was dehign- DALLAS, Tex.. Aug. 24. With! Galveston, Houston and numerous smaller cities along the gulf coast in Texas cut off from communication for eighteen hours, the full extent has not become fully known. Late the city. The storm equalled In fe of the Ions of life and damage suf- dispatches Indicate that the water roclty the great storm of Septemb-.-r, fered from the West Indian hurri-l rose five feet In Galveston, that 1900, when Galveston v.aa ail but de cane which ripped Its way Inland on many ships were overturned In the strayed. The giant sea wall saved Monday night and Tuesday morning, harbor and that many refugees left the city this time. A GROUP OF EXTRA ORDINARY VALUES In fine fixtures are now being shown by us. It affords you an excellent opportunity t purchase handsome chandeliers and side fixtures at remarkable savings. In. eluded Is a great variety of celling fixtures and lamps. We wish es pecially to have you see our fine dining room domes. J. L. VAUGHAN irst Jational Oonk 13 I FEHDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For It's Strength 1 II ROUND-UP DATES. The 1915 Round-up will be held on Sept 23, 24, 25. Facts Wanted Regarding Crop Yields; Farm Reports Desired feo much doubt exists this year regarding the wheat yield that the East Oregonian will endeavor to secure much exact data from first hand sources. With this aim in view farmers are asked to fill out the blank below as soon as their harvesting has proceeded sufficiently to give them an accurate line on what the yield will be. By ppecial arrangement the information gathered in this manner will be tabulated and given to the government crop reporting officials, thus helping them adjust their estimates ns to the actual yield. It Is desirable to get the exact truth as to the situation and the co-operation of farmers will be appreciated. Please fill out the following blank and mail the same to the East Oregonian. If you prefer to 'phone, do bo. The East Oregonian's number is ONE. ...barley.... Name Address .......u. No. of acres in wheat.-.vv.......... Yield of wheat p Wte - Average wh&t yield per Sere ttmg past few yrs... Barley yield per acre Average barley yield pet acre during past few yra... What variety of whtnt gives heaviest yield.v What variety of wheat suffered most frtw burning.. CATTLE MARKET PRICES GO UP (CourteHy Monday's Journal.) PORTLAND. Ore. Hogs were up 5c today and cattle brisk and steady. IteceiptB at the North Portlund stock, yards were heavy, 71 loads being re ceived and trade in the pens this morning was active. Suit's of steers at J 7 and of cows at 15. iiO were made this morning. Lambs were reached Just before noon, two sales at good prices belns made. General hog market range: Kest light $7 55 7.60 Medium light 7.20&7.35 Good to heavy 6 80 7. 00 Hough to heavy 5.50& 6.00 General cattle market range: Select Kteers 6.507.00 Best hay fed steers ..... 6.256.3'. Good to choice 6.0056.2" Ordinary to fair 5.00 ft 5. 75 HeHt cows 5.00 !U 5.5.1 Good to prime 4 BO'S 4.75 Select bulls 4.50 fi 4.75 Fancy bulls 4.25 ordinary bulls 2. 50 f? 3.50 Best calves 7.O0'W7.5O General shorn mutton market: Choke rprint lambs ft 25 i 6.50 Common s!rinK lambs ... 5.75W6.00 Choice yearling wethers.. 5.0'fi 5.50 Good yearlings 4. 75 "i 5.00 Old wethers 4 75 ' 5 00 Choice licht eyes 4.50 'f 4.60 Good ewes 3.75tfj4.O0 Rough heavy ewes 3.50 3.60 mi ADMITS THAT FRANCE HAS UK FOR IT BEING SATISFIED 1 ALLY'S HELP Miss Madden married Frederic!. Smith a few months as?o. She said that she had no idea that FUams had left his fortune to her until she re ceived the notice from his mother. Mrs. Smith expects to go to Buffalo next week to claim her inheritance. COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR AT LOW ROUND-TRIP FARES VIA liii PACIFIC I TO NORTH BEACH "Where Cool Sea Breeies Blow." 26 miles of smooth, white beach; a score of Interesting beat-r towns; mnr.y excellent hotels anl resorts; everything necessary for seashore outings. For real rest and recreatl' n go to North Beach Round Trip Fare, IIS.IIV. CIRCLE TOURS OF THE EAST tlQ'OvSH AkkOwtO At HOT LAKE OSEQOM ntT ST. MOST CHUTKf IM3 I TMf WOtlD Including a visit to the world famous California ExpoHltlons on going or return trip. The op portunity of a lifetime. The. most wonderful shows the na tion has ever seen. Do not mis them. BOTH WATS BISECT 160.00 7150 110.7ft DARKENS BEUTIFTI.IY AND Note The following article is in re- the nossihle invaders awav from Ca-1 RESTORES ITS THICKNESS ply to that of William Philip Simms, lais and the French criticism that the i f'aris correspondent of the United British are thoughtlessly worrying Press. In which France's dlssatisfac- more about London than they are tlon with England's efforts as an ally about Calais Is not well received in was told. Simms sent a copy of his London. Calais may be on French article to Keen In London. J soil but the British realize that it is I the c.ernian gateway to London and, that it must be defended to England's utmost. H,owcver, if the British fail at Calais, they must be prepared to make their last stand at London. Livestock Hliirr. Cattle J. W. Chandler. Elgin. 3 ears; J. Itronkman. Heppner, 3 cars: T. F. Smith, rilot Rock. 2 cars; Hell A Peeney, Pilot Rock, 3 cars; A. Weft Kate, Pilot Rock. 3 cars; J. I). French, Pilot Rock. 4 cars; A. Einger. Pilot Hock. 3 cars; Ed Reichman, Wallowa 1 car; Mat Hughes. Heppner, 2 cars; R. J. Crlsner, Heppner, 1 car: Ray Wrlcht. Heppner. 1 car: H. L. Stan field. Heppner, 1 car; F. Thompson Mi pic ton, 1 car; x. F. Taylor. Red nil n.1, 3 cars; It. H. Pooten. Rednvmd 2 cars; 12. H. Nottnger, Plymouth. Wafh.. 1 car. Hots Frank Orite. Caidwell, Ida ho. 1 car; W. H. Ross. Condon. 1 car: W. (1. Hrandenlierg, Shoshone, 1 car; Sol Dickerson, Weiser, Idaho, 3 cars; E. S. Knrthelomew, Echo. 1 car; J. W, Chandler, Enterprise, 4 cars; Ed Coles. Haines, 1 car; A. L. Swagert, Athena, 1 cur; W. A. Evans, Pilot Rock. 3 cars; J. W. Wilson. Van Dyke, 1 car; A. H. Carston. Alderdale, 1 car Sheep Smythe Bros., Haines, 3 cars; J. W. Crees, Sunny, I cars; W. W. T.lnthlrum. Forest Grove. 1 car. Cattle nnd hogs Grover Bros., New Ply mouth. 1 car; C. E. Myers, Imbler, 1 car; O. K. Gnrsllne. Joseph. 1 car: W. w. Cooper, I'nlon Junction, 1 car. Cattle, calves and hops J, Dysart, Condon, 1 car. BY ED L. KEEN. (I'nlted I'ress Staff Correspondent.) LONDON, Aug. 11. (Py Mall. I England knows France Is not satis fied with her. The showing Great Britain has made with her land forces has n ,t been all that France has had a rifiht to expect. While the dispatrh from William Philip Simms, the I'nited Press cor respondent in Paris, prohal'Iy reveals to America for the first time the ex tent of the French discontent, it re lates facts which are well known to I ritishers. Britishers admit, with sincere re fret, tint France has had some irroiiii.l for her complaints. Put they predict that in the very near future the allies will have no lns;s for criticism. It is true, as the French point out that strikes have hampered the Brit ish but th.it defect is being remedied thanks to the efficient work and in spiring appeals of the new minister of munitions Lloyd Oeorge. TwenC. -six new national arsenals have been started within the past month and 1 en. ciTi British workmen have offered their services in this connection. Now that they know the truth of the empire's sirave peril the workinc men of England have decided to fjuit striking. The Englishman quoted by Simms as saying that the army of 3,ooo,00'i men in England were supplied with vnoiien guns, was exaggerating con- Pritishers d" not . denv the French j ditinns. For the most part the men charge, contained in Simms' article in training have rifles. It is true that that the Britons are fortifying Lon-1 thousands may be seen daily In the don with a double row of defense j parks of London drilling with wood The Britishers are looking sipiare In ! en guns but these men are home de the face the remote possibility that feme guards, men who are unable due the British Isles may be invaded by j to physical or other disqualification Germany. London has been prepar- i to enlist In the regular service, nnd ina for invasion for a long time. 'even they will shortly be supplied Great B.-ltaIn will do her best to keep, with excellent rifles. AND LUSTRE AT ONCE. I Common garden sage brewed Into 1 a heavy tea, with t ulphur and alco hol added, will turn gray, streaked ; and faded hair beautifully dark and ; luxuriant; remove every bit of dand ruff, stop scalp itc'iing and falling ; hair. Mixing the i't-ge Tea and Sul phur Recipe at home, though, is I troublesome. An easier way !s to '. get the ready to use tonic, costing i about 50 cents a large botle, at drug stcrcs, known s "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compo tnl," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy. g:a:-, faded hair Is not sinful, we all desire to retain our ycuthful appearan-e and attractive ncss. By darknin? your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it ("oes it so natur ally, so evenly, t. u just damped a spenge or soft n-jsh with it and draw this thro'ign cur hair, taking or t small strand at a time; by morn Ine all gray hairs buve disappeared ! After another application or two your hair becomes icautifully dark, glos sy, soft and luxuriant and you ap pear years younger. ROtluVnUr ORE-WAT THRU TO CALFOiWIA Omaha J77.60 Chicago 90.00 New York City $128.20 Corresponding fares to many other Eastern cities. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK The Wonderland of Open until September the Park this year In connection with your summer trip east or to the expositions. Direct lino and thru sleeping-car service to Southern Entrance. Ask tor fares, folders, etc. America. 15. visie Let us help you plan your trip. Ex pert travel service our hebiSy. Tickets, reservations. Informa tion, upon application to T. F. O'BRIEN Agent O-W. IL X. Safety First Courtesy Ab j Esporunttsis of World M'et. SAX FRANCISCO. Aug 23. Lead ers of the Esperanto movement from the principal nations are here today in the Eleventh International Espet anto Congress which will be In ses sion for one week under the auspices rf the Panama-Pacific Exposition. This congress Is regarded as the n ost truly international gathering of all of the 20 odd congresses and conven tions which will be held during the exposition year In or near San Fran cisco. All of the delegates, including a large number from the nations low at war. will speak the new language exclusively during the different ses sions of the convention. public. leaves the bulk of his estate to his former sweetheart, but she cannot get possession until she has reached the age of 23, three years hence. THE QUELLE RESTAURANT Open Day and Night Special Evening Lunchei Fine, Clean Furnished Room! Meals 25c "d 1 Connection Steam Heated GtlS LaFontaine, Prop. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y I FVXERAL DIRECTORS. ARE Kirs U Kottglit All Night. COLFAX. Colo , Aug, S4.Flre fighters combaltvd iill night a fierce blaze which broke ut near Iowa Hill, The alarm was srnt from the forest lookout station In Bald Mountain, 85 miles distant. The rangers at Iowa Hill nnd Yankee Jim's were notified, The rangers summiDd all the help voilsnesa. they could get from the ranchers, as headaches WOMEN NATVRALI.Y DE- SIWiDEXT? A prominent writer 90 ilaims. Wc men are consUl.tPli Wth a delicate organism and In nine cases out of ten mental depression may he attribute! to an abnormal condition of the sys tem, whlrh expresses Itself In ner- sleeplessness, baeltache, causing constant misery JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 7S. the fire was bnming rapidly and Crtv- and as a reult despondency. T-yi'ia! erlng a large ares. THIS force worked K. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound hard all night, Another fire Is near-1 a simple, remedy made from roots Ing Welmer on the southern side of, and htrha, is the one great remedy! root, T. BROWN'S FtRNITUER STORE Funeral director and licensed era- i balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 INSl UAXCE AND LAND BUSINESS HRTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES Veliable abstract of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Buys and sn nil kinds of real estate, tves ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALE Y, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American Natlona; Bank Building, PHYSICIANS. FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Despain building. DRS. WHITAKER 4 WOOD, DEN tlsts. Office hours S a. m. to 6 p. m. Mllarkey building, Pendletoa Oregon VETERINARY WIWiEOfMi. CARTER ft SMYTHE, ATTORNEYS at law Office in rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company, FETKRSOX & BISHOP. ATTOR ncys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith Crawford building. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTY veterinarian Residence telephone. 27; office telephone, 10. MISCELLANEOUS. Wednesday nnd was quickly under of the tTouble and control, for the time, but In spite of pomlrhcy. Adv. the work of the w atchers has broken j out several times during the past, three days. All fires are now under control. overcomes des:a general brokerage By reconstructing som Enrllsh railroad Is usl-., Work a locomotlva bu'.',t n 1847 3UU of Ohio. to ot Toledo, LttcM "oonty m. Prsnt 1 Oeney makes oath that h to wnlor pjrfar'f ot the form of $ J. Chtnej i 0., ag biialnM In the City of To do CnraIT n1 Stste foi aM. and that will nay the tint of ON It Bl'N OHfcl DOLLARS for each and ever '( t fatarrh that cannot he cored fcy W OH 'I HALL'S CATARRH CWB. an4 antwerlDed Is of December, What variety of wheat suffered least 'from burning... JJ Sworn to bfara foe ny preaenco, UiH ton 8ay i. !. isso. (Seali A. W. OLKASON. Notary Pobllc null's Canomi Cora Is taken Ititernallj sad acta ttm't,ty upon tha blood and mn -ni anrfarcea of tha lryitem. Send for tea Inonlafc, Tret. F. 3 CMRNTY a CO., Toledo. 0. t Sold Utr all pfmurtats, TUc. '( Take UhII 'PMinTlj Fills fdr constipation Rlolic Willed to Fiancee. PUNXSUTAWNKY, Fa, Avig. 24 Mrs. Fred Smith, ot tnls City, form- parts n erly MM Mary HatfJon, nas laurn for light ,.ir . fortune estimated at !,500,- 000. This sum Was bequeathed her bv Itarrv Ulams, of Buffalo, N. Y., who died April 26, 1914. In addition Rlnms left his magnificent home to Mrs, smith. The notice of her Rood fortune was received by Mrs. Smith In a letter written by Mrs. C. W. Rlams, mother of the dead man. A nrettv rvymance. spoiled by the "hand of death," was the forerunner of Mrs. Smith's good fortune. Previ ous to Ills death Rlnms and Mrs. Smith, "theft Miss Hnddon. were en gaged to be married. The date of the Weddimi was sot for May 30 1014. Rlnmi was strlek-n with ill boss and died April St the same year Ills will, which has just been made DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY busincs. Pays I at law. Will practice in all state taxra and makes Investment? Tor non-iand federal courts. Booms i, s anu residents. Writes fire, life and accl-j 9, Despaln building, dent Insurance, References, any bank ! GEORGE O. COLTTS. AmutM.1 at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds. TRESSPASS NOTICES, STAJXION season cards and sale bills of every description printed at reasonable prices at the East Oregonian We have a flas lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed the free u of in Pendleton. .UtaES JOHNS. Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTUEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. mortgages and lections made block. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OH E gonian makes a specialty of suc tion sale bills. ord and advertising We can furnish auctioneer, clerk scd advertising complete that will assur of having a successtui saie you contracts drawn. Col-1 Room 17. Schmid:' ENGRAVED CARDS INVITATIONS announcement em FREDERICK STEIWER, ney at law. Office in Smith-Craw ford building. weddlnc 'private and business, statloiwr. oto ATTOR-iVerr ltt styles. Call at East Or gonlan offlc and se amaJO SECOND HAND DEALERS, V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paiO; for all second-hand good r-ougnv Cheapest place In Pendnleton to out household good. Come and pet our prices. 119 E. Court street. Phone 271W. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office in Despaln bnndtng. MALE HELP WANTED. AUCTION EERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER makes specialty of faimers" stock mo noo-hlnerv sale "The man that mi ou the money" Leave orders at Knot Orewmtm" office WANTED tiOOD LIVE CANVASS er to represent us in Eastern Ore ron. Commission proposition. Cash weekly, raclfic Nursery Co.. 131 Grand Ave.. Portland. Ore WANTED PA RTY WILL PAY Cash or give trade for Umatilla count! farm $10 to 140 per acre. Addrw I Box IS. Athena. Ore. REAVE K ENCRAV' I, VVI I' T pot' t . , - z